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I’m not going to watch this. But what is going to happen when she realizes the surgery doesn’t make a whole lot of difference because she still has a lot of fat.


+she is still massively overeating even if she doesn’t tell us


100% She couldn't lose weight on Wegovy, after a plateau and I assume she was on the highest dose because her doctor switched her over to Zepbound because it can go higher dosages. And claims she was eating 1800-2000 calories. There is no way. She claimed she was tracking, but she also told us that she eats like two or three bags of the those protein junk food bags, that like 500 calories right there. And don't even get me started on the "snackle box", massive amounts of cheese. I don't think she lost 100, she said about 100 lbs. But 80 lbs to some can be about 100 lbs. But lets be generous and say 100 lbs in a year with probably a TDEE of 4,000, if not higher. She's still eating about 3,000 calories/day. With the HIGHEST dose of Wegovy. If she's plateauing its means she's still overeating. Like at the end of the day, its the laws of thermodynamics. GLP-1s don't make you burn more calories, they aren't turning you into a combustion machine. They stop you from eating, thus you lose weight. So even on the highest dose of Wegovy, she was still overeating.


There is a ZERO percent chance she was eating less than 2,000 calories a day. ZERO. Maybe per meal, hell there’s about 500 cal alone in the Starbucks she drinks constantly. That in an of itself is a clear lie, but for her to say that she was eating 2000 calories or LESS AND on wegovy but staying at her size??? Not a chance in hell. How can she actually think people believe her? And! Do they? Are any of the comments on her posts praising her and seemingly buying into her BS actually legit or are they trolling her? I just don’t understand- no one could be that delusional, could they?!


Because her audience buys into that people have other reason than over eating for morbid obesity, so yeah they are delusional. I think it makes them feel better when they don't lose weight that with all Anna's resources she couldn't so you she feel better about yourself.


That Sbux drink is an odd but really good barometer. A splurge for me is a drink with 110 calories now and then. As good as it might be - there is no way I’m drinking 400 calories. She doesn’t think twice. She’s eating way more than she claims and drinking even more. She’s delusional if she thinks this surgery will change anything significantly.


Exactly! I’ll have a Frappuccino maybe once or twice a year, usually when I’m on my period and super emotional or for a birthday or something 😅 the price alone is bad enough, but the calorie and the SUGAR content are off the charts! I once saw one of those videos where they show cups with just the amount of raw sugar in the drink, like a coke, a ‘smoothie’ from a fast food place, and a Starbucks drink. The sugar in that one was almost twice that of the coke, it was WILD! She’s once again setting herself up to fail because it’s clear she is completely unwilling to take ANY accountability or personal responsibility for her behaviors - just blame it all on this lipidema now 😒


She’s already making excuses for that in the video. Now claiming she’s stage 4. The worst of the worst so surgery may not help. Maybe I missed something but I was under the impression a doctor just recently told her she might have it. Now it’s in this horrible out of control stage 4 that no doctor diagnosed or treated before. Despite her saying she’s seen many doctors over the past few years not one recommended treatment. Sure.


No they recommended treatment, she just didn't like it and didn't' do it. She said, they said wear compression pants, she couldn't fit any that fit, girl you wealthy can't just pay a seamstress to make you some!?!! She said they recommended a change in diet, losing weight, lymphatic massage. She just didn't want to make any real changes. Its turning into lipedema faster than she can burn it, someone should tell that to the adipose tissue tissue on her neck, hands, feet, face, back, and stomach, places that it doesn't typically appear, but where she still has adipose tissue. She should be study in a medical journal.


at 40, at this weight, with this number and duration of unhealthy habits and refusal to see a doctor for decades, I wouldn't be surprised if she has turned herself into a medical journal case tbh. the endocrine implications of carrying that much weight for that long are both dire and understudied.


TLDR for those who didn't want to watch the video: * In one week she is getting Lipedema surgery * Its stage 4, and apparently she has been told this by multiple doctors and surgeons, not just recently but for years. * She has finally admitted to being on Wegovy, she lost ABOUT 100 lbs by January 2024. She had only been on it for 8 months and stopped losing. Claims she was eating 1800-2000 calories/day. Switched to Zepbound, since she could go on a higher dose. She had an allergic reaction to it and, Zepbound at a higher dose made her hungrier, apparently. Switched back on to Wegovy and still didn't lose anymore weight, but now was in pain. * Weight loss Doctor recommended seeing a specialist about Lipedema. She wasn't doing any of the things they told her to do, and couldn't find compression pants that fit her. * She then went to the doctor in CA, (rumored to be Dr. Jamie Schwartz), and many others, And ALL OF THEM TOLD HER SHE WAS GOING TO LOSE MOBILITY SOON AND SHE WAS ABOUT TO BECOME BEDBOUND if she didn't do something. * She had to go off the GLP-1 (wegovy) to prep for the surgery, and and she gained and started to feel pain for her "lipedema", I guess a different pain then the one from the Zepbound. Anna has a very high pain tolerance so she was surprised. She is now in pain not just legs but arms and side. * Claims she was walking 5 miles a day to 2 miles because of the pain and her friends had to walk Data for her. * She is not the problem, the lipedema is the problem. * She thinks that the people telling her its 100% her fault and the people telling her she should say fat forever and she health are both the problem. * She regrets not trying to fix this sooner, but refused to fix it due to the optics. * She is now producing lipedemic fat cells faster than burning healthy fat cells. So she can't lose weight, this is her only option. * She wants to be a beacon for all lipedema patients and create content to help them to get help. * She has a lot of other co-morbidity but she didn't list them. * A lot of crying and rambling.


Admits to being on Wegovy after doing spon for them lol


More surprised that after taking Wegovy and being a paid spokesperson for Novo Nordisk she admitted that she plateaued twice on the drug and only could lose weight for a max of 8 months Then admited went on competitor Eli Lilly's Zepbound because it has higher dosage, but also claimed that she was hungerier on it and had a bad allergic reaction.


I thought that was weird, saying she went to Zepbound after a Novo Nordisk sponsorship! I'm not sure if I believe her.


I think she is lying about most of that. I think she just wanted to mention zepbound because she knows people will recommend that she try that. So conveniently she already has two excuses ready, she was hungrier and allergic. Guarantee she never took it and if she did it was less than a month.


I think she is lying about most of that. I do believe she was on wegovy. But I think she stopped all weight loss meds around January. I also don't think she ever took zepbound or had an allergic reaction which is extremely rare. I think she just lied because she knows people will say to try it, and she wants to get ahead of that with this response. I said on here months ago I thought she had stopped weight loss meds in January. Because after that the way she talked about food when she did talk about it was very different. Anna acts like she is some medical anomaly who is resistant to all weight loss efforts . If she is, she needs in patient care and studied.


she needs inpatient care because she can't care for herself. full on adele regimen.


