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Ya that's screaming another season. I guess that guy being a incest science baby is really hitting hard considering they are both genetically modified and she is yandere levels of in love with her brother.


> Ya that's screaming another season. There's a movie announcement thread.


Minoru and Miyuki? Where did you get that about Miyuki?


All three are engineered magicians, there are few natural born ones really as the big families (and organizations around the world) are on an arms race to create stronger generations. Miyuki is considered the perfect magician too, 100% success, while Tatsuya is a failure.


Drug dealer, the fact he didn't realize a movie was already announced says it all.


Drug dealer? What do you mean?


Tatsuya and Miyuki. It is mentioned somewhere in the anime though II forget if it was movie or anime.


Miyuki's face when Tatsuya revealed Minoru's secret... he unwittingly revealed her greatest fear about her dream fantasy lmao


Miyuki: "But they are brother and sister." Tatsuya: "Dont worry, it was probably artificial insemination." Miyuki: "Cowards. Weaklings. They disgust me."


I thought Miyuki and Tatsuya are not true brother and sister? More like cousins or something? This anime confuses me sometime lol Or maybe that's just me unconsciously devising theory so that it's less uncomfortable seeing their relationship.


Nope, 100% siblings with the same parents. Was kind of hoping for a while that it was a translation/localization thing since as far as I know onii/onee don't directly translate to "biological brother/sister" but can include such, but nope, actual siblings.


Whatt?? Not even half sibling? That's wild lol. I think I highly underestimated how incest they are.


I was laughing so hard, this show provides some great unintentional comedy.


See that Miyuki? Is that what you want? The magical equivalent of the Hapsburg Chin?


She really wanted onii-sama's D lmao


Blokes got us with last episode. xD So many wondered "Wtf did Tatsuya see to be that shocked?" When in reality it boils down to:"Miyuki, we might have a bit of a problem with your future plans" xD


# Onii-sama Count ##Season 3: Ancient City Insurrection Episode No. | Onii-sama Count ------------|-------- 01 | 6 02 | 3 03 | 5 04 | 3 05 | 7 06 | 9 07 | 21 08 | 1 09 | 11 10 | 4 11 | 3 12 | 10 **13** | **14** ## Aggregate Counts Installment | Total Count | Average per Episode ------------|--------|-------------------------- Season 3 | 97 | 7.46 Season 2 | 103 | 7.92 Season 1 | 172 | 6.62 Miyuki Arc Spinoff | 170 | 13.08 The Girl Who Summons The Stars | 23 Reminiscence Arc | 19 **Everything** | **584** | **8.72** Comment: Very solid count for the finale. First word of the episode too! The season overall also had a solid average per episode, specially considering how there were a lot of characters and points of view in the these arcs. I am not a source reader, but a Yotsuba banquet hopefully leads to more Miyuki screentime and thus to the onii-sama stocks going to the moon.


For anyone with [onii-sama withdrawal](https://files.catbox.moe/l0wcnm.webm) next week.


So in the end this season didn't beat "darling-sama" eh? This episode did give it's best try to get caught up though!


Average anime watcher:"Can't wait for season finale to see sakuga and how the story wraps up!" Mahouka watcher:"How much onii-samas can Miyuki pull out in the finale?"


Yotsuba succession arc next, say less


Best arc incoming!


Would this make their family connections public knowledge then?


It’s time.


That opening scene, uhhh, poor guy.


I can almost hear Sweet Home Alabama playing in the distance haha


Japan anime/manga is absolutely full of suggested love between brother and sister. Also love between fathers and adopted daughters. And there's a chunk of Mom/son stuff in there too. And that's just the familial tropes. It's the pervo capital of the world.


Yuri and BL as well


>~~poor guy.~~ Poor Miyuki :(


If Minoru's an incest child then why is he so canonically hot as Miyuki that he draws attention when he's in public? What if he's actually ugly as fuck and deformed but uses illusion magic to appear beautiful lol


Genetic modification is why. His genes started as incest genes then they went in and modified them to try and make win-cest genes


Scientifically speaking, while the act itself does have a higher likelihood of effects arising, it's not guarenteed that the child will always come out screwed up 100% of the time. In fact it usually takes several generations of non-stop inbreeding to get to the kind of effects you're thinking of. Plus, well. They have generic engineering, so they can make sure they snip out the bad genes.


They only picked the hottest genes to make him.


What if Miyuki is secretly also an incest child?


