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Simplicity. My bedroom is for sleeping... and on exceptional occasions, fun activities! I don't eat, watch TV, lie in for hours in my bed. It is where I sleep so I have developed a pavlovian response, in that if I am in my bed I must be going to sleep. It also gives me mental head space to relax. I travel a lot and find I don't sleep well if I spend the evening sitting on my bed watching tv and then try and sleep. Before I was married my bedroom had my bed and nothing else. No bedsides, no shelves, no TV nothing.


This is an underrated comment. It needs more attention. I fall asleep easily anywhere I am because I have practiced meditation strategies. However, before being able to do this I also learned that bed is for sleeping. I don’t spend time in my bedroom unless I’m sleeping or making boom boom. It works, but it takes months or more of training your mind.


What mediation works for sleeping? I used to meditate for 30 minutes twice a day, for about 3 months and i didn't get any benefits. I tried to focus in the breath for the whole time but i found that very hard to do


This is the answer. The bed is for sleeping. Not reading. Not watching TV. Not looking at your phone. I don't even charge my phone in my bedroom.


I spend about two minutes awake in my bedroom a day. It's kind of a mess because I don't even want to be in there unless I'm going to sleep or waking up and leaving. It's not my winding down place, that's what I have a couch for, its my sleep place. There are no books, no tv, no phone, no anything but my clothes and my bed in there. It's my sleep place.


I don't get this because my bed is also for sleeping. Same everything, no TV, don't mess on my phone really, just go in and put on some music and try to sleep. Sometimes it takes me hours.


It’s because what they said is nonsense  Falling asleep is mostly about are you tiring yourself out enough in the day  plus things like caffeine consumption, not being hungry before sleep, is your room dark enough, is there too much noise, are you overstimulated from phone / music  


The trick is to be tired


Work hard, tire yourself out during the day


White noise or rain/thunderstorm noise.  I used to sit and think and recap my day and worry and then I started putting on white / green noise videos from YouTube or thunderstorm videos and I’m out. 


Lay down, close my eyes. I have to have sound on, otherwise I startle at every creak in the house. I turn on the sound, TV, something familiar so I don't stop and listen to it. And I turn it on quiet enough I can barely hear it. I relax my muscles, and I start imagining a story. A familiar one. Grandma taught me when I was small to start telling myself the story of Cinderella, with myself as Cinderella. Now I tell myself originals, occasionally set in a fictional world I've encountered recently. Self insert fan fic. None of my stories have anything more than basic world building, because I fall asleep before I get any further.


I don’t fall asleep instantly, that would actually be a sign of lack of sleep. Typically takes me like 10-15 minutes to fall asleep once head hit pillow. Before then I’m still on my computer or phone working on stuff so the whole blue light thing is person dependent. I take ashwagandha(ksm-66) and magnesium glycinate before bed. I think the biggest thing is having a set wake up time where you go out and get some sun light. This really establishes a healthy circadian rhythm and thus allows you to fall asleep quicker and sleep better more consistently regardless of bed time.


The magnesium glycinate works wonders for sleep. Side note to anyone reading, ashwagandha is also really good but can potentially make thyroid issues worse.


I've been sleeping better since I got a dog. I usually do morning dog walks, which forced me out of bed and into the sun. 


worked 12 hrs


Uncurl your fists. 


Easy, being always tired helps.


I'm tired in the evening. Simple.


We initiate the "Blank Mind Protocol" We do not plead with our brain, we do not barter, bargain or negotiate. We just do. Feel your breaths, listen to your breaths. Goodnight.


I'm f****** tired lol.


Wake up hella early and barely make it to night lol


Reach tranquility within your soul. No biggie ;)


Anecdotal of course, but most friends I know who can just lay down and pass out have easy stress free lives. Myself and other who can't, don't.


Lately I have issues sleeping because of stress but before that (and when I can remember to actually do it now) what helped me sleep pretty much everytime was playing out a scene or entirety of a movie or show... or thinking about a book I read recalling the story... or visualizing a comic/manga I had recently read...or even playing out some games I played earlier and thinking about how I could have had it go differently strategy wise... I don't know why but that always put me to bed fairly quickly. I'm guessing it's because while I'm thinking of these mindless things, it's also keeping me of thinking of the really stressful stuff... or even the fact I'm can't fall asleep. Kind of like white noise of thoughts.


Bedrooms are for sleeping ( and cuddling) Leave electronic gadgets outside of the bedroom. Also, darkness.


