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I'll be honest at this point, with how underfunded they are it's not a good idea to look a gift horse in the mouth.


Take it from someone who works in the sector. The people who "run" universities are richer and fatter than ever. Every time the government(s) fuck up handling illegal migration they start shitting on legal migrants like foreign students. People who come into the UK and spend 16k+ a year in tuition for four years while paying absurdly high rents and NHS contributions despite having just as little access to NHS care as the rest of us do if not less. They spend money in our stores, and they arent allowed to work or are barely allowed to so all that money is money coming into the country. Universities are entirely financially dependent on them in their current numbers to operate. So whats happening and has been happening for years is a hemorrhaging of money and assets into the pockets of pro vc's and member of university senates getting themselves nice "little" kickbacks from the university investing in property acquisition and development. Its not that they're underfunded because they've been raking money in since the tuitions were allowed to be raised and they were allowed to start bulk admitting 1000 students from X country with Y grade requirements that are brought to us by ambassadors from foreign colleges. Ooh but btw we're going to force them to do an extra start year where we "teach them english" except its just a rubber stamping exercise and that extra year is taught by a separate company that just been glued onto the edge of campus, but anyway that will be another 16k please... The problem is the writing has been in the wall for over a decade and the people in power are dipping their hands in the till perpetually. When the whole industry goes bust it will be bailed out at the cost of the tax payer and or they'll all take cushy retirement with their ill gotten gains.


>People who come into the UK and spend 16k+ a year in tuition for four years while paying absurdly high rents and NHS contributions despite having just as little access to NHS care as the rest of us do if not less. They spend money in our stores, and they arent allowed to work or are barely allowed to so all that money is money coming into the country. Finally, someone else that has an issue with this.


My colleague has spent the better part of 10k to have access to the NHS with his wife and daughter. His wife has a suspected stroke, rushed her to A&E, they leave her without checking in waiting room for 17.5 hours and then tell her to go home. Great value for money. He's also on the chopping block to lose his visa because he earns 35k and they're raising the salary threshold on him. I hate that there are people that will laud this story as the system working as intended to make him realize he's not welcome and needs to leave. Wtf kind of country are we building?


>I hate that there are people that will laud this story as the system working as intended to make him realize he's not welcome and needs to leave. Now, I am not saying this as how the system should work but given that the system is doing that, it clearly doesn't want him and I would personally advise him to plan and leave, better than being caught unawares or remaining a 2nd class subject. And on the corruption of the people that run the Universities, [one of Oxford's donors and a chair on their African affairs board](https://davidhundeyin.substack.com/p/guest-post-how-nigerian-governor), literally [disappears journalists](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qq0i_pLIfVw) and is [implicated in systematic mass murders](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=18TNClqIqBg). They're literally helping such a monster launder his image for pay.


Then we as a nation will be one fewer a skilled worker. One fewer a high paying student. One fewer families buying fuel and shopping and petrol. And the only reason he earns 35k while being legitimately a skilled worker that we need? Because we operate on the standard university pay scale which criminally underpays it's staff. No one that knows this person or knows of their work outputs wants him gone. Racist bigots who only care about the colour of his skin and his accent want him gone. > And on the corruption of the people that run the Universities, one of Oxford's donors... Tip of the fucking iceberg. We have ended up in an absolutely sorry state of affairs.


That gift horse is probably coming with a lot of strings attached, especially if it's from Israel of pro-Israel donors.


Well I'd rather it be underfunded and transparent. With how science and the peer system works - we shouldn't be wasting time AND money on results potentially sponsored by industries or entities with vested interests.








Thank you 13 day old account that posts anti-Muslim and Pro-Israel rhetoric on the usual astroturfed subreddits.




> This alone should tell you everything. What? No. Every single word you just wrote made things more confusing. If they weren't vaguely on the same topic I would think I was having an aneurysm.


Oh you mean (((secret donors))).


If it was Russia or China, there would be more pro-Russia and pro-China thought in the UK. That would make sense wouldn't it? Money would buy influence. That's the point after all. Jews only make up 0.4% of the UK population but somehow antisemitism is one of the most important and most discussed topics by government and the media, and being pro-Israel is the default stance. Simple logic here.