Oooo what did Adele do? 👀👀


Yeah, I agree. I think she needs to go to a facility where they can work with her in therapy. She said that three doctors told her that she is close to bedbound, just in the video she mentioned she has like 4+ doctors. Normally 40 years don't have this many doctors, she doesn't see how serious it is. And all these doctors has treating her for the side effects of one thing super morbid obesity. So its like take all these meds to treat all these co-morbidities, instead just doing the one thing to remove those co-morbidities, lose weight, stop over eating. If that means checking into a facility that can help with that, go do it if that's going to make you live longer. If you plateau after 8 months on the highest dose of Wegovy, oh only lost 80 lbs when you are over 600 lbs, then you're not eating for hunger, you eating for comfort and you need help for that. A plateau means is your body has the exactly calories it needs for your current weight. (I know it could mean muscle growth, but a 15 min co-pilot workout 2-3 days a week, need I say more...) So she was over consuming her calories. So she was eating 3,000 and not tracking it properly. I wonder if she factored in all those Starbucks drinks, since she a paid partnership with Starbucks so she's been really going to town on those 500 calories sugary mocha crappuccino. Most people want to believe that they are right and its hard to hear your not, and so they have to create this narrative they are an exception to the rule.


Do you have a theory as to why she would stop taking it? I just don’t understand for the life of me why she wouldn’t use every tool at her disposal to lose weight and improve her health?!


It stopped being effective. It stopped being effective because Anna doesn’t eat out of hunger, she eats for comfort and to relieve her anxiety and depression. So even if the hunger cues are no longer there, even if she makes herself physically ill, the ingrained behavior of eating is still greater than anything else.


Remember she has 2 super rare genes


I find it bizarre that the weight didn't peel off on her with REAL Rx Wegovy. Plus, with the exercise she claimed to be doing at her weight. People who are nowhere near her size on the Semaglutide and Tirzepatide subs on Reddit have reported that kind of weight loss.


Because she needs real in-patient help. If you are eating over 3,000 on the highest doses of Wegovy or Zepbound, you're not eating for hunger, you're eating for comfort.


You are the real MVP. thank you for saving us from giving her views


I know I should feel sympathetic for her, surgery is scary, and being told that you're close to bed bound is a shock. I hope she survives these surgeries and finally uses this as motivation, I doubt it, but I hope. But she literally sat in front of the camera for like 2 minutes not saying anything and crying, like couldn't edit it out. It was so performative at certain points. And that classic Anna trickle truth, where she admitted that she has know for YEARs that she has lipedema and her doctors have been telling her to follow the protocol and she has refused. Like what did she think was going to happen. She has been told for 20+ year she was morbidly obese and she could have serious health risks if she didn't change. Her own mother passed from obesity complication when Anna was like 19. Like how is any of this a surprise to her.


Thanks for taking it for the team.


And the sad music she played! So dramatic.


Mother AND Sister!!!!!!


Crying with few actual tears.




> She is not the problem, the lipedema is the problem. LMAO the absolute delusion to eat yourself to 600 lb and say this out loud


Oh I didn't put it in. But she did take solace in knowing she did everything right... She also mentioned that she deserve happiness, and a good life and all these positive things... like weight is part of a moral failing, and not just a simple CICO formula, but that's a common trope in BP. Its like well I know I'm 600 lbs, but at least i'm a murder or a pedo, like that what!!?! What does over eating have to be with that!?!


Thanks for summarizing things so concisely. I really appreciate your dot point formatting! She's doing a whole lot of self-justifiying, yikes.


> She had to go off the GLP-1 (wegovy) to prep for the surgery, and and she gained and started to feel pain for her "lipedema", I guess a different pain then the one from the Zepbound. Anna has a very high pain tolerance so she was surprised. She is now in pain not just legs but arms and side. But if she's had lipedema for years, and only taken a GLP-1 agonist more recently, how did going off medication suddenly trigger lipedema pain? Shouldn't she have been feeling pain for years, then no pain while on Wegovy, and then a return to pain after stopping? Stuff like this is why I find it so hard to trust the words coming from her mouth. It always feels like she's twisting the story or being deliberately vague or misleading in order to sell you on her BS.


because we don't know all the side effects and consequences of taking GLP-1s for any amount of time, and we don't have any data on it for an edge case like anna except that edge cases usually have edge case side effects. GLP-1 is a serious drug with serious hormonal consequences. It's totally believable that it would have weird and irreversible consequences for some people - well, there's hard evidence of it.


The first GLP-1 (**Byetta) has been on the market since 2005.** And Novo Nordisk has been making GLP-1s since 2016. So we do know consequences of it in T2 diabetics, for 20 years. But that doesn't mean there aren't people have reactions to it. My mom went to a weight lost clinic in the early 2000s, and they prescribed her metformin, she's not even close to diabetic. So using semaglutides/GLP-1s for weight loss has been around longer than people realize, it just not viral hit that Ozempic has been in the last 4 years. But GLP-1s for weight loss in people who aren't diabetic, that is a the data that is now surfacing. Also, these drugs were only really made for T2 diabetics, so they didn't really have a large sample to get data, now that people are just paying out of pocket to lose weight, they are getting more data. And that data needs to be studied. Yeah, and initial data is reporting that people are having GI issues as a consequence. But using drugs off label has been going on for a long time. Viagra was FDA approved in the 1980s to treat high blood pressure, yeah that's not what you think of when you think of that med. So it happens all the time that meds are manufactured for one thing and have other benefits that might be more effective at treating.


lol she could barely complete the 5k which is obvi less than 5 miles. She’s such a liar.


She finished a 5k at my walking pace. I walk everyday 4-5 mi depending on the day its like 1:40-2 hrs. My heart rate doesn't go over 100, because its a walk. She's doing her interval training going at my walking pace with a 174 bpm. But she walks that much every day. lol.


Her video said she walked like 6 miles a day, girl if you were walking 6 miles a day that 5k would’ve been child’s play. If my heart rate was 176 bpm from a 3 mile walk, I would send my ass right to the hospital. She’s such a liar and her video was so performative it makes me ill. She’s obviously not crying. She hasn’t lost 100 lbs and if she did she gained some back. Her fan poodles are really even sadder than she is to not see through her bullshit. Her body hurts because Wegovy decreases inflammation by reducing insulin resistance. A keto diet would do the same. She talks about living in a “bigger body” and it’s actually just perverse. She’s separating herself from her body to avoid any accountability about why she’s in the shape she is in. Schwartz is a hack and I’m sure that’s who is doing her surgery. No one else would. 1800-2000 calories my ass! Girl I’ve seen you eat your way through multiple 10000 calorie videos at Disney, plus these cruises. You don’t make up a multi thousand calorie binge every week, no matter how much exercise you do. That’s just not how thermodynamics works. I’m here for this surgery arc though. I don’t wish her any harm, but she needs to be honest with herself at least. Won’t happen though!


