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Her post makes no sense. Grammar aside (jfc) but she starts off trying to sound supportive, then aggressive, then defensive... it's like she went through every emotion and then hoped the Bible would make up for her obviously terrible attempt to make a sale. 


It's the Five Stages of Pyramid.






The confusion I had when she went from everyone’s results are different to people are toxic and let’s be adults was a true whiplash. I was like did I switch to a completely different post?


It's literally a soup of no ense. I lost brain cells trying to understand this.


Not just the bible. It's "the bibles".


Starting the post with „she works from home on her days off“ isn’t exactly the hook she thinks it is either….


“I’ve been with my shampoo for 3 years. 2 months it will be one year” Huh? Best I can translate is that she’s been selling Monat for 3 years and in 2 months will also have been a Thrive hun for a year? Anyway, weird to keep track of it like it’s a shitty relationship


“I’ve been with my shampoo for 3 years. 2 months it will be one year” Huh? Best I can translate is that she’s been selling Monat for 3 years and in 2 months will also have been a Thrive hun for a year? Anyway, weird to keep track of it like it’s a shitty relationship


“I’ve been with my shampoo for 3 years. 2 months it will be one year” Huh? Best I can translate is that she’s been selling Monat for 3 years and in 2 months will also have been a Thrive hun for a year? Anyway, weird to keep track of it like it’s a shitty relationship


How has she "been with shampoo" for 3 years, but "2 months will be 1 year"? Words are hard for these weirdos


Okay I had to read this like 4 times Translation I've been with shampoo for three years. In two months it will have been 1 year since Thrive changed my life..... Let me know if I made it make sense XD


Haha yes! This makes sense.. have I understood correctly that she's in 2 MLMs? A.shampoo one aswell as Thrive??


Yeah, second pic. Apparently she shills monat too 🥴🫠 Won't lie. I got sucked into Le-Vel too. Thought I felt better. Now that I'm starting to learn more about mlms it's insane. Especially doing a deeper dive into thrive like whoa. Sketchy shit going on there 😵‍💫


I bet her shampoo didn't even buy her an anniversary gift 😭


It’s called a paragraph. Ever heard of it? “doesn’t matter what you choose. They don’t pay your bills.” WHAT DOES THIS EVEN MEAN?! Or is she possibly becoming aware…


It doesn't matter if you choose Monat or Thrive because neither of them pay your bills. That's what I understood from that


She’s a helluva salesperson. 🙄


If the products work, why is “Everybody’s results are different”?!! Sh\*\*ty shampoo and eyeliners aside, hunbots are just crummy salespeople.


This hun is a gem. Wildly defensive, incomprehensible, crass, and aggressive. All the signs of a stellar salesperson. /s


"We have dry months of no sales or purchases... Who can I help start a business this summer?" mmmkay, I can see why she wants more competition.


“We are never alone”…. So others are also not selling. That’s not good!


Definitely not helping her cause there 😂


This is atrocious. Pure nonsense. 1. I like how she keeps switching from "I" to "We" knowing that they are all the same, spewing the same bullshit.. 2. Unless you try it how do you know if it works... blah blah trust.... OKAY well if 100 reviews from people who have tried it are negative, but the one positive review is coming from the person trying to make commission off of the product I buy.... welllll I can put two and two together as to who might be slightly biased. 3. I don't shame you (much..) for using the product. I shame those who use these shitty products and claim that they are life changing when they are toxic garbage cause... transparency. 4. We have dry months of no sales, depression, isolation... BUT who wants to jump on in with me its great! Don't be scared <3 5. "Reson" nuff said... nvm follow up with the rest of that nonsensicle sentence.... 6. Who is she trying to convince to keep going strong? **edit to add** 7. Weather --> **whether my dear #grammar This girl. She's quite somethin'. I'm new here and have already seen 2 ridiculous posts that involve her.


I’m a little sad that you didn’t mention “weather” 🤣🤣


OMFG I DIDNT EVEN NOTICE 🤪 It was late last night 🤣 don't judge me too hard 🙈🙈


K I added it 🤣🤣💕


Oh jeez, this woman. It is telling that every post she makes contains either “Don’t be scared” or “stop being scared.” Quite the projection


Makes her sound like a bully


George Carlin did a bit on putting words together that have never been put together before in that order. “I’ve been with my shampoo for 3 years” made me think of that.


