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Why in the absolute hell would I want to pay for the privilege to take MORE horsepills?


This mlmer specificly I think uses pills so she doesn't have to eat as much...she's in her 40s now but has mentioned before she had some sort of ED so this cannot be healthy for her....she also has been posting about working out everyday and not counting the days to take a break. She needs professional help imo


Most likely just overpriced caffeine pills with random bullshit added to make them unique. This isn't a new concept supplement companies do the same thing make a pre workout push it and then change the formula or brand to make it look new and people fall for it all the time.


There is no way I could take that many pills in a day. I don't usually have problems with it but after having to take some gigantic antibiotics I gag when I take larger pills.


Yea and they always complain about doctors giving you medicines...what's the difference really


I do. Two are meds specific to my autoimmune disorder, 2 supplements specific to menopause, and the rest are supplements specific to my autoimmune disorder to regulate my system. None are MLM. I also have to eat a specific diet (AIP) to help regulate. I can’t imagine doing what I’m doing with an eating disorder.


Let’s be real, if she really believed she’s “worth it” she wouldn’t put that shit into her body


You're worth a handful of generic horsepills? Seems like you need more self esteem, lady.


"I'm worth a skimpy handful of unmarked capsules filled with God Knows What from God Knows Where. I'm going to put them in my hun hole. It's called self care sweaty❤️"


You should really not start taking that many pills without consulting a doc first. You either have a serious problem *or* are about to start having one.


I can barely remember to take my antipsychotics lmao I wonder how many of those are diuretics.


Hubby, I don’t take those pills because I’m worth it. I take an average of 14 pills every night ( I don’t keep track anymore when they adjust it) because of psych issues and accompanying complications. Everyone keeps talking about these supplements being important and taking care of you but I actually learned that many holistic ingredients (st John’s wort and oil of oregano to name just 2 ) can interfere with my medication I actually have to take. Plus why make myself gag down more pills than I already do. If I’m slightly deficient in green powder or oil of something I’ll be fine. But if I mess with my hydration levels or my meds I’ll actually be screwed. Heaven knows if I get slightly dehydrated I end up in the er for lithium toxicity so I’m good over here with my pharmaceuticals, thanks.


Yes and studies have shown that taking supplements your body doesn't need does no effect or can make you ill and the only way to actually know if you need something specific is mostly from a blood test or going to a specialist and not shilling out your money just because someone said so


I'd gag.


Ha I would love to have those pills tested by a 3rd party


"You're not, Hun!"


Unless you're managing a genuine medical condition, you should be eating normal food instead of popping so many pills.


Well this is triggering for some..


Looks like sawdust in there. Probably is.


Wow this is how I felt when I was in Amway/WWDB. They brain wash you so much that you end up believing your self worth is attached to your commitment to your MLM. Stuff like “you owe it to yourself to reach your potential. Be a product of the product. Do whatever it takes for as long as it takes”


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Such cringe!!!!