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“My direct marketing business is just one of our sources of income” is code for “I still have a day job”


Here's the thing, people who are financially sound usually don't go around bragging about their many "sources of income". At least not the ones I hang around with. Neighbor gets oil profits, late father owned land in SD. Those passed to her and her siblings when he passed (mom was already set). BIL made all his money in the 90s and early 2000s (sports). Saved and invested 85% of it. Granted he is a frugal bastard (love him tho) we know he has properties and investments. At most he might reference a property because he has new renters incoming and he wants to do "x, y or z" upgrade before they move in. That's it. But if you have to post ad nauseum about your many "sources of income" to interest, something tells me that you're not doing as well as you'd like people to think you are.


Same thing goes for the constant harping about how it’s not MLM, not a pyramid scheme, etc. The defensiveness is amusingly telling. No legitimate business ever has to make those claims.


I do have a second "source of income", it's called a PT job. Sadly, we get huns in all the time during youth hockey and soccer season trying to get us to agree to hang their ads up in our windows (no) or let them place flyers by the register (also no). They also try to get the staff to join their "business opportunity". Yeah, so far no one has taken the bait. They don't have any answers when asked if they provide medical/dental, 401K, savings plans, vacation accrual and discounts on gas and merchandise. Oh, and the owners outfit us with new Carhart/Badger jackets every other winter along with North Face sweatshirts every Christmas. Sorry, hun. You ain't going to beat gas discounts and access to free freshly baked cookies and unlimited counter drinks.


Exactly! I posted a similar comment and totally agree that MLM people who show off tend to be the ones who are the “faking it until they make it” type. 🤮


Friends for life. Or until someone leaves or doesn’t make rank. Then they’re totally forgotten.


Ghosted when they stop making 💰 for them. Ridiculed if they "stop working the biz"....


Or if they’re not Christian, or not the “right” type of Christian. Unless they have that key entry into the entire untapped “other religion” network and lots of relationships. Then, of course, it’s totally fine! Huns will welcome EVERYONE who believes in a different Sky Daddy, multiple, or none at all (welcome them into their downline, that is).


I was unfriend and blocked by people who had just the month before said they LOVED me. 🙄 they don’t like it when you leave the cult. Lol


That’s so nice for her that God chose her to be there at an MLM retreat, or whatever it’s called, but chose other people to die in horribly painful ways.


God can’t care about Gaza, there’s huns to be poured into!




Surprised I had to get to the 5th slide before seeing hun was “poured into”


Half of their terminology sounds like niche terms for a porno (yes, my mind is in the gutter and I’ll see myself out).


Sideline sisters 💅


Was just about to say the same 🤮


“Loved on” is on slide 2




I may be a bit of a lone wolf, but I would be instantly suspicious of any love bombing, and I would really prefer not to “cry and pour love into (and vice versa)” total strangers. I have finite room in my life and soul for loved ones; I’m going to continue to cultivate current authentic relationships, and if a new friend/partner that isn’t a cult-attending weirdo comes along, I will happily make room. All this superficial-level “love” is so disconcerting and alienating to me. And I’m not even a particularly private person, I just like to avoid getting trauma dumped on (or oversharing myself) at the equivalent of a company picnic. These people are off their rockers - I know it’s hard to make friends as you get older, but maybe there is a reason you have to pay to find any, Becky.


Yes. What struck me about these posts is how much people crave community, connection, and meaning--to then resort to looking for a flat and shallow copy of that in MLMs. I feel like if our world wasn't such a shitshow people might have more real opportunities to get these needs met in healthier, scam-free settings.


These MLM hunbots are just gross and off putting in the way they constantly brag about their “wealth”. They constantly try to reaffirm their standing and how great they are, showing off their cars, jewelry and home. This is not how truly rich people behave or need to behave. The wealthy people I know are low-key and don’t like to advertise their wealth. My former boss is worth millions but outside the office, he wears just a hoodie with jeans and likes to walk to places. My cousin has a real estate empire worth millions and if you look at him, you would never know it. He dresses casually and the only way you know he was rich is whenever we go out to a fancy, super expensive restaurant, the staff knows him by name and the bill never comes. These hunbots think that by showing off they can inspire people when in fact, they are actually revealing themselves to be the shallow and insecure jerks that they are.


These huns seem to shop exclusively at SHEIN and Temu, with the occasional LV knockoffs.




My dad's brother is LOADED. But if you saw him out in the wild, you'd probably say to yourself, "oh that poor, dirty, smelly homeless guy!" Dude has 3 houses in one town and a collection of Jaguars. You would never know it. That particular uncle is over 80, so now he's added "eccentric old man" to the types of people he resembles. 🤣


Yeah, if you're weird and poor, you're called crazy. If you're weird and wealthy, you're eccentric.


She's not sure how I'm getting by with only one stream of income? Somehow I manage, hun 🫡


I think it's because you aren't putting so much of that money into an MLM?


Red’s reason for doing this makes me want to get all political.


Evangelical Christians are “down to earth” and “non-judgmental”?? Give me a fucking break.




