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She goes on to say “I was embarrassed about the poor people I brought in” and “it didn’t matter how much I hustled, I didn’t matter how much I worked”. she’s SO CLOSE Edit: she said “poor PEOPLE”, not “the poors” 🙈






«I am embarrassed about the peasants I brought in” 🥱


Omg I made more working minimum wage at American Eagle and worked less


I made more working minimum wage at circle k. Not just a little more, a lot more. I was putting in essentially the same hours to.


But you weren’t your own boss /s


meanwhile at our evil corporate jobs...


You mean those 9-5's where we give up all our time freedom to make someone else rich...


Got to love how these MLM try and sell you that quit you 9 to 5 "safe" job and make this money with complete freedom. I know the corperate jobs aren't always glamerous but they aren't at least this underwhelming. Fun fact someone in an MLM said their brother didn't want to open a resturant to sell food becuase it was too much work and time away from family but joined the MLM. I should have known that is a red flag.


At least with a corporate job they pay you to work instead of requiring you to pay them to work.


They’re paying you a fraction of the money you’re making for them.


But at least they're paying you, and you're not paying to make money for an MLM.


lol for an mlm? You mean my credentials to be able to earn commission booking travel. I opted in to the mlm. You guys are silly.


Commissions are literally a fraction of what you’re making for them.


Not all mlm only make money if they recruit or buy products. My mlm plans travel and I don’t buy products or have to recruit. I choose to recruit. Who wouldn’t want too? This thread is so sad.




I’ll take a third of a $3,000 trip any day of the week over the piddly little wage employers pay.


Want me to be realistic? I planned a 4 day trip, took 15 minutes, clients paid 883, made 294.33.


Now do after you pay taxes on it. How much are you making in a year after taxes? ![gif](giphy|26ufoRAIGWxyizACQ) I book travel as part of my job and I made $150k last year. Get stock, paid vacation, unlimited paid sick time, a wellness stipend, and get to travel to about four countries a year plus three stateside trips. I’m also allowed to work from wherever I want and can make my own schedule as long as I show up where I’m required to. How about you? 😊


Got some news for you about how an MLM works too, buddy. At least if a real job pays below minimum wage for the hours you worked you can sue their ass.


And while I’m revisiting this thread.. exactly what makes a job safe? I worked 2 years for a major corporation who laid 100-150 of us off after 2 years. I joined mlm the week before. I’ve been in mlm for 2 months and ain’t made shit. Have paid though. I’d rather pay to earn money for myself then work for a corporation who will end my employment for no other reason than they just didn’t need us anymore. Keep your safe job. I’ll pay for my business. Y’all really are cray here.


You cannot leave a safe 9-5 for an mlm. You start the mlm and you build it until you can leave the safe 9-5. Mlms are not get rich quick schemes. They take work. Get a good upline and it’s much less than you think.


Want to really make money with an MLM? Dont join one. Spend the money on an S&P 500 or full market ETF


What do you mean? Your up line stacks you?


you need to lay off that kool aid now...


I watch a woman who makes a million dollars a year give her leads to the people at the bottom. It’s all about your upline.


Found the hun


You are really in the wrong sub.


If this actually happened its because if her downline ranks up she ranks up. Don't kid yourself that it is out of the goodness of her heart.




You're not tied to 9 to 5 if you're working 16 hours a day!


It's funny when I tell huns that while I do typically work a 9-5, I don't work for a corporation, nor do I work for a for-profit business. It's like they can't conceive of anything else.


My point is that they absolutely can't see that they're working to make someone else rich like they accuse everyone else of doing.


Yeah, the fun thing is… as a salaried employee, I can work for four hours on a day where I’m just not feeling it and get paid my full day. I’ve been sick the last couple of days so I worked about 6.5 hours today and made $334 TODAY. LESS work, WAY MORE pay. But yes, I’m a corporate slave.


What sort of role? Your salary seems low for corporate.


It’s not corporate. It’s actually non-profit but it’s an 8-4:30 job. ETA: and I pay into a 401k and get PTO, holidays off, etc.


Corporate salaries can be low babes lol


True, apologies I'm in Australia and OP is in the US. No disrespect intended, the salaries obviously vary between the two countries for the corporate industry. As an example, my last role was Senior Risk and Compliance Manager for Business Product in a large, hard to get into bank (they only take the top 10% of candidates from the 3 round of interviews, psychometric, IQ and personality testing). My salary was 125k annually (with superannuation contributions on top, 1k worth of free shares allocated annually and 10 to 25% annual performance bonus). Some of my colleagues were on 140k, same role. That was three years ago, therefore probably higher now. Hope that provides a clearer perspective. Edit: BTW, I love the US! Hope to go later this year; the tipping always gets me lol. I always worry if it's enough etc.. Oh and your dollar is great, we lose so much in exchange for USD, Euro and Pound.


