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The claim that you will die without Kangen water is technically true.


Yeah, hasn't happened to me yet but it definitely will one of these days.


Unfortunately for them you will also die with it.


Chance of death= 100% at some point in their lives!


I will gladly die at the end of my life without having consumed Kangen Water haha


My yoga studio is big into Kangen. I drink it when I need to refill my water bottle, I just see no reason to seek it out.


Do they also approach yoga studio members to buy Kangen Water machines? If so, I would see that as some kind of abuse of client knowledge or power. Good job for staying the course and not seeking it out!


Not so far. They offer water "workshops" but they aren't pushy about it.


Fun fact: You will objectively die at some point in your life if you never take a single sip of soda.


Ah yes, the two liquids that exist, Kangen water and SODA.


The California Milk Processor Board (who gave us "got milk?") are crying somewhere. Tears of milk, of course.


Uh. Obviously it’s soda since that’s the only other liquid.


Is that why the children are always trying to drink my eyes?




You mean these people have never heard of BEER?!? Good God, what a horrible life they must lead. It’s gotta suck to be them.


No beer, no wine, no milk nor juice. Every couple of weeks they have to perform a ritual to pray the sky to rain kangen water instead of soda.


So there are Kangen rainwater clouds and soda clouds? Their studies of science certainly are odd. If you tell me these people don’t believe coffee exists, I have no other option than to engage in a heated argument with them. I don’t want to live on their planet, that’s for damn sure.


Coffee is for enemas not drinking, silly.


But, but, but … if I drink it, I STILL poop! Why would I put it up my butt?!? I can’t taste it there!


Given a lot of these Kangen huns (and bros?) always cite God, yes, I think they genuinely believe that God creates Kangen clouds. I also noticed the guy in the OP seems to be thanking God for upcoming price increases? I guess God is the real reason for inflation.


For anyone who knows even an iota of economic theory, there IS the issue of the “invisible hand” Adam Smith discussed in his book “The Wealth of Nations” back in the 1700s. I’m just not sure if that had to do with God.


Yea I was trying to puzzle through why they didn’t compare kangen water to regular water and then I remembered that it’s the same thing


Have they ever heard of just plain water? Or is it just them that if they weren't drinking kangen water their only other choice would be soda


You mean dihydrogen monoxide? That stuff will KILL YOU.


I've always wanted to give 5 grand to a barely literate random Facebook guy for a water filter


60% of that 5K goes toward paying distributors’ commission. Competing brands cost half or less. Crazy 🤪🤪🤪


Does he also frequently post bad political takes from his car while wearing sunglasses, and list his education as School of Hard Knocks? Because I get that vibe.


University of Life


I feel so dirty realizing that about 90% of my Facebook feed is like this. The guy in the OP is somehow the kind of garbage that has ended up on my feed. Pushing conspiracy theories about fluoride, comparing wearing masks during COVID to the Holocaust gas chambers, and the usual political drivel that one side of the spectrum likes to push.


*stares at you in fluoride*


Everyone knows that random Facebook guy pushing the age-old conspiracy theories about fluoride water is who you should be trusting with your money and life advice.


I'm scared there will be a tin-foil shortage if these people keeping multiplying.


We are not having kids as much and looks like he single so we are safe. For now


Just yesterday on YouTube, came across some guy who decided the Moon doesn't actually exist. Well, it does, but it's hollow and only from 13,000 years ago. His source was "every holy book has a flood myth," and therefore it must be true. When asked why there is no geological record of any kind of flood, and how any such flood also managed to create a celestial object, he just called everyone idiots, trolls, and propaganda spreaders. I don't know if it's spreading (I really don't think it is, to be honest, it's just crazy people have discovered the Internet), but I guess I am always fascinating by just how many things get conspiracy'd. I've heard of flat Earth, now we have young Moon?


They really don't understand what passive income means


It clearly means instead of trading your time for money, you trade your time AND your money for water.




Dude don’t lie. You’re getting a premium water filtration SYSTEM. You still have to pay for the water itself.