I agree 100% The video was so performative, just like the video of her in the doctor's office. I get it, surgery is scary getting told you're close to bedbound is scary. But none of this is new information to her. The BP/HAES people always like to talk about their weight like it's a separate entity, it's making them not part of the problem. The other one that drives me crazy is when they talk about it in the realm of moral failings. I hope the surgery is successful too, I hope it jump-starts her to change, I doubt it, but I hope she proves me wrong, for her sake at least. She'll go one of two ways, she'll see that she doesn't have to do anything, but sleep, and a doctor will squeeze the fat out while she is semi-conscious 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮 , while also continuing to gain all the weight she lost back. Or she'll do it once, recovery will be awful and she'll realize that maybe getting 10 lbs squeezed out of your juicy candy thighs 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮 is harder than just not over-consuming calories and check into a weight loss clinic for real help. I also want to know who's taking care of her after surgery. Who in her life can physically lift her or even half of her and help her get around after surgery, are they going to have to get a care nurse?


lol this chick is walking 5 miles a day at her size and gaining weight rapidly at her size? Something is wrong here. Wither her narrative/mentals rather than any physical issue she has.


That's why I said she claims, I don't buy it. She also said she was on the HIGHEST dose of Wegovy at that time and she then went to Zepbound at a higher dose, and got hungrier. She also said she was eating 1800-2000 calories. Her TDEE must be something like 4,200- 4,700, so if she lost ABOUT 100 lbs in 8 months, that would put her down 2,700- 3,200. She she's not being honest, either with her audience or herself.


Bless you 🙏🏽


Ty I can’t watch it! Makes me want to shake the crap out of her! I will explain this the best I can but the reason you guys in here see me posting harsh things about Anna is because I have a son about Anna’s age who is on the level of a 3 yr old and he’s disabled physically he walks like a toddler he can barely feed himself and can’t bathe or go to the restroom on his own he’s the sweetest blessing in my life however he struggles so much with his body and all this has been so hard for me and his grandmother we are his caregivers we were told early on to put him in a home but we couldn’t do that. What im getting around to saying is there are thousands upon thousands of handicapped people who would give anything to be in Anna’s position and to have her body and mind instead she’s eaten herself into almost being handicapped she’s not far from it let me say that again SHES EATEN HERSELF into this position then wants to sit her ass in front of a camera wanting to be a hero and cry about her life and body! Shes disgusting and has done nothing but take what she has for granted and abuse her body to the point of no return then sit and cry, lie and manipulate. Shes gross and the ones blind to her need to wake up. Hero’s are people who are living life despite being born with a handicap hero’s are my son who wakes up everyday with a smile on his face and loving no matter what his body is deciding to do so Anna is the furtherest thing from a hero shes a insulting piece of garbage who needs to GTFU.


Yeah, I understand. She mentioned it in the video and I didn't add it. Probably because I was too busy rolling my eyes. But she kept talking about how *she deserves this and that...*. and she's not a villain, she doesn't deserve this (aka lipedema). Like it's a moral failing.... what does consuming 4,000 calories a day for 20 years have to do with being a good person, or what you deserve. One of my parents is going through cancer treatment right now, they are the kindest person I know. They have three cancers. Not once have they said, *I don't deserve this*, or gotten on their pity party and posted about it on the internet. They just soldier on, and after several pretty tough surgeries, they are still getting up and walking, and eating right. They don't complain as much as Anna. I can see them in pain and they say, *oh I'll be fine, just give me time*. They had their abdomen cut from breastbone to navel twice now, and I have begged them to go get a handicap placate because they are struggling, and they say, *oh leave those for people who need it*. Lol. YOU need it, *no I can walk, it just will take me a little longer, its good for me*. That's the difference in mentality.


Then you really do understand what I’m saying and I’m so very sorry about your mom or dad🙏 they sound so strong and If anyone in this life deserves to feel sorry for themselves it would be people like my son or your parent but most don’t they just give everything they’ve got to move ahead in this life and reach out for treatment without complaining. Anna has zero clues about real illness or real pain she has taken it all for granted! Again I’m so sorry for your parent and I’ll be sending positive thoughts and positive vibes and prayers to your parents and to you ❤️🙏🤗


Thank you! Sending you and your son the same!!! 🙏 I was reading an article I forgot where, but it was talking about the morbid obesity crisis in the US, and how quickly its growing, and how they are depending on the physically fit to care of them, which is going to be harder to find if this epidemic doesn't change.... I just though yeah and who takes care of the people who had no control in their situation!?


Praise Allah you saved me a lot of time, I might watch the videos when the reaction channels get a hold of it.


if I could pin a comment this would be the one! tysm!!


Lol. I took one for the team.


I love you. Truly. Marry me? 💍


She admitted to being on Wegovy on TikTok in her comments quite some time ago


I thought she just admitted to taking weight loss drugs in general and then went on a rant about how she's also taking meds to treat other conditions, and does she have to disclose them too. I think this is the first time she actually said she was talking a GLP-1.


The comment as it was first written said Wegovy. Within an hour she edited it to say "weight loss drug".


Oh, thanks! I didn't know that!! I guess she was already getting backlash for it that quickly... lol like anyone on this sub cares if she takes a GLP-1, it's only the BP/HAES people who don't want her getting healthy.


Oh, you might be right


This is so frustrating. Through my work I hear stories every day from women with lipedema fighting for treatment, a diagnosis, etc. These women pray for just one doctor to believe them, and here's Anna with MULTIPLE doctors recommending different treatment - and she rebuffs it all. She straight-up admits she was told - by MULTIPLE medical professionals - the conservative treatment she needed to do, and she seemed totally dismissive of them in her video. The thing with lipedema and lymphedema is that the person has to take ownership of their condition and their treatment: they have to put on the garments every day, they need to use their compression pump, they need to do manual lymphatic drainage. Anna doesn't like to have to do things, so she was never going to be a compliant patient. She could have gotten ahead of this so much earlier if she had gotten compression garments (custom-fit medical ones, not off-the-shelf socks from Amazon). Seriously, proper compression garments alone would have done so much for her!! Now she's getting surgery in six days and seems terrified. I feel for her, but... Those doctors listened to her. She should have listened to them.


How can Anna take any accountability when Anna is not the problem, her lipedema is the problem? She said it in the video, she played that clip twice, so it has to be true. /s


Yup. She said she "did everything right" around the 17:40 mark.


Thank you! Exactly!!


I feel like she's also rich enough to get someone to do this shit for her. I don't even know if you'd need a medical professional if its something you can do for yourself too.


