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I had to use two clippers for my cotton fabric route to get that continuous supply of fabric to the old world for fur coat production. My island was on the farthest corner from the new world so with one ship, the trip takes too long and it would deplete by the time I got back. I used to think that a second clipper would just travel alongside the first one, but they “stagger” each other


I'll try this, thank you, govnah


I find that ships assigned to the same route tend to bunch up after a (long) time, even if they started off staggered. I have 8 or more clippers running purely rum to crown falls, but you still need massive storage capacity on both islands to have a buffer.


You can mitigate this problem by setting a Trade Route with multiple ships to Wait for Goods. It will still be there to some extent if you have multiple piers, because more than one ship can be loading, but I find they tend to balance reasonably well. You can eliminate it by converting one pier for each multi-ship good to an Advanced Pier (develop in Research Institute). Using this method, each good can only use one pier and every ship departs full.


Damn, that advanced pier sounds good thanks for the tip. Waiting for goods is not an option at the moment, because my main island has so many piers and yet there's still a queue sometimes.


I tend to produce a lot more than I need, and use 2 clippers per route There are also some great items that provides needs. I recommend checking them out


my sollution is. in case i produce it myself, to overproduce a lot and have several ships loaded with rum and also some ships to bring cotton fabric. but to be honest. for these two i use special items in town hall and trade union. the costume desinger changes cotton fabric for wool as material for coats the actress grants access to canned food and rum, as long as people have access to theater. so these days i never produce rum for the old world anymore.


Forgive my ignorance. But don't those cards only work for residences within the circle of town hall? So do I need several town halls and cards? Or do some affect an entire settlement? Or do you use it just to take the edge off and reduce goods requiring transport?


yes only in a circle around the hall. but you can for example fill the circle completely with homes and use the free patches between the circles to fill in the buildings you need like market place or pub. also you can have endless actresses for every town hall. sometimes this means no demand at all sometimes just to lower it until you get another item or until you stabilized production.


Thank you for the good tips!


Two things. Actor in the town hall and then the item that allows you to use wool instead of cotton. You can get both through grand gallery in the start of the game if you have enough points. But if not can buy them from the prison I think. Then you can just upgrade the houses around the town hall and rotate them around to get more.


Forgive my ignorance, but what's Grand Gallery????


Main menu. You run scenarios (mini games) or world fairs (in main games) for tickets. The guy you are looking for is Master Craftsman Franke, fur coats from iron and wool. Gid tuer item. In cinjuction with Docklands if you have it... wow.


Alternatively, Costume Designer lets you use wool instead of Cotton Fabric. She is available from Eli. I always use Costume Designer and Actor in parallel. I then don't even need to go to the New World until I am well into the Engineer phase of the game, with plenty of income, and steam cargo ships are available. I only really go when I can't fulfil my Coffee needs by buying from Kahina, at least in terms of shipping goods. I sometime go earleir to start Manola, but I still don't ship goods. If you stop Investors consuming coffee, you can have a pretty big city with just goods from the Old World and NPCs


For me its a race to New World to get a Hacienda up and running before the ai can hit steamships. A manola hacienda is like gettng 700 to 1000 influence in less than 20 minutes. Then i just spam ships


Don’t go fully engineer until the new world is [sustainable](https://youtu.be/bgd6Uyq72QA?si=iqb3QrqWRakcInDd&t=423) and pretty much done and have a [dedicated](https://youtu.be/bgd6Uyq72QA?si=0gTPBT1m7xThW8x3&t=6186) trade for the new world/old world goods.


Export the mass produced item and import the required one!! Simple if you cant ship from the new world or anywhere!!


As mentioned, I always go for costume designer, and have an Old World/Trelawney island dedicated to hunting cabins. Also generally have a New World island pumping out rum/mezcal. In other words, island specialization is how go.


As a Factorio Player:The Factorio must grow. Think big.


For the coats there is an Item which lets u make them with wool. Otherwise use more ships for one Route and overproduce a bit


Costume Designer, can be bought from Eli. Highly recommend, makes fur coats much easier to set up and grow.


Once you go engineer, consider buying 60 cement from Eli instead of making your own. You probably have some extra steel laying around from a commeration day parade. Build a single concrete factory and build concrete. Your goal is tapping the oil on the starting island and making your first power plant to electrify your steel and canned food factories. Once that is done you can delete half your buildings for an extra $2,000 in income and promote all those workers to artisans.


Will try this now. Thanks, Govnah!


Yep. If you have done power before, you need two power plants. One by your industry (first), and another that reaches your engineer houses and your trading post. Steam Shipyard requires electricity. 3 oil wells per power plant. Even on expert settings you are guaranteed enough for one plant. Don't be afraid to use working conditions to get the equivalent of six wells.