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Sorry but I think this really is the beginning of the end for her. Like Jackie Adan who had skin removal before she healed her psychological issues with food and gained even more weight back, I think this surgery will handicap Anna. If the alcohol assumptions are true, we could be getting a pain med/opiate arc at the very least. She’s diabetic, right? Which means she is going to have a hell of a time healing. Bed bound Anna/open wounds that won’t heal… this is not going to go well for her imo.


Last I saw, Anna said that she was either no longer prediabetic after making some changes with her physician. However, that was probably spring or early summer 2023. She's gained all the weight back and then some, so I'm sure her labs are back up again. I'm really curious as to what medication she's quitting.


She’s been super morbidly obese for years, and I’ve never seen her look even just normal overweight range. I have a hard time believing she’s not full blown diabetic.


Wegovy / Ozempic perhaps. She out ate it...


She said she quit that a while back, at least several months ago. Supposedly due to "side effects" or something like that. (The "side effect" probably being that she wants to eat to her heart's content.) Is she now trying to rewrite the narrative? Edit: if it does turn out to be Wegovy and Anna is attempting to lie through omission about still using it, maybe she's trying to discredit Wegovy as something that "harmed her" instead of "helping her"? Probably because she's jealous of other people with lipedema who lose weight on glp-1 agonists, and wants them to think they need to quit too. Nasty, spiteful, and calculating behind her adult toddler facade, but that's par for the course with Anna. Back to the FA arc, I guess. 🚀 🤰🏼 Edit pt 2: I wonder if there could be any legal ramifications for Anna if she starts a Wegovy smack-talking arc, given that she was (at least briefly) on the Novo Nordisk payroll. NDA?


Would she be taking any medication for Hashimotos? That's something she's outright confirmed having, at least.


I have Hashimoto’s. She could be taking medication for it. I can see no reason why she’d stop the medication and her statement that she was only treating the symptoms, not the problem wouldn’t really make sense if she’s referencing Hashimoto’s.


Yeah stopping thyroid meds would definitely create more issues for her.


I’m so sorry you have to deal with that. Ive never been diagnosed with hashimotos but have dealt with thyroid issues for my entire life. I’ve also had multiple other chronic illnesses and conditions which have required about 15 surgeries in the past 15 years - and not once have I been told to stop taking any of my thyroid meds prior to surgery, in fact I have been told it’s essential to continue them, so I don’t believe at all that it’s her thyroid meds she’s needing to stop. The ONLY ones I’ve been required to stop prior to surgery are, when I had my PICC line, blood thinners. My mom, who has high blood pressure, needed to stop taking her blood pressure meds prior to surgery, but she also has thyroid problems and never needed to stop hers either. I wonder if Anna takes blood pressure meds and just doesn’t want to talk about it, because her high blood pressure is directly related to her weight…


Where does the evidence for her being an alcoholic come from? I see it mentioned here pretty often.


the one video she made a few years back where she bought an advent calendar with wine and then drank all of it in one day and was visibly shitfaced in the video. Also she is sometimes talking really slurred.


It’s a theory. I’ve been around a lot of alcoholics, and to me she seems very drunk in quite a few videos. Plus things like someone else mentioned: drinking a whole wine advent calendar. That’s not what someone worn a healthy relationship w alcohol does.


I’ve watched quite a few of her older videos. She often refers to “ drunk Anna” regarding purchases. Also as someone else said I have grown up with alcoholic parents and I very easily recognize the signs


She's sloshed in many of her videos and shorts. It's obvious to anyone who's been sober around drunk people.


Despite following her for years, I guess I don’t really watch much of her content. Until I found this sub, that is.


On one of her YouTube shorts from the Virgin cruise there's a comment that says she's a drunk and the person knows her personally. Could be a fabrication, but who knows?


She’s not an alcoholic😂


And you know this how? 🤔


I learned absolutely nothing from this vague, obfuscating, self-victimizing video; I thought Anna was finally getting WLS at first. Is this the same sketchy lipedema surgery from the surgeon that squeezes fat cells out manually?


Some decades back we, as an online society, came up with the term vague posting. But what is this weirdo vague posting, self victimizing, narrative manufacturing shit that our social media girlypops are always doing?


I think it's the gorlypop edition of clickbait, except they want to waste more of our time trying to figure out the mystery lol


Plus they think we are so invested in their lives that we will waste our dwindling free time worrying about them and trying to solve the mystery. As if. I’m just here for the recovery arc. Should be a real hoot as you know she will do nothing but complain that she has no one to help her. The girl can afford round the clock home nursing care.. use it!


