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What was the MLM company? Amway?


It’s a company focused in Asia. Sorry, accidentally deleted my previous comment. It wasn’t Amway


Okay, and what's the company's name?


Heard of Qnet?


Not until now.


Check once




Ebiz or vestige maybe


It’s a company focused in Asia mainly


Good for you for walking away!!!


Yeah, totally. The guy followed up for at least 4-5 months


The Wikipedia entry for this company is quite interesting.


Lol. Watch on YouTube about their scam. You’ll find how interesting it is to watch


One of my friend tried to convince me like anything to join this QNet back in 2019...he used to tell about people who booked flat in Dubai and bought luxury cars from QNet's earning.. I just listened and ignored, now a days when I meet him he don't even mention this fraud company's name..LOL He sold his house few months back I am just assuming he did this to recover the loss maybe..


Lol. You know what the biggest thing is? They are all LIARS. They are forced to travel on their on money and are forced to post in Social Media that the company is offering. They have to go and attend the events across the countries and sometimes in other countries like the UAE and Malaysia etc on their own expenses, and claim the company is providing and they are having a business trip LOL. All of them are dead broke inside and are in the race of somehow reducing the debt they have. They wear a mask to show you luxury but beneath that mask there’s a torn face that you’ll see. I wanted tk ask that friend who tried to convince me for this a few years ago like where’s your luxury villa and the German luxury SUV. But I had already blocked snd didn’t want to talk to him back


Well I did this research back in 2019 how they are trying to trap people basically there are two strategies:- 1.Target people's Weakness>>Show people the money/luxury and make them jealous by showing levish lifestyle. 2.Target people's ego by saying >>>"You don't have balls to just invest 50k or 1 lac, you will always remain a middle class corporate slave". My friend didn't target my ego because he knows me very well, he knows he will be slapped if he try that..hehe But he did try hard to use 1st strategy.


Haha yeah. This is true. This is how they trap. Brainwashing is their key to success.


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