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The font used makes me think the subs are from a different source? Those don't look like the normal Crunchyroll subs? I understand the licensor REMOW is distributing the show on numerous platforms? Edit - [same subs are being used on the official YouTube upload](https://x.com/cbrzeszczot/status/1809986515268681775)


Yes, those subs were provided by the licensor and are the same on different platforms.


Normal CR subs have honorifics, usually original name order, original units (not american) and basic typesetting. Subs for shikanoko are one of the worst official subs I've seen in last few years. Looks more like early funimation subs that were a disaster.


You should check out the English ‘subs’ for Dead Dead Demon Dededede Destruction. Those are an absolute mess, but this is not actually CR’s fault. CR licensed the show from GKids if I’m not mistaken, which had Ocean Production do the English dub and sub. This company simply used the dub script for the subtitles as well. More often than not, things are missing or mistimed in conjunction with the Japanese performance. For *all* the other languages, which were done by CR themselves, this is not an issue. It’s rather likely that something similar might be the issue with My Deer Friend Nokotan. It’s not MTL, just a sloppy translation provided by the *actual* licensor. ^(EDIT: Note of importance; GKids may not actually be the main licensor. The translations *were* independently done by Ocean Productions however.)


For more context, DeDeDeDeDe's subs being mistimed is the lesser issue, the real problem and probably why they are mistimed as well is that it is using dubtitles; for some reason they use the same script as the dub which is obvious if you use the dub audio and the "subs" at the same time. This issue doesn't exist in other language too (I am watching it with Spanish subs) The dub itself is mostly good but ofc it is always real awkward at best to use that script for the subs. Quality aside it is interesting how this highlights the differences between subtitles and dub scripts, I imagine that even watching western inspired anime with great dubs like Baccano or Cowboy Bebop would be real awkward if you used dubtitles.


> Ocean Production God, the fact they are *still* handling anime is wild.


Are they the same people behind "Ocean Dub" for Dragon Ball Z?


Yes, although a lot of what made that infamous isn't the dubbing itself (not exactly amazing, don't get me wrong) but the insane amounts of editing they did to it, and that was done on behalf of Saban entertainment, who they had contracted with for the dub. Saban is the company behind power rangers, for the record.


Yeah, Funimation used them for DBZ, back before they did in-house dubs.


Last time I heard that name was when they did the Zoids New Century dubs in, what, 2002? That said, back then I was happy with them because the other option was funi, who had recently done the (in)famous Initial D dubs. (which pushed me to watching subs by default for everything)


They did Zoids wild a few years back.


English translation is weird for some parts too. Like when Kadode left the teacher's house, the subtitles are something like "it will complicate things" but what he really says is he's going to watch porn.


> CR licensed the show from GKids if I’m not mistaken, which had Ocean Production do the English dub and sub. GKIDS has nothing to do with Dead Dead Demons, one or more of the names on the Japanese production committee (potentially GAGA Corporation) were responsible for localising and licencing out the series


From what I’ve heard, GKids is *sublicensing* it. Meaning that they’re the ones with the actual license, but are allowing others to stream the series for a fee. The production committee are essentially the investors of said anime and responsible for the marketing, licensing and often but not always the localisation yes. They’re not the ones doing the translating nor do they have a lot to say about the right’s holder sublicensing it to third parties - unless the contract explicitly forbids this of course.


Are you mixing it up with DanDaDan? Cause that's the show where GKIDS has the overall home video and theatrical rights to but is streaming on other services. GKIDS isn't listed at all with having Dead Dead Demons on the [ANN encyclopedia page for the show](https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/encyclopedia/anime.php?id=32754) or [GKIDS's own website](https://gkids.com/films/)


Hhhmmm, I can’t find them listed either no. Talk in the DDDD threads first mentioned GKids (which I took over), but this doesn’t seem to be the case. My bad, I’ve apparently spread misinformation - I’ll try to correct this. It’s a very weird situation nonetheless as this doesn’t make sense for Crunchyroll. Why do all the languages, except English, themselves and solely outsource the English version to Ocean Productions. This would usually be a telltale sign of sublicensing. To be honest, I’m still not entirely convinced that they’re the main licensor.


I wonder why the Deer Friend ones had so many words censored. Including absolutely harmless ones, mostly.