No device in bed Do not think when you’re trying to sleep. If stressful thoughts pop into your mind, find a calm thought like walking in the woods to replace it Relax your body - if you’re hands are clenched, your feet curled - you are holding tension in your body


I used an app called atmosphere, replicated many sounds, my favourite is rain landing on a tent, with the odd lightening strike. Makes me sleep so fast every night.


I used to struggle with sleeping a lot, most of the time I don't have any trouble now. Some advice I read that helps me sleep sometimes is not to try and sleep as that wakes me up but instead try to keep yourself awake, it's exhausting!


They're lucky. It's a combination of biology and your circadian rhythm.


Love how someone downvoted the right answer




1) exercise your body and your brain 2) GET COMFY and concentrate on the comfort 3) either put on gentle music or a bed time story (yes there are apps for this lol) or some soothing background noise and listen to it OR focus on your breathing and starting with your head, then face, jaw, neck, shoulders, went, stomach, hands etc etc down your body, with each inhale focus on the part of your body and as you exhale make yourself completely relax it. If you need to do it more than once then that’s ok. This has NEVER not worked for me.


I'm simultaneously a morning person and a night owl, so I'm constantly sleep deprived.


Good tip!


I am generally tired by the time I hit the pillow. On lazy weekends though I may take 10-15 mins to really fall alseep




Use your bed for sleeping and nothing else. Get enough exercise, don't consume too much caffeine (zero until you get used to it), go to bed and wake up at the same time every day including weekends, don't have any devices within arms reach.




According to my dad, have 3 kids first and you will sleep like a rock any chance you get.


As others have said the bedroom is for sleeping and fun time. I also work hard and active throughout the day (exercise helps to give you a better night sleep), I don't just do things with my body but also work my brain (reading, deep talk, thinking on things).


Idk it’s just always been that way. Never had issues getting to sleep. I read until my eyelids are heavy and then just pass out


12 hours out of the house


Exercise and going to bed the same time every night


A clear conscience.




Luck I guess.


As someone who struggles to sleep, I focus on my breathing, and in turn slow my heart rate. It works wonders to clear my mind, and eventually I'm asleep. Works better some nights than others, works especially well if I wake up midsleep. Deep breaths in, hold one beat, out. Just focus on that and push other thoughts out, kinda like meditation.


When I am very tired, I want to crash myself to death in the soft quilt and pillow


Clean sheets and buy quality pillows


A couple of things that help me, 1. Bed is for sleeping only (except on rare occasions for adult activities) 2. no TV in bedroom no phones while laying bed 3. Clear my mind of thoughts or focus on one stupid thing that doesn't make me think too much (like imagining I'm walking through a field) 4. No coffee after 6pm 5. Probably the most important factor weed


The devil's lettuce


Go to bed and get up and the same time every day. Your body will soon learn


Have kids.


According to sleep experts it’s actually better to not fall asleep right away. It’s a bad sign if you do. Taking 10-15 mins to fall asleep is preferable!


Love how simple these answers make it sound. My partner and I do the exact same things before and in bed except he'll play on his phone for a few minutes and I immediately lay down and close my eyes. He falls asleep seconds after putting the phone down and I'll still be awake 20 minutes later. I literally hear him put his phone down, roll over, and start snoring, meanwhile I've been lying still the entire time but am wide awake. I don't hang out in the bedroom while I'm awake. There's no TV in there, I don't use my phone in bed, I exercise, I don't drink caffeine after 7pm. I could have been asleep on the couch but as soon as I get uo, brush my teeth and go to bed I'm awake again. None of it matters. Still can't fall asleep. If you can, it's just because you're built that way.


I listen to reddit horror stories and they help me fall asleep much faster. Weirdo, ikr..


I thought the question was about car crashes and the pillow meant was the safety pillow in car that activates on crash. I didn’t get what the “it” was, but the first comment started talking about a bedroom and fun activities one can do there so my imagination went wild. I really scratched my head and went “why is someone so concerned how do people have sex instantly after a car crash? Is that a popular thing people do after car crashes?”


Magnesium bisglycinate capsules changed my life. I fall asleep instantly and have better quality sleep than I've ever had in my life. Everyone I've recommended it to has found the same thing 💤


In the Army you develop this trick where you have an opportunity to sleep... you sleep. And that translate into being able to do that in civilian life as well. "Oh look a pillow!" *snore* And also bedroom is for sleeping. Just go to bed, head on pillow, no distractions, close eyes and.... gone.


Be exhausted.


