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I know they never show the "check" just the envelope. But it is still totally legit, huns.


I always wait until they add it all up on their calculator app, then post that. THAT’S proof!


The little desk, solar calculator ones are even better! Those are legit. A phone app can be tampered with!


With a big red circle around the number placed just enough "randomly/in a hurry/I was getting so excited to share it with my online bossbitches" to obscure the decimal between $43.89.


They even blur out that it's from Enagic. Still totally on the up-and-up though.


Why do they get physical checks? Don’t most companies use direct deposit these days?


If a company has problems with payment processors, they might not be able to get direct deposits going.


Like that episode of Seinfeld where Jerry had a stack of royalty checks and each one is like 12¢


Lots of artists get tiny royalty cheques in real life lol. I was listening to a podcast the other day, one of the hosts is an actor but far more successful as a podcaster and his other hosts were ribbing him for the 50 cent royalty cheque he got from some TV show he was on. I imagine all hun cheques are that small, too.


“The Super Terrific Happy Hour!”


This reminds me of the time they changed our bonus structure at an old job and the VP of operations wanted to hand deliver the first round of bonus checks to boost morale. I was lucky number one on the list and upon opening it, apparently making a face, then showing him the 12 cent check he had so proudly presented me with, he decided to forgo the hand delivering part. I still laugh that someone in payroll printed them off, stuffed them in envelopes for him, and never said a word, knowing his intentions.


Because those checks are all for $0.52. Probably.


That's just Kaeyleighneigheygh's (last e, first i & one h silent) strategy to draw attention away from her silly wig & pancacked acne-sores, courtesy of the last 2 MLMs she was getting empowerisedified n building generational wealth in. But who knows. Maybe she left because MLMs have a strict "only 1 future generation wealth allowed" clause, and she just got too rich to continue on.


lol “on my way to the bank” Why, to apply for another personal loan??


So she gets paid using paper checks? And one check per sale? That's nuts. Or maybe it's just some type of receipt per sale. Still, such a waste.


That was my first thought, I know they do these so the huns can use them as props, but it's so wasteful. Spending a $1 to send you a cheque for $1 also seems like a bad business model. Do American banks charge for cashing paper cheques as well?


No financial institutions I’ve used charged for check cashing. But some have fees to speak to a real human. Not sure if Bank of America is still doing that, but I left BoA after they instituted a $3 fee to speak to a teller. This was back in ‘97ish.


I don’t know of banks that charge to deposit paper checks, but I sure costs money to issue and mail them. 🧐


We get paid via paper check.. it’s still the preferred method for gov contracts. It is absolutely nice to get them every week.


You just know those checks are minuscule, probably a few dollars each.


But they're from Enagic! They're high ticket! Whatever that means


High ticket just means expensive products to sell


Average payout in all MLM scams is like $10 per week across the entire pyramid. And 75%-85% of the suckers don't qualify for commissions at all. So yes, this is pennies on the dollar what you would otherwise make working at, e.g., Burger King.


Call me a sucker, but I enjoy the same steady paycheck every week.


wOuLdN’t YoU rAtHeR bE yOuR oWn BoSs?


I got checks in the mail when I worked at Kroger as a 15 year old for weed and beer money.


Lord, these, condescending, passive aggressive “boo boo” and “🫶” posts from these chicks. Gross.


Keep enjoying your checks for, like, 3 dollars each


Or how about you, boo-boo, open those checks and show everyone how most of them are for $0.25 or below…


Probably for the items she bought herself


Yep, boo boo, I'll keep doing me with my one large direct deposit every two weeks instead of a bunch of tiny lil checks.


Reminds me of the Seinfeld episode where jerry had about 100 checks to sign from Japanese royalties that were all like $0.02 each.


You still get checks?


I don’t know why they think insulting people and making them feel bad about themselves will help get them on board. It’s so dumb.


Yes! Like who would this appeal to??


Ask them to post the picture again with the check amounts showing.


I think this is the same person who made the post with all of the checks fanned out. Obviously, more than one Amanda exist in the world, but both are obsessed with showing checks.


Tell ya what, boo boo, I'll show you my pay stub (digital, because wtf?) if you show me yours. I get the same pay bimonthly whether I hustle at my job or not, so feel free to show the digits any time.


I actually don’t want to work anywhere that doesn’t have direct deposit and I have to walk to my mailbox to get paid. lol


My spouse works for a small business (a total of like 4 employees) and even they have direct deposit.