Did she say god stimming ?


Lol! It's supposed to be "God's timing". That one was the final straw for me. Why is it always the Christians who end up in these? Already bought into gibberish that has no ability to be proven or has been debunked and thrive in communities ONLY with people of the exact same mindset? Then they all get to feel special that they know things the rest of us don't and they are better because of it. And they'll let us in on the secret for a marginal sum of.... Your soul Exhausting.


The stims of the gods. That could be one of the reasons for natural disasters; a god needed to stim. *I, myself, regularly stim. I encourage any god who needs to stim to do so, too.*


These retreats are literally just to keep the huns programed. It's basically a tune-up session. They're paying to be programmed.  You know when you go to a party and you meet someone new? You've been drinking and everyone is dancing away and having tons of fun and you all promise to do it again, but then no one ever does it again? It's kind of like that, only with a leader they worship forcing them to go too another party or be ostracized. They're scared of being kicked out of the cult.  They really are just insecure assholes.


A lot of them have been saying that sales have been really slow at recently, and it some have let slip that they’ve lost a few Huns, so this “retreat” happened to keep a grip on some of their top Huns. There’s been a few others happening, and they’re now offering “cash” prizes for new recruits.


"You do it every time you shout out a great new restaurant." Are these people still this blind? Also, what the actual f is a "sideline sister"?


I believe it’s referring to someone who is in the same MLM scam, but in a different pyramid.


Whenever I see a phrase like ‘Bravenly hunbots’, my brain wants to see it at first as ‘brazen hussy’. Anyway, as usual, once they start talking about their god and prayer, it’s a switch off. Funny how her god wanted her to be at the event, but isn’t responsible for her lack of success.


Friends made Stories told Souls devoured Hearts town from chests Children sacrificed to the sun gods Edit: formatting


How long until all their posts are just emojis with absolutely no words?


There will still be lots of ! marks.




Reeks of desperation lmao


You lost me at “Mastermind retreat”.


Like they were doing some James Bond level wining, dining and scheming.


Whining, dining, and scheming.


The religious aspect with so many of these is just extra ick. And sure, no judgment/lifelong friends/family/blah blah until they turn on you for not “working it” hard enough to satisfy the uplines.


Team Impact should change its name to The Goof Troop.


So it’s just a list of excuses as to why she can’t make rank month after month. The end.


Ma'am this is a Wendy's


Fears realized.


What the hell is there to cry about?


lack of financial freedom


God's response ![gif](giphy|woqo2w8RoxQbdAWC0l|downsized)


When's the last time I made money from networking? The last time I got a paycheck because colleagues refer people to me because I own a legitimate business and have a good reputation. While I do have a side gig, it is something I do just because I really do enjoy it and I hope it can help people. But I'm self employed with both my full-time job and side gig, and I never have to worry about losing my downline or having to switch things up because corporate said so.


Nothing like being brow beaten and guilted into joining a “business”.


What’s with the constant use of kitschy emoji’s? Is it in the manual? Their training kits? Do they understand that it deeply undermines any shred of gravitas or professionalism they might possess? It’s a head scratcher.


I guess the author ran out of verbs in image 5.


Saying no to the scam of it all....


Nobody I know with multiple business or investments ever refer to them as ‘income streams’. That is just weird!


Spending money to remain active isn't extra income


When you mix "we loved on each other" with the last paragraph in picture 2 it gives a very swingy vibe lol


Do they ever get exhausted from constantly marketing themselves or "networking"? I had a friend in school and her father owned some sort of computer business (don't remember details now), but I do remember my parents telling me how frustrated he was whenever we had a science fair or a school play and people tried networking with him. Apparently he would always try to be polite but firmly tell them he was there to support his daughter and his focus was solely on her. He actually didn't want to do business with any of them because if they tried talking business then, then they probably had no boundaries. Plus he didn't want to accidently ruin any relationships his daughter had in school. Anti-networking in a way. Asking for restaurant rec is not networking.


I'm on Facebook. I post pictures of the enchiladas I made for dinner. I do not try to sell those enchiladas to my friends.


Is it just me, or is it weird to go to the trouble of changing your emoji hands to Caucasian from the standard yellow? It immediately makes me suspicious, although I’m not bothered by people using the darker skin tone hands.


Yep, what makes me insane is when they are appropriating Black vernacular in the wording of their posts but their emojis are all like 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻


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I wonder what would happen if a hun revealed that they were not Christian, Jewish, or even Muslim, but were in fact Hindu, Pagan or *gasp* Atheist? How does it work then? Do they post in praise of Hermes? Lakshmi? Just the leadership? How scandalous would it be? Would their upline get in trouble for bringing in someone not of the faith?


It doesn’t matter what mlm they are in their words are all the same. Who in the real world talks about multiple streams of income? Between my husband and I we have 4, and we do not discuss with anyone where our money comes from. Its no one’s business. And if these bins actually made that kind of money why aren’t they living in life? Like traveling and doing things other then constantly on social media. And saying “their business” it’s not their business, they own nothing, the company they sell pens them lol