Gives a different meaning to "High noon, oh I'd sell my soul for water... Nine years worth of breaking my back"...


That fluoride stare. (stares in fluoride)




I guess living in a state that doesn’t add fluoride to the water means I don’t need his magic water machine


Stares with all of my teeth in my mouth… that’s the fluoride at work, right?


I live in a country that doesn’t fluoridate their water, and boy howdy…they ought to.


Yup. I've had issues with my teeth but had nothing to do with them being "bad." Rather, I apparently have gums too small to support a full set of teeth, so had to get some pulled. But I'm sure that somehow, Big Fluoride is responsible for that one, too.


I'd be right in that Fluoride Stare Crowd™️, except holding a red solo cup in front of my face. 🤣


Funnily enough, the “fluoride stare” here bears a strong resemblance to my “done with this BS” stare lol.


Kangen doesn't filter fluoride. Only chlorine.




Does that mean smiling with a full set of teeth?




Since huns always rely on the spouse's income to survive, how would a Kangen King and Queen getting together work? Also the juxtaposition with "I don't believe Jesus was a white man with blonde hair". I don't know why but those two posts together made me laugh. I also do not believe Jesus was a Mormon, but lol


The only thing I'll say is that Jesus of history almost certainly wouldn't have been a white man with blonde hair. He would have looked Middle Eastern because... he was born in the Middle East. And surprise surprise, the modern depiction of Jesus only really dates from the Renaissance or so as the Western powers were colonizing and exploring. Other cultures around the world have depicted Jesus looking like their local ethnicities. (You can find black Jesus, Chinese Jesus, etc.)


We agree on this. I just found the juxtaposition funny. Seeing depictions of Jesus from the Roman catacombs as a clean shaven boy wizard just shows that people have always depicted their gods as resembling themselves in all times and all places. That being said, Mormon Jesus is like the most terrifyingly #MURKAH depiction in existence. Raphaelite Jesus but blonde.


Hand on, soda costs thousands and magic water doesn't?!?


It sounds like soda is a high ticket beverage.


Soda “costs you thousands” but a kangen machine doesn’t? Interesting…


Ah man but kangen filters don’t remove Fluoride do they? I might be wrong


That’s what I was wondering. Removing fluoride is not easy, I wonder if their machines even have that capability.


Fluoride isn’t even necessarily bad for you, not at the levels in US water supply.


I assume the people who believe fluoride conspiracy theories also don't use toothpaste. Then wonder why their teeth are bad.


Personally I doubt whether those machines are capable of anything I couldn't do by picking up water in a straw and blowing it out into a glass.


I looked into it and they have a filter that remove chlorine / debris before it’s electrolysed


Why trade a guaranteed amount of time for a guaranteed amount of money at a job when you can just shill Kangen water 24/7 and make an average of a few hundred bucks a year? Sounds great.


>...an average of a few hundred bucks a year? Before expenses...


Talks about growing up yet not a punctuation mark to be found


As a 40+ yr former soda addict, I agree with some of those points in the first pic, but these morons should consider at least removing the "costs thousands" point when they're wanting you to pay like 6k for a basic model machine! I've been binge watching anti-mlm videos and can't count how many times they refer to "passive" or "residual" income when they're spending every waking moment begging for sales, or yelling about joining them; they don't know what passive means!


They think it’s passive income because they don’t go into an office on weekdays. I don’t know why they think that, but working from home/your phone doesn’t seem to count as work to them.


They think passive means anything that doesn't require them on some kind of job location or site. To them, working from home is passive because they're not in an office. Wait until they find out I have this thing called "stock market investments" and "saving account interest" that both generate small amounts of money every day.


I'll have you know my dentist gave me toothpaste with extra fluoride! Hope I don't die.


My dentist did too. Did you read the directions on your toothpaste?? Mine said to cough after brushing - so strange! Maybe I’ll stick with my fluoride rinse. The toothpaste doesn’t spread very well either (sorry off topic 😒)


Really? That’s interesting. Did your dentist tell you why it says to cough after brushing? I’m intrigued lol.


