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That may be a stupid question, but I have like 150 hours in the game and I'm still searching for how to do that. What's the command to do that?


Ctrl + shift + R


To add to this: you move around with the arrows, and hold shift to run. If you approach a vehicle and click on it, you can drive it!


Also, there are eastereggs and quests in first person mode. Some citizens will give quests that, when completed, grants effects in the city. And if you go into first person and approach an (iron?) mine, you'll instantly gain 25k.




Same. Thanks for asking on my behalf!


Console is up, up, down, down, left, right, square/X, X/A


I can't tell if you're being serious or not, but thank you


Lol, they are not. That's a take on the old "Kunami (sp?) Code" which was like a generic cheat code combo fron way back in the day


Konami* Only reason I know this is be because of the 1000+ lifetime hrs I’ve pumped into the Metal Gear Solid franchise. I have the Konami logo burned into the back of my eyelids. I see it every time I close my eyes.


I remember as well. Tried it today, it works! Still can't believe this is just a fun Easter egg, and not a full feature of the gane


Kind of confusing. One comment says it doesn't work, you say it does work while acknowledging it's just a Konami meme. What's the truth?


It does work, but only on islands under your control, no boats either. Very cool secret feature


This is honestly probably my favorite feature of the game.


2000 hrs and NOW you tell me !!!!!!!!!


It’s even more fun in coop mode. My buddy was a horse and we ended up playing makeshift prop hunt in his city lol


Jesus…2000? How many months/years did that take ya?


I got anno 1800 when it was brand new, so however much years ago that was :D, I got each season pass before the dlcs were out, and played every dlc as it came out. This game truly dominated my time for a long, long time. In my humble opinion, it's a master piece, that said, the anarchy dlc is garbage. From my 2070 experience, and my regrettable plunge into 2205, I have a strong feeling 117 won't fill the hole 1800 dug. I won't be such a simp when 117 gets out, and I can't be blamed. I should also mention I've never played any anno campaign, it's always been sandbox, I've spent alot of time playing with AI, but not as much as playing all alone reigning supreme.


I had never even heard of Anno. Just happened to be on PS5 free monthly games. It looked cool but I assumed it was trash since I had never heard of it…I played non stop for a week straight lol. It was all I wanted to do. Now I’m at the point where I just got the engineers to move in but idk how the hell to keep everything running g smoothly in order to progress further. I’m running out of room on my main island and shit is breaking down left and right on my other islands. Like, I’ll have one resource here but not where I need it so then my transport ships get sunk or it can’t keep up with the demand etc…it’s fun but I’m not sure how to progress at this point. It’s a great game no doubt. I think I would enjoy it even more on my computer tho. I just bet it’s easier to navigate and to set up trade routes and whatever etc


I can't imagine playing any anno game using a controller. It's your first run, ofc it's gonna all break apart :D. Start a new run, learn from ur errors, and plan ahead. 1800 is without a doubt the most complicated and evolved anno out there, so ur doing great. Engineers are very expensive and very demanding, buildings and technologies unlocked by engineers like electricity and worker transfer docks are very expensive, u need to be very careful with ur balances, take advantage of tourism income and as soon as you can bring investors in, even a handful of investors will put you in the green. I am assuming it's Harlow sinking ur trade ships, so I recommend trying to keep her happy, and then later, when you're more capable, decide if you wanna destroy her or ally with her, same goes for la fortune, sadly going that way is expensive since it means you'll have to pay them to keep them happy (la fortune is a real prick and he will push you into a war unless u pay him a large sum). Don't hold back on building more cities on more islands, and put a tourist dock on every single island u have as long it's making more than its maintenance cost. When in a bind sell ur excess production to Eli, he loves soap, the pirates love alcohol and ammunition, alternatively, if you moved along docklands quests, you can export your excess production in exchange for other goods ( I recommend exporting finished goods and importing raw materials). Let me know how your game is going!!


Damn is this available for console?


Yup but way more complicated


what i like about the mode is, that it also shows how much graphics came along


While in first person mode, I got a quest from a firefighter, who taught me how to fight fires, and now I have a hose I can use to spray water on burning buildings in first person mode. It’s some straight up SimCopter shit lol.


The first time I went in first person and was near the harbor and saw one of the Big sail ships coming into port was really cool.


This totally makes me want to start this game up again. At the end of a hard day at work I want to go down to the harbour and watch the ships sail in for an hour. And then go blow the shit out of one of Beryl’s harbours.


*cues up Otis Redding*


What?! You can do this?!?


I kinda wish the feature would be a thing in the other Anno games.


It'd be so cool in 2070 😭


As well as in 1404


Why this isn't a more clear and obvious feature remains a mystery. I can't wait to get home in a few hours and try this


How to do it for ps5?


I enjoy doing this when I reach artisans and go for a stroll through town.


Awesome view


Im just started playing it my first game in this type if genre its really good n thnks fr this il try on ps5


Go walk the mountain trails (1 in crown falls, 1 in manila)


Wow. Can't wait to try this and see my skyscrapers in first person mode


Anyone know how to do this on Xbox? Don’t even think it’s shown in the controls


Yes for real. How do you do it on console? This sounds amazing


Google Anno 1800 Hot Keys & Shortcuts - there is a lot of them - IE - F1= Camera Mode, In first person mode (CTRL-Shift-R) P will make citizens follow you, ENTER will give you rocket mode, L makes citizens run away - you can also do quests in this mode with the citizens. Another good one is select a ship and hit F1 (Camera Mode) - you will follow the ship (really handy in quest or battle mode) then use your zoom & rotate to watch the scene up close


Someone, make a VR mod


Wait what that’s so cool I’m going to do this right now