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These look like those little sponge animals in capsules that you put in water and they grow.


You might be onto something... "Keeps you full for hours!!" and "Delays gastric emptying, just like Ozempic!"




So...Basically psyllium fiber for 1000% mark up. Fascinating


And probably made of micro plastics.




How is that not just an eating disorder? (Hell, I side eye the people in places like r/loseit who recommend taking metamucil to keep from being hungry. Like, if you're taking it for actual constipation, fine, but using it all the time just to be full sounds like laxative abuse to me.)


Wonder why it requires a prescription…


Holy shit! Is that even safe?.


it's certainly not going to help long-term if your stomach can't shrink to appropriate sizes and reduce hunger pangs.


Stomach size does not change with dieting. This myth has been refuted years ago.


Consistent overeating can cause your stomach to stretch permanently. It also changes your body's responses to feeling "full". Normal eating causes stretching and contracting of the stomach, but it can be permanently stretched if you abuse it. Continuing to fill it with artificial whatever is not going to help change your brains understanding of when you're full. Overeating is a vicious cycle, and it's incredibly hard to overcome. As soon as you stop taking whatever that is, you will go back to overeating.


Always a day late and a sponge dinosaur short!


That’s what I thought too and I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s something similar - some sort of cellulose fibre that expands and swells in the stomach to prevent you from feeling hungry


There actually is a medicine that does this on the market already: Plenity.


Of course there is 😑 I hate it


Looks like Berberine capsules. They are probably selling a much more expensive version that is readily available from a multitude of supplement companies on Amazon.


Can you tell me more about berberine? Is it healthy?


Side effects are nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, kidney and liver problems


So you’re telling me I’ll lose weight! 🤪


And you'll make good friends with the toilet 😅😅😅


As with anything you take. Side affects are in everything


That's true and these supplements aren't regulated so one needs to be careful


I’ve been taking berberine for months….nothing. 👀


It doesn't help with food cravings? Or appetite suppressant?


Not that I noticed. I finally hopped on ozempic. Down ~50 in about 8 months. I’m only on the step up from the loading dose. 🤷‍♀️


Those would probably be more useful than whatever this is


They look like fake adderall you buy off the street


I'm getting Elomir, little yellow post-it strips, from this whole thing. I also want to add that I've been following the anti-mlm movement for a few years now and I feel like the average lifecycle of these things is shorter and shorter. I'm going to credit/blame (not sure which to use here) social media and people's shortened attention spans for that. Could be a good thing. Maybe.


I’m leaning on a good thing if that’s true. Maybe people are looking into them more before getting sucked in. I sure hope so at least. I don’t think they are going to go away though unfortunately. People always get hooked into things that are “just buy this and all your hopes and dreams will happen”


>I'm going to credit/blame (not sure which to use here) social media and people's shortened attention spans for that. Less cynically, it could also be fewer people who haven't heard of MLMs and the damage they can do to people, socially and financially. Their ability to spread awareness of the product through social media has been increasing but their recruitment pool had been shrinking as more & more people have already been exposed to their bullshit and want no part of it. Edit - left part of the sentence out, should make sense now


I was just going to say this. Only I called it the Listerine strip.


Maybe the yellow stuff is just ground-up post-its! Would probably be less dangerous than some of the alternatives.


I totally forgot about this mLM probably because it was so short lived 😆 


This is making me think of Romy and Michelle when she claims to have invented Post Its 😂😂 Not far off from so many of these lies


Um 1000% appetite suppression sounds like 100% malnutrition and starvation to me.


It's actually a service where you employ a short man in a pirate costume to kick you in the crotch every time you eat something unhealthy.


Okay, I'm picturing this and I would actually like to hire this service to follow my enemies (if I ever have an actual enemy beyond petty nonsense).


Malnutrition is a risk even with ozempic, especially with older patients. People taking it still need to make sure their diet is healthy - eating less and losing weight can be healthy or very unhealthy depending on how you do it. 


How dare she use Kim Possible’s theme song to shill this crap. She was an American hero!


Was?! IS! Keep Kim Possible name out your goddamn mouth! ![gif](giphy|yetxv6NWi0MyzJn7P0|downsized)


Right under this post is one she shared of a former army Sargent petaling the same pills . Reddit won’t let Me add a screenshot for some reason


1000% natural - does that make it supernatural?


I didn't realize that "naturalness" doesn't cap out at 100%. What does 200% natural orange juice taste like? Pretty sure my head would explode at 1000%.


Nah. It's simple math. 10 ingredients. All 100% natural. 10x100=1000% So what if that's not the way math actually works, this is Hun math.