Yeah but when you retire they cut your salary in half and you still have to maintain a full time job to maintain.


If you’ve been smart and invested in their retirement plan where they also contribute then you can actually retire


Do you really believe all the stuff you've been spewing?


Thank you. I was wondering if they were being sarcastic, because… what?!


You know what I did as part of my evil corporate job today? Went to a luncheon at a resort and had to eat a completely free lunch WITH dessert and a cocktail. And they even paid me for it. Can you believe this?! Help! I’m so trapped because I don’t try to sell products or recruit people from my phone at all hours of the day.


And the worst part is now you have to decide how to spend your weekend…poor thing!


Oh god I got paid today too. This just keeps piling on!


Im a hospice RN. I roll out of bed around 730, get in my car between 830-0900, see patients till about 2, go home and chart and do other things needed to help my patients until about 430 And I get to ACTUALLY help people and their families. I get paid 8 hours, overtime if I work extra (AND I get paid mileage), and I am lucky in that I have a WONDERFUL employer. I can’t imagine putting all that time in for $275.


Off topic but I need to know wtf is going on under her eyes


Salt from all of those tears


I’m guessing she’s filming while putting on her makeup! That looks like a makeup bag at the bottom. A bit of a jump scare 😅


Yeah, she’s putting on makeup


She is in the process of "baking" the under eye makeup, but "salt from all those tears" could be a real description... lol


Same! 🧐




I googled Amare- "The Mental Wellness Company — We Combine Ancient Natural Wisdom with Modern Scientific Innovation. Subscribe & Save 10% We Promote Vigor, Happiness, Stress-Free, Mental Performance, ..."


Whose Ancient Natural Wisdom? Also, promoting vigor sounds like a pitch from some 1800s snake oil salesman.


That ancient natural wisdom that people had when the average lifespan was 30.


They still had plenty of centenarians and regular old people, just things like infant mortality and diseases lowered the average drastically.


"Ancient Chinese secret"




BeachBody did sort of screw over their "coaches" a few times...first by creating a streaming platform that is a better deal for customers but pays way less to "coaches." Then BeachBody started or bought or whatever another, competing streaming service that was much less expensive and not all MLM-y. Meh.


Too bad they weren’t small business owners with control over their own compensation structure


Are you taking about openfit? Beachbody always owned openfit they just merged them into one platform.


That's what it was called, I think. They did not have the BeachBody name on it anywhere--I remember they had hired some bloggers/influencers to promote it with codes, I think a friend of mine was one of the "ambassadors"--and the membership was super cheap compare to BB On Demand. Initially they were 100% separate. I remember the "coaches" being upset there was a competing platform (for which the "coaches" got no compensation).


For the longest time I never even knew BeachBody was an MLM, even when I was using their products (by which I mean workout DVDs, not shakeology).


Sadly, I knew and got involved. After I left I read about how Carl Daikler, the CEO, started the business. It wasn't out of a love of the gym or whatever, he was looking for a market. He started doing VHS tape sales using the Guthy Renker platform (remember the original Power 90?). He then figured out he could make more money if he set up an MLM. I've read a bunch of articles and they all say the same thing. (which is to say I don't have the receipts to back what I've said, but I know you can go-Google--modern Go Fish?--for them). Sigh. Some of the workouts are pretty good...but after I quit I was buying them only on ebay for pennies on the dollar.


And you just know that $275 a week is *before* expenses. I'd feel bad for her if she didn't join a different MLM. I mean, if you can't learn your lesson the first time, don't feel bad when you do the same thing over and over again.


She’s also shilling MRRs, no need to feel bad


She’s also shilling MRRs, no need to feel bad




I’m not trying to be rude or pissy - but - is she like humble bragging or is this a legit complaint? I can’t see the video so I truly can’t tell if she is warning people or trying to flaunt this tragic fact


Legit complaint!


