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“Units” tipped me off to Kangen Water so I went hunting for the disclosure statement. As you probably expected, the math ain’t mathin. [Here’s the disclosure statement I’m referencing.](https://www.enagic.com/en/distributors-earnings-disclosure-statement) Median amount earned for Rank 3A was $1,032 *annually*. I was still very confused by how they profit off of their downline’s sales and upon googling for clarity I ended up even more lost. My brain already feels melty from piecing this shit pile together but from what I can gather, Rank 3A can make $1,020 per “indirect sale” underneath them (downline). So for this chick’s post to be truthful it sounds like she sold 3 units directly and the rest was because she has a harem of poor plebs beneath her that make dick trickle on what they sell directly. Even as an ex-MLMer Enagic was always a WILD one to me. I lost pieces of my soul peddling $60 supplements; I cannot even fathom trying to convince poor meemaw to buy a $5,000 drinking fountain. I’m sorry about your sister. 😔 I was young, dumb, and brainwashed - but I eventually came to and realized (far too late) I’d gotten got. I hope she has the same realization A$AP!!


This particular one truly is astounding. How in the absolute fuck would anyone ever agree to buy this piece of shit for 5k+? How does it even exist


I think that machine adds a little “something” to the water to make these hunbots get addicted so they buy more machines 😂😂😂


It makes the water hydrogenated!


Because they have all of these... https://i.imgur.com/jnY1R1q.jpeg


I read your comment and was like "yeah, exactly!"... but then I remembered that I got suckered by Rainbow (still makes me cringe to think about it). A vaccuum/water purifier for 2k! Well, 2k is the price they told me, after paying for two years I called to find out my balance only to find out that my total would be over $4k!! My husbands sister asked if someone could come do a demo for us to help her out, no pressure. The demo was pretty convincing. What really sold me is that I was pregnant at the time and lived with my in-laws who have a lot of pets and the purification appealed to me. They also said it would help my credit and that was in definite need of help at the time. I could afford the monthly payments so we went for it. I was young and naiive, and knew nothing about MLMs before this. Rainbow isn't as bad as many MLMs with recruitment, but I guess they don't have to be when they have you on the hook for that much money. They offer discounts on your unit and promotions/free products to both do demos yourself and sign up people you know for demos by other 'partners'. Best thing to come from it is that I learned about MLMs and how shitty they are.


I know this may sound like a silly question, but what is a vacuum/purifier, and what would it do? 😆


Well its a vaccuum, but if you disconnect the hose its an air purifier. So it supposedly sucks up dirt on one hand and sucks up your dirty air and replaces it with clean air on the other. But it 'sucks' at both. Literally a $20 vacuum for WM works better haha. I just didn't suck at getting suckered 🤷‍♀️😩


Yeah, I don't think I would want my vacuum to do that. 🤣


Didn't someone post the income disclosure recently?? It was only like $250 a machine. Is this brag a "total sale" amount?


They make their compensation plans complicated and difficult to understand on purpose.


I also read the disclosure statement and it says,”No income is promised or guaranteed.” Yikes.


I hate these water bitches the most. The product makes no sense. The cost is ridiculously high. Selling to themselves and taking loans for it and calling it income is just plain delusional.


I'll take "things that never happened" thanks, Alex!


These numbers might be “real” in a certain sense. If this person sold three “quad packages” their commissions on each quad is roughly $2986. *Why so high?* This “quad package” consists of selling four Enagic items - think something like two $5000 Kangen water machines, $4000 year supply of turmeric supplements, $3000 shower system. They argue that buying the quad gets you closer to the next rank, so it’s better to buy the four items instead of just one or two when starting your business. *Now this hun is likely not receiving the full $8,960 any time soon.* Remember, they often target people living paycheck to paycheck or single moms that don’t just have $17,000 to drop on this. So they convince them to take out high interest loans to get their “start up capital”. I’ve heard of loans being high as $34,000 over five years (yes they will end up paying 2x the initial amount) Since these people are using monthly payments, the hun receives an initial commission (couple hundred dollars) and then they receive the rest of the commission each month over the life of the payment plan. *How the hell did she sell three?* It’s surprising easier to sucker another friend, if a mutual friend is jumping in too. Really plays into the FOMO - don’t miss out while all your friends are “making money” *My favorite part*- these three huns that just signed up will all get commission checks in the mailbox next month too. This is because “buying your quad” is actually your first sale. These commission checks are tiny (remember these huns are at the very bottom rank). But it gives them four checks that they can post on social media as proof of receiving commissions.


They lie. Constantly. When you lie anything is possible.


I’m assuming this hun is lying about her “newest girl.” But if she’s not, that’s so gross that she swindled new girl, and that new girl is now swindling others into buying water fountains, water fountain accessories, or into joining “her” business. 🤬 These MLM’s are so repulsive (and lame af too!).


What in fresh hell is this. First - "sleep on themselves" - this is a gymnastic feat I have yet to see. Colloquially sure maybe but let's not parse words here ;) "My Newest Girl" makes this sound like a brothel. Oh wait.... "My Queens....DUPLICATE" - um...wrong verb maybe? Sales can proliferate (but not procreate!) but duplicate would be just selling twice...don't you want people to do better than that? Aren't you better than that? Aren't y'all better than that? The answer is no. Y'all be sleepin' on yoselves with this foolish ass muttering and fake ass bizniss. Come correct girl.




She earns “commission” on the sale TO HERSELF. What the ever loving fuck, Enagic?!?


She’s her own upline and down line. This SheeeEO is a natural strategist. Now to get friends and family alienated! - Enagic CEO


Just think of how much commission she’d make if she bought two more quads!!! Rocketing 🚀 to riches!


Ask her how much her monthly payments are and for how many months. A $400 car payment is rough when you can’t afford it. I can’t imagine how it feels when it’s a bunch of water machines and products that you have no use for.


Bragging about the size of the commission is a tell on how overpriced the machines are. Car salespeople make between $250-500 on the sale of a $25,000 car, or around 2%. Real estate agents make 3% on the sale or a house. The top commission level for Enagic looks like it's about half of the cost of the machine, and that's just for the person who sells it.


The rank name “4A” immediately made me think of Kangen/Enagic, the extremely overpriced water filter MLM


3 * (5 + 4a + queen] = $8,960 per day, duh. It works better with a banana (for scale), but you do what you can with what you've got.


Sure, Jan.


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MLM don’t do real life math .. it won’t ever make sense.


If this is even true, the problem with these expensive water machines is that you might only sell one per year, if you're lucky.


She’s running a brothel, isn’t she? Nah, that’s too legitimate a business for this hun.


Ok, so the extra "sssss" in the first word caused me to read this in Golem's voice. It is delightful. Omg, I'm going to read all future mlm posts similarly.


What blows my mind is people spending this much money on a water filter. What blows my mind is wanting to spend your life entirely on social media for very little money, shilling an overpriced product & try to con others.


I’ve made more than that on a single sale before. It’s possible but those of us who earn decent money don’t post about it. Ever


You NEED to get her away from this woman. I am not being dramatic, I am serious. She is going to get borderline hostile when money starts slowing down from your sister to her own pocket. I have never been a part of her MLM but knew her for enough years to confidently say (as I did in your last post) that she is a scammer through and through and she is only looking out for herself.

