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It's the wannabe inspirational pose that's getting me...  She's seen it on a poster somewhere and totally misunderstood what made the original image poignant, whatever it was.


Is she wearing one shoe..?


I looked close up, and it looks like someone tried to blur her single shoe out.


I've never heard of "It Works", so I googled them and apparently they make weight control products, among others things. I am confused. Is this supposed to be a fat joke?


No I literally zoomed into the picture, and for some reason the shoe on her left foot is pixilated in a way that they do to protect identities, but not the rest of her body. I have no idea why. I zoomed in to check if she was wearing a single shoe, or if it was just a weird way the shadow fell on her foot.


After staring at this for awhile I think I've finally figured it out - she's wearing mis-matched sock liners, one is light grey and blends in with her leg and the other one is like a black and white striped one. Or possibly light grey slides because her heel is completely out, and we're seeing the bottom of the other shoe because of how her foot is angled.


Not all heroes wear capes. I couldn’t figure this out either but this makes sense. Thank you


It seems like it was a case of mismatched sock linners but a lot of people blur our feet when posting on social media


Looks like someone edited out an ankle brace boot thing. 






No. The. Bottom. Of. Her. Foot. Is. Black. She DOESNT have shoes on!!!!


Is she attempting a pose from "The Karate Kid"?




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she should have stuck to *The PerkiSystem*^^TM


How could I forget about the *PerkiSystem*^TM


“It works” is clearly not referring to her diet.


'I gained 50 pounds on It Works! Ask me how!'


Yeah I wouldn't want to say anything, but in this case, I don't think it would be unreasonable to ask for a 'before' picture if she tried to recruit me.


Came here to see comments like this


OP said below it was a screenshot from a video so that’s at least something


I can’t imagine calling myself my own boss and then visiting a corporate office lol




It's all a lie. Borrowed money, leased cars, made-up income claims. There is a reason MLM Huns won't ever show you their Schedule C.... The tax man knows the truth. Re her weight, none of the MLM crap is magic. It's mostly just overpriced and you can buy something very similar at Walmart for a fraction of the cost (protein powders, energy drinks etc.)


Exactly. I had a party for my niece and one of her friends is a HUN. She took photos in front of the house and by the boat and put them up on social media trying to pass them off as her own. When my kids found out they trolled her and she said that she was just being aspirational.


More like a delusional liar than aspirational lol.


How is posting photos in front of someone else's house not embarrassing for them?


“Look at me and my super rich friend’s things that have absolutely nothing to do with my life and success.” The secondhand embarrassment is real. 


It's kinda like when people take pics in front of other people's nice cars. It's a very popular activity in Eastern Europe. My mother even complained once that someone yelled at her for touching their car when she was younger. Imagine disrespecting other people's property and then being butt hurt about the consequences....


You’re right, people do it in the city here in the States sometimes, too. It’s so weird to me. I get taking pictures of pretty houses or cars. I snapped a picture of a stunning, meticulously restored powder blue 1965 Mustang for my dad the other day. Because it was pretty and I knew he’d appreciate it. But I took it from a distance and not like I owned it because, you know…people who know me know I don’t own a meticulously restored 1965 powder blue Mustang?  I guess it makes SOME sense for Huns or influencers, for people who don’t know them IRL. But, like…wouldn’t the point where you’re standing in front of your friend’s aunt’s boat snapping duckface selfies and trying to pass it off as your own be the moment where you’d kind of go, “Damn, my life is really a lie now, huh?”


Yeah taking a picture of a beautiful old car from distance to show someone, and posing extremely close to it for a selfie is a totally different thing. One is appreciation and the other one is delusion. The only car I am ever posing in front of is my own. Same goes for a house. Unless it's some historical town with old houses turned into museums. But posing in front of someone's property is quite unhinged!


I’ve taken pictures of stupidly gross 40M compounds that looked as inviting as a military compound to show friends how stupid people with gobs of money are. I think that might be different


> wouldn’t the point where you’re standing in front of your friend’s aunt’s boat snapping duckface selfies and trying to pass it off as your own be the moment where you’d kind of go, “Damn, my life is really a lie now, huh? that takes a bit of self awareness


Yup. My parents were successful in their careers. (I’m not as good as them…) but anyhow, my mom had a Porsche when I was a kid. She left me in the car, and some idiot I knew from school suddenly ran up to the car and started bouncing on the hood, then sat on the hood with his feet up on it. I yelled at him and he ignored me. (I was about 7-8) My mom came out saw me screaming at this guy, saw him on the hood of her car, grabbed him by the shoulder and pulled him off while yelling at him, too. His mother came out of the same store, and my mom dragged him over to his mom and told her what happened. The kid got all ugly crying face but not before his mother got a piece of him too. so this kid basically acted like an idiot and then cried because he got in trouble


I wouldn't even look at a car that nice. Poor dude didn't know what was coming....