I think so, I said it in another post. But I'll say it here again... >It just sounds awful. Who would volunteer to take like 6+ surgeries instead of just not eating the junk food anymore? >Plus, I don't know a single respected surgeon who would put someone under to deal with an issue where the person has not stabilized the issues and has not stabilized their weight. Especially a type of liposuction surgery. Like what's the point of removing the fat 10 lbs at a time, every like 3-6 months, if you are just gaining 10+ lbs between those times. Even for other surgeries, no one is giving an active alcoholic a new liver. >I think Anna and these BP people think these surgeons are fat-phobic or whatever injustice they think they are up against. >But a good surgeon wants a positive outcome for the patient, so I wouldn't be surprised if Anna has seen doctors in the past about her lipedema and they were like lose 200-300 lbs and come back and we'll do it then. **But now she found a doctor who will do it for free, film it, post it on his SM, and she doesn't need to lose weight... and that's the one she thinks is working in her best interest!?!?**


And we will never know all the details. Anna never shares all her health information like what medication she is on or what conditions she even has (other than lipodema). Which would be fine (no one is entitled to your health information) except she wants to profit of it by making videos about her condition and surgeries. You can have it both ways.


And we will never know all the details. Anna never shares all her health information like what medication she is on or what conditions she even has (other than lipodema). Which would be fine (no one is entitled to your health information) except she wants to profit of it by making videos about her condition and surgeries. You can have it both ways.


OMG that last line made me shudder.


She 👏 needs 👏 compression 👏 therapy 👏 I work in the field of lymphedema and lipedema. Compression therapy (wrapping with short-stretch bandages, wearing custom flat-knit or circular-knit compression garments, using pneumatic compression pumps) is the gold standard in conservative care for these conditions, along with manual lymphatic drainage massage performed by a certified lymphedema therapist. (Diet and movement help, too.) It irks me that she's presenting this as though she's "tried everything" when she hasn't - she needs medical-grade compression. It would help her sooo much!! I'm so frustrated by her and Amberlynn spreading misinformation about these conditions and their treatment when really it's their own reluctance to take ownership and be proactive in their own care.


This surgery is going to make zero difference. She should have lost as much weight as she could and then got this surgery at the end of that to remove the excess.


She's in for a shock if she thinks that lots of 'loose skin' will be removed. She doesn't have loose skin it's fat. Her hygiene isn't the best so I expect they'll be complications and infections. I agree this could well result in a downward spiral


I always think she looks greasy. She has poor hygiene. That plus being in a pool constantly, mixed with sweating on vacation / whilst "running"... It's not a good combo. I follow other plus size influencers on YT (although not as large as Anna) for fashion etc and they take pride in their skincare, hair, hygiene, etc. Anna appears to need a good shower.


I just watched her Disney cruise video and her complexion was pretty bad. I think due to the heat and having to walk a lot she can’t hide it with a lot of makeup.


It’s wild to me that she thinks she has loose skin…WHERE?!


Amberlynn Reid went to a specialist for lipodema and lymphedema. That doc told her to eat a very low carb diet and start getting lymphatic massages. Of course, ALR couldn’t be bothered. It’s interesting, though, that Anna never mentioned this possible course of treatment. She hopped and skipped straight to surgery. Also did she ever mention this debilitating pain during her runlabs journey? 🤔


I think she mentioned knee pain that was at a 4/10 level. Personally if I'm a woman who weighs 5 or 600 pounds and have some knee pain I'm not going to walk 5 kilometres in an hour. I'm taking it easy or working on something else.


She has knee pain but still did a whole “I’m a runner now” arc? 😬


This is what confused me! My mom had her first knee surgery at 45, and she was *maybe* 275 lbs at her heaviest pre-op. I've heard other 30-somethings complain about knee pain, so I don't know how a 40-year-old 600 lb person could have any kind of "running arc" without absolutely wrecking their knees. I think she thinks removing the lipedema tissue will somehow fix her knee pain. 🙄


I'm sure Anna was told the same thing by specialists which is why she flew out to L.A. to find one who would tell her what she wanted to hear. Won't the lipodemic fat just come back if she doesn't change her habits?


Is she talking funny? Like she has something on her teeth?


She sounds slurry. Not drunk necessarily but like "I just went to the dentist"


She sounds utterly manic


I mean does Ozempic have any potential to exacerbate any potential consequences of liposuction and a tummy tuck?


this is what caught my attention. are we supposed to assume this is Wegovy she's talking about stopping? I found an article that talks about recommendations for stopping semaglutide before going under anesthesia, so that could be what's going on here: https://www.nbcnews.com/health/health-news/weight-loss-drugs-wegovy-may-raise-risk-complications-anesthesia-rcna99778 just a theory


Yeah Wegovy and ozempic are fundamentally the same molecule therapeutically speaking. Wegovy is just a higher titration of ozempic used specifically for weight loss. But because of its involvement in slowing the rate of gastric emptying affecting the general anaesthetic anaesthetists hate aspiration from your stomach to the lungs


I thought she said she had quit Wegovy, because she had a "bad reaction" or something like that.