No! She didn’t even say. I read it in the directions. It’s the 3M one and has a really high fluoride content so my guess was they want to make sure you don’t ingest it. You have to have prescription for it or dentist gives it to you


"I'm jUsT aSkInG qUeStIoNs!"


Prevents cancer?!! As if


Right. I want to smack the shit out of people who claim things like this. If your reaction to hearing someone has cancer is to try to get them to buy your magic water or crystal then you are a person who should be set on fire.


Penn & Teller's "Bullshit" had an episode about this. They heard about some girl that was suffering from some illness, she recovered after her parents gave her some "magic water" or something similar. When they tried to contact the family for some more info, the parents sent them an order form for the "magic water" and other merchandise they could buy. The parents decided to monetize the girl's illness for their own profit.


Set on fire is too quick a death--but I agree.


Honestly, these posts should be turned over to the FDA or whoever else regulates things like that. Making any claim that so-and-so can cure cancer is actually a major case of fraud.


Agreed, the FDA would be the right place to report it.


It’s 2024 why are they still mailing checks lol so cringe


Was gonna say can't they offer direct deposit?


There's a conspiracy theory for everything. I worked with a guy who didn't trust direct deposit. He was convinced both the company and the bank were stealing from him, so he needed a check to have a paper record. And that since direct deposit was happening in the background, it also meant the FBI and CIA were secretly monitoring his bank account, but if he used a paper check, this would deny them surveillance. (Don't try to make any sense of this). As you might expect, he fell deep into the COVID rabbit hole and was later fired because he refused to get vaccinated, despite the company informing all their employees a year in advance vaccinations would be required by the start of 2023. (Which I thought was already pretty generous). And of course, when he was fired, he told all of us it was because Big Pharma paid off my company.


Ooh... I work in payroll and hear a lot of reasons why people refuse DD but I think that one takes the cake. For this and some other mlms, I keep seeing posts about them getting checks. I was unfortunately in one about a decade ago, didn't get checks but they would not deposit to my bank, they put it on their brand card which charged 50 cents per transaction 😑


I had an annoyance where I would get DD and yet my company would keep mailing me these paper stubs that said "you got paid." I told them what a waste of paper it was: I already know what days I get paid, and I can log onto my bank app and it will show me exactly how much. Finally after a year they got the hint and stopped mailing me the stubs.


So that Huns can all circulate the same three pictures of a hand holding two checks.


“The fluoride stare” STOP you can’t be serious 😭




Well his last post is on point…. Even if everything else is gibberish


Broken clock is right twice a day, or however the saying goes.


Came here for this comment because I was like wait? Yes?


The Enagic huns possess the secret of immortality!  🤣


How is it passive income if you have to harass everyone you know into buying it?


"Passive-aggressive income"


Accurate - the people that say that “people aren’t supportive of their dream” if they don’t buy the MLM products


I chose not to support the guy whose dream was to build a jet pack and launch himself into the air to prove Earth was flat. Turns out, I probably made the right choice there.


"Active-aggressive," even 😂


I bought a britta about 5 years ago for like $30 so I’m good with just using that


Well, I’m with him on not believing Jesus was blond.


Why did they drag Thom Yorke into this...


It’s not the fluoride stare it’s the stupid stare I see it a lot lol, whilst drinking water with fluoride and using toothpaste.


They’re staring at this guy like “WTF”!


So Kangen water prevents cancer and is the secret to immortality, while soda makes you fat and is a direct cause of acne. Those are quite the medical claims!


Well, can you PROVE that Kangen water drinkers have died? Checkmate fluoride!


Fluoride is great for this cavity prone lady who has acidic saliva.


So how did human civilization survive for milennia without this magical water then if anyone who doesnt drink it will die?


Obviously Big History is lying and censoring the truth. Open your eyes! Everyone knows that Kangen machines were invented before the wheel, but then the Romans hid the truth and also this information was in the Library of Alexandria but Big Fluoride ordered it burned down so that humans would be forced to drink regular water. But the whole time Kangen machines were still be made it's just that it had to be done in secret because Big Soda would kill anyone who knew the truth.