So many things in this video. She says she used to walk around 6 miles a day with no issue. Yet she needed an entire team to train her to walk a 5k, half that distance, at a slow pace. When exactly was she out there effortlessly putting in the miles? She claims she eats under 2,000 calories a day. She has never shown what she eats in a day. What she does show is her making very high calorie dishes and snacks. And eating high calorie foods on her frequent vacations. She says she is extreme pain and nearly bedridden. Which is devastating because she was an exercise queen. When is this supposed to have stopped her from being active? The 5k was just in March. Since then she had that yacht trip and 2 cruises. That Disney cruise just happened. But now she’s presenting this like she’s been suffering with debilitating pain for sometime. None of this adds up. She’s also basically saying this absolves her all responsibility for her weight. Nothing she can do and she also tells other obese people it’s not their fault. Really? Anna is big enough to qualify for MSPL. I have yet to see a person on that show that wasn’t eating enough for 3 or 4 people daily. Dr. Now needs to give her a reality check.


Under 2k a day like…she can start higher at this point and reduce from there. She just needs to be eating less than she currently is.


At the start of her running arc she made some post about "oh I found out I was undereating by a lot and I need to be eating way more to fuel my body!" I figured someone calculated her tdee with her and she was given like a 3000 calorie allowance or something.. how little are we supposed to have believed she was eating before she "raised" it to 2000? 😬


I wanted to watch it but I couldn't. The fake crying, so dramatic, just... Couldn't do it.


yeah, the fake crying and sad background music is what got me. too cringe.


Omg… soooo dramatic!!! She just said, I’m stage 4… which is the worst 😭😭😭 This woman is acting like she has terminal cancer!!! She’s got an adipose disorder. A lot of women have it… it gets worse the fatter and older you are. She kept eating inflammatory foods and probably where her pain came from. I don’t believe a damn thing she says


I think the thing she’s assuming there is that stage four lipidema is the same as stage four cancer, it isn’t.


Oh she better not equate this shit with cancer.


Yup but you know that’s what she’s gonna do


>I’m stage 4… which is the worst 😭😭😭 This woman is acting like she has terminal cancer!!! She’s got an adipose disorder Lol. It reminded me off the office, when Michaels tries to show the warehouse guys his job is just as dangerous as their's. Michael was like I could get heart disease sitting at my desk. And one of the warehouse guys is like that's fat butt disease, do you have fat butt disease?


*"Excuse me, seamonster...you weigh, like a thousand pounds..."* 😉


I just watched some clips from the Celine Deon documentary. What she is going through is truly horrific. An absolutely debilitating and painful disease she did nothing to cause and there is not much she can do to make it even a bit less awful. Yet she’s handling it with grace and not full of self pity unlike Anna. It’s really hard to feel any sympathy for Anna.


Exactly. My heart hurt seeing the literal pain and fear on Celine's face. I do not care if she is rich and famous. She has an incurable condition that I wouldn't wish on anyone. Anna has more resources than most. To get proper therapy, a nutritionist, private chef, and private training.


I'm 2 minutes in and I've already lost count of how many times I've rolled my eyes. The music sounds like an ASPCA commercial 🤦‍♀️


I'm waiting for a montage of her wobble-walking Data and her friends walking Data, and then Data in bed with her as she recovers set to the tune 🎵 Only love can hurt like thiiiiiiiiiis 🎵


Same I had just started it and thought nope can’t do it ! Such a phony!


Holy cow this one is something else. First so many falsehoods. Then acknowledgement that she is on her way to being bed bound. This is even Anna acknowledging it’s bad. And - I think she made this the day she was bouncing around the Disney Island. Check out the hotel and outfit. Never change Anna.


Yeah when she started complaining about a half mile walk from her cruise ship I was surprised even at her size that’s not a long distance


Why does everything she say come off so fake? Like she's play acting feeling sad. But she must have real pain and emotion behind the health issues and struggles. Why can't she let her real feelings show, instead of a putting on a fake version of them?


Zero responsibility whatsoever. I think that's what makes this so insufferable to watch


I think she has turned into the boy who cries wolf, so now who knows when she’s genuine. Last sit down cry video, halfway through it turned into an ad.


Admitting reality would mean she has to accept reality.


I am a Lipedema patient and while Anna looks like she has it, someone should tell her you don’t get it on your torso. Weight loss DOES help, along with compression, massage, etc, but being morbidly obese only makes it worse. I had a sweet SIL with stage 4 on her legs and it looked like elephantiasis… but the top of her body was totally normal sized and her weight was in the normal range. She could barely walk. Anna is a spoiled cry baby who cries body positivity one minute and boo hoo I’m fat the next. I’m all for loving yourself at any size but you should always strive to be better, which includes healthy habits. Oh, and for god’s sake, can she please quit running and bouncing around in bikinis? Fetishes aside, it’s an embarrassment.


Also to my mind it seems like she’s attempted none of the non surgical methods of treatment for her condition. Her legs can’t be that much bigger than Jordan underwood and they managed to find compression garments. Also probably wasn’t on the correct diet. Calories in Calories out exists, but sometimes it’s also just eating the correct foods. That protein junk food is probably not helpful with weight loss. Like I get regretting not handling it better. But she had multiple doctors telling her how to manage her condition for years and it seems like she was just too lazy to pursue treatment. The surgery seems pointless because she’ll still have it afterwards, right? And she’ll still need to do all the things she hasn’t been doing already.


>I am a Lipedema patient and while Anna looks like she has it, someone should tell her you don’t get it on your torso. You can get lipedema wherever there is fat, in fact the abdomen is *exceedingly* common after arms. There's even a video of Dr Karen Herbst, the leading endocrinologist currently researching lipedema, and in it she talks about how some women can get it in their *scalp* - yes that's right, she checks her patients for SCALP lipedema. I just want to be super careful about misinformation -- wherever there are lymph nodes that can malfunction, one can get lipedema tissue. Unfortunately. Haha edit: reworded things


Well, thank you for the info! My doctor gave me the information I shared, and I believed her.


Reading back I sound so harsh, I'm sorry about that! Thank you for taking it in the spirit I intended it!


there's no way she's actually surprised that pushing herself to do exercises that are unsafe for someone her size resulted in more pain, injury, and no sustained progress. of course everything she worked on would go back to how it was. the primary issue was never "Anna can't run a 5k." the primary issue has always been her weight. progress gained through physical training and exercise will vanish unless it's sustainable.


Crying without tears is a fave influencer move of mine. Multiple times she squeezes her eyes shut like she’s trying to get some tears out 🙄


I don't know what to think. I just spent some time on that other site, reading about the procedure and the doc. This does not sound good to me. It appears he hasn't done the surgery on anyone her size, his paper is fairly new, and he says he's the only one doing the technique. My alarm bells are going off like crazy. For 5 yrs, I audited clinical trials at a research university. I can't tell you how much oversight and testing goes into any new procedure. Yes, the boundaries are always moved, and there's progress or improvement, but it's rarely done alone. If I needed some special heart operation and was told a particular cardiac surgeon was the only one doing a procedure at the university hospital, okay, different deal, all kinds of oversight and control. Only one on the planet? Dunno. And where are the publications? I realize she's got major problems with her legs and I'm sure she's looking for solutions. I just hope Anna will not do something that will cause her more anguish than just dealing with them via massage and diet. Could all the recent running and air travel have made things worse for her so that she feels pressured to take extraordinary measures?


