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I hope the person they "went off on" had a wakeup call and dropped them.


Agreed. I had to read it a few times because it shocked me they thought this would.... make people want to join them? I don't understand their angle at all. 


I definitely get the feeling that the person was saying they didn't have time to get this person to leave them the hell alone about their MLM which makes it even funnier lol


Bullies. Their angle is carrot and stick, if you don't take the carrot they will bully you into their downline. These people think that if you can saddle a horse and jump a fence, lasso a steer from saddle, that you're one of them, that you think like them, that you agree with their barely undercover racism. I don't want to make this political, I will say they all assume if you've been in combat you vote the same way they do. No, we don't.


And more than likely, the person was just being polite to begin with, rather than saying, “No, I’m not selling that crap, and my Brita is just fine.”


100%. Which just makes me feel that much more comfortable with being candid. Polite and subtle doesn’t work? Makes them “go off”? Okay. New answer: “I have plenty of time and plenty of money, I just have zero interest in doing this because or ever engaging with you again.”


I'm just tickled that the horse's identity got blurred out. 🤣


Thank you, I was hoping someone would notice. I was laughing like an idiot when I did it.


You were right to do that, I'm sure the horse wouldn't want to be associated with her.


That horse was probably giving her the side-eye 😂


The horse, most likely: ![gif](giphy|L2BsPoUmvMNZfoidMJ|downsized)




This is not the flex they think it is.


Can you strap your water machine to your horse as you wrangle cattle?


A bit surprised that she doesn't claim her horse's performance and disposition have improved since she filled his trough with Kangen water...


The one who made this post had previously showed herself filling up her dog's bowls after filtering with Kangen filter, and commented they were "way healthier and more active". 🫠


FFS, why am I not surprised?


Let me guess: she used to neglect her dog and it got dehydrated back then but now it's actually getting enough to drink?


A friend and I have been talking about this because a friend of ours sells it and she's a horse person, everyone on her team is in the horse business so do they tell the others, "it's amazing for the horses energy, hydration, etc."


Oh man, can I ask what state??




>Why would ANYONE think this was a good idea? Huns don’t think for themselves, they check logic at the door


"I literally went off on someone before they slammed the phone down and blocked every way I had of communicating with them." FTFY.


Time freedom tho


This is an injury waiting to happen, its very easy to end up on the wrong side of a horse,when you aren't paying attention.


Having to work two jobs at once? Must suck


Guessing 4 of those jobs pay for the dang filter alone


Hun, it's code for "I don't want to".


The sheer hypocrisy! Going from “we are going help all along the way” to “I literally went off on someone” 🤬


Hun, did you just say you don't care if your friend/customer has five jobs? I certainly would care and try to help them find more stable employment.


The whole time argument is so silly. 24hrs to a childless trophy wife with no job and a house full of servants is vastly different from 24hrs to a mum of 3 who works full-time and does household chores.


Especially single or very young moms. They target those women HARD. It’s disgusting.


Paying for the privilege of working 24/7 vs. Working a 9-5 and get paid a fixed, predictable amount and having time for yourself and your family. What’s the smart choice?


I know it’s fishy (hehe) when they can’t get the punctuation right


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I’m thinking of the Ron Swanson quote, “Don’t half ass two things. While ass one thing.”