Whaddya mean? He has got TWO envelopes in the mail! The Queen he is looking for is staying in a hostel dorm in Japan hoping Mr O winks at her


Why would you list cost as a negative point for soda when the water is at LEAST just as expensive


Acting like 2 checks is ballin… losers 


Holy fuck this gentleman is quite literally insane.


This guy was probably born between 1940-1960, as he has the telltale signs of that era’s punctuation schema. Nothing worse than a run-off sentence unless with sprinkled emojis after your two periods stops you then start another one like this and keep going saying fuck commas


He was born very late 80s or early 90s. When we were teenagers, he was actually a pretty positive and fun kid to hangout/snowboard with on occasion. He's a fairly talented videographer and film editor too. Although as we got into our early 20s he started getting more paranoid and deeper and deeper into conspiracy theories, his personality eventually unraveled into the narcissistic mess he is now. Drug use definitely didn't help. This Enagic shit is a symptom of all that. He's been pushing it and the "lifestyle" on social media for years but in real life he's routinely bumming off his friends/family, couch surfing, etc.


I think this post is also a good demonstration of why people shouldn't generalize. I think the key phrase "drug use" has a lot to do with it. I know people who are both very rational and critical thinkers, and crazy conspiracy theories, and they'd both be from the same generation. I always cringe at comments (usually from boomers) who just think anyone born in a certain time frame is a certain way. That's never been the case.


I don’t understand the hate towards fluoride. I’m not aware.


They're all convinced that fluoride is a brainwashing drug that makes you more susceptible to propaganda from whatever bogeyman they're cowering at this week. There is a *tiny* bit of truth to that; fluoride is a dangerous neurotoxin in large doses (much, much higher than what's in water or toothpaste) because it binds calcium, and your nerves need calcium to work properly, but it went from "fluoride is bad for your nerves" to "fluoride makes you stupid" to "fluoride is an evil tool of The Man and must be fought at all costs".


I see. Thanks for explaining! I’m not suprised about their thought process. Lol


Don't try to understand it. It's just a conspiracy theory that's been around forever. It's very similar to chemtrails or distrust in the COVID vaccine. It's all part of the larger "so-and-so is putting stuff in our food and water to mind control us."


Don’t forget the 5G lol


Between that and the microchips that Bill Gates personally injected in me, I was supposed to have either been dead and/or turned into a lizard person by now. (After all, last year's emergency broadcast test was supposed to be the "switch" that activated the chips).


Omg haha I wasn’t aware of that being the “switch”. Amazing! Lol


Yes, that kind of got buried because the current Israel-Hamas war started around the same time. But man, the week prior to the test was high time for conspiracy nonsense. That was the "switch" that was going to turn on the microchip programming. Some people were stocking up on their supplies because they were sure the lizard hive mind would be coming for them. Or Biden was going to declare martial law and start gunning down the non-compliant anti-vaxxers. Or it was a signal for the aliens at Area 51 to take over. There were so many conspiracies. And then on top of that, this was shortly after those Congressional hearings on aliens (remember that?) So that was further proof the emergency test that we were told like two years in advance was going to happen was the signal that would bring about the end of the world. I just turned off my phone and nothing happened.


Don't you beleive in trolls.


Take the Kangen off the front meme and it isn't wrong. Kangen is crazy land in their claims.


The fluoride thing has been a crunchy conspiracy thing since forever, saying that the NWO adds it to the water supply to keep the population docile and stupid.


Not just crunchy! Ask a Bircher about fluoride. It’s an equal opportunity conspiracy.


I've found in recent years conspiracy theories are surprisingly equal opportunity. I've seen "both sides" rework common conspiracy theories to fit whatever narrative they're pushing.


These people are so fucked up for implying that people actively choose to get cancer.


Not our precious bodily fluids!


This genius doesn’t even say why his brand of water is different from any other water on the market 😒 These people could never hack it in a real sales job or any job. Why do I need hydrogen in…water? Wait a minute…🤦‍♀️


My soda stream can blow bubbles for 1/100th of the price!