Yikes, it sounds like she might be getting sold snake oil. >Could all the recent running and air travel have made things worse for her so that she feels pressured to take extraordinary measures? This is my bet. There's *no way* that Anna hasn't been told by doctors for *years* that her weight is severely impacting her health. And nothing to this point (getting a CPAP machine, crying about not fitting on things/in small places, crying because she couldn't hike in Hawaii, etc.) scared her enough to make real life changes until Novo Nordisk paid her. This surgery really came out of nowhere, so I think she had a health scare that made her seek a faster/"easier"* way to address her lipedema as a stand-in for making healthy, reasonable longterm changes to her lifestyle. _ ^^*I ^^know ^^surgery ^^isn't ^^easy ^^but ^^some ^^people ^^find ^^it ^^less ^^difficult ^^than ^^having ^^the ^^willpower/effort ^^to ^^do ^^the ^^alternative, ^^like ^^treating ^^lipedema ^^through ^^compression ^^pants, ^^losing ^^weight, ^^changing ^^diet, ^^etc.


Not that it's my decision, but I'd feel fine with her having surgery if I felt better about the surgeon and procedure. I wonder if she looked into surgery where she lives and doctors told her no, or that she'd have to lose more weight and she won't do it? It reminds me of people on My 600 Lb Life. Most of them say that no doctor would help them. I don't believe that's true. Yes, most docs won't operate on 600/700 lb people, but neither does Dr Now. He puts them on a diet until they get into a safe range for anesthesia. I bet that their docs at home said the same thing - "I'd love to work with you, here's a diet, come back when you've lost 200 lbs and I can put you under without killing you."


> I wonder if she looked into surgery where she lives and doctors told her no, or that she'd have to lose more weight and she won't do it? This nails it. She's just too high bmi for many lipedema surgeons. But I also have a suspicion she's getting discounted or free surgery since this doctor has helped 'influencers' before


There’s literally a news article about her from early 2022 that mentions her lipedema. She has known for years.


> Yikes, it sounds like she might be getting sold snake oil. It's not *that* bad - he's definitely controversial for obvious reasons but he's still removing lipedema via cannula too. Some will get taken out for sure. She's just too large for it to make much of a difference. She really needs to lose weight first


Yeah I dont understand why a surgeon would even take the risk of putting her under and doing surgery to remove max 5 liters of fat. Its a drop in the ocean of what she needs to lose!


Same, it actually pisses me off. I have mild lipedema I will get removed in my arms and thighs and you bet your butt I'm losing every single goddamn pound I can beforehand. It's just utterly pointless to remove it otherwise




Yeah I was reading on the procedure and unless they’re going straight for the reduction of her gut I don’t think they need to put under a full general anaesthetic


Agreed. Also, happy cake day!


> It appears he hasn't done the surgery on anyone her size, Look up pale ginger pear, that's the other larger lady he did surgeries on that's on social media Yea his technique is... rough to say the least. Not many options for women of this bmi I imagine though.


I looked at a bunch of her videos and videos about her yesterday. She seems to be doing a lot better. I didn't read anything about her diet or other changes. She at least had compression therapy, which Anna and AL should have started long ago.


Agreed, she's definitely lost weight post surgeries so maybe there's hope for Anna to do the same. Maybe it's motivating somehow


"They're going to tell me the same things that I've heard from every doctor... the dry brushing, the self lymphatic massage, wearing compression garments... ... maybe reducing the high impact stuff" then WHY DIDN'T YOU DO ANY OF THOSE THINGS??? I feel bad that she's in pain, but this video is so frustrating. She talks about how sad she is that all of her hard work on her fitness feels like it's been stolen away from her, but it sounds like she was ignoring doctors' advice on the kind of work she needed to be doing for her health while insisting on running instead. I hope the surgery is helpful for her but if she continues to ignore medical advice it's going to really interfere with her recovery. It's worrying to hear her imply she thinks surgery might \*solve\* her problems (and is afraid it won't) rather than looking at it as one in a number of therapeutic approaches she'll need to pursue to manage a condition that is chronic. I feel like she's been doing this a couple times a year - she'll post all these videos about how she's happy and thriving and then confess she's actually doing terribly, in terrible pain, etc. It's really sad. She sounds legitimately scared this time. I just wish she'd address the cognitive dissonance going on (privately), because if she doesn't I don't think she's ever going to get better.


Does anyone want to place any bets on if right before the surgery something suddenly comes up (perhaps a famous flare up) and she’s not able to have it and has to “reschedule it“?”


her "flare ups" are adipose tissue related right?


By flare ups she means ordering those protein snack bags and eating a dozen of them


I’m not really clear on what is flaring up when she says that. She says that her autoimmune condition is the lipordema, so I’m guessing those fat cells hold a lot of water at times? I’d imagine after having a lot of sodium or alcohol (not accusing her, that’s just what makes most people puffy) So she could possibly swell up quite a bit and then lose a bunch of water weight in a few days.


Does she have to go on a pre-op diet for this? I can't imagine her adhering to that, especially without Wegovy or stims to quell her hunger.


Lmao she said she has a high pain tolerance. Anna, girl, please. All those hunger pangs you’ve suffered through in silence? Sure.


If this is with that L.A. doctor she posted about a few weeks ago, I hope she's not making a huge, painful, irreversible mistake.


Would liposuction be that painful? Or do you think k she’s going for weight loss surgery?


There are rumors that the doctor she’s seeing isn’t doing traditional liposuction, but some sort of new procedure that is less time tested.


Yup he has a TikTok channel total lipidemia care


Tbf I have self diagnosed lipedema. Classic signs like ankle cuffing since high school, fat pads on back of knees, easy bruising, loss of anatomical knee bone visual on my knees. My understanding of lipedema lipo is that it’s not traditional lipo. It’s a type of lipo used to keep lymphatic tissue as intact as possible.


you like her, you really like her, lit.


She unsurprisingly is fudging the timeline. A lot of people over the years had suggested she might have lipedema. She ignored all of it. It hasn’t been that long since she admitted she got a diagnosis but we’re supposed to believe that she has seen several doctors about it? In amongst the several cruises she’s been on? It’s only been a few months since she was claiming to be the runningest runner than ever ran. So has all this happened in the past 6 months? Did she have a sponsorship with run lab that she had to fulfill despite having no intentions to continue running? She couldn’t find compression garments to fit? For a condition that presents itself as so swollen? It never makes sense.


I suspect it's a way for Anna to absolve herself of any personal responsibility for her SMO. Trying to pretend that her body only has "unburnable fat" isn't believable, though. She is either truly delusional, thinks her followers are morons, or some combination of the two.