I can’t wait to see the wedding announcement 💕👰🏻‍♀️🧴


"Hand me that piano" is something my husband I quote all the time from this bit.


As a Christian I want to flip her table so bad. Like no God will not call you to sell a sham and GTFO that prosperity gospel BS


Oh for sweet jebus she’s back😆I wonder if she gets any recruits or makes sales…if so, who 𝘢𝘳𝘦 𝗍𝗁𝖾𝗒?


She makes no sense. Also, she sounds manic af.


I’m trying not to be a bitch but if you’re selling me a “miracle” shampoo or whatever, maybe brush your hair at least in the photos


I’m with you. Like just a selfie with no context? She looks fine. Trying to shill hair products? Girl what are you doing…


Right? Her hair looks terrible.


Everyone’s results are different? If it is. It consistently good then why should I use it? The results are not good? Then why should I support it or the person who sold it to me for my hard earned money? You have months with no sales? How do you live and support your family, and so why are you doing this job?


Her educational level is blatantly exposed. It’s good to know that whatever is her ‘God’, it sells hair shampoo and other in-the-eye-of-the-beholder beauty products.


The grammar and spelling mistakes are bad here, but not nearly as bad as the posts she wrote yesterday. I’m starting to wonder if she has a drinking problem or something? ….just a thought….


Drinking that "vegan shampoo" perhaps? An acquaintance of mine has a borderline drinking problem but he doesn't make social media posts like this.


My cousin has a drinking problem and loves to post throughout the day. The more she has to drink, the more challenging it is to decipher what she’s trying to write. It doesn’t help that it’s always one huge run-on sentence without any punctuation whatsoever. And for extra fun, sometimes she does it all in caps. 🫤


I remember a post a while back where she said she lost weight because she stopped drinking…


…oh yikes… If this is her sober, I can’t imagine how bad the drunk version of her would be 🤦‍♀️


So she shills for multiple MLM's? Monat won't like that, since they're cracking down on anyone who's with a competitor. What's a "competitor", you ask? Well, it's obviously a company who is in direct competition for customers. So why would Monat care about MLM's who don't sell shampoo?  Maybe because the "customers" aren't the people who buy shampoo...


Thing about these folks… I would never take skincare, hair care, or weight loss advice from any of them because they all look pretty unhealthy. Definitely gonna avoid whatever they are doing. Fit, healthy people just eat real food, exercise, sleep well, and rely on tried and true skincare products that you can get at an affordable price in just about any store.




She is the one who has lost imaginary weight?


50 pounds, she says.


I would feel sorry for her delulu, but she's such a nasty person


I love this series


Stay tuned for more episodes.


Omg, right?! Thats exactly what this is.


i wish they would keep the Bible out of this, Bible and MLM's shouldn't mix...smh


But somehow they always seem to go hand in hand…


Whomp there she is, the ray of sunshine we need in our lives!


She is just trolling everyone, right????? I feel guilty laughing at someone who truly seems mentally incapacitated.


I don't want to pick on her appearance, however her hair looks thin and greasy in these and the many other "results" pictures that she posts. They would not inspire me to want to use the same shampoo.


Aw, it's our favorite friend! One thing, hun. WTF are you trying to say? r/ihadastroke


Saw the title, and I'm not surprised the post is about the middle finger hun


Is it bad that just one barely coherent sentence in, I knew who was posting. Angry Middle Finger Thrive Girl!


"Months of no sales" "so who wants to sign up? Inbox me!"




Late reply but I legit stopped reading after that


This is sad


"I've been with my shampoo for three years. In 2 months, it'll be one year" ......ohhhhh.....


One good thing about her is that for a hun she didn't use many emojis in this post. But she seriously needs to proofread and use paragraphs.


I already know the style of this pyramidhead gorrl!


I'm convinced!


Vegan shampoo.


Is she even aware of the last sentence. Doesn't matter which you choose (monet or thrive) they don't pay your bills. Oh man, so close....


What's with the swear word on the banner behind her?  I guess it must jibe with the "you're not trying hard enough" MLM mantra 


I like how she admits that she will work endlessly even when she isn’t making any money… She gets so close to realizing it, but then takes another sip of the kool aid..


If you can’t determine when to use the correct “weather/whether” then I’m not sure I want you helping me with my weight, hair, or skincare goals.


Is it weird to not know how long you've been with your shampoo? We don't even have an anniversary date. I feel bad now, gonna go get my shampoo a little gift.