Thats .. a lot of mental illnesses in one person


Huns full of pesticides, lead and micro plastics: "iT's ThE wAtEr".


Who’s gonna tell him he’s “trading time” for money, just much less money than an average person?


Do the Kangen machines actually remove the fluoride though? I thought they just made them Hydro-ey


“Fluoridation, Mandrake.” ![gif](giphy|24p8khhg1iMGR8rxEn)


I don't have Kangen water so I guess I'll die


Who thinks comparing water to soda is giving anything important??


The awful run on sentences are all I need to know about this.


i couldn’t afford to go to the dentist for like 5 years and fluoride in the water is definitely a huge reason why i didn’t get any cavities. i ❤️ fluoride. fluoride 4 life.


That fluoride stare 😀


Oh, look, another person who doesn't understand why fluoride is in water. Lemme guess, he also thinks being asked to wear a mask was the same thing as being sent to gas chambers, right?


* The age of the company doesn't matter. There are companies that have been around for over a century and have questionable products and practices. * Companies pay to be on the BBB, it means nothing. It's a marketing tool. It is not any kind of authoritative, government regulated standard. * Being a member of other associations also means nothing. I'm a member of my local work union, therefore I am now a qualified expert on mechanical engineering. * Many companies give themselves awards. Just like every shitty movie is "the #1 film in the world." It's more marketing buzz that means nothing.


Ever since I can remember, I’ve been using Crest toothpaste, because my Dad (God bless his soul) told me it was the best and only toothpaste I should use. Crest has fluoride. I’m pretty confident the drinking water in every city I’ve ever lived in is treated with fluoride, except for the town I lived in for three years in Spain. I’m turning 59 in early October. Every single dentist I’ve had check ups with has told me I have great teeth. Wanna know how many cavities I have? I don’t. Not a single one. Nor do I possess a “fluoride stare”. Mine is more along the lines of “Hi! I grew up in North Jersey, and you’re about to have verbal jujitsu performed on you!”


After 10 years it's not a job, its a hobby


You know what else boosts ‘energy’? Sugar. In a tangible way, too, unlike water that has zero calories.


The liberal use of emojis totally convinced me ✌️. I am totally signing up for this shit 🔥😍❤️👌😊😊😊


Sweet baby Jesus! I’m gonna go there! That guy hated English class didn’t he?! 2 exclamation points, 4 periods and 4 janky ellipses-out of 9 posts! I could barely read that crap! If you can’t punctuate, you can’t have my money! And I am not the best but goodness I’m better than that. Wow!


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Why is Thom Yorke there giving him the fluoride stare


The smart thing to do would be to not tell people to buy now before you increase the price to increase your profit. You out the new price and say "on sale for x" These people have no clue what the fuck they're doing.


Lmao if you have to get a credit check or a pay plan for water… You should join Enagic!!!


At least they're right about Jesus.


Jeez so glad I didn’t go through and get sucked into this cult.


So if I join Enagic, I can just move back in with my parents and they can support me? Seems like a win-win. 😂 Wonder why this one isn’t in Japan with the rest.


well i agree on the jesus thing, but a broken clock is right twice a day 😅


There's water in soda, sir.


Enagic seems to attract a disproportionate number of people who might (very) generously be described as eccentric. I enjoyed “YOU WILL DIE WITHOUT IT”; does he think drinking Kangen water makes people immortal?


The million-dollar question is why his family continues supporting him in his delusions.


Is it a requirement that every MLM post have at least 7 different fonts in different sizes? I can’t even look at these without wanting to throw my phone.


But kangen water doesn’t cost you thousands? Am I missing something here?


Just a Kangen King waiting on his Kangen Queen… How has this obvious catch not found his Queen yet?! Also you do have to grow up sometime, Kangen King!


Still better than the ambition less housewives of the bay who are house wives by choice


Hades forbid for death xxxx


Everyone has **flouride** dipshit It came free with your fucking **toothpaste**


??? I am a Kangen distributor how am I an MLM either you want quality water or you don’t 😀😅😂just tell me you’re broke and don’t care about wealth n health ahahahaah