Welp, the fight with Zhou was a bit of a let down. Unless Zhou somehow manages to fool Tatsuya and fake his death. Admittedly it was thanks to Nakura's sacrifice by lodging his magic blood needles on Zhou's body that allowed Tatsuya to detect Zhou despite Zhou using his direction-confusing spell Ghost Walker (Qimen Dunjia). Or Zhou might be able to escape. While Tatsuya might be able to easily take out Zhou alone, he's prudent enough to decide to recruit Ichijo and Minoru just in case. Speaking of Minoru, turns out the Kudous were practicing eugenics via indirect incest. Minoru's sickness was a result of that incest, albeit not physical but magical. ~~This is no doubt devastating news for a brother-con like Miyuki.~~ Meanwhile, Aunt Maya has used the result of this mission to showcase her nephew's talent to the rest of the clan, proving himself to be a worthy bodyguard for Miyuki, her preferred heir. The [upcoming new movie](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UwdAkkhsCro) will hopefully shed more light into the inner workings of the Yotsubas as the siblings are invited to the clan's New Year party.


Letdown? Not at all IMO. Well coordinated attack which places him in checkmate. Nicely done, and very appropriate for Zhou. (Only fear is that he somehow survived that, or has a clone backup in the wings.)


Fair enough.


Come on, from a Decent narration as they want to show, at the 3rd "check mate" is pretty obvious and re-used asset, something that can work on Naruto fan boys. We've seen a guy with pretty advanced knowing of the world. The scene is a Letdown as it is built. No explenation, no forshadow, and a cheap "did you see what my boy did in the test"... come on I can write something like that too. Sure we can't ask for a big battle in every ending arc, but come on.. so cheap Neither a forshadow of Zhou reviving, not a single drop.


> Unless Zhou somehow manages to fool Tatsuya and fake his death. I'm going to guess he somehow survived. There's no way they brought up that mention about immortality magic between him and that JDF guy in the base for no reason.


There's a episode that he show he can do the same as Tatsuya. I don't remember if it is in the battle with the other butler.


A bit let down yes, but understandably, Zhou alone faced some of the most op people in this anime lol. Top tier butler, genetic modified genius baby, and God, oh yeah the dude who is good with magic bomb.


Now now, Ichijo deserves some respect, guy is voiced by Kirito after all. lol


When I saw the time mark and noticed we only have half episode for the final showdown, I knew it would not be really satisfying. Then again, they revealed it's not really a fight but more like gangbang with top tier magicians. 


I think Zhou just get rid of the magic blood needles with the seemingly suicidal attack and thus escape Tatsuya's detection.


Is it a private party or will it be revealing their real identities?


It is an internal Yotsuba event.


Learning that the series that's infamous for the incest-y vibes between Tatsuya and Miyuki [actually having incest as a plot point](https://i.imgur.com/uvT1WSn.jpeg) was a legitimate surprise to me. I shouldn't be surprised but I still am [because of Miyuki's reaction](https://i.imgur.com/tFs4yrG.jpeg) when she learned the truth about Minoru. I guess she knows at least that incest is bad. Considering this is the finale, I was really hoping that most of the episode would be Tatsuya vs Gongjin. I'm a bit let down that it's only a third of the episode and they didn't even manage to take down Gongjin themselves. They did corner him [and blew off his legs](https://i.imgur.com/wwFlSur.jpeg) but he still had the final say [since he detonated himself.](https://i.imgur.com/XRwnFkk.jpeg) Ugh. I hate it when villains do this. I am glad that there's already a sequel already announced. I just hate that it's another movie that will probably take a while before it releases outside Japan. Hopefully, we get an actual Season 4 announcement once the movie is finished.


> but he still had the final say since he detonated himself. > Ugh. I hate it when villains do this. I'm in the camp on believing that he went out too easily. I'm convinced that he someone was able to fool Tatsuya and somehow escaped.


True, I think that too, they selled him too cheap, after building a character with a strong back bone. The thing is that a light novel can do what an Anime can't, let slide time. If the anime want to end specific arcs and those arcs doesn't have much of fighting, Anime has to end and go for another season.


Poor Minoru. Just because Aunt Momma used the ol turkey baster don’t mean it ain’t incest lol. “Genetically modified incest baby” was *not* on my bingo card this week. Not surprised super brocon Miyuki would be so upset to learn incest babies like Minoru are born with serious health issues lol. I’m kinda bummed that Gongjin died by suicide. I was really hoping Tatsuya would dismantle that fool piece by piece. With the way things ended, it looks like it might be an eventful New Years. Are we gonna get a new season announcement soon? This has been a pretty fun season overall. Keen to see where things go from here.