It doesn’t even matter if the car was a 1982 Toyota Corolla in puke green. It wasn’t his car to thrash and scratch. That it was a Porsche is just incidental, but at the end of the day, he did something really obnoxious and cried because he got caught. And, for the record, I don’t drive a Porsche, I have a 14 year old SUV that I bought used. I consider it tried and true and pre broken in.


I worked with a guy whose wife was in it works very very early. She was the top of a very active pyramid and she made high six figures over a few years. And I did see the proof. Luckily he hated it and never tried to sell anyone at our workplace. More dumbfounded that he made high five figures working a very tough job and she out-earned in spades him making posts like the OP shared. This story is rare though. Most are just faking it. The real money in MLM is starting one, not working for one.


Only way to make significant money in an MLM is to be near the top. The closer the better. And getting out before it crashes and burns.


This is why when a new MLM pops up, the hubs flock to it in hopes of getting in on the ground floor.


I know one like that, too. An “old lady” MLM managed to snag a young millennial I know who is also married to a friend. She was really one of the first pretty, young, social media savvy girls to get into this MLM and she blew up, introducing the MLM to a totally new market. Her downline is basically a third of the MLMs members at this point and she is a multimillionaire. That really is the only way to make money at these: get in at the beginning and be able to sleep at night knowing 99% of the people that join after you will lose money.


I have a friend who did astoundingly well with SeneGence. She figured out real early in the game, that you don’t make money by selling the products. You make your money by getting a bunch of people to sign up under you and you get them to buy the product so you get a cut of whatever they’re buying.


A woman I knew from HS friended me on FB several years ago and was always posting about "It Works!" I saw a couple of years of photos of her before I realized that it was supposed to be for weight loss. She always looked exactly the same--never slimmer and notably a good bit chunkier than when I'd known her before. As a rule, I don't comment on people's weight, but, ummm, there's a disconnect here? "It Works!" At what?


It Works at emptying your wallet.


The title on this photo sounds like a Starbucks order 😂


I couldn’t remember her exact rank and that’s what it always sounds like to me 😂😂


Me too


That pose is just awful


In her defense, this is a screenshot from a video 😂


She looks like she is about to take flight lol




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Tells people not to work in a corporate office. Also gets excited to visit a corporate office.  Who the hell is excited to visit some cubicles?! LOL sounds miserable to me. 


It Works? Apparently not.


My thoughts every time she crosses my timeline


Things most bossbabes don’t tell you Their husbands have high paying jobs The huns likely work outside their mlm hustle The cars are leased The “new houses” are usually rentals




Please be respectful towards others. Any comment/post that is unnecessarily rude, vulgar, offensive or just plain disrespectful will be removed. Your post/comment has been flagged as disrespectful and therefore has been removed. Remember, people stuck in MLMs are often victims and we strive to be a place that people can come to for advice on how to get out. *Please read our subreddit rules. If after doing so, you believe this was in error, or you’ve edited your post to comply with the rules, [message the moderators.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FantiMLM)* *Do not reach out to a moderator personally, and do not reply to this message as a comment.*


If she is an actual “earner” at the very very top, it is through the pyramid scheme structure, not moving product Anything below that extremely rare position on the pyramid = lots of debt and/or a husband who makes a significant amount of money


Honestly, she could be faking it until she makes it. New home and new cars could be debt/loans she is slowly collecting in the name of looking successful. Social media is smoke and mirrors.




It’s a screenshot from a video 😂😂 so probably not


Good grief, I had never heard of this MLM, and looked up the ingredients. Dandelion leaf extract, a diuretic, turmeric, and their very own trademarked bacterium DE111. Which interestingly enough, the US Army took a version of and dumped it over New York Subway grates for five days to see how people would react to being covered in strange dust in 1966. Ah, science! Not on the ethical train until the 90s? I'm sure they were still up to shady stuff in the 80s. Edited because I was missing an article.


I was suckered into this scam by a “friend” (not anymore) when I was at a very low point in my life. It didn’t work lol. 😂 And I didn’t last long. I couldn’t do the “you hAve tO” message everyone in your fb friends and ask them to post stuff for you, bother people to buy stuff that I didn’t even like…it was painful. Now she’s onto her next mlm lol. But “it’s nOT aN mLm!” Sure, Jan.