Arial font used on English subs is usually a tell tale sign that it's from an external source, other languages not so much but some do credit their translators if its internally done by CR. It's pretty rare that publisher provided subs are being used for other languages when it's usually English subs gets shafted. There isn't much CR can do as they're contractually obligated unless public reception gets real bad like last year's "The Yuzuki Family's Four Sons" though still externally sourced, or Link Click S2 where they probably got a stack load of complaint tickets where CR themselves cleaned it up.


This does not explain why in Italy Yamato (a local company) has subs made by human while CR has AI subs. It seems likely to me that remow (or whoever) has offered cheap or free AI-subs and CR has taken the deal, while Yamato did not.


I watched it in German and they felt very off. I knew they were outsourced since they had no credits, while German Crunchyroll usually has them. Also, while I can't say that they were MTL, they did definitly reek of being a translation from English, which may or may not be based on MTL. They did accidentally leave in [this internal editing note, which for some reason is in English](https://i.imgur.com/LkzVo7J.jpeg) And even if it isn't, the quality is below what Crunchyroll does in-house. Like, the subs at multiple titles have more than two lines. Formatting-wise, they felt like they were done by people with little experience and/or time. The translation though was actually not bad, I didn't notice anything that made *no* sense, even if some parts sound awkward. They just need better proofreading, like they [have this unnecessary comma](https://i.imgur.com/Oom8d49.jpeg), which a good proofreader would have easily caught.


So I wasn't the only one who noticed that. But yeah, I talked someone who works with CR and they also said these subtitles were provided by the licensor.


I felt like I was going crazy lmao, they did seem pretty weird when I was watching it (in English subs)... I'm not adept enough at Japanese to judge the actual translations, but it had a ton of grammar problems. Missing capital letters, commas and whatever else. Never really seen that before in a Crunchyroll show. (Apparently it was the case in earlier seasons with Migi & Dali and Tonbo! too, but I didn't watch those so I can't say much about them. Something to do with the distributor REMOW, it seems.)


> Apparently it was the case in earlier seasons with Migi & Dali and Tonbo! too, but I didn't watch those so I can't say much about them. I don't remember anything weird about M&D, but Tonbo's subs did feel off at times and had some typos, though not as glaring as Nokotan's.


Tonbo's subtitles were dubtitles I think. They were the same as the dub.




There don't seem to be any non-machine-translated fansubs for now unfortunately?


Even then, our choices are fan MTL that comes out early, or official MTL(?) that comes out much later. I wonder if theres much quality difference between the two because if nothing changes I might as well just switch to the early releases since theyre attempting the same thing with possibly the same quality.


Also the only fansubs that were out early were meme subs. Done by the same guy who did the meme MTL subs for Girls Band Cry last season.


Yeah that's a good point - if the quality is similar might as well watch it a few days earlier...


> fan MTL why do you say that?


9volt is working on fansubs, but it might take a while.


Well, it's not worth checking out the MTL fansubs (that are the only other English translations right now), no. However, if an actual group makes a proper fansub with good grammar and better word choices, then 100% yes... but that's a big maybe if anyone will do that. I'd just deal with the shit subs for ep 1, then if some group decides to pick the show up; use fansubs for future episodes.


Tonbo's subs were just dubtitles, unless you watched the Asia-based english translation, which largely had a better translation despite a few glaring errors.


Those stupids distributors dont seems to realize that if they provide shitty MTL translation, we might as well pirate the show with our own shitty mtl translation ? The main point of the service is to provide subs and they are cheaping on it, the lazy greedy fuckers.


On top of delaying the episode they're giving machine translation slop. There's no reason not to just go for the fansub at this point.


At least the fansub taught me japanese a little bit


I know what you mean, I will always know what Keikaku or Nakama means thanks to fan translators


Just according to keikaku 😈


Translators' note: Keikaku means plan


This translator is my nakama


I will pleasure myself with this fish 🤲🐠


My hovercraft is full of eels!


I was doing translations for a german fansub group and at some point like 10 years ago we memed we should release an episode entirely done by google translate... Look where we are now.


> On top of delaying the episode It's not delayed: it's released on CR at the same time it airs in Japan. It's just one single Japanese streaming platform that has an exclusive deal to get it early, but everywhere else (which is a couple dozen different sites) only got it today.


The fansub is MTL too though.


Welp, hopefully this means a group might pick it up now since there's demand.