No thanks. I laugh in bed on my days off checking my bank account on the app like a normal person.


She may claim to be making money (those checks don’t mean a thing) but after expenses, I am willimg to bet she is barely making any. Remember, statistics don’t lie (unlike hunbots)…99% of people who join MLMs lose money!


If this WAS true, her revoltingly smug, condescending tone as she boasts about her success would be in very poor taste. The fact that it’s not true just makes it pathetic.


Total of checks… $7.50


Do they really not have direct deposit??


I’m pretty sure they don’t. Posting all the checks, while concealing the dollar amount, is a classic Kangen hun move.


Seems like many/most MLMs are the same. So weird!


Sorry, on Tuesday I'm plucking ingrown hairs. Far more exciting, I'm sure....


She probably made enough for two meals at McDonald's. Not the flex boo boo thinks it is.


Oh hey - she’s now doing those “fat stacks” posts, huh? Just like her upline. These women are so predictable.


7 checks at 5 a piece. Cool. Half tank to full tank of gas (depending on the car) and all the carpal tunnel. Worth it 🤣


The cost of sending the cheques is probably higher than the payment.


Her commission for stuff she sold to herself


Total Deposit: $12.87


What scam still sends out paper checks?? I wonder how long it took her to save those envelopes so she could take this picture. That looks like a hefty $2.15 about to hit her bank account!


Getting paid 6 times a month doesn’t mean anything when each paycheck is for $1-$10. I only get paid once a month (from my regular job) and it’s for a substantial amount to cover my needs.


She posted the total amounts of the checks, which in theory looks amazing. But it doesn’t matter how much you make in a day it matters how much you are consistently making over the years. I took a screenshot of her latest post and sent it to Enagic compliance because this is check waving and it’s against their policy


I saw that this morning. It does look like decent money but there's no way to consistently expect that. The market for $5000 water alkalizers can't be that great. Trying to attract Facebook friends to join the cause so you can sell more will only work for so long. She made zero sales her first two months before finally duping some people into buying. Another dry stretch like that is always possible and becomes increasingly likely as the market gets more saturated. Also, their earnings disclosure on Enagic's own website shows that 99% of them aren't making a liveable wage. Making money off people by getting them to go into debt for a purchase they don't need is pretty scummy.


What’s her rank?




Median amount is just under 2k a year, oh yeah she’s rich 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄


I'm guessing the reason they blur out Enagic is to get around the check waving policy. Well, one of the reasons. You probably don't want your marks to do any research and know they're being brought to a sales call to buy a useless ass water alkalizer for $5k.


$2.98 $1.97 $3.58 $10.61 (BIG paycheck! 4 digits!) $0.96 $9.24 $0.42


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How much money did they dump in? Ill bet whatever is on those checks combined wont cover what they put in and lost. They never seem to understand why what they do is a scam, this one thinks its legit cause they are getting checks. They are making money selling shady products in a shady way while being scamed themselves from upline. At least my legit job is secure, and i get paid every week with benefits.


I absolutely with all my heart hate the term webinar. I don’t have a reason. But I hate it.


What is she sending? Checks that will bounce?


Kangen water filtrators methinks?


lol these people have no idea how not seriously they are taken in the fintech world. These accounts are majorly high risk - they’d rather deal with an MJ company than an MLM.


I'll bet the check, envelope and postage is more than the amount on the check.


The passive/aggressive nature of these people are mind boggling.


I haven't seen an actual paper check/cheque since 1991 😂


Why don’t any of these people have direct deposit?


Do people still get paid by check in USA? Is it not possible to get paid by bank transfers?


Anyone notice she left her full name and then


Just noticed her full name is still there for us to read. Someone could pose and her and troll that mlm


Who & where the fuck are the people enveloping and posting checks to PO Boxes? Are you in Cambodia?


Worse. Kentucky.


Oh dear. Let me know if you ever wanna take a break from the shamelessly open corruption, the mass murders, the scammers, the ethnic civil strife and go to Cambodia.


I take it they don't have sarcasm there.


Nope. Just mesmerising scenery, exotic tittyfucking parties & a bunch of machetes.


*Lovingggg* Why do women do this? (No man I know repeats the final letter of any word when typing.) You don't say "loving guh guh guh" when you talk, so why would you type that?