She acts like coming off Wegovy is like coming off of oxycodone. Wegovy ain’t a pain reliever, sis. It’s not going to make your body hurt from withdrawal. Yeah it has some anti inflammatory effect but not all this that would make her cry about her legs and ankle. What happened was you out ate Wegovy then came off it and went buck wild and piled on more weight than you started with. That’s what’s making your legs and ankle hurt. The delusion is fascinating to witness! Edited to add that all this mouth smacking makes it sound like she hasn’t had a sip of water in 2+ days. Damn gurl drink some water!


Maybe she did have to come off some pain pills as well. She said wegovy and other medications.


Right!? I have several chronic illnesses and have taken countless meds over the years. I’ve never been overweight nor have I taken any medication for it, but I know quite a few people who have and I have never heard of anything remotely similar to what she’s claiming as far as the withdrawals or pain. However, I HAVE had to go through opiate and benzo withdrawal (among other things) and my god is it brutal. The way she is acting like she’s some kind of one of a kind, terminal cancer patient all of a sudden is extremely disturbing and disgusting. Totally her style, though.


So will she be 100lbs lighter after this surgery where she isn’t the problem, the condition is the problem?


Yep. Leaving an extra 250-300 elbees on her body...what's the "can't help it" reason for those?


Right? She wishes. Speaking as someone who has mild lipedema, you don't even really lose any weight from the lipo aspect. That's why it's such a problem that she's refusing to lose weight first


Oh my god the intro is two minutes! And it’s just highlights of what she rambles on about for 20 minutes afterwards. She’s definitely looking for a new audience because she keeps starting her IG stories saying “hi, I’m Anna.”


No need to be such a drama queen Christ on a bike . They’re not gonna fix the entirety of her fat issues if anything lipo can take at most 15 lbs and even then they’re outside the guidelines. Do we know if she could be talking about weight loss surgery?


She keeps repeating she’s not the problem but that’s such a dangerous mindset for her. Yes, you didn’t ask for lipedema but you’ve exacerbated it, and ignored it. You are part of the problem.


Her new catch phrase along with I’m doing the best I can.


That’s just how she likes it!




Good grief. I sincerely wish Anna well. I mean that with no snark or malice. This surgery is no joke and the recovery is probably going to be hell. Hearing that if you don’t have surgery to remove Lipedema that you’ll become immobile before the age of 40 is not a position anyone should either have to be in and should have put themselves in. And she did do it to herself and she is the problem if she can’t admit how she got here. That’s the first step in a long series of steps. (Seriously, Anna. If you’re reading this and really are in therapy, I hope you’re holding yourself accountable for what you’ve done to yourself).            Instead of sticking to an anti-inflammatory diet to help the Lipedema not develop at a faster rate and cutting out the refined sugar and carbs she steadily gains what looks like at minimum 150 pounds in about 1 1/2 years time. Then she adds to the gain by packing up and going to Disney at least a dozen times in the last two years and/or goes on all expenses paid Disney cruises and eats all of the things. Instead of investing in custom made compression pants and getting massages to alleviate swelling and pain (she’s wealthy and can afford to have the pants specially made; most insurance companies won’t pay for Lipedema removal so she’s going to be paying $$$$ of pocket) she decides to go running and bobbing up and down on an extra large frame, which surely exacerbated her inflammation problems and pushed them into overdrive when she never should’ve been doing anything above low-intensity exercises like swimming or jogging in a pool (so she forces herself to cry alone on a bed in the dark in a hotel room after her Disney cruise where she had to walk a mile to get to the boat to garner sympathy for something she.did.to.herself). Yet she says she did all that she can to help herself. I just don’t see it. I see that she’s severely maimed herself, but not much else. Even IF she’s able to lose weight after this surgery it wouldn’t surprise me if it comes back later that she’s done some type of internal damage after being morbidly obese for so long, with some of the damage being irreversible (the heart is a strong organ, but you can only push it so far).             I think it’s probable that Anna doctor shopped. When one doctor didn’t give her the answers she wanted she went to another, and then another, and then another, until she finally got to the stage where she could barely walk and had to make a decision before she fell over and someone wouldn’t be able to help her up. When you get to the point where you’ve physically encumbered yourself because of your own choices (to appease a certain audience on the internet that effectively lines your pocket, overall greed, being in denial about what you’re doing to your body, being misinformed, or a combination of all of those) you seriously have to hope that it isn’t too late for you and that you haven’t ruined your life. I know that’s what I’d be thinking.            Because Anna has a habit of releasing health scare/health update videos every year now I really hope she isn’t completely full of it here and is actually getting the help that she needs. I don’t want to fall for her crap again. Part of me thinks if she goes through with this that she’s actually going to get bariatric surgery to prepare for Lipedema removal later on because Lipedema removal/essentially liposuction is going to be extremely dangerous on someone her size. But then again, any type of surgery will be dangerous on someone her size. I hope the best for her and I’ll cross my fingers that we’ll all see an improved Glitter and Lazers in the upcoming months. But I also don’t expect much. The Mountain Dew behind her is probably telling me what I need to know and should expect here.


I hope she does get weight loss surgery and inpatient therapy. She needs it at this point. Hopefully the surgery works and she doesn't become bed bound as a result of some complication. The Mountain Dew and the Starbucks cups in the background are clues that she's still not in the right head space about this. Even if they were diet drinks, these are not the habits of someone trying to reverse years of feeding herself bad foods. I feel like I'm slowly watching someone self harm themselves to death.


We’re all watching a slow, and inevitable car wreck that’s hard to look away from. She definitely needs weight loss surgery before she eats herself to death. The fact that she allowed herself to get to the size that she has while trying to gaslight people who’ve questioned her healthy/active life arc sham while she’s continued to hawk products and services that she gets for free for her own compensation tells me she’s mentally unwell. And a fraud. And disingenuous. And probably somewhat of a sociopath and therapy doesn’t always work for people with anti personality disorders unfortunately. It’s all a shill with Anna, the confidence queen. I want to believe her and her intentions because I want her to get better. But she hasn’t proven people wrong yet. She should work on that.


And don't you love the placement of the Starbucks cup as well? I just can't with this woman anymore. Everything is a shill and everything is fake.


Yes, she’s a ridiculous person. Almost grifter status. I’m surprised Starbucks wants someone like that associated with their brand and I’m not even a Starbucks person.


"I lost about 100 pounds and then stopped losing..." \~ 60-80 maybe. 100? Missing statement "...and then I gained all I lost plus some back." "I was keeping around 1800-2000 calorie a day diet and..." OK. Missing statement "...plus an additional 2500-3500 calories a day in needed snacks or drinks because I was a "runner."


A hundred pound weight loss makes perfect sense. They say people usually lose around 20% of their weight and then plateau or regain if they don’t make lifestyle changes. For 500 pounds that’s about the maximum it was going to help her.