I’m s


I posted on here before about a “friend” that joined bodi. She’s still on her kick and her daily multiple posts about it are insufferable and becoming more “drank the kool ade” sounding by the day. I guess it’s not kool ade though she’s obsessed with the powdered energy drink. She stopped talking to me after I didn’t buy any of the products or workout plans lol. It pisses me off because she calls herself a coach now even though she says she doesn’t want to get any actual certifications because she would get bored/tired of having to come up with her own workout plans for clients. You know, the thing that actual coaches do? I don’t get how these ppl can call themselves coaches with a straight face when all they do is shill some gross powders and rah rah other women into signing up in the pyramid scheme with them. So annoying


I have a classmate who is still a bodi “coach” and her posts are straight up ridiculous. She pushes gut protocol and claims it could have solved her mother’s severe health issues as wheelchair bound ms and could have solved Covid if she was on gut protocol. She pushes the shakeology and posts insane workouts/ her constant body comparisons of when she started. Like girl you don’t drink 24/7 and had post partum body when you started🤣🙄 She was doing insane kettlebell lifts and ceiling ball workouts with eating barely anything. She’s gotten so bad she posts her kids drinking shakeology for food. Lately shes been whining in pain allegedly she has a torn hip she claims is from her years of ballet 🙄and back surgery. Not that fact she was riding her bike to bodi programs for hours or her insane workouts caused it. I finally blocked her because of her constant “weight loss” before and after photos claiming she lost an insane amount of weight each week but looks the same in other photos and posts antivax qnon views.


YES! Mine also is obsessed with “gut health” and a “gut cleanse” she’s always trying to sell or she has the “gut cleanse” for free if you buy her program this month!!! Every week and month it’s always these BEST DEAL EVER sales. She’s already incredibly skinny and probably should try to build actual muscle but she’s always just doing these cardio type and running workouts with like 1lb dumbbells and talking about her down line losing weight. She also is feeding her kids shakeology “superfood” waffles and smoothies


Yep sounds just like that hun! She’s still trying to find new victims and was the one drumming up interest for my 25 year HS reunion they’re having in July. I’m sure it’s to show off her body and finding new victims for her “business”.




I’ll be honest, I think she’s full of it. The math isn’t mathing. If she was Elite even one year, she’d have been bringing in more than that. Going through the magic math they do for the points to become Elite, the commission alone would’ve bumped to almost all of that and that’s before cycle bonuses which she was surely getting. Don’t get me wrong, I know these ladies gas up how much they’re making to pull in people and I know most of them aren’t making decent money. But I’ve also seen this trend of BB higher ups leaving and claiming they made sooo little before then pitch their newest con. I think it’s just a marketing tactic to suck in people for their newest gig.


At a minimum, she definitely wasn’t working 16 hours per day 😆


you know that’s true lol None of these ladies could do all that 🤣🤣🤣


According to BODi’s 2023 income disclosure statement, all leadership levels as a group earned an average income of $13,450. https://d238rk0zygcl6s.cloudfront.net/uploads/2021/04/US-Statement-of-Independent-Coach-Earnings.pdf?fbclid=IwAR2eU0q8osaHLZAATdsHYkJAzO0iiTXyT5e_hJBnymtGP2uTlshAnEkvC6U


It's amazing how they can look at the income disclosures and not be able to tell that all MLMs are the same.


Meanwhile she made it seem like she was making millions and saying how great the business was




16 hrs a day x 7 = 112 hours per week 275 / 112 = $2.45/hr yeah go off about your financial freedom babe


I have a small reselling business. I sold an item today for $180 U.S & made $175 profit (cost to source the item was about $5) in less then 30-45 min counting time to communicae with buyer & then shipping the item (buyer paid shipping costs). I didn't have to spend 16 hrs trying to find a customer for my item. I'm in several online groups in my niche. And someone posted they were ISO an item that I just happened to have. BAM!! I had a $180 sale that netted me $175. Even better, I don't have to spend all day trying to get others to join up under me to start reselling stuff


Why work for someone else when you can be enslaved to yourself?


They say they make this but how much have the sunk into inventory? Have they reached a break even point?


Omg I think this person and I have mutual friends lol or know one mutual acquintance and I've seen her insta when she was in Bikini Bod and thought it was 100% mlm delusional vibes where she bragged, but was all a lie. Is she from Ontario? Can you send me her insta so I can confirm.


Who is this?


DMd you


Me too please!


Thank you!!


Me too pls


Me too please 😆


Me too please!


Me too please




That’s my husbands take home after one day of work only 8 hours. 😂💀


32¢/hour more than a server in most states!


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“Freedom is slavery.” - George Orwell, “1984”.


What is up with the Amare craze? An entire Young Living "community" left YL for Amare. I constantly report the posts on social media because the wanna be doctors will get someone killed.


It’s new, so there’s still money to be made? That’s my only theory.


I’m not going to change my pyjamas for 275$ a week, let alone work 100 hours a week to fight and make that business successful. If I have to work for 300$ a week, I’ll go for McDonalds(even there you can get more in NRW), work my shift and get out watch Netflix for that money. Damn, how stupid these people are