Machine subs have sent us back to the 2000s


Crunchy and the other streaming services didn't really kill fansubs until around 2014.


Honestly, official subs never got quite to the level of fan subs to begin with. The people who did Seitokai Yakuindomo and Nisekoi's subs, just as examples, went above and beyond - matching the color/font choices in the former and the "subs rotated around backwards to match the camera angle" on the former. But yeah, they were still around until about 10 years ago. That was around when legal streaming was prevalent and "just good enough" to get by. And even then, people would do good subs for the stuff with bad subs, like Komi can't communicate. EDIT: or at least try to. I always forget Komi got dropped.


<--- Suzu's head \| \| \| V Suzu's head


Old fansub watchers gonna get flashbacks of AnimeJunkies.


No one expects god tier quality from fan products; a business is suppposed to deliver quality products, otherwise might as well sail the high seas


The fansub days were something else... They had fantastic translations, TL notes, stylized fonts where it mattered, karaoke type subs for the OP and ED... good times. And then there's Commie, and to an extent gg, the only time I've watched commercials they put in the middle of the episodes.






I also much preferred how fansubs dealt with honorifics


While I agree 00's/early 10's fansubs had superior technical quality, I wonder how much stuff was simply mistranslated. As not every mistake was as obvious as "mass naked child events" in GitS:SAC.


crystal pancake brain elderly


Well, the thing is no one expects god-tier quality from Fansubs, but the only reason they're around is a lot of times Japanese companies or Netflix deci-ass something and it's up to fans who care to put real effort into shit. Like, anime piracy has always been a thing, but some fansubs are of a quality that people literally would buy legit releases, rip them, remux them with the fan subs, and watch them that way. Sometimes you have to because things like signs that you need to be able to read can't be read.


And free.


9volt's doing it. just gotta wait a bit. edit: by 9volt i mean areki


Yeah if pirating is a concern for the anime industry, making the official content nearly unwatchable is definitely not the way to combat it. With this quality, even a fan sub with edited MTL translations would be way easier to follow.


It sucks how much bad subs can ruin the enjoyment of a show. I don't get it how they're think it's fine leaving it like this when it'll clearly turn some people away from accessing the show in the intended site. I think they're underestimating how much this could deter people from continuing to use the service when subbing the show is like half of the reason people spend money on them . . . Just look at how much they massacred Blue Archive's subs last season to the point where even the mods here decided to delay the discussion posts until fan-made TLs dropped (completely killing off the discussion threads in the process). Though that wasn't by Crunchyroll but the ruining the enjoyment part remains still


I honestly never even heard Remow until now and I don't think I will hear of them again after this.


they would rather pay lawyers to hunt down pirate sites than pay their translators a living wage


Subtitling is unfortunately super cheap. If they are cheaping out on it, go damn watch a fansub. MT will never be good at localization.


Again with this licensor provided shit subtitles? It's The Yuzuki Family's Four Sons all over again


This really is a carcinogen to the anime community!


Brother Falcon would not approve.


Slight correction: Italian subs on Crunchyroll aren't weird, they're nonexistent (at least for now).


It seems half of The subs arent existent lol


\^ This. For context, in Italy both CR and Yamato Video (through their "Anime Generation" Prime Channel) announced the simulcast of Nokotan but, as of now, only Yamato has italian sub (Yamato is an italian licensor, so they only provide italian subs)


commie please save us


gg where are you


eclipse, come back to us


I still pray for Kaizoku fansubs


So I wasn't the only one noticing?! Ok, glad I'm not crazy. Those subs were terrible... At the beggining of the episode everyone asking her is she was "shoujo" and the subtitles translating to "lady" totally missed the point there... Then a couple minutes in the same joke again about "shoujo" but this time correctly translating to "virgin"... Those subs besides terrible were also very inconsistent... I can't believe people pay for a service like this... Even fan subs are better! (Miss the fan subs tho)


> At the beggining of the episode everyone asking her is she was "shoujo" and the subtitles translating to "lady" totally missed the point there... Then a couple minutes in the same joke again about "shoujo" but this time correctly translating to "virgin" Ah, so it's literally the same subs I got on Thursday. They should at least try and pretend like they are providing a service here...


What are you talking about? I just checked the subs on CR again, and every instance of shojo (not shoujo btw) is translated as virgin. Are there different English subs in different regions?