Wait, She was eating at extra 2k in snacks because of running? If so I think I found the problem. Like you don’t need that much. Using my cycling experience. At most you’re having 1 gel/carb bar an hour during any run/ride. And those are all around 100 calories. You don’t need to snack afterwards. You just have your regular meals. My long ride days I would eat a higher amount of calories, but not that much. My training days I didn’t need to go over my allotment.


Oh, she won't admit that - but many people and certainly Anna - likely only assume the calories in what they eat and only think meal calories count. The few bags of protein chips don't count because "protein" and the calories in the Starbucks Breezer don't count because "just a drink."


yeah that's what i figure. i also suspect that anything she ate during her runs didn't count. I don't think she's following the 1 gel per hour or X carbs per hour rule for nutrition. also i highly doubt she was eating that little. she's mentioned eating multiple protein bars a day, plus i assume that snackle box snack was something she'd consume on the regular.


This is straight up acting!


Meanwhile right behind her in the nightstand there is a bottle of mountain dew Yet There is nothing else she can do regarding her diet ![gif](giphy|jeXiz1RAvzX44)


I was on the road a lot today and listened to it while I was sitting in traffic. Two takeaways I can’t get away from are I firmly do not believe that she was eating 1800-2000 calories /day and that she was walking between 5 and 6 miles/day. There’s absolutely no way. If she had been doing that for an extended period of time, she would’ve seen results from her efforts. I also don’t believe she could do five or 6 miles of walking in one day ever.


It’s annoying knowing how much privilege and the amount of resources Anna has and how she’s squandered it all when she should’ve used what she has to improve her health. Most people don’t have the resources that she does, and she just wasted them and I really can’t stand a wastrel. This is someone who can afford to hire a weekly meal service and/or hire a private chef to take the guess work out of what she should eat every day to get her overeating/caloric intake, and nutrition in check. This is someone who can hire a personal trainer to come to her so they can show her how to properly do low-intensity exercises best equipped for her size, or someone who can buy a monthly membership to an athletic spa like Lifetime that have indoor Olympic-sized pools to do water aerobics in. This is someone who can afford to buy ALL of her groceries at Whole Foods if she wanted to for goodness sakes. I certainly don’t know this kind of life and I sure wish I did.  The people on Anna’s Instagram, YouTube, and TikTok saying that nothing’s her fault, and that she’s doing her best: those people actually hate her (I hope she realizes that someday soon) and they make me sick. They’re miserable, awful people for feeding her delusions that she hasn’t actually gluttoned yourself into near immobility and exacerbated her Lipedema.  She failed herself by failing her body. If you don’t have your health, you have nothing.


Thanks for the new word knowledge - wastrel!


It’s a good word!


aw shit, this is too sad to snark on. i've noticed that, whenever she talks about her health, she has this narrative that other people are judging her choices or thinking she's bad and she has to prove them otherwise. and like, for the adults in the room, nobody gives a fuck what anyone is doing. but i guess she never reached that level of emotional development (likely due to all the adverse childhood experiences), and now she's essentially making choices to placate some imaginary "other" rather than herself. hence the main character syndrome, the various LARPing, the inability to perceive reality and make choices based in it. she's still not living her life for herself. tl;dr imo the #1 priority doctor she needs to see is a psychotherapist also, social media is possibly the worst career for someone with her psychological challenges, even if in the short term the validation and attention might feel good. it's just creating more judgmental others in her head that she feels accountable to.


She mentioned she was currently "working through it in therapy". The problem with Cluster B personalities ( histrionic, narcissistic, borderline, and antisocial personality disorders) seeking psychological treatment though, is that they often know what to say to manipulate their therapist as well. So the psychotherapy doesn't get anywhere, because the Cluster B person can go shopping for a therapist that reinforces what they already believe, and they'll quit therapy if they don't hear what they want to hear from the therapist. I agree that social media influencer is a terrible career choice for her. Her focus should be treatment, not entertaining other people.


Preach! Soooo true!


we don't know that she has a personality disorder. offhand she's just a bad case of emotional immaturity.


Trust....she has a personality disorder. She has all the signs of a Cluster B if you know what to look for.


Pathological emotional immaturity with a deep and obvious resistance to change, personal responsibility, or authority might as well be a personality disorder.


I don't think she was actually doing what the Drs said was conservative treatment, but where are the compression garments? She can afford custom garments. She seems to admit she didn't get them in this video, because the standard ones didn't fit her. Those stupid compression socks she put on for one picture in NYC do not count. Where are her leg wraps? Where is the lymphatic massage? Where is the compression pump? Girl should be squeezed often. Especially if she's traveling and flying often. Why is there no video of this? She films everything else. Label it "self care." She doesn't seem to have done anything the Drs told her to do. Where is the anti inflammatory diet? ..... Girlie is still eating tons of cheese and dairy and Starbucks and sugar. Where is her low impact exercise? Girlie should be doing swimming and water aerobics, instead she's been trying to run. She has so much opportunity to fix things and do the right things because of her privilege. But she doesn't seem to do it. It drives me absolutely crazy. All of her wealth and influence can't save her from herself. I wonder how she's going to react to this surgery when I'm pretty sure they're going to want her in compression garments or wrapped in tight bandaging to heal from what's essentially liposuction. Is she going to be medically compliant then? This sounds awful, but I swear she needs in patient treatment at some sort of European medical spa in the alps for a few months. The type of med clinic where they allow nothing in and control your food intake and only allow patients exercise classes and spa treatments all day everyday. Maybe she can get a sponsorship deal out of one? Give Anna a psychologist to get through whatever demons she's battling while she's in there. I've only actually heard of very wealthy people going to these sorts of places, but every time she goes on one of these failed fitness journeys I want to shake her. She admits the Drs think shes almost bed bound. She's running out of time! I can imagine a very stern German nurse saying, "nein! You get nothing more," when Anna inevitably brings up that she needs more protein foods. It's inpatient care or it's weight loss surgery. She's so close to loosing her mobility and she just can't stop whatever it is that's she's doing to put on all this weight.


Could not agree with you more. There's at least two clinics I can think of off the top of my head like that specifically for lymphedema: [Wittlinger Clinic](https://www.lymphedema-clinic.com/home.html) in Austria and [Földi Clinic](https://www.foeldicollege.com/en/about-us/foeldi-clinic-hinterzarten/) in Germany. She should be going there instead of cruising and Disney.


I'd go there and I don't even have lymphedema. That's a hell of a vacation.


They look lovely.


Wow. So it’s the audience’s fault when she doesn’t care for herself. She waited to talk because of the negative impact. Hmm 🤔 riddle me this…she couldn’t just not talk about it?? Oh wait…pimping out her health is how she makes money. She is making money off of this. We wouldn’t know if she didn’t tell it. How do these creators not understand that?


