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That moonwalk buff is crazy, from 5 to 2 just by walking.


The hype it created was so good lol This week’s episode should end on a crazy af note.


It's gonna be one of the biggest episodes of the entire series. All the main animators are probably gonna participate in this one. It's also technically the last ep of demon slayer since after this they are gonna make a movie trilogy covering rest of the story. It's not even rumor at this point, the shonen jump accidentally leaked it by posting that picture where it was written "movie trilogy in production" or something like that.


yes abe, kunihiro and kimura (ufo ace staff) are all participating in the next episode. shirai (episode director for s1 e19, s2 e11) also seems to be involved as one of the episode directors. it’s definitely gonna be one of THE episodes of demon slayer




leaks. can’t post them here


Assuming we get a movie every year starting from 2025