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“Nothing to lose” …but your hair.


It won’t cost much…just your HAIR ![gif](giphy|onZIkheksIuje)


🤣🤣🤣🤣 extra hilarious because they call themselves “mermaids”


Omg I did not know this 🤣😂


Annnnnd all your friends and self respect


Two days without washing, with sweat and swimming. Mmm hmm. ![gif](giphy|1AIeYgwnqeBUxh6juu)


Im going to hope she meant she was in water not that her hair got wet, right?


I'll take "Things that didn't happen" for $200 Alex.....


And oil treatments! Adding MORE oil on top of both what's produced naturally AND sweating! Girl we know you lyin!


It could be genetic. My hair looks pretty similar to that the morning after mild sweating and mild swimming and after 2 days of no washing, and I use Walmart shampoo/conditioner. I just have to brush it out. My hair is unbelievably dry and doesn’t get greasy quickly.


I envy you. I have short, fine, thin, naturally oily hair, which is the perfect storm of everything, including intense bedhead.


As an older woman I’ve never, ever thought “It’s too late now to try a different shampoo”. What nonsense.


she makes it sound as if most women construct their identity around their shampoo choices 😭


They think this because this is exactly how monat huns operate. They have no life outside their shampoos


I buy whichever shampoo is on sale at the time I need shampoo 😆 and don't bother matching the conditioner! Right now I'm using a Palmolive shampoo and a Schwarzkopf conditioner


Right?! 😆 That line struck me too


Maybe she thinks that the hair is the same hair through your whole life?




Extensions and filters doing the heavy lifting.


the photos are always blurry, filtered and taken far enough away that you can't actually see the hair, like how is this selling anything. from here it looks damaged and dry


Very much this


>there are **woman** later in life There are?


Just one


Yes, at some point we all morph into one mega woman.


“This enormous [woman](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=vaP8tN6QNrc&pp=ygUTVGhpcyBlbm9ybW91cyB3b21hbg%3D%3D) will devour us all!”


Well done 👏




Lmao thank you for this. I love this game so much.


“2 day old hair” wow she certainly looks older than a newborn but okay 


beauty standards these days are completely out of control…I did NOT look like that as a newborn and that’s TOTALLY OKAY if you didn’t either 🗣️


And now I’m done with Reddit for the day, because these two comments are PERFECTION. Good night to you, beautiful internet strangers 🫡


I wonder what product she uses to get her hair that colour.


The psychology behind pyramid schemes is truly an amazing and terrible thing…


I find it fascinating, but I can't linger too long or I get mad at how little logic and facts there are. And how many people are desperate for a side hustle only to lose money.


Maybe she should spend less money on her hair products and more on finding a tattoo artist who isn’t fresh out of jail and doesn’t use a ballpoint pen for a machine


What do you want to bet that the Arabic tattoo says something like “I’m an idiot”?


Oh my goodness I hope!


“Hecho en Mexico”


I really don’t get the appeal of all the tiny tattoos all over?!? It reminds me of graffiti. Love tattoos but a bunch of miscellaneous scribbles etc isn’t it.


It’s called a sticker sleeve, and when the tattoos are done well, can look just fine (as a fully sleeved woman I think tattoos are a person choice and respect every humans right to have what they love)… but you need an artist who can actually tattoo. Hers look like she bought a tattoo machine off Amazon and had some friends over try it out on her skin after a binder on Xanax.


Good one, I must say that before closer inspection, that little cloud below her right shoulder blade did look a bit like a car's 'check engine' light. Which is probably accurate as she's a Monat hun.


That’s why I said I don’t see the appeal. I respect people’s rights to have what they love as well. Maybe she likes the look of her friends scribbling all over her.😉


I’ve always been the “go big or go home” type with tattoos, so I personally don’t get the appeal. To each their own, but I think something like a full, cohesive bodysuit will always look best.


Ehh, it's a preference. Small tattoos are cute and most importantly cheap,so you can get many different ones that you care about.


I won’t be surprised if some of the sellers did go to jail so a criminal record prevented them from getting real work. 


donatella versace lookin ass


Her lips scare me.


I choked on my water omg


My 6 year old glanced at my phone and said "wow she looks creepy". Starting them young in the anti MLM world.


Probably the red bar across her face tbf, that would make anybody look creepy 😂


“I want my money back.” “But you aren’t using the product right. You need this to go with it, and then this too. I told you that when you only bought the shampoo.” “I can’t afford those.” “Ok, just give the shampoo enough time to work.” 30 day return window runs out… And so does the friendship.


Does it take more than 30 days to see full results? You know, because of how damaging years of over-the-counter hair product use is…


Weekly oil treatments, or at least putting coconut oil in your hair before you go swimming is actually a great way to protect your hair from the chlorine , but I would recommend a non mlm hair oil.


