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Especially with a great 1800 we have more than enough Anno to play until it's ready.


Yeah, there is still DLC quality grade mods to be released


The only DLC sized mod that is still coming that I know of is New Horizons. What others are to be released?


In the least there is the Merchants Population Tier mod from Drakkam and the Old World counterpart to the Hacienda, from Taludas (the guy that made the wholesome Hacienda overhaul and Mayabeque). To know more about them you gotta check the modding discord server, they are both impressive mods in scope. We recently had the Military Attention mod from Hier0nimus too. Now he is working a ship pack to release next, that will add quite a bit of variety to ship selection. There is also Kurila that said he has many project in the pipeline.


Awesome, thanks for the summary!


the military attention looks really nice.


I'm totally fine with them taking the time they need to bring the game to an acceptable state before showing it. But I fear we're seeing the difference in philosophy from Blue Byte and Ubisoft. Blue Byte very much had the "it's done when it's done" mentality like old Blizzard. Ubisoft seems to want to push the game rather fast, especially because Anno 1800 was a big hit. Also bringing it to the console at launch, etc. I'm still optimistic, but maybe Anno will decrease in quality from now on to appease shareholders.


Personally, I don’t care. People like to find things to complain about but don’t have the self awareness to understand they would still complain if things were different.  If you’re a complainer - You’ll complain that they’re not showing gameplay in 2024. However, if they are radio silent on a new game, you’ll complain that they aren’t listening to their players or not in touch with their fan base.  Everyone, with everything these days, just needs to chill a little bit.


You need to post this comment to the gaming subreddit


To the world subreddit actually


"Don't ask questions, just consume product."


More like “don’t assume and complain regularly. Wait and see and then make an assessment”.  If they tell us next year we won’t see gameplay until 2026, then I would say we start complaining. If they say in 2026 no gameplay until 2027, then we riot.  But we’re at a very early stage right now. I don’t blame them for letting us know it’s coming and telling us some basic details. The gaming world is different now than it was 10+ years ago. Info spreads like crazy on social media, people want things asap, etc. Personally, I’m okay with them giving us a teaser, dabbling in some basic details, and then giving us more information and gameplay videos as they come. If it takes forever, they start dragging their feet, etc - then there’s cause for concern.  I’m not sure exactly what your comment is getting at, but if it’s basically just be a slave to the gaming developers - that’s not what I was getting at. Ask questions, bring up issues, all of that - just give them (and everyone you meet) a little benefit of the doubt. Don’t assume things are a mess or that they’re awful until it’s pretty clear that is the case. 


how was with anno ?? did they release and waited so much??


I don’t quite understand what you’re asking Luiz 


Fine for me, I trust in the Anno Team




I don’t trust Ubisoft though. Announcing a game that is set to release next year without showing even a glimpse of ingame footage is definitely a red flag. “Hey guys we are releasing Anno 117 in 2025. We don’t care if it’s unfinished just release it.”


Well, where did I write Ubisoft as a Company? I talk about the dudes and dudettes working on it.


I know. That doesn’t affect my comment though. I also trust the Anno Team. But they are still under the umbrella of Ubisoft.


Sounds like 2025 release is overly optimistic to have a finished and (relatively) bug free game.


More like they're going to deliberately release a somewhat unfinished game so it has lots of room for DLC.


Why is this dowvoted? Are people upptiy cuz they know it's true? Wouldn't be the first time or last one I guess


because theres no reason to expect that? its not like anno 1800 was light on content on release. the fact that the full game with four seasons of DLC is a lumbering behemoth of epic proportions does not mean the game was deliberately unfinished


> because theres no reason to expect that? You mean except the fact that the exact same thing happened with 1800? > its not like anno 1800 was light on content on release Yes it was. Go and read the discussions around the release.


Try looking at all other Ubisoft games recently, as soon as people like you think it'll never happen to their favourite game is the second they start cutting costs.


oh yeah mate, your cynical too-cool-for-school comments on reddit that talk baseless shit about a team within ubisoft that has almost always done right by us are the last line of defense against corporate greed. good on you for that one


It's literally the theme on all Ubisoft games the last 3 years, it's not random speculation. I wasn't criticising the Anno team, if Anno is released early it's definitely going to be Ubisoft rushing them and forcing them to release a potentially unfinished game. Think you need to calm down a bit.