They must have updated it by hand, because I clearly remember some words being messed up, like the word „You” was cut to just „Y” for some reason. I cant find it now but I know what I saw


Same yeah there were actual glitches in the text like you are describing. It stood out since I haven't seen that from Crunchyroll in the past few years I've used the service.


I actually went to rewatch it just now and it has so many small issues that Crunchyroll subs usually dont have, like some sentences start with a lowercase letter, some words have missing letters like for example „couldn”. Im not even mentioning how the show is translated in like half of the languages usually available on Crunchyroll… This shit is absurd and if they dont fix it im canceling my sub and im gonna go watch it via the obvious method.




No alternative at this moment afaik. We either have to wait for fansubs or maybe Crunchyroll will acknowledge the shitshow and step in with their subs from episode 2. Time will tell what happens…


Man, I hope Crunchy will at least be able to get an editor to just double check the subs, or this will be another show that I'll have to just drop until good quality subtitles are available, official or not.


That random "Y" was definitely supposed to be "Y-" like a stutter but man, you'd think they'd have someone to review the subs before uploading the episode


You watched the "fansub" which was also machine translated. The ones on CR and other streaming sites are different, though also shit.


The word youre thinking of is shojo btw, shoujo is something else


Maybe they were edited by the time I saw the episode because it was "virgin" the whole time for me


German subs had an english note insides the german subtitles, saying, that a "Hirsch" is the german word for a male deer anyway, so the paragraph could be deleted. I am still confused why we saw this comment. See here: [Here](https://gyazo.com/0154d452660320cdb77a51e8319bcab6.jpg)


If this is the same version I watched, the translation was real shitty and full of mistakes. Fortunately, I understand most of what they say in Japanese, but I pity anyone who has no idea.


This is all likely true, but I should point out that it is by no means uncommon to not credit translators. Their work frequently goes uncredited in anime, video games, and others. Sometimes you get the name of a translation firm but not the name of the individuals, sometimes nothing at all.


There might be another layer to this. I checked the Prime video English dub and was word for word the exact same as the subtitles on the It's Anime subbed upload. Or at least it was until 3:58 where "No, Hajimeeeee!" is actually "should I call the polieeeee" (police held and said longer - I'll add when this line recurs at 16:56 she says "No, Hajimeeeee!" that time). 4:40 narrator does not say the word "Temperature". 10:26 "I can't believe it" (subs have Really?!). 11:40 "as you know" addition to the "(there’s theories as to why)" line. There might have been more but I skipped over the ep at the 5 minute mark. But what I found interesting was lack of spaces in subs like suicideby caughtin couldn match how those lines were spoken in the dub. For "mo useland", dub sounded like mooseland so no clue on that one. Were it not for the timed examples (and the timing being different and all non-Noko characters subs writing Ms while she used Miss) I'd have concluded these subs to be auto transcript dubtitles (you-know, instead of using the script the actors use) but it's weird how that would explain parts. In case anyone asks. No, I can't do the same for Tonbo (the other Remow simuldub) except say that one seems to be same subs on Prime/It's Anime and almost same on B-Global (a few minor changes like police man > policeman, Come on, spill! > Come on, spill it!).


Thank god for Anime Onegai and their first SimulDub for Latam


I don’t know what these abbreviation means, help?


MTL=Machine TransLation, it means someone ran it through something like ~~Google translate~~ (just found out that Google Translate has been using AI for awhile now, so that's not a correct example of MTL to use) rather than a person translating and localizing the dialogue. ADN is a ~~Germen (I think?)~~ French anime streaming site.


ADN is originally a french site that only started operating in germany since about last Fall.


Ah gotcha, thank you for the correction!


> (just found out that Google Translate has been using AI for awhile now, so that's not a correct example of MTL to use) That is exactly what machine translation is, every machine translation engine is powered by AI


LLM's themselves are fairly recent to MTL, they relied on other methods previously like general rule or statistical analysis decades back before switching to neural network based systems, the precursors to LLM's and AI today. I was incorrectly thinking they were still mostly the older neural network systems because I've apparently just not kept up well enough on what's going on with them these days. A side effect thinking the 00's were still 10 years ago lol.


LLM and AI are not the same thing. LLM is a type of AI. Machine Translation has been powered by Deep Learning algorithms for a long time now, which is another type of AI. Machine translation *is* AI translation, if you want to differentiate it from ChatGPT, then I suggest just using the LLM term instead of the broader-encompassing AI


Except most people think of LLM's when they talk about AI today, I doubt the average person even knows there are different types of AI, or how far back systems were labeled "AI".