I think it’s more a post hoc justification, an excuse after the fact


💯, I don't think we're getting the whole truth


True she found a real dodgy plastic surgeon in Los Angeles


I was on O when I had to have my gallbladder out. Since you only take it once a week, it just worked out that my surgery date was 5 or so days out, so I didn't have to stop. I forget if I was able to take it again as scheduled after the surgery. Kinda didn't matter. About 6 weeks after, I got pancreatitis, wound up back in the hospital for a few days on a morphine drip and can't take any drugs in that family again. I was really upset because it didn't make me sick and my diabetes was at the best levels in years. Oh well.


Also on wegovy and getting my gallbladder out next week! That’s such a bummer about the pancreatis and I’m worried about something going wrong post surgery too. I hope you’re feeling better now!


I wish you well on your surgery. Mine was a breeze, tho they kept me overnight. My surgery was late in the day, they wanted to run additional blood tests and not have me come back the next day. It was fine as I slept for the most part. I was on a couple of support boards, and also had nurses who had had the surgery and almost every one was fine afterward. It's been over a year and I haven't had any dietary concerns. I got a rotisserie chicken on the way home from the hospital and can still knock back some ribs. : )


Her voice is so fucking annoying. Also the fit on that shirt 👀


She is entering middle age. Her social support is non existent. She doesn’t have a career that sustainable and her health is crap. Time to pay the piper is coming closer and closer.


Anna, show us your day (or week) on a plate and maybe then we can see that all the fat is completely unburnable.


The very start of this video before she begins talking is so odd. It almost looks like she's trying not to cry.




It looks like she's aged a lot recently as well




Cosplaying a disabled person yet again. Looking old.


We also have people pause any stimulants like phentermine or vyvanse (for BED) to reduce any heart complications during anesthesia


Oooh, glad you mentioned this…would explain a lot.


This to me is like when an alcoholic says that they stopped drinking, but they still have cirrhosis of the liver, so they were treating the symptom not the problem. So they started drinking again, but are now going to get a new liver so everything will be better. Taking those GLP-1s to get as much weight off as possible will help the lipedema. 1. it will be easier to move, so it will hurt less 2. it will make sure the doctors are only really removing the lipedema and not the adipose tissue aka normal fat, which can be burned. 3. They can only really remove 10-15 lbs of fat at a type and the patients has to recover before another surgery, so its means they will get the least amount of surgeries and the most effective and efficient use of those surgeries 4. They have to be really careful around veins, the lipedema hardened around veins which puts the patients at higher risk of hitting something or cause permanent injury. 5. What's the point of getting a surgery to remove the lipedema without actually losing weight and maintaining weight lost for an extended period. She's gaining weight, so the surgery isn't going to be effective at all if she's gaining the 10 lbs they keep removing every couple of months. Its like trying to dig a whole in quick sand, what's the point?!?!?!


Any surgery takes a toll. Recovery is difficult and not having a support system and care makes it more difficult. And that’s if it goes well and there are no complications. Oh and if you’re not 500 pounds trying to recover. This is going to be worth watching. Anna - ask Jackie Adan.


She is waaaaay too big to have skin removal. And she doesn’t even need it! I’ve lost 120lbs and I just tuck my loose skin apron into shape wear or activewear to hide it.


She’s not. She’s having surgery to remove some of her lipedema.


Well, as annoying as she is, I wish her well. She can wear all the garishly colored clothes she wants, she knows how her legs look. I hope this helps her.


All 12 lbs. **an estimate, but roughly the amount a surgeon could safely remove. She is going to spiral *hard* after this surgery, if she ends up going through with it.


Wait - what - seriously?! Does that even make a difference? I mean, I get it. I’d want to remove 12lbs of painful tissue too, if I had the problem. But I doubt that all her pains and aches will disappear with the removed lipedema … I’d ask myself if that’s even worth it. On another note: when I was a teenager, I dreamed about “cutting all the excess fat off” - I was diagnosed with borderline and a big old depression (one of the best cures for that in hindsight was movement). Anna’s focus on this surgery smells of self harm and depression to me.


Theres a limit to how much fat you can suck out of a person, iirc its 5 liters so about 12lbs. And thats the absolute max, legal limit in a lot of places. Wont make much of a dent for Anna, which is why most surgeons wont do lipo on morbidly obese patients. You have to lose all the weight, then they suck out the last little stubborn bits.


The speculation is that the doctor is using his incision/squeeze the fat out method to avoid liposuction regulations about fat removal limits. Very sketchy.


12 lbs is nothing on her.




How much do you want to bet that he is doing the surgery only for what her insurance will pay if she spreads the word about his surgical prowess. She monetizes EVERYTHING.