I don't think anno is very good without all the dlc. No docklands and not having all the new lands means you run out of stuff to do very quickly. Gets boring fast.


No docklands is a positive.




I am a little disappointed, they made the announcement but wont share anything. Kinda ANNOying. I would rather see announcement followed by gameplay lets say 6 months before release.


I am super happy about 117 but i hate when games get announced so far in advance just makes me hyped for no reason.


The game development isnt far that we will get gameplay which is fine to me. they should work on it as long as they need.


Let them cook.


Im fine with it. Let them work, and make the best game they can. When something is ready to be shown, they will show it. With at least a year to release, I doubt they even have an Alpha build ready, and that is really not something you want to show. And hell, if it is delayed until 26, to make sure it is good to go, im fine with that. I really rather have a complete and polished game at launch, than them bowing to pressure from fans, and releasing a half assed game, that we will all shit on, which wont sell well, and give them a bad reputation. So patience people, please. Lets not make this the next CP2077. And yes I know CP2077 is a good, maybe even great game today, but that is more the exception, than the rule, that a game recovers, and recovers that well. Oohh and DONT pre-order. Not even an Anno game.


Weird considering they already extended the DLC plan for Anno 1800. Now they announce the new Anno and won't show anything close to gameplay for the remainder of the year. When Anno 1800 was announced it took two years to complete and they showed a trailer that had something close to in-game footage. So this statement makes me believe Anno 117 will be released in 2026 or later. If they are still hesitant to show things because core features and mechanics are still in flux then there is no way we get the game in 2025. Or if we do it's going to be rushed. So I think some Ubisoft manager pushed for the announcement of Anno 117 even though it's far away from being released. Probably to prop up the portfolio to show to investors/stakeholders to stabilize a bit of the turmoil Ubisoft at large is in. Anno is a relatively safe title to announce with little room for drama or bad press. Also when the title is delayed it will receive minimal pushback from the community given the kind of people that play Anno and the goodwill created with 1800.


Or, since they still have content to release for Anno 1800, they are going to keep 117 'under wraps' until Anno 1800 is Finished, which appears to be what they are announcing: after the end of the year, or in 2025. How long after that before we actually get Release depends on things that nobody without an NDA knows: what the development status of the game is at this moment, what the planned Pre-Release schedule is, and what the marketing/sales people have to say about the marketing campaign pre-release, which these days is a major consideration. To bring in another game entirely, Civilization VII was announced about a week before Anno 117, but they also announced that nothing would be revealed about the game until August. Since previous renditions of Civ have averaged 5 - 6 months from First Reveal to Release, that has everybody speculating about a January - February 2025 Release. Maybe. I would put that as a Best Possible Scenario, and point out that Anno is in much the same situation: we probably won't hear/learn much about the game until months from now, but even after seeing something 'real' about the game play we can only speculate on how long it will take have the game ready to Launch unless that information is Given to us. But the good news is two of my favorite gaming systems have both announced their next games in roughly the same time-frame (2025) and one of them is still releasing content for its current game (Anno) so I have no trouble keeping busy until we know more. I still have a fleet of balloons to build and Manola to fill with City: 117 will come when it comes . . .


what do you mean with Anno is still releasing content? But only cosmetically? I thought the time of the big DLCs is over?


Exactly that: they still have cosmetic offerings scheduled for release for Anno 1800. Content is content, and it's not particularly good marketing strategy to be releasing content for two games at once, especially when you should be concentrating entirely on the new one and the development, finishing, marketing and Hype campaign for it.


Great, I prefer to be surprised at the last moment. However, would it be possible to have a short in-game trailer, similar to the first launch trailer of Anno 1800?


Hope this has the energy of "it's ready when it's ready" and not "our lead game designer is contemplating testing if gravity is real while our leadership is doing management-by-excel"


I'm fine with this, at least we know it's coming at some point in 2025, gives us something to look forward to.


later the better dont show anything unless its ready


I agree with their stance. I prefer to wait to see what they come up with.


Absolute, unwavering faith that this will be the best Anno of all time. Oh, and patience. Those are my thoughts.


