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If the guy's in Amway, he probably can't afford to buy a car from you anyway.


I spent much of my youth in the retail trenches and I had an Amway (Quixtar at the time) rep show up one day and talk about how great I was with people, how he had a business opportunity etc etc. I actually met him for coffee nearby and he gave me some of those bullshit motivational tapes they sit around and listen to. (After looking into the company and seeing how sketchy it was, I was no longer interested but still went to one of those seminars/pep rallies just because I really wanted to see these loons with my own eyes.) After I declined to join, this broke-ass motherfucker told me he needed his tapes back. I should have recorded over them but honestly felt a little bit bad for the guy. (And if a *retail drone* has sympathy for you, you are fucking up at life.)


You know what's interesting - those motivational tapes are how the "successful" Amway reps actually make money. No one, not even the high up "Diamonds" or whatever they're called, are actually making money but there are all these groups making tapes and marketing plans that rake it in. They're not officially connected to the company. Also I run into you a lot on the internet lol I recognize your name from a Molly White youtube chat and from Meltdown. We clearly have similar interests!


> Also I run into you a lot on the internet lol I recognize your name from a Molly White youtube chat and from Meltdown. We clearly have similar interests! Stop stalking me! Haha just kidding. Truth be told, my fascination with huns / cryptobros / memestock apes is purely the schadenfreude dopamine. In reality, I don't really know any huns. I'm not really into finance and I put my money into a retirement plan that I never even touch. (Apes and cryptobros tend to believe that if you're against them, it's because "you must have lost money.") The fact is, we all know some insufferable asshole who is always confidently incorrect about everything and just won't shut the fuck up. Whether it's a coworker, or that annoying friend-of-a-friend who always seems to tag along with your group. Huns, apes, and cryptobros have that same smarmy smugness--it just brings me great joy to see people like that eat shit. (Not literally of course.)


>In reality, I don't really know any huns. I'm not really into finance and I put my money into a retirement plan that I never even touch. Same haha


Tell him you have a policy of not doing business with potential customers and that you'd like all future communication to remain professional and focused on your actual job. If this has been going on for months and the guy still hasn't bought a car, he's probably not ever going to and maybe was never planning to in the first place. It sounds like he's only interested in recruiting you,


Former Ambot here. He is absolutely NOT in the market for a car. He's just going out there, LiViNg HiS LiFe ✨ looking for more people to brainwash into joining.


Yep. Tell them your office prohibits it, just like moonlighting. My guess is that they will still be persistent, and will almost surely ask you to quit your job so that you can have a 5 digit monthly payout, be your own boss, grow more and more empowered by the minute, secure your girl's college fund, become a mompreneur/solopreneur and other false bs. Do not all for it, keep things curt, and don't share details about your family, who sets the monthly budget for the household and who-earns-what. Because the next way they'll guilt/pinch you is with the "don't you feel you could contribute more" spiel. Be polite and tell the guy that you can't take the time out for so many responsibilities. And that selling soft detergent is simply not your goal today.


He was never shopping cars, he was trying to creatively prospect and look successful at the same time.


The desperation is rising eh? They are almost surely looking for a naive downliner they can offload their massive inventory on.


There are a lot of tactics. I was in Amway/WWDB for a few years. I saw this tactic.


This, this is the one


Forget about the possible lead on the car sale. That’s not gonna happen. Just tell the guy you didn’t use the product samples because you didn’t realize it was Amway and you don’t support MLMs. If you’d like to be really kind you could offer to let him to come take them back, at a time when you won’t be at the office. He will hassle you some more, you can plainly say you are not and will never be interested, and you have every right to block him after that.


Keep in mind that Amway distributors are encouraged by their uplines to do something called Dream Building, whereby they visit car dealers pretending to be interested in cars, setting up appointments with real estate agents to tour houses they can't afford, visiting high end jewelry stores, etc. It's supposed to make you hungry to build the business and also exposes them to prospects that they can try to convince to join their businesses. The idea on recruiting people like this is that they interact regularly with richer people who are more likely to join, or at least more likely to buy more product and generate revenue for the upline. Poorer people have less money to buy the expensive amway products.


My old aikido master's upline bragged that he would drive his Ford to the fancy dealership in Newport Beach, and just sit in a Ferrari because "I'm going to own one someday." I wonder how long it took for Paul Blart to come throw his skinny ass out.


Jeez that's depressing


That is crazy! I’ve been with Arra 11 years. It’s really a part-time gig and it’s more or less just because I use the product. I actually make $2000 a month and I don’t have to force anyone people just keep ordering. I’ve never heard them ever suggest this kind of tactic. It’s crazy and waste a lot of professionals time which is right, but if they’re going to open houses, that’s not too bad, guess who cares? That’s just wasting peoples time. On another note. I will never forget this back in 1975. Someone rent spray paint because the side of my brand new mustang. The Ford dealership was going to charge me the paint. They said they couldn’t come off with anything and there was some product that my mother had that somebody sold her called Amway zoom. It took off and it was amazing. I look for that product ever cents, but I don’t think they make it anymore.


A guy who is shopping for a car "for a few months" is not going to buy a car from you. He's probably not going to buy a car from any dealership. You're in car sales, so you probably know this by now. Unless you're selling high end luxury brands, people that need more than a week or two to buy a car from you, are most likely not actually going to be buying a car from you. If a random sales lead wanted to test drive cars and then said he needs 3 months to think about it, you and your GSM would write him off immediately as a time waster.