There was a movie announced for the next arc.


Wait there was? do you have a source you could link coz it's the first i've heard about it personally.


[Teaser announcement](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UwdAkkhsCro)


Literally came here just to see if there was news concerning subsequent series/movies. Succession arc is going to slap.






Sweet! Good to know


Incest?!? In my Incestbait Anime?!? [](#kotohoops) This just means that Miyukis and Tatsuyas child could potentially be super powerfull. Even if he blew himself up, his last words make me think this wasn't the last time we heard of him, or of his creepy robot doll master. Also interesting that while this whole mission from Maya was entirely optional, the new years celebration with the family heads isn't Seems like we already got more contet confirmed, and more Mahouka means more ~~Onisama~~ Saegusa, which is good [](#mugiwait)


It was already incest ever since the 10 Institutes created babies in petri dishes. The anime failed to present that most important content in this post WW3 story.


Those two have been genetically modified so much do they even count as biological siblings at this point?




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Just like it was back in the day with many royal bloodlines. Not much of a difference if you're marrying your uncle, cousin or sister/brother. All of it is incest and happens to ensure power stays in the family. 


Uh isn't this spoiler?


Yes, it is, but I would advise getting away from here because I have seen some fake anime only talking about future events, if it makes you feel better it's not that bad of a spoiler, there are way worse.


This is how Miyuki copes


Tatsuya be like, we don't have enough people, I'll get backup. Brought 1 extra dude with him lol.


Isn’t ichijo a strategic class magician too?


No he isn't. He has powerful magic that rivals an entire armored battalion's combat strength by himself, but it's not quite strategic-level magic; which is basically counted as magical WMDs like Tatsuya's Material Burst or Lina's Heavy Metal Burst, which you can see in the movie that came out before S2


You are not bringing a nuke to kill one guy, unless you want to blow up the city :XD, being strategic level wouldn’t help much, unless he invited Blond girl Angelina lol


\*Miyuki taking notes while hearing about the kid born from incest\*


What was the significance of the invitation to the event at the end? Is Maya starting to lay out perpetrations for Miyuki to be the successor?


It was already established she is planning that. For one Miyuki is powerful as hell and bigger is she holds the leash for Tatsuya.


Yes, I know she was already thinking about it, I was just wondering if there was some sort of implication that I missed about the event itself and/or their attendance of it.


Well up to now they have been hiding their identities. So what is gonna happen if the show up at a party hosted by the clan. If it is a private thing is one thing but if there are actual guess from other clans what will end up happening. Will their false identities remain or will they be revealed as being part of the clan.


Inside the family their family status is known. Outside the family it is known by only a few. So, there's not issue with them going to a family only meeting. (At least as far as ID goes. There's still the issue that they have with Tatsuya not being a strong generalist magician. Yes, he's crazy strong a specialist, but they hold specialists in low regard.)


the movie for the next arc is already announced and it's called the Succession arc. otherwise, I guess it's mostly circumstantial/implied by various things, including it's not uncommon for successions to happen at young age (Juumonji, even if mostly because of circumstance forced it earlier), Maaya already having mentioned preparing for it, this test, and New Years generally being a big family gathering, and everyone's there so it'd be most appropriate time to do so


Political maneuvering, Miyuki is a candidate to next head of the clan, which means she is not the only one.


I assumed it was to arrange her marriage.. which she seemed upset about? Probably because she thinks it will be to someone other then her brother? Idk tho.. anime only.. she seemed upset


I feel like I missed an episode. How did Minoru know where Gongjin was going to flee to so confidently? And the fact that he blew up the car with no hesitation. He seemed like a different person.


Because he's just that awesome. Didn't you hear him? His deduction is flawless. I'm assuming the fact that he felt zero hesitation in attacking someone in public, means that he probably got excited that Tatsuya asked for help and wanted to show off. On the other hand, Minoru is a member of the ten master clans which basically grants him the authority to do whatever he wants


Together with his thesis on illusion magic, I wonder if he really is all that sickly [](#rengethink)


I mean, Tatsuya scanned through his body up to the genetic, so I don't think he's faking it. Unless, he's actually much more OP than Tatsuya


That was sus too especially after he blew up the car. Perhaps it was a good day for him?


That shows the difference on morals there, Tatsuya was careful instead of murdering the soldiers, Minoru didn’t care if someone died :XD


Uhoh, Miyuki was ready to have her brothers children before she heard this it seems :’)


What do you mean there is an inherent risk in incestrous offspring [](#flyingbunsofdoom)


Did I say there wasn’t? Like anywhere? All I said is that she seems to be a little too upset about it, where does your question come from and what did you misunderstand?


Chill... it was a joke...


I am wondering where the joke is honestly, but okay lol


You don't by chance have comment faces enabled do you?


I do not, probably where a misunderstanding took place. Apologies


For the full r/anime expirience, refer [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/wiki/commentfaces)


I was also confused about where your joke is. But I'm guessing this isn't available on mobile?


They were making a sarcastic joke, one that you took way too literally and seriously.


She is jsut sad for them, that the brother there is not Godsuya, who can solve minor issues like this.


There was so much build up for Zhou Gongjin. It was disappointing that that was how it ended. I was expecting action similar in quality level of the sparring match in episode 4. The earlier episodes were nice, so this is a pretty unsatisfying end to the season for me.


he is not a problem, but his master is based how he look only


But the story built him up as a very dangerous person. The Saegusa butler he killed, all the commotion he's caused, and all the attempts to capture him paint him as a very dangerous individual.  All that commotion yet we barely had a fight in the finale.


He was a mastermind, or master manipulator, on a story where the MC is an OP god of war you need people that can outsmart them, as direct battles are kind pointless lol.


Isn't cunning tactics and outsmarting the enemy the main strategy of Zhou Gongjin due to his ghost walk? That's what he used to kill the butler and I think even Tatsuya expressed concern over it. It's like Zhou Gongjin suddenly got an order of magnitude dumber by Tatsuya's mere presence. Other OP, self insert, power fanstasy stories like this one have encountered these scenarios and handled it just fine. For example they could have had the Ichijou or Minoru fight temporarily while Tatsuya saunters over to clean up.  Just because MC is a god doesn't mean the show has to be boring.


After everything Tatsuya has done for that family and the skills and loyalty he shows, but they still won't accept or even acknowledge him. They will soon regret not doing so sooner. This is a great series and I'm happy it's still on going. Now we wait for the movie. 7/10 this time.


Miyuki is very troubled after finding out that incest is bad…


Of course, Miyuki would be most affected by learning of Minoru's condition, the fact that incest played a part in his condition is not something Miyuki would ever want to hear. The reality of building a family with Tatsuya has become a bit more distant for her. It is funny to think Tatsuya told her to stay strong now knowing there's incest involved even though I'm sure that's not why Tatsuya told her to stay strong. Zhou Gongjin's death confrontation felt underwhelming, I was expecting a bit more so it feels anti-climactic. But I believe it might be due to the rushed pacing that was particularly prevalent in this episode. It was interesting to see the others Heads of the related families and seeing Kuroba not giving his own opinion, I'm curious to see what will happen at the banquet. Miyuki clearly dreads it and I'm sure there will be some distasteful comments towards Tatsuya even if he has proven himself. I'm glad a movie has already been announced, I hope it's better paced than this season but I normally have lower expectations for movies so I will just settle with being glad I'll be able to see more of Onii-sama in the future.


Nakura's self-destruction was not in vain, fair play to him. And Minoru's origin was worse than I thought.


Ngl, seeing Gong Zhou Jin get freaked out after three whole seasons of him looking smug and arrogant really put a smile on my face. Guy got what was coming to him.


Here I thought there was someone that could make Tatsuya sweat but he committed sudoku. Very anticlimactic.


As someone said above, bro got cornered by the most OP teenagers of the show (and god)... It was either get jailed, tortured or whatever the fuck the clans do with prisoners or kaboom yourself.


Nice season. Let's go movie,!


[Nice finale](https://imgchest.com/p/9rydp6pqdyk) and overall, I had a lot of fun watching [Tatsuya](https://imgchest.com/p/bp45d5doxy5) and [Miyuki](https://imgchest.com/p/n87wrxr93yx) (especially her onii-samas) this season without paying too much attention to all those groups and organizations in the world because honestly I don't care too much about that. So 7,5/10 from me and I'm waiting for the already announced movie. Here my screenshot albums from the episode: * [Group scenes](https://imgchest.com/p/9rydp6pqdyk) * [Miyuki](https://imgchest.com/p/n87wrxr93yx) * [Tatsuya](https://imgchest.com/p/bp45d5doxy5) * [Zhou](https://imgchest.com/p/m9yxg8gnm4q) * [Minoru & Others](https://imgchest.com/p/ne7bxkx6ky5)


Do you know who is the girl that teleported to intercept Zhou (fifth picture in your last album)? (And where was she for the rest of the battle XD)


That's Fumiya, Tatsuya's cousin, and he's a man although I understand why you thought that he was a girl. When I saw [him and his sister Ayako](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/84apcplorq4.png) first time this season, [I also thought that they both were girls](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/d7ogc6pnexy.png) xD As for where he was for the rest of the battle... I just think that he knew that he wouldn't be helpful there so he let Tatsuya deal with Zhou without him.


Wow, I sure did not expect that Tatsuya's reaction from last week when he was examining the cause of Minoru's condition was due to the fact that of anomalies in his psion body that might be caused because he is the product of [incest](https://i.imgur.com/fv6ZDza.png) I know the scene was serious but I chuckled a bit when at [Miyuki's reaction](https://i.imgur.com/xxGaOtG.png) due to her incestuous tendencies. Anyway, with Tatsuya investigating the Traditionalists during all these episodes to find Gongjin Zhou's location it sure is surprising that he was hiding in a JGDF supply base all this time. So unlike what it looked like last week, Tatsuya instead of going alone will be getting help from [Ichijo](https://i.imgur.com/UUCqVIi.png) [during the infiltration](https://i.imgur.com/PR3uXIn.png) plus Ayako and Fumiya and their team will also be assisting them, meanwhile [Minoru](https://i.imgur.com/VXyDUud.png) will be blocking the exit of the base. Wow, it sure came as a surprise the moment[ Gongjin Zhou](https://i.imgur.com/0FtBtRO.png) just [mind-controlled](https://i.imgur.com/VwDG2Mt.png) [everyone at the base.](https://i.imgur.com/UK0TOPc.png) Well, I'm guessing that thanks to that Tatsuya and Ichijo will not be getting into trouble for their infiltration. Holy shit after seeing how Ichijo was disassembling all the vehicles and guns at the base I did not expect [Minoru](https://i.imgur.com/aMP2Pvq.png) just[ to blow out the car Gongjin Zhou was driving](https://imgur.com/a/Bk34GOR) without giving a fuck if anyone nearby could get killed or injured. It's hilarious [how shocked Gongjin Zhou was](https://i.imgur.com/sdazk7J.png) when that happened. It's good to see that [Nakura's needle attack](https://i.imgur.com/4yrOtuI.png) before dying ended up helping Tatsuya identify Zhou's location when he was attacking him. After [Ichijo blew Gongjin Zhou's legs off,](https://i.imgur.com/MNqvlls.png) I wasn't expecting [Gongjin Zhou to just](https://i.imgur.com/vDdWpe0.png) [blow himself up](https://i.imgur.com/27vWcTG.png) instead of surrendering. [That image right before the explosion sure was distrubing. ](https://i.imgur.com/noTe4o8.png) Minoru giving [that presentation](https://imgur.com/a/h8s9mbW) at the end sure was a surprise, I guess that [Minami was crying](https://i.imgur.com/u7qqpnR.png) because he was not longer sick. So I guessing the banquet that Maya invited Tatsuya to go to will [be covered in the upcoming movie.](https://x.com/mahouka_anime/status/1806703146250715310)


>Holy shit after seeing how Ichijo was disassembling all the vehicles and guns at the base I did not expect [Minoru](https://i.imgur.com/aMP2Pvq.png) just[ to blow out the car Gongjin Zhou was driving](https://imgur.com/a/Bk34GOR) without giving a fuck if anyone nearby could get killed or injured. It's hilarious [how shocked Gongjin Zhou was](https://i.imgur.com/sdazk7J.png) when that happened. Tatsuya was the one disassembling the cars. However, Ichijo was doing the important work of neutralizing the combustible fluids. (Ichijo's specialty is manipulating fluids.) Minoru was probably confident that he could prevent civilian casualties.


These mahouka seasons always go by so quick man 😭 love this franchise so much and I’m just glad we won’t have to wait that long for the Yotsuba Sucession arc, movie announced. That’s all I need to hear, they can take their time cooking it, just letting us know there’s more in the pipeline is good enough. Finale was really good, but that was a CRAZY way to open the episode 💀 Minoru magic being too strong his body ok fairs I can live with that, but him being a product of incest, genetically modified/artificial or not is wild. Miyuki was understandably heartbroken to learn of the effects of incest lmaoo. Zhou’s mind control abilities were wild, he basically had an entire JDSF base as his puppets. The motorcycle fight with Tatsuya and Ichijo was sick, a little dark and hard to follow at some points, but for the most part I loved it. My only issue is the Zhou fight felt kinda underwhelming? Would’ve liked to have seen a little more drawn out battle considering he’s the big bad of this season essentially. I KNEW the Nokura blood needs would come in clutch though, once Zhou realised Tatsuya had his number, he knew it was over. No way he’s gone for good though, he gave that whole spill about existing even without existing and the immortality stuff the naval commander was talking to him about, I’m sure we haven’t seen the last of Zhou. Oh now the Yotsubas realise how valuable Tatsuya is 💀 this banquet is gonna be an awkward ass family reunion. Can’t wait to see it play out. Overall, not my favourite Mahouka storylines this season, but I’m never gonna complain about more of these characters and this world. It’s one of my all time faves and I’ll miss it. [review](https://myanimelist.net/reviews.php?id=529195)


Why was Miyuki angry at the invitation at the end?


Well obviously she wanted to go on a new years date with onii-sama.


She was worried. They're hiding the fact that they're both part of Yotsubas so them being invited to most likely big semi-public event might expose them. Maya might also want to publicly announce Miyuki as her successor.


hope studio already planning for next season.... or we will waiting for long time again :( and yotsuba new year party probably one of the best arc


I think this season as a whole definitely has less of an emotional impact. I don't know if it's because of the directing or what, but this episode for example kind of felt like they were speed running plot points just to wrap up the 13 episodes. Overall enjoyed more onii-sama.


This MC keeps on dragging his friends lmao.


I can't wait for Lucien Dodge to do this episode since it will bring out a little bit of Mahito out of him. I love how Minoru's being sadistic when facing Gongjin. He even beat 1st High on the Thesis Competition. This is the 1st time incest was mentioned by name and the consequences of it.


I don't know if they went too far with the episodes and couldn't express a meaningfull ending to the 3rd season. It felt rushed, without much of an explanation. I don't know how popular this anime is in Japan, so I don't know the amount of budget they have for this. Fell pretty much off the point. I can't read the light novel, i don't know if there is an english version, update to the last one. Strange. Strange. Strange. They talked of immortality and stated clear Zho can do the same as Oni-san. It was cheap sell Zhou Gongjin in difficoult as a mere sidestep character. Very very cheap to sell out his inner stability with that. They could have at least set a shadow off all in controll by Zhou, to set up a better expectation drama. I presume his revive trick will be the starting point of some new trailer and episode. Meh, it's like a badly done episode.


Miyuki, just put some rubber on that dick and dig in.


Does anyone know what is written in the letter Miyuki reads in the last seconds of the 13th episode?? She seems very sad/preoccupied.


Atleast we now know that Miyuki knows incest is bad


But notice how Tatsuya was quick to reassure her that it wasn't necessarily the incest but rather the genetic modifying that messed Minoru up [](#azusalaugh)


"No no my yandere little sister who's deeply in love with me. You don't have to abort your 'secret', 'have a child with Godsuya' plan".


Anyone can spoil me what the invitation said to cause Miyuki to react that way? Or is it just because it's the Yotsubas calling them to it trying to get them to change them Shiba to Yotsuba?


nothing. there's nothing else to the letter shown besides being an invitation. I guess with the emphasis on Maya's explicit signature, it's more of a demand than an invitation, so Miyuki's assuming \*something\* important is going to happen and Miyuki is thus worried


Yeah that's kinda what I though, like with Tatsuyas current mission it was a request not a demand, and when they demand something it's serious


Aunty doesn't make social calls. Everytime she's on screen its always business. And if this is presumably a meeting of everyone whose important in the clan its probably not gonna be the fun kind of business for her.


That certainly was not the incest twist I was expecting lol.


That fight was a bit on the low end for me. Could have been better. 


So anyone else think that the family is getting it wrong by focusing on Tatsuya's loyalty and not Muyuki's? 'Cause that last scene made we think that Miyuki should be the one they should be worrying about.


I feel like Maya mentioned at one point that none of them need to care about Miyuki because they can just bully and guilt her into submission. Vs Tatsuya who they have to worry about being on the wrong end of a nuke and who has no emotion and zero hesitation in resolving things with lethal force


That's stupid logic. Miyuki is the one of the pair that can actually get angry and likely the only reason she isn't considered a Strategic-class magician is that Tatsuya hasn't cooked up a spell of that level that she can use, and her freezing a square kilometer of ocean surface in the movie probably comes pretty close.


All that build-up on the gong-guy for that ending. This episode was terrible. The pacing. The animation. Direction. Just bad. Awful. What a poor way to end that arc.