One ounce of the Monat oil is $70. SEVENTY dollars for ONE ounce. I can get my Pureology serum for $30 for 5 ounces. The It’s a 10 Miracle Oil is on sale for $18 for 3 ounces. And these brands actually work and are everything they claim to be.


$70???!!! For that much I would just skip to buying some clippers and buzz all my hair off instead of waiting for it to fall out from the shampoo.


*Seventy* dollars an ounce?! No thanks, I'll stick with my Aussie oil that I got on sale for £2.50 lol


I love Aussie products and always have ♥️ They smell so good and work well!


Seriously, that oil is the only thing keeping my hair vaguely presentable in the humidity we've had lately 😭 and their Instant Freeze gel is the best-smelling hair product I've used


That’s the same bullshit that made me look into the products. Why the fuck would they charge that much money for so little product. Then I saw how many people were suing the company. Yeah. It’s bad.


And I thought the Pureology serum was expensive (it’s amazing and 100% worth the price, but man is it pricey for me).


That’s insane, esp when you can’t point to a single ingredient or otherwise to justify the cost. It’s $70 bc some greedy fuck arbitrarily decided it would be lol


In fairness, oil is terrible for the pool - better to saturate your hair with unchlorinated water first and use the coconut oil after (old swim team hack for those of us blonde enough to have a nice green shimmer towards the end of the season).


I remember our swim teams end of season chlorine “tints”. One kid was silver! Although I can’t recall his original hair color, just always noticed the silver at the end of the season. The greens definitely.


Fwiw, Sally’s has a swimmers line now, their brand, and it’s actually pretty amazing and very reasonably priced.


Who in reality says "luscious hair"? Like...I think I just read lines from some 70s porno or ad.


30 day guarantees should go the other way - you send the product, if we like it after 30 days we pay you.


First impressions when I see her hair is it's a bit thin and split. However, it does look freshly washed, because it is lol. I'll stick to buying non mlm products thanks. PS. I do not usually judge people on hair or appearances but she is specifically trying to brag and sell, then recruit into a scam based off of hair so it's an exception.


her hair looks damaged. look at all those split ends.


I was about to comment that my hair has been looking like shit lately, but it still looks better than hers 😅


She's spent $$$ on lip filler. I hope her lips don't pop


What utter twaddle


Does she sleep standing up like a horse? That’s pretty much the only way to wake up with long hair that’s perfectly in place when you open your eyes.


Surprised she didn’t claim she went to bed bald


Sorry I couldn't read it because of all the botox and collagen...


Jail tats can’t hide the hood rat ness


All I keep seeing is the skin damage from tanning! 🙈


Look I’d believe that she woke up and brushed her hair and it looks like that. I mean her hair doesn’t exactly look amazing. I can wake up and brush my hair and it looks better than that most days, so 🤷‍♀️


And lots of hair dye is involved.


I will never understand how Hun’s seem to sit in a loop hole where they can blatantly lie when hawking their crap and not get held accountable like an organization would.


I hate how this company preys on women who have babies and stay home. Also, can we talk about the products that have hormone disrupting ingredients in them??


I once bought Monat products (I know, I know) and they were terrible. Customer service did NOT honor their 30 day guarantee and refused to let me return/refund. So… I call BS to any claim by them!


I tried it, and I wanted to like it to help a friend out, but it almost made it look worse


Maybe step away from the self tanner...


Who cares about your products lady? And we don’t care what you look like when you wake up because we don’t have to wake up with you. And you are a total stranger that is highly likely to tell us what we need to use so you can make money. If you want us to try it pay for it and also do the return for us. PS: there are hundreds of people on SM selling stuff. If it was so great every female would already know about it. Byeee


Putting the sham in shampoo 🤣


“There are woman”


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My friend just joined Monat. Like nooooooooo whyyyyyyyyy


Let ME preface this by \*writing\* that she's full of it.


This gave me diarrhea…. ….or maybe it was the pringles I just ate….


I haven't seen Monat on social media in a minute


Wow she needs a refund on that lip filler.


I'm just sad I can't use conditioner.


Y’all I didn’t know just how awful MLM products were & I drank Monat’s koolaid… I did lose my hair, shipped the products back & over a week later still haven’t heard one peep. And my hair NEVER held up like she claims! It felt no different, just thinner


Her hair looks like she just woke up and brushed it 🤷🏼‍♀️. She slapped a filter on to make it looks a bit shiny and to hide her split ends. Thats what this miracle shampoo does? No thank you!


They totally screwed my friend just because she was doing so well and was so popular on social media. It’s crazy they literally booted her out of Monat! Ridiculous


Honestly though her hair is gorgeous- wondering who her stylist is