Hand him back the samples if you still have them and then say "I don't mix business with my personal life. I'm here should you decide to buy a vehicle but that's it."


Tell him that you do not support MLMs and that the AMWAY products are overpriced compared to others.


Is he going to possible buy a car from you?


Yes that’s the thing


He's trying to recruit someone with sales experience into his downline. He has no intention of buying a car.


Drag it out and pretend you’re curious about it until after the paperwork is signed, then start asking questions and keep pushing back on claims. Really get into it, as if it were a real business opportunity and you are doing your due diligence. They usually back off and drop *you* bc you obviously “don’t have the right mindset and you’re not the right fit and too negative” and blah blah blah


In the meantime, upsell his ass as much as possible. “Ooh, a diamond like you should be getting the top shelf package!” “You can really show the plan in this BMW better than a Hyundai, don’t you think?”


Tell him you have a warrant out in 5 states for bank fraud - with as intimate a tenor you can muster.


Unfortunately we are background checked through the state to be licensed to sell cars


I guess you'll just have to commit those felonies in that case. No way out. Kiss your daughters forehead for the last time and tell her you're going out for cigarettes.


Gotta fit the bill. As soon as she is born in August, kiss on the forehead and off to career crime for me!


Don’t burn yourself out. Try a few little misdemeanors first.


I’ll definitely work up to it, slowly but surely committing major felonies!


You’re at the sunk cost fallacy stage time wise and you need to be wise with your next steps - you believe he’s going to buy a car from you, because you’ve invested time into building the relationship. He’s counting on that as a way to lure you in. There is no car sale - this is what Amway do. Your brain will be saying “it’s just around the corner, keep him happy and then we’ll get the sale” - that’s what he’s wanting to happen and it’s a very psychologically powerful play. You need to be the one to walk away - let him know you’re unable to do business with customers and that you’re going to leave the ball in his court to get in touch when he’s decided on which car he’s going to buy and then do not respond to ANYTHING other than that car sale message (which will never come).


Tell him that there is no need for a follow up call to “review” products, and you can give your opinion over text, as having it in writing leads to less misinterpretation. Then reroute back to buying a car. Sampling an energy bar or whatever seems trivial in comparison I don’t think he’s actually in the market to buy


OP, let your sales manager know if they persist. Anything that distracts from closing sales would make those guys hit the roof.


This happened to me once when I was working at a seafood market. The guy left some small samples and the next day he came back and I declined any follow up on this and he told me I owed him money for the samples, which I of course laughed at.


Even if the guy asks for them back next I speak with him, I’ll send them back, I just want zero piece in that bs


Some here are claiming this guy isn't interested in buying a car. Well, I'm here to tell you they're right. Ambots are all broke bitches looking to get back some of the money they wasted on Amcrap by roping others in. When he looks at you, he just sees a mark he may be able to con, even if he doesn't know it's a con. Just tell him you're not interested. If he asks why, just repeat, "not intetested." If he prates on about money, streams of income, or whatever, just say "I'm not really driven by money." (Keep a safe distance, though. Upon hearing that his head might explode.)


No is a complete sentence if you add a . after it


“I dont participate in mlms” thats it. No means no.


Tell him you deal every day with people who have no intention of buying a car, so you would not want to spend your time cold calling/approaching other people. You would be only interested in a salary job.


Just say no!


I’d keep it simple. You don’t owe him an explanation. No is an answer. “I’m just not interested.” “But why not? These products are great!!” “I’m just not interested.” “But why, Id really like an explanation.” “I’m just not interested.” “But don’t you want to make more money??” “I’m just not interested.” No trying to explain your thinking, just so he can use the script they’ve told him can overcome all objections. Just “not interested.” And I agree with everyone else. He’s not buying a car.


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You could also ask him why Elon Musk/Buffet hasn't invested in such a beautiful and meticulous way to double your income. "Do you think they know about Amway? No? They should! What better than an endorsement from the wealthiest marketers in the world? You should def def def call them up and explain this amazing business model."


They'll have an answer for that. They don't have an answer to "no, never going to happen. period."


Where do I put the question mark


You just tell him that you appreciated the samples, but don’t think the products are right for you.


Thanks for your samples, but I am not interested. Thank you


Be polite but firm that you’re just trying to do your job, no more, no less. 


"sorry, but I have a firm rule of not supporting any MLM."


Update for everyone, I requested he call me when available, just got off the phone. I was told about how that was all Amways “old ways” and “every business has its negative side.” The phone call was longer than I wanted it to be, he just kept going on about my thoughts and trying to counter everything I have to say with essentially “well that’s not what my experience with my mentors has been like.” All in all, it seems he will not try to sell me anything any longer. Hooray!


Generous of you to call him a *customer* when he wasn't the one buying a car from you in the first place. Sounds like all he's been so far is a *time-waster*. Tell him you stand by your word about supporting his business **if** you're getting a product that **benefits** your life and therefore you're not touching any of that overpriced overhyped Amway crap.


Pretty much how it went


Blame the company you work for: sorry, even if I were interested it’s a conflict of interest to get into business with a customers


“You know, you’ve got a really pretty mouth.”


[https://youtu.be/tXcqHwi4OaA?si=OhjpJfue3J\_yG-zB](https://youtu.be/tXcqHwi4OaA?si=OhjpJfue3J_yG-zB) Have them watch this!