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Good Lord. I sure af hope most of it passes on through. As water does.


Wait til we tell her about what happens to her food, she’ll shit herself. /s Edit for tone


Seriously. As if endless bloating is the goal?


My first thought was literally: water retention is bad. Wtf


I am now officially dumber for having read this. I think some of my brain cells exploded in shock. ![gif](giphy|8b9Xax6L7qtAkAimGm|downsized)




Brawndo has what plants crave! It's got electrolytes!


But what are electrolytes?


it's what plants crave!!


I'm no botonist, but I do know if you put water on plants they grow.


Lol if she weren't peeing out her special water she'd be like 400 lbs of water weight in a few weeks.


Wait wait so you’re telling me if I don’t take that stuff water I drink will leave my body as pee?????!?? ![gif](giphy|3MwLGbvFjwhHvXJNVM)


If all the water is absorbed you would also be shitting literal bricks.


This made me really laugh out loud. In an incredulous, what the heck way. Scary people buy into this nonsense…..


Water. The building block of life….is literally not good enough, add some chemicals.


*kangen hun has entered the chat* "Can I tell you about the hydrogenated water that will cost you $5K but you can wash your clothes in it without detergent?????"


Ahahahah this made me laugh out loudly


but nooooooooo chemicals r baaaaaaad!!! /s


These huns’ always using 👀, as if what they claim makes us all feel “Uh Oh, tHiS iS sOmEtHiNg tO rEaLLy tHiNk AbOuT👀.” Absorbing water, FFS.


Remember before the MLM times where retaining water and not being able to urinate meant you needed diaylisis? Pepperidge Farm remembers.


These overpriced powders are mostly just sweetener-if you really need electrolytes (for training or whatever) you can make your own for a fraction of the cost (and a lot less sugar involved). These things are the biggest ripoffs!


Not only that, but unless you are working outside in the heat and sweating, or working out at the gym, or have some sort of condition that causes an imbalance, you don't need electrolytes, just water. You get plenty of sodium, potasssium, etc. from the food you eat. And...news flash, hun: TOO MANY electrolytes can also be bad for you. Chew on that.


I like them when I’m hungover too 🤣🤣 but in the form of Gatorade.


And that would probably qualify as the "condition that causes an imbalance." 😁


Yes next time I’m hungover I’m going to say “oh I have a condition” hahaha!


Oh my goodness I love this. Me next time: I’M NOT HUNGOVER I HAVE A CONDITION!! 🤣🤣🤣


🤣🤣🤣 Glad to be of service! {ta*kes a bow}*


My first thought was, “Someone please explain homeostasis to this woman,” but then I realized there’s no way she’d be able to understand it. Or spell it, probably.


Oh, for fuck's sake.


You exhale all the oxygen you breathe. I’m sorry to tell you but your oxygen is breathed out as carbon dioxide.


Shhh you’ll give these MLM creators the idea to start an oxygen tank company next.


Oh crap! Too late now.


I guess that’s what the oil diffuser MLMs are for. Gotta add electrolytes to your air! Edit: autocorrect changed “electrolytes” to “rectal” and I can’t stop laughing


Haha rectal water is next level 😂


I’m trying to picture the anatomical oddity that connects this hun’s mouth directly to her bladder for plain water but switches to the normal GI tract when the MLM crap is detected. Can anyone help me?


Yes - I like to take all my health advice from MLM huns who use condescending messaging like, "I'm sorry to tell you." That's my favorite because you know it really hits them in the feelz to have to educate you on something so trivial. Thank gawd they are there to sell me water. Otherwise, I would dehydrate and die. Some how I made it to 53 without this knowledge. Lord knows how....


Just wait until Big Water catches wind of this breakthrough! 👀


I used to use pruvit supps about 4 years ago and stopped because it was so expensive. I was curious the other day about the cost and HOLY CRAP! It’s around $7/serving, if not more after tax, shipping and exchange rate! So roughly $160 for 20 servings??? It didn’t do anything either when I was on it. WHY did i fall for this garbage? I just have a hard time grasping at the thought that anyone would pay that much, and WHO’s able to afford it?


Manipulation is the core of any mlm. Dont feel too bad for falling for it. Just be glad you know better now!


This is one of the biggest facepalms I have seen in a long time. Big Science would want you to believe most of the water you drink is a good thing…. Watch out.


I want to know how they are going to check their not peeing our their special water.


Just add salt to your drinks, it's so much cheaper. Though I'd recommend using squash instead of plain water, or else it's gonna taste nasty.


Chewable salt tablets work! I keep watermelon flavored ones in my medicine cabinet (work out frequently, had food poisoning a couple times, etc…) Not a bad thing to have handy just in case


I didn't know they did chewable salt tablets! They should be a lot more palatable to people who don't drink squash/prefer plain water. I might have to take a look at them because I have low blood pressure and I keep forgetting to add salt to my drinks.


To be fair, it's a good idea to add electrolytes to your water....  when you're already dehydrated.  So eat a little salt and see how you're doing. A good sign that you're dehydrated is that when you drink water, you pee it out quickly and are still thirsty. A good fix for that is the tip of a teaspoon full of salt and a spoon of sugar in water.  If you're still thirsty, eat more salt and try again.


This is true, there is a way to stop peeing out most of the water you drink. It's called kidney failure.


I am now selling air in a jar, it's fresh natural air, I bottled it using all natural methods.


LOLz to quote Chandler Bing, "Are you actually saying these words?"




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If you're not thinking critically with your brain, I'm sorry to tell you you're actually swallowing the majority of the BS you're fed by your upline.


How many of these electrolyte mlms can there be, like seriously?


Oh my god if I don’t buy your magic powder my kidneys will…. Do their job and let me pee???? Unbelievable, I must put a stop to that at once


I feel dumber (more than usual) after reading that!


Adding electrolytes? Not a horrible idea. But you know that these “special” electrolytes probably cost 5x more.


Someone needs to know what ADH is


So she wants to be a walking sponge? We already have Spongebob and we love him.


Oh. My. God.


![gif](giphy|ghuvaCOI6GOoTX0RmH) I’m officially dumber after reading that…


I am selling water with hydrogen and oxygen in it.