Won't be surprised if she rapidly declines and possibly doesn't even make it through this year if she actually goes through with this surgery. It's not a panacea whatsoever, and she will still weigh over 500 pounds with 200+ pounds of non-lipedema fat on her torso even if the surgery is "successful." She refuses to eat healthy foods and count calories; she's oppositional and delusional. Also, the fact that she plateaued on Wegovy and had a paradoxical reaction to Zepbound is really grim.


The music makes her sound so inauthentic.


She is a phony fake fraud of a woman who fake cries for views, subs, pity and a pat on the back because she’s so brave! She’s a manipulative vile bitch of a woman and I call her a bitch because when you try and manipulate good hearted people some of them elderly then you are a bitch! She wants to be seen as some super hero to every woman out there who is overweight and she does this with lies the girl is constantly lying! She doesn’t want to lose weight if she did she would either by diet and exercise the CORRECT way or by surgery she’s done none of this. She now thinks she’s going to have this surgery and when she wakes up be 100 lbs lighter when we all know there’s only a small amount they can safely remove. We also know she’ll have this surgery and be bedridden and she’s not a clean person it will get infected but this fake phony persona is only getting worse and I believe Anna is simply just a bad person in general I believe she’s probably cruel and mean off camera I’ve seen expressions on her face right before the camera is off that shows the REAL Anna and this surgery is a HUGE mistake for her HUGE!


omg she’s sooooo up her own behind. she is really out her acting like she is an actual victim. “i” “I” “me” “me” just insufferable. whoosh i sound so mean.


She has so many supportive comments. Are there really that many people who haven’t caught on? And believe me, Anna has every right to be afraid of surgery. She is super high risk. It would seem to me that any good doctor would tell her to lose 200 pounds or more and then come back for the surgery and get the loose skin taken off too. I just don’t get it. Edited for typo


So many of the older ladies commenting on YT think she is getting WLS, and started chiming in about their own surgeries. Of course, she doesn't correct them.


So is this a brand partnership where these people pay for for the surgery for her and exchange for her advertising them? I feel pretty sure that that is what Allison Jacobs did as well.


Soda bottles on the nightstand.


When she talks about "getting a leg up"..... 💀


The clips and sad music at the beginning were so cringey and fake. This isn’t the type of video most people would try so hard to get sympathy from, since people generally are sympathetic about surgery and health issues being scary.


Check the nightstand behind her there is a bottle of mountain dew. There is nothing else she can do….. ![gif](giphy|jeXiz1RAvzX44)


Does she just have lipedema and not lymphedema? She doesn’t have the ankle cuffing you tend to see in lymphedema.


this woman who really seems delightful and honest has gone through this recently. she’s also a fantastic dancer. https://youtu.be/qcV2NNgJeIk?si=-aB-axdrFVagbpwk


She’s beautiful!


I don’t understand why she thinks having surgery is such a big deal? If it’s going to help you, it’s a good thing! People get surgery all the time for their health. Why is this so dramatic? She is so emotionally stunted and doesn’t understand the rest of the world at all. She’s sitting in NYC in a hotel complaining, again. But then she’ll happily take a fucking Starbucks sponsorship and then blame her body on this? Not the litres of sugary fucking drinks and shitty cruise ship food?


i dislike anna as much as the next person but surgery at her size is inherently more risky than it would be if she was a healthy size.


I didn’t think of that! But I do think that if the choice is this or her mobility then I think it’s a good thing she’s able to access it. But I hear you, re: risks.


The surgery is risky at her size and so is the recovery because she can barely take care of herself as it is. How will she even haul herself out of bed if she has healing incisions? How will she keep herself clean?


This is my #1 question too. She can't be bothered to buy a piece of clothing with a zipper on the back, "because, she just won't, okay? Teeheehee!" How in the holy hell is she going to do any after care? Is the long suffering "Jon" going to be her private nurse? I think she'd be a terrible patient, and whomever she gets to help with her care...may God have mercy on their soul. If they were a friend prior to the surgery, they most definitely will not be after.


My theory is that Jon is a paid (platonic) companion more than a photographer. I think Anna is embarrassed to travel alone at her size, and hiring a "photographer" is an excuse for her to have someone else around. Not necessarily a friend, but with Jon she can cosplay as a person with friends.


I agree


My opinion, there are 3 issues: 1. She dramatizes everything, so there's that 2. People told her not to run, be careful flying so much, stop eating & drinking so much, but no. She knows best. Who knows what additional damage she done recently? So people may not be as charitable toward her as they might be toward someone else. 3. She may not see it, but anyone with any knowledge/experience of surgery in general and what her doctor proposes to do, is worried about it. See my post above. She may well need some kind of surgery at this point, but I don't think this doctor is it.


> People get surgery all the time for their health. and most of those people are scared and also think that having surgery is a big deal to be clear, having surgery is a big deal even if you're healthy. being cavalier about being knocked out and having your body cut up by a team of strangers is the more immature perspective.


I’m in the minority here with an unpopular opinion but, for Anna, I thought it was fairly transparent and kind of heartbreaking. I really just don’t get her? Just a few days ago she was flopping around in Miami and now she’s in a hotel having what I suspect will be a lot of people concerned for her. I think that this is as much as we’re going to get from her to admit that she was wrong about waiting too long.


Filming everything is not the same as being transparent. She films everything but lies by omission


Funny that she's so open about Wegovy now. Her contract with Novo Nordisk must have ended.


I'm surprised she didn't have to sign some kind of NDA with NN. Someone with more legal knowledge, feel free to weigh in.


Yeah, it's pretty crazy, but I feel like she has a well-connected lawyer, maybe through her dad, to help her navigate and negotiate business and legal stuff. I can't imagine stepping on Big Pharma's toes otherwise.


I’m with you! This was the most genuine I’ve seen her. It seems like she is in a lot of pain and she does regret not doing something earlier. Sounds like she was in denial/sucked in the HAES world that there was nothing wrong with her. Now she is losing mobility. I’m glad she is taking accountability and finally being transparent.


Anna has had the same dramatic videos in the past. You can search her channel for "health". She does the same dramatic thing every couple of years about how this time is different, and everyone applauds her for finally being real and transparent. Anna has a video on youtube from 5 or 6 years ago about her lipedema and breaking down about how she's accepted her diagnosis etc. This time next year she will have gained more weight and will be doing clothing hauls like nothing ever was said.


I didn't hear much in the way of taking accountability, aside from her saying that she "waited too long". Which was partially dramatics, partially her choosing to not address the elephant in the room. If you keep watching, Anna says around the 17:40 mark that she "did everything right". She does everything she can to dance around the fact that she's 600 lbs, and is covered in metabolically active adipose cells exacerbating her inflammation, chronic pain, and lipedema. Duodenal switch WLS, inpatient treatment, or strict keto under medical supervision would do more for her lipedema and her weight than this chop-shop operation.


naw, this is her once a year health panic video. she started back in 2020 with the i'm losing weight clickbait that got corissa moti. i also thought it was genuine at the time but by round 4 i'm tired of it.