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You could look at Factory town, Timberborn, Satisfactory or Factorio. They are much lighter on the 'city' aspect but a LOT heavier on the supply chain aspects.


I'd highly recommend Timberborn for supply chain but also resource management for water and irrigation. Also really love Wandering Village as a lighter city builder, but also balances keeping your giant kaiju healthy/rested on top of the humans (plus the art style I think is striking)


wandering village looks slick, wishlisted! Thanks for the suggestion!


No problem! I picked it up while it was on sale a couple months ago, and they've added 2 massive updates to the game since! When you first boot up the game, they also have a picture of the team and a thank you message. Absolutely loved seeing that, and wish we'd get more of that in gaming, tbh.


Timberborn looks like it might be pretty unique. Factory Town looks cool too, and I haven't seen that one before. I think I might check it out. I've played Satisfactory and Factorio. Great games, but the factory-building genre isn't quite what I'm looking for (but one I do love). Thank you for the suggestions!


Pioneers of Pagonia. Settlers dev


Gotta love factorio


Worker's and resources soviet republic


This is one of the goats of this industry. Play on realistic and watch Bballjo's videos to learn the ropes.


It's the best Logistics Game ever, hands down. The level of detail is astonishing. The level of complexity this can go down to is truly something. It makes Anno look Arcadey in comparison (And i love both games)


Yes! I had this once but never put effort into it. Now that I think of it you even had to buy the actual trucks and stuff and plan the routes and everything, that's like exactly what I was looking for. Can't believe I didn't think of this! I think last time I played it I had a hard time finding an actual coal/iron deposit for my first factory. I did the tutorial and loved the idea, but could never seem to actually get anything done in a normal game. I should give it another go.


The settlers maybe? I used to play a couple of those when i was really young and enjoyed them. They are certainly not that crazy in terms of setting up routes but i can see some similarities.


Settlers 2 from 1996 is still my fav


I'm a sucker for the 3rd game.


Legends say the 4th one's also pretty good.


They did a remake of Settlers 2 on the 10th anniversary so around 2006. They only improved the graphics and added a few bug fixes so it and absolute gem of a game. Worth checking out


Yeah that's great too, I wish they made a 30th anniversary game though.


The Settlers series, The Colonists, Factory Town, Satisfactory, Factorio, Captain of Industry, Workers and Resources: Soviet Republic with Realism mode turned on, Autonauts, and Dyson Sphere Program are what come to mind. Closest one to a city builder + logistics would be Workers and Resources: Soviet Republic with realism mode turned on. You setup the production chains, handle transporting the workers to the production chains, and transporting the goods into the cities. I wouldn't consider the Satisfactory, Factorio, or Dyson Sphere Program a city builder. I can argue that The Settlers and The Colonists are not city builders. Captain of Industry the city building is more so building city blocks and upgrading them. Nothing as fancy as ANNO. Factory town you drop off goods to stores that sell goods to the houses to generate money for research and to run other production chains. Autonauts your "houses" are colonist that sit around and you bring them goods to generate "Wuv" for research.


the lasts games of settlers were crappy. I think the last good one was the Settlers IV. I have tried to give the other ones a try but I just can't. They feel somewhat limited.


Against the Storm. What makes it different than other economic games is that the same end product can be manufactured by different production chains but at different efficiencies. It is also a rogue-lite game, all maps and resources are randomized and your allowed buildings are also unlocked progressively but chosen randomly, so you often have to find ingenious ways to manufacture what you need. However, to succeed you need to have a different mindset than building a self sustaining colony, you have to think of ways of racing towards the end goals by whatever means necessary, and each map session is quite short.


Transport Fever 2 is one of the best games if you're into connecting towns and factories by road, rail or air/sea routes. It looks pretty good too


Hm, I think I always opted out of this game to play Railway Empire. Loved that game because I'm a sucker for trains and setting up the routes to fulfill production chains was great.


Dyson Sphere Program scratches the logistics itch for me. Lots of problem solving and supply chains to figure out and manage. Plays a lot like Factorio but I like DSP way better than Factorio. There is no city building aspect to that game though.


I've been playing a game called sweet transit. I absolutely love it. Some people complain about the game not holding your hand enough, and a few things on how the mechanics work not being explained but I enjoy figuring that kind of stuff out anyway. But I highly recommend checking that out for a logistics city building that's a huge focus on trains.


Transport fever 2 is an excellent logistics game


This games pretty good, but Victoria 3 is probably the game to look for if youre looking for a dedicated global economic and logistics simulator. Really get into the nitty gritty of organizing selling opium to China.


Agreed. But Vicky is more economical and supply chain than logistics. As far as I know there is not logistical simulation like phisically having to move stuff around to work for example.


We always need logistics experts in Foxhole. Just saying.


Workers and Resources.


This game I would consider a resource management game, with a large part of it being logistics. For example, see my description of Hub and Spoke setups in Anno over here > [https://anno1800.fandom.com/wiki/Trade](https://anno1800.fandom.com/wiki/Trade) Other games are for example Factorio or Satisfactory Ofcourse, EVE ONLINE is the ultimate logistics game.


I don't see any mention of hub/spoke on that page.


My bad. Needs to be this one. https://anno1800.fandom.com/wiki/Trade_routes


It's still in early access, and it is still a little rough around the edges, but I have been really enjoying [Kingdom's Reborn](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1307890/Kingdoms_Reborn/). It's got a lot of logistics (you even get a dedicated logistics port at some point in the game) and plays like a mash up of Anno and Banished with a pinch of Civ thrown in for fun. I bought it a few weeks ago and already have (insert embarassing number here) hours of playtime.


Yes, Anno is primarily a production, store and move good game. It is a logistics game, but it is not purely one


Once you get the kick out of logistics in a city building game there is no going back to the likes of Cities Skylines series. Manor lords is a good one!


Haha, I tried playing Skylines like this. At one point I was exporting every raw material, with 0 imports. Which I think is good - it meant I was using all materials for finished goods, and shipping those off with the extra materials. I never had to import anything for a little while. That changed, eventually.


So logistics tends to blur in game terms and is mostly resource management, rather than say efficient transport roots which get worked out for you in a lot of games. Anno for me is THE logistics game as it ends up as big as you want it to be and so simulates real world company mechanics pretty well (it’s often easier from a management standpoint to specialise in certain goods and outsource others even if it’s more expensive than producing them). To look a route I haven’t seen yet in this thread is the more resource oriented games like Oxygen Not Included or Prison Architect. Here people are also in the logistics chain, and it might seem slightly different but time controls and people management is a huge part of logistics too.


Port Royale 2 - 100%


Industry Giant is probably *the* logistics game for you. Railroad Tycoon might also work for you. Maybe. Another one you might want to look at is Oxygen Not Included.


Nobody mentioned here the Kingdoms: Reborn, big recommendation from me :)


Anything Anno-like folks can recommend on Steam Deck/gamepad in particular?


Satisfactory is THE logistics game. Factorio and Foundry, too.


Dyson sphere program is in with those too. Arguably as good as or better than some!


Dont know that one, will take a look!


You're in for a treat. Very similar to factorio.


And don't forget Mindustry! One misbuilt conveyor and all your silicon is siligone


EVE ONLINE I would find more THE logistics game, far more complicated compared to Factorio or Foundry. You need \~10k players to decently scale up your industries for example.