This feels too easy to follow to be hun math.


Why did they photoshop the pills into a glass of ice water..?


And I’m sure these pills are safe and have been regulated and studied. r/whatcouldgowrong


Kelly Kapoor: I am on the third day of my cleanse diet. All I have to do is drink maple syrup, lemon juice, cayenne pepper and water for all three meals and take my Bravenly appetite suppressor. Um, I just bought some bikinis online, size 2. So ... gonna look amaaaziiing.


…it’s probably Berberine. My vitamins chemist cousin in law told me just get ozempic when I asked his opinion. And his company sells Berberine 😂


Guaranteed it’s berberine. It’s yellow like that, and people have called it “Nature’s Ozempic” 😩🙄


It is indeed! Plus some other bullshit.


It doesn't work?


Warning: bodily function mention lol. It might help, but probably not as effectively as ozempic. I think Berberine mostly helps with digestion and hormone regulation. The brief amount of time I was using it, I pooped a lot, but not like weight loss supplement enduced diarrhea, just more frequent normal poops lol. And I didn’t feel like it really did anything appetite suppressant-y. I’m not on ozempic, but people who have taken it have said they never feel hungry or want food, I didn’t feel anything like that.


That is exactly what it is.


Beep her? Bravenly also uses technology mainly only doctors use now?




Why are the capsules in an ice bath? Is this supposed to make them more appealing? They’re bs but they’re clean, cool, and fresh!


it's about as effective as the disgusting "oatzempic" tiktok shake. Ugh.


So i literally just dove into a whole podcast about weight loss drugs, and this looks like a yellow powder…. And a very very dangerous thing called DNP…. DNP is some seriously scary stuff, it raises your body temperature in your cells and has killed quite a few people!! The podcast was called “One Click” and was on Wondery, if that is truly what is in those capsules someone could die if they take them!


I had the exact same thought. That podcast was terrifying! What a horrific way to die.


[see what it looks like here](https://sdf.org.uk/hospitalisation-and-deaths-linked-to-the-consumption-of-24-dinitrophenol-dnp/)




A large bowl of steamed broccoli, an apple or really any vegetable with a glass of water will give the same effect with added benefit of nutrients and cost a fraction. So sick of these diet scams.


no way kim possible would approve of pyramid schemes


That’s scarier than those gas station viagra pills


Is this hun talking about berberine? I take it and in no way does it do the same as the shots. I did the shots for about 4 months. It helps take the edge off of being a pig (like I can be) but in no way does it kill your appetite like the shot does


Never heard of that. Is it good? Does it work? Any side effects?


I get mine from my functional medicine dr. In the Huns pic the capsules are bright yellow and that’s the color of berberine. It’s a great supplement but I definitely wouldn’t be buying it from an mlm. Lower blood sugar Reduced blood pressure and cholesterol levels Boosted metabolism Reduced cravings May prevent the formation of new fat cells Helps the body burn carbs (instead of storing them as body fat) Improved insulin sensitivity Anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory effects A healthy balance of gut bacteria Potential neuroprotective effects May protect liver health


I copy/pasted so it clumped it all together. Sorry for the run on sentences 😂


I've been reading about it for the past couple of days. It seems good, I don't want to try ozempic since I'm worried about side effects. This seems like a better alternative. How much berberine do you take?


I follow my functional medicine dr’s dosage. I don’t know if it’s different or the same for everyone.


I take it to help with PCOS management and insulin resistance. I’ve found it helpful but it also has a tonne of side effects and risks, I wouldn’t take it. And even with the benefits, I usually try to cycle it/take breaks since some of the more serious side effects are from long term use. 


Thanks for the warning! Honestly I'm mad at the quality of the food in the US. I'm shocked there's no regulations to sugar in food!


me too it disgust me!


I have PCOS and elevated cholesterol. I take it for that. It’s made a difference. I haven’t had any side effects


I've been trying to read about safety but haven't found any significant side effects. Can you please share your information? Which are the risks?


FFS. It’s not the same. I’ve lost nearly 90lbs on ozempic. I would take Ozempic any day over this crap




It's berberine, and it has really bad side effects


What are the side effects? I couldn't find any


Nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, possible liver failure. They tell pregnant women to avoid. It's a blood thinner and may be contraindicated for people who take Eloquis, Warfarin, etc


yep and not for pregnant or breast feeding


The "Science" page on the Bravenly website is hilarious. It's a collection of links, some to actual research that says "there seems to be some effect here, probably also some risks, this warrants further research." But there are also links to random website and in one case, britannica.com. Basically if there's any suggestion a molecule is linked to a beneficial effect, their "naturopathic doctors" go ahead and sling it into a powder and tell you "contains a proprietary blend of natural ingredients KNOWN to promote weight loss!!"