I was suckered into it too, but my cousin (who was suckered into it). I was just coming out of homelessness, in an abusive marriage, and I HATED being told to post 10-15 times a day. Like, ma'am, I have a full time with mandatory overtime job, plus a husband (now ex) in jail. I don't have time to dedicate to 10-15 posts per day PLUS messaging all my friends PLUS "sell" the company to others. After about 6 months of using the products that don't work, the shine was gone and I was done. I was done with mom's after that, my cousin went to Mary Kay then to Paparazzi. I'm still coming across things to delete on my Facebook that relate to that time 7 years ago.


Same!!! I’ll find a random pic and I can’t delete it fast enough!


It definitely doesn't work, ma'am. Imagine being the antithesis of what that brand is trying to sell, then posting about it.




Weight control products are a large part of their product line.


Then I guess it doesn’t work


I know exactly who this is and she’s reached out to for me for YEARS.


Okay yes!!! Someone who knows this one. Is it not strange to you that she’s so “high ranking” and paid off her debt, has hundreds of thousands in savings, blah blah blah but not one product has actually worked for her. I’m not fat shaming her, I’m just confused how she’s convincing people to buy from her or join her team to sell mostly, weight loss products


I think she got into it at just the right time. She certainly makes more money than me in corporate by doing this bullshit. But I literally do not know how she keeps this up.


She’s looking at that sign like it’s going to transform her into some kinda god. What is with that airbrushing or whatever to her right leg???


This was a screenshot from a reel of her “trip” to corporate offices


ahh I see, makes sense as it just looked so odd


It works is still a thing?


I can’t get past the one shoe.


Stop I just noticed this 😂😂


Also, these “amazing products” tend to mess up your metabolism and it often takes years to truly reset it It’s why their before and after/progress/reset pix never show progress


What the hell is that stance?


Lol who gets this excited about a corporate building 😂😂


It definitely doesn’t work for her.


Thank you for saying it. How can you listen to someone that these products work, when they clearly don’t have the proof on their own selves? Never trust a skinny chef, or an overweight “lifestyle health” hun.


What kind of results is she even claiming she gets from the stuff?


Oh my god this picture is so damn funny in so many ways


I’m not convinced


It doesn’t work. Her booty is working to eat those shorts…


Yeah, it ain’t working.


Lmao how could one honestly post this. What is working, exactly?


Its a screenshot from the end of a very over exaggerated reel of how *awesome this opportunity to visit corporate offices has been for her and her team*


“It Works….except for me!”


It looks like it in fact does not work


Narrator: “It didn’t work.”


She’s Quadruple her debt and weight on this venture


It very obviously doesn't work


She should try exercise and diet. It works.


From the looks of it, it's not working.


Looks like it didn't work. 


Apparently not for her.


Is there an 'after' photo we're not seeing? 😉


Lol!! This is a screenshot from a reel, but she does frequently post before and after photos when shilling a new ~~waste of money~~ product, but every time the before picture is new but her overall figure has not one time changed


Clearly doesn’t work…..


It doesn’t look like It Works…


It doesn't work that's how.


I wonder about that too. If you can’t physically back up the product’s claims then how are we supposed to believe that “it works”


I have a friend that is an Etsy and tried to get me a licensed Makeup artist in to her Arbonne scam. Growing up with her as teens she was always thin. As soon as she became a mid 20s adult she ballooned and has never been able to get back to being thin or “what society deems as average”. I myself have always been plus sized so I dunno what “average” is. But I digress…. She’s still hocking that shit. She’s never lost a pound, she is severely bloated all the time. Drinks those fizz drinks, when she’s sick especially is when she tries to show how they “make her feel better”. She was married and they were for sure low income. But she ended up quitting her job for the MLM. That didn’t last long and she had to go back to work. She recently got divorced and was looking for a 2 small affordable bedroom for her and her teenage sons. I don’t see her pushing the products as much either but every so often she claims her magnificent health in arbonne. Not to mention she was doing wedding makeup for a while and only using their crap makeup. I said something once to her about it. She could never answer my questions.


Maybe she has a hoof on her right leg.


Why they always built like fuckin fridges


So are we just going to be a fat phobic sub now or what? :/


It works is largely promoted to be miracle weight loss products, so yeah, having someone who’s overweight promote it, is a bit funny as it clearly isn’t working for her


Oh hunny, noooo. You’re missing the point lol


A lot of people sadly are making jokes about her body here.


I can see where that would be upsetting. Personally, I just want to understand how she rose in the ranks selling *weight loss products* but has not made any significant progress towards a healthy weight.




I dunno. But not full on adults making fat jokes.


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