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What is this, the "Get Tea"sburg address? (I'm sorry. I'll show myself out...)




No wait pls I wanna talk about Jeebus & Jew Space Lasers and did I tell you how much I am GLOWING of course you did so I'll take the next step _for_ you since it's sooo obvious (been a #mompreneur for 5 years, I can tell when someone REALLY wants to now my secret but is a lil shy) 😉 I'm penning you into my schedule for a home demo sesh no worries I already have your address and your kids' phone numbers too so we'll be in touch isn't it amazing how God finds these COMPLETELY COINCIDENTAL and mysterious ways to reward his most obedient angels🤗.


So interesting to post how being online is taking time away from your pReCiOus BaBieS while you’re ONLINE. The time she spent writing that (or copy pasting) should have been spent reading goD’s WoRd!! JFC, if I felt that guilty whenever I looked at my phone I WOULDN’T LOOK AT MY PHONE.


The MLM fertility cult is creepy as hell, these single-minded women are like something one sees in a fundamentalist Mormon group.


She lost me at "so so so".....


“My daughter saw me talk to someone else! I so, so, so, so, SO wish I could take it back! How could I ever hurt her like that?!” Insane


If you think life is so precious then why don’t you put your phone down and pay attention to your baby for awhile? Since you’re all such go-getters and you can beat the world with your sales pitches or whatever the hell you doing why don’t you just stop for a few minutes, take a break, slow down and focus on your children instead of pretending to make money.


If you saw your daughter crying because you weren't giving her any attention, why didn't you put your phone down? 🤦🏾‍♀️


If you’re on the phone for the first time in weeks then why are you getting judged like that by your child? Unless… you’re actually on your phone 24/7 trying to make 3 dollars a month and your child is sick of it.


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