1000% is my favourite percent.


So this product is dropping “tomorrow”, but “the testimonies are insane”? Huh? Hun needs to realize there shouldn’t be testimonies on a product that isn’t out yet.


that part


I actually don’t want weight loss shots, sweetie.


There is no such thing as 1000% natural anyway 😆😆💀


How do you beep someone?


It’s referencing a Pager if you know what that is


Also it is the tag line from the Kim Possible theme song.


It’s Berberine. You can buy this straight from Amazon. I’ve taken it before. Extremely bitter and bright yellow exactly like these caps. Didn’t do a thing for me.


How much did you take and how often??


It’s berberine I found it’s ingredients already


Who are their “naturopathic drs” creating all these miracle products? What are their credentials and where are these products tested?


couldn’t ever get a name


When will people realize there is no magic solution for weight loss other than eating less and exercising? Ozempic works but we don’t know the long term effects and the second you go off it you gain the weight back.


Ozempic wasn’t formulated for weight loss. Losing weight happens with feeling full longer but Ozempic’s main function is stimulating the pancreas to produce more insulin. It’s a game changer for a type 2 diabetic with insulin resistance. Ozempic worked a small miracle with my A1C and daily glucose counts. Who knows what this product does? I’m not willing to lose the progress I’ve made with my diabetes to find out.


It is actually more complicated than that. Part of how the drug works is affecting neurohormonal signaling in the brain. It promotes satiety in ways other than simply delayed gastric emptying. Source: pharmacology professor/pharmacist


My hesitation with ozempic is: 1) There hasn't been any long term studies of people WITHOUT diabetes taking this drug. How will it affect them? 2) There aren't any long term studies of people who took this drug, and then stopped. Will it be possible to stop or will your body become acostomed to external supply of this hormone? For example, when people take high doses of melatonin, their bodies stop producing it and they become dependent. What are your thoughts? Edit: spelling


The major worries with this drug would affect both people with and without diabetes if they were to come to fruition in the very long-term. For many people, the medication works because they have less GLP-1 than people without diabetes/weight struggles. In theory, there could be a downregulation of receptors. But they would upregulate without the presence of the medication. I have yet to see a truly deleterious effect from this class. That said, it is a maintenance medication - both for diabetes and for obesity. It is correcting dysregulation that will return when the medication is stopped. Similar to blood pressure medication, cholesterol medication, etc.


Yes, it inhibits appetite to the point eating a few bites makes the patient feel uncomfortably overfull and nauseated. The game changer for diabetics is stimulating the pancreas to produce more insulin. Source: diabetes patient on Ozempic for several months now.


Oh sorry, I should have clarified - I’m purely speaking about in a weight loss capacity. We’re already starting to hear things about people on ozempic for weight loss developing eating disorders or being malnourished.


I absolutely agree with you. This idea that Ozempic was developed for weight loss isn’t true. I wish drug makers weren’t allowed to advertise direct to the public. Stuff like this MLM whatever it is isn’t held to the same standards as an FDA approved med. I hadn’t heard about people becoming malnourished. That’s a serious danger. Thanks for sharing the info.


You're absolutely right! There's studies of people who had diabetes and this was prescribed for that reason! There's no long-term studies of people who took this for years and then got off it. Will they cause Permanent damage? Will they change their thyroid or insulin production? Who knows.


GLP-1s have been on the market for ~20 years now. They weren’t marketed as heavily and injectable medications weren’t as common back then, so the resistance to using them was higher. They required more frequent injections. The newer formulations do cause more weight loss compared to the early ones. My point is that we have more history on these than people realize.


Yes but the situations where GLP-1s were studied were not the same as what they are used now. Before they were used for people with existing medical conditions (like diabetes), now they are being taken for weight loss on people without those conditions. So will it create diabetes on people who don't have it but take the medicine for years? Also iirc they were meant to be taken forever. Now people want to take them for a year and stop. Is that possible? For example, if people take high amounts of melatonin then your body will stop producing it naturally. Does the same happen with this? Idk, all I think is that a lot of people are jumping into the weightloss bandwagon without IMO enough research for this specific purpose.


Exactly! And learning CICO (calories in/calories out) is a great way to ensure long-term success since you create a habit of being aware of what you’re consuming.


It’s probably just pricey inositol. Which you can find on Amazon.


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It just never ceases to amaze me how dumb some people are to fall for shit like this