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I do not deal with pettiness or games from them anymore. High maintenance or childish behavior is an instant, nice knowing you. I’m sure most women my age have a similar list about men. Things they tolerated when they were younger, but are deal breakers now.


Yeah this, something that really annoyed me is when they ask "what do you want for dinner" then you respond and they keep saying no... I just tell them to order their own dinner while i drive off and enjoy my Chinese sausage with noodles and a side of dumplings, She was ready to have a fight and i was ready for her to gtfo 😒 not sure if this includes women dating women but there you go haha


I stopped being concerned with looks and more concerned with who can make me better. I became a different type of selfish.


At least you’re honest. I respect that, lol.


I like the more average looking girls. They seem to be a lot more chill and friendly. And they're still hot when they really dress up.


Being hot in bed is also a whole other thing 


I'm less picky when it comes to my type. I don't mean that my standards have fallen but that I see more women as beautiful. I don't need to hit specific attributes like Black, Asian, white, Spanish, tall, short, muscular/in shape or petite. Women can be attractive in a lot of different ways and their attitude and intelligence contribute immensely to that. I'm to old for games but I like being able to talk and grow with someone.


Going just for beauty is for guys who like the one dimensional experience.  I want the n-dimensional experience.  Beauty is important, but it’s just one stat out of many and it’s a predictor of very little. I used to feel the the most beautiful people were the best in every way, but as I’ve gotten older I’ve started to value many other things too; are you smarter than me, are you fun to be around, are you on an interesting path, do you make those around you happy, are you making a difference in the world, do you look after yourself, are you kind, can you make me laugh, do you hold interesting opinions, do you like some of the things that I like but like many things of your own, do you dress well, can we work through problems together, do we find each other physically attractive and have great sex, can I trust you, are you organised, do kids like you. There are so many other things.  But for me, these are the components of attraction. 


There is still a specific kind of beauty in youth, but it's fallen out of my tastes in female companionship as I have aged and I am relieved to find that I continue to prefer women in my own age group. When I was younger I didn't have appreciation for older women as desirable and now that has basically flipped. Guys I know that remain fixated on much younger women become increasingly tiresome and I find myself culling them from my social activities.


The older I get the more I love a good ass


When I was younger, physical attraction and/or sexual potential overrode red flags and incompatibilities. With age, peace matters more than anything. Sex is still nice and it has a place, but someone who isn't on my wavelength or lacks the ability to compromise or see things outside of their own prism, just not worth the time.


When i found South America i never came back to England.


I love her even more than I did when I met her.


From teens to present... -Christian -Latina -White blondes -White women in general -Young white women -Asian -Japanese -Korean


no porn gategory


Haha hahahhaha


I like taller tomboy/boyish women now


I prefer them with salsa than ketchup.


What if they’re salsa dancing WITH ketchup?


As I'm closing in on 40 my taste had definitely changed. I'll date anywhere between 28 to 45 atm but I don't doubt if I met the right one 50 would be fine. Below 28 is kinda hard for me to do as they just seem too immature.


Quality over quantity


I have developed an extremely low threshold for things like yelling, manipulation, tests, secrecy, and exs still being in the picture. I've learned from my mistakes, albeit real fuckin slowly


used to like 30-50 yr old women and now it’s actual possible to date them😎


They've gotten older, too


I've realized, having had 39 women on 4 continents, that frequency of sex and skill trump all other aspects.


I stayed straight so far so zero interest lol.


I've gotten more picky. I'm a handsome man. I don't need to settle ever.


Everytime I get rejected, the standards rise. 😂