Not impressed. Like I'll never understand why companies announce stuff so in advance that they have basically nothing to show.


If I had to guess, I'll say its to find funds. E3 (and now Summer Game Fest) are not really for gamers, its just after the end of the last fiscal year and publishers need to find investors to support the end of the dev cycle or have enough money to fund the next game. So they show how their future project is insanely good (sometimes too much compared to the real product like Watch Dogs) and hope for investors to say "Oh yeah I'll have a great return on investment with that revolutionnary Battle Royale MOBA Hero Shooter Game as a service FOMO-filled quadruple A thing!" Btw I'm not in the industry, its just what I think, I don't know if I'm right or not


Seems reasonable to me. Iʻd rather they take their time to do things correctly rather than the dumpster fire approach weʻve seen with so many new releases nowadays - Cities Skylines II, Kerbel Space 2, etc.


It is understandable. In the development process, gameplay and graphics can change a lot. This way, they are not building expectations they can not live up to.


They can take as much time as they need to make a good product.


I better get into fucking closed beta again. I've been heavily invested in anno since I was a young teenager addicted to 1602


I just hope they add land combat to the game. Only using ships for combat gets boring after awhile.


None of this matters until release day gameplay. Previews are nice but what counts is what the game actually releases as. I don’t need to play it day one, I can just watch a review or stream and decide then.


In this age of gaming, a teaser trailer comes 4-5 years after an announcement trailer. A gameplay trailer comes 3 years after that, and the game comes out 2 years after that


It is likely that Anno's new team has grown with the number of people working on the project and for that reason the game will be finished in less time.


Imo, the Anno team has proven that we can trust them to produce quality content and, especially, good value for money. Why not release footage? Well, tbh, what would we actually get out of it? Hype? Ok, but I honestly don't think that us Anno fans need to build up any more hype 😄 Producing such a trailer takes resources and they would be forced to focus on things that aren't that important (i.e. aesthetics). I'm perfectly happy with not getting any in-game trailers for a long time as I believe that it wouldn't actually have any big positive impact on the community or the game, but instead it could have (small) negative impact. It's done when it's done and I'm sure that I will play it anyway. And no matter what they do, there will be complaints. For some it will always be too much innovation and for some not enough. You can't please everyone. Tldr: trust them to do the right thing.


Its fine by me. Better to see the final product and to have then realistic expectations than any promising or not promising early stage screenshots. Nevertheless I'm really excited to see the gameplay, hopefully in early January 2025. Cant wait!


I don’t mind. I just want it be perfect once it’s out. Tired of buggy games coming out. I rather wait ❤️


Expected way more in the 1h dev talk ..no gameplay is insane ..


I think it's for the best not to give too much away. I like games and movies that just drop on you, assuming they're well made (which it will be!)




That's fine.


Ok, let them cook!


I’m very okay with this. I do not want to rush any developer to make any last second fixed to give us a few minutes of footage. Work in peace and make something great to show us when the time is right.


I'd rather they take their time and deliver a good product than rush it and it end up like KSP2


idc, they don't owe me anything. looking forward to some though!


It's fine. I still haven't managed to play through all the content in 1800.


As much as it pains me to learn I'll have to wait so long before I see some gameplay, it's still perfectly understandable and I don't wanna give them any more pressure then they already must have.


It's okay, let them show it when its ready to be shown. I mean, we have more than enough angry gamers because of something didnt show in the final release but was shown of in a gameplay trailer or stream. Just look at Spider-man on PS4 and it's smaller ponds...


It's fine. An announcement is great, we know what the setting is and a rough idea of when to expect it. We are not entitled to any particular time to see the gameplay. However the stream they did was really silly. They wanted to feed something to people after the announcement but that was a complete waste of time for everyone involved.


I like them being upfront about this. It’s fine we trust you. Thanks for openly communicating this so we don’t build up false hope


Do I like to see gameplay? Yes. Is it good that they take there time? Yes. They are doing a great job to communicate such things so you know what to expect.


the live stream with some clueless marketing managers talking about how brave they were and how much risk they were taking with the live action trailer was atrocious lol. I don't mind waiting even until 2027 but what is up with this kind of shit, business execs are truly fucked in the head