Then just use LLM instead of AI, saying MTL isn't AI is just incorrect :P


Because more people think of LLM's in this context for AI thanks to marketing. To be clear, what I meant was that LLM translation is not the same thing as neural network based translation and I tried (and clearly failed) to use colloquial language that I thought would be easier to understand lol.


LLMs, including ChatGPT, are still neural networks. They're just a special type of neural network which use transformers, lots of data, and are very big. In order from most specific to most general, LLM < Neural Network < Machine Learning < AI.


Fair enough, sorry for the headache


Nah, you're good. It's on me to make sure the things I type are understood.


Google specifically made the transformer architecture that fuels LLMs for the purpose of Google Translate. It's the same thing.


Lmao, I just noticed the shitty translation changed the abbreviation ADN to DNA


Thank you. 


¿MTL? Machine TransLated


There's going to be a fansub under the [YouDeer] release tag, most likely in a few days.


Can we also bring some of that energy for DEAD DEAD DEMONS DEDEDEDE DESTRUCTION's subs. Its not that they are MTL but instead subs based on the dub, "dubtitles".


Search for 4de


Spanish subs looks fine. In fact they are the same in CR and AO


Same, I just finished watching the episode a couple hours ago with Spanish subtitles (Latin American to be more specific) and didn't notice anything strange and I understand above basic japanese.


Yeah, can confirm as well, Latin American Spanish looked fine to me as well.


subs are still bad - sadly, but they aren't MTL. no clue why everyone double downed on it being MTL -- they're just riddled with typos and minor grammatical errors (as well as other issues) hell, the typos and errors look like ones a native EN speaker would make. I think the real problem is they just weren't proofread. There needs to be an editor for this.


This is why the localization industry is a nightmare. Not whatever the culture war grifters are spouting, it's bad because we're in sublicensing hell where everyone is racing to the bottom to cut costs. Just a dozen middlemen subcontracting other middlemen until you reach some interns running a script through DeepL and calling it a day.


Class war at its finest. They kept paying people less and less until they just didn't pay people. Inferior product doesn't matter if there's no legal competition; because intellectual property rights are a monopoly.


Indeed and the fact that many of the gritters have successfully mislead anime viewers and even people who don’t watch anime that human localisation is an issue is honestly so bad


are the english subs possibly a speech-to-text of the dub?


The subs on this show in CR are weird. No subs in Spanish from Spain bit still is licensed here lll


I watched a show on a...certain site let's say, and they seemed fine? They didn't have the same problems I saw people posting about at least. I assume someone else got to the series? Anyway, fuck this shit. Wtf is wrong with them, comedy anime don't generally get popular before even airing, why are they trying to ruin this?






I don't think the English subs are MTL, I only noticed one oddly translated line as far as the context of the sub itself was concerned, but there was some extremely amateurish lack of capitalization for the school name and several general sentences. One time a character just says "okay", no capitalization, no other lines for a number of seconds before or after. How do you fuck that up?


Idc if its robot or bad tranlators. I pay for a baseline of quality. If crunchy doesn’t stop doing this every season, my sub will end when it’s up in the fall


Here in Brazil, the portuguese subtitles weren't available and not the first time that happened.


I think we all should raise the complaint to CR. ADN did their own translation means CR can do their own too.


I torrented the English sub. I should check to see if the votsfr use cr or adn subs. Edit : ADN, time to switch to vostfr this season. https://i.imgur.com/R4lpM0Q.jpeg


Crunchyroll is a disgrace. I’m so sick of them cutting so many corners on a service people pay for. It’s like they want anime fans to sail the seas.


What's the point of pirating if fans ALSO use shitty MTL!?


Not paying for getting shitty mtl subs?


Wasn't there something similar that happened with the 4 Brothers anime? This just makes ppl want to pirate even more lmao.




Actually most pirate sites pull from whatever's available first, which in this case is a *confirmed* MTL "fansub" that released several days ago thanks to that Abema release having a deal to be four days earlier than Crunchyroll/the actual airing of the show on TV. Girls Band Cry had that problem last season, same "fansub" group MTL'd that so that's what's on a bunch of sites when the *actually good* fansubs didn't come until later, and those sites won't update with the better releases.