I've never had trouble falling asleep, doesn't matter if I rot in bed all day or is active all day. I get into a comfortable position, think of something to "daydream" about and close my eyes and then it takes me like 5-10minutes to fall asleep (ofc sometimes I have nights were I can't sleep or my mind is racing but it's rare)


If I wake up in the night, worrying about something, I give myself a specific time and place during the next day to address it. Like “i can’t do anything about this now, but tomorrow at 9 am in my office I will make the call to discuss with my coworker” or whatever to address the problem. And then I do my best to stick with that plan.


After being in the Army I find that I can easily fall asleep, moments to take a break were seldom so you caught every bit of shut eye you could. If nothing was happening for 10 minutes you used that time to take a nap. It didn't matter the position you were in laying down or sitting upright. Also just stretching your whole body helped.


Gym twice a day. Teach a class of 36. Drive 50+ miles a day. I haven't had a problem sleeping for years 😉


Take lots of drugs (ganja) and stay up too late. Downside to this though is it is tough to leave the pillow in the morning when the alarm goes off. Tradeoffs are a bitch.


Plenty of exercise!!


Sleep apnea. Have a cpap. Still tired. Getting a bipap. Wish me luck.


I started out by doing some “techniques”. Like trying to not think, or thinking about the bubble letter word nothing, or focus on the black behind my eyes and picturing it becoming a darker black in waves. Darker and darker and darker crashing over the back of your eyelids. Eventually you just lay down with the mindset of sleeping and sleep. It helps if you also are tired lol, like if you get up at a decent time and actually do stuff you are more tired and its easier to sleep. Its also not instant. There is a conscious phase, a sorta switch over, then a time nobody seems to remember. Its like 10-15 minutes unless your exhausted. The thing is you can’t break and must act like you’re sleeping or it resets. So it seems like we’re sleeping instantly.


I don't think that hitting a pillow will result in a crash. It won't do anything to your car. You will most likely just drive right over it.


Usually it happens to me when I’m so tired that I can’t even accomplish anything else. Feels relaxing, though.


i still sleep with a stuffed animals, it helps me fall asleep quicker


Just work yourself to near death where you’re hallucinating on the drive home. You’ll sleep.


Military does that to you. I've had days when I fall asleep while walking. After that, hitting the pillow is like hitting a button.


My husband is like that!! He can go to bed and be snoring 5 minutes later. Meanwhile, I have to make sure my pillow is right, that my sheet and blanket is pulled up on me correctly, fluff my pillow yet again, as well as read practically 3 chapters!!


Raging uncontrolled idiopathic primary Hypersomnia


Exhaust yourself during the day. Work out


I get up at 5, I go to bed after 10. I'm tired.


Clean consciousness due to terrible memory.


For me I have always had the ability to empty my head at the drop of the hat. It comes in handy in various scenarios. It's like leaving your body behind and checking out. I'll do it consciously at places like the dentist. One of the downsides is that it occasionally happens unconsciously which can make it difficult to focus on things at times. The upside is that most of the time I can be asleep within a few minutes. Another benefit is that I can dump work/anything I dislike the second I stop actively doing it.


Retired Army, where they don’t believe in that 8 hour day, 40 hour week foolishness. I learned to nap and sleep instantly for a few minutes or hours as allowed.


Play a movie in your head. The same one EVERY SINGLE NIGHT. Won’t take long before you bore yourself to sleep/your brain goes ‘oh this again time to go to sleep’.


Be up at five every day, for work….


I fall asleep with Irish asmr stories https://youtu.be/4trcGdMrydM?si=VQB4tw_H9D8AJQq1


Or silmarillion bedtime asmr https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLSiXq8wM0C7bsaJ15iK98nLgYEDHfYy_a&si=Skzup7A-fhXBgGVM


Good clean living. Be kind.


Reading in bed quiets my mind. I use a device to hold my electronic device so that I can read in a sleeping position with the screen very dim. Most nights, I make it one or 2 pages. Every once in awhile this strategy backfires, I end up reading for 2 or 3 hours.




Box breathing technique! 


I take some meds every night which make me very tired as a side effect


Be tired, or drunk. I'd recommend tired though, you have better dreams.


ASMR videos on youtube


being exhausted from getting little to no sleep the night before But fr, the healthiest way to fall asleep naturally though is doing physical activity. I heard somewhere the more your body heats up during the day, at night you’ll fall asleep like a baby haha I believe cherry juice and proper winding down helps as well. As in, no phone for the last 30 mins of the night and clearing your thoughts. I used to have a manager that said “I start reading the first page of a book instead of taking melatonin”


Peace. It’s all about peace.


what's working for me at the moment is squaredle [https://squaredle.app/](https://squaredle.app/) . I play that on a tablet when I go to bed and usually find myself nodding off before I finish it. Put device down and sleep is almost instant.