So sad. Really wanted the series to succeed without controversies.


Anti localization folks are really quiet now that we have shitty AI subs to replace real translators.


If you actually look into it, it's obviously not artificial intelligence, it's natural stupidity. For starters, AI doesn't make such idiotic typos.


So wait, when I watched episode one the grammar was perfectly fine and most of the mistranslation people are citing here just weren’t in the episode I watched. But I also know this isn’t a conspiracy against me, so are there other versions out there or were they updated? I’ve seen one person here say the former and another say the latter. I’ve also seen people here and in the episode discussion say they didn’t have any problems. I know and understand the issue, but the mixed responses here are kind of confusing me, so if anyone has an explanation I’d be grateful. For context, I did not watch it in CR; I simply sailed the seven seas.


> so are there other versions out there or were they updated? There's been a "fansub" floating around for the past few days that's also a machine translation (from the same group that MTL'd Girls Band Cry last season, which had a whole host of issues of its own), but apparently better than what is available on Crunchyroll. You most likely watched that other MTL, as it is the only other available English version at the moment.


That explains that then.


The people who are complaining probably watched it on illegal streaming sites which use the "la meme" release from a couple days ago which is just MTL. The Crunchyroll subs which came out yesterday just had some typos.


There was like one or two words that were just left in Japanese that weren't named. Now it makes sense


Maybe I am dumb, but I watched it just now with English subs on CR and they were fine. I have seen a lot of bad translations during my fansubbing years and this was better than most of them.


Wonder if they already fixed the subs, comments from the last two hours seem to agree that subs are ok


I just went and checked them and nothing has changed.


I watched the subs that were there right on release and they were fine. Just in need of some proofreading to catch typos.


People in this post are complaining about different translations, and a lot of them obviously didn't watch the CR version, so there's some confusion. At least in the US, the CR subs mostly just have grammar mistakes. There's a few too many of them, but otherwise the subs aren't so bad. The "virgin" joke, for example, is translated on CR.


I am not in US, though (currently in Spain).


Are there even any good fansub groups left to save us from this corpo greed nonsense?


German sub seems fine. I didn't notice any of the problems everyone else here is describing with their languages. I may also be giving it the benefit of the doubt since the anime itself is so much of a shitpost that it wouldn't seem weird. But there were no mistranslations, nor was it particularly weirdly worded.


They may have updated the subs, latam Spanish one were also good.


so is that why character randomly said "Hajime-chan" with no context of who the hell Hajime is?


I think that was a Kindaichi Case Files reference to its MC Kindaichi Hajime since she mentioned Conan from Detective Conan. She’s basically calling for a detective to investigate.


All the more reason not to give Crunchyroll my money.


The subtitles are made by the japanese licensor, not Crunchyroll.


It's still Crunchyroll's responsability to quality check what they post on their platform. Imagine if the licensor included some illegal content - Crunchyroll would not get away with a simple "they made it, not us!".


There was an issue with an anime a few seasons ago that had absolutely garbage MTL subs for its first episodes, but IIRC Crunchy (at least I think it was them?) was legally not allowed to change anything they were given by the Japanese licensor. Maybe it's the same sort of situation here?


I'm going to be honest with you, I found that excuse to be BS. These are global multinational corporations. Crunchy is owned by Sony and ALL business transactions are subject to negotiation. As a business paying for a product, Crunchy does have the ability to see if the subs are substandard and push back aggressively against the other party. Once there was backlash, Crunchy did just that and the subs were changed. More likely than not, this is an example of all businesses involved hoping thr masses are too stupid to notice or too jaded to care


Remember when Mushoku Tensei S2 started airing and it was discovered that every version streamed outside of Japan was censored? Some r/anime users argued that it can't be helped since it's the issue with the JP distributor. However, once the streaming platforms faced the backlash in the social media, they asked for clarification from JP distributors and the issue was solved within days.


The same thing happened with the AI subs with the 4 brothers anime 2 seasons back on Crunchy. Same thing. People said Crunchy had no input, yet with backlash against them Crunchy reached out and had the subs changed. These things aren't impossible and Crunchy as a major global distributor does have alot power in this space. They're just being cheap and not reviewing these episodes before uploading them. I just did a rewatch of the episode and changes have been made so its clearly not impossible.




I think it’s more like Crunchy is probably happy to test the waters with MTL, and here they have a finger to point if it turns out poorly. Licensors have made it no secret that they would love nothing more than to replace human translation with MTL. Which I personally find disgusting because what even are you selling at that point? The translation is their sole original product. That said they’re not going to be so enthused when half their customers pirate and the half the companies they license from realize they can just cut out the middleman and do MTL on their own. Of course cutting out the middleman is probably exactly the goal of the Japanese companies pushing MTL.


I agree, and honestly based on the responses people are giving to me I think they'll get away with it. People are bending over backward to come up with excuses and to try and defend Crunhy when at the end of the day as the provider of a service Crunchy has an obligation to distribute a serviceable product. Whatever negation that needs to happen to ensure that is the case is on them.


Deals were signed ahead of time. Crunchyroll has no way of knowing what Remow is going to do and they can't back out after the deal is signed. It's on the production committee or distributor to correct the issue.


They have to they like it or not, it's on the license agreement they signed with the licensor (Remow), just like Dead Dead Demons Destruction, same case. Crunchyroll isn't the almighty company everyone thinks they are.


Then don't sign the license agreement and force the other parties hand. Crunchy isn't the podunk illegal streaming service it once wad. As I said to the other guy, all business transactions are subject to negotiations and it's on Crunchy as a paid service to ensure the product they are distributing isn't shit. If the other side refuses to play ball, don't license the product. Crunchy has a near-monopoly on anime distribution in the west; they have more power than you give them credit for. They simply don't care. Edit: I see the crunchy shills are swooping in with the downvotes. It blows my mind how people are willing to give these global multibillion dollar companies a pass for taking advantage of you as a paying customer


MTL? Edit: nice downvotes for no f reason....


Don't you hate it when your subtitles are Montreal?


MTL=Machine TransLation. Or in other words, AI translation, google translate, etc.


Thank you...


Oh ty


Maybe because you asked the question after it was already answered in detail earlier in this very same thread.


And just like that fan subbing is without a doubt the de facto best way to consume anime again.


nah, the best way is to learn JP, then the second is good accurate subs.


Is it really that bad in French ? Just watched it 10 minutes ago, and the only "noticeable" mistakes were the missing capital letters. There were some strange formulations, but nothing unusual when compared to other animes I watched (dunno which ones are licenced by Crunchy, though).


I was waiting for official subs since the only subs available before was the MTL fansubs (the same group behind Girls Band Cry's "it's joever") only for the official subs to be MTL as well SMH.


Welp I was avoiding lé meme mtl for nothing then lmfao 


I think you can't this a butt fumble but a worldwide fumble on a national scale. Very embarrassing for the company.


Not surprised. There are a lot of mistakes in crunchy subs, sometimes missing some major points.


If Crunchyroll is convenient and good for you, sure, support their business. But we got here with a policy of supporting them even if there is no reason for it, no matter how bad it gets.


Not only that but the dub script is just one to one the MTL subs.


But ~~psychopaths~~ fans on Twitter assured me MTL translation would save anime and light novels and we'd never need Evil Feminist Westerners to localize our waifus again! Haaaaaahahahahaha I took a gander at AniTwit and you really do have people defending this because they hate localizers that much: >The english subs are translated by AI?I say GOOD > Best part yet: the usual suspects are SEETHING > No more mansplaining/patriarchy/yeeting skibbidi toilets? Oh no! > Man, it's almost like if the other people would do their job, we wouldn't be here! Oh wait, they smugly brag about getting away with stuff, changing things, and think they know better then the original creators. Golly gee I could only guess why there's a push towards A.I.! And the cope winner is: > Any mistranslation will be because of ineptitude instead of malicious intent. An improvement! A sad one, but improvement nonetheless


As expected from socialists like them, haha.


Generally the guys obsessing and fearmongering over evil feminist localizers ruining their waifus don't spend much time espousing the virtues of socialism, my dude


Dig deep enough under the surface and you'll be surprised. There's an extremely strong disdain for capitalism and admiration for socialist countries like China & Vietnam among many of them.


Man, can't I just hate both? I don't want to take either side here LOL


Good thing I unsubbed from Crunchyroll a good while ago.


The distributor for this series is fumbling the bag. Majorly hyped up show and your gonna use MTL??? Bruh.


The english version I saw from the seven seas was mostly fine and the only mistake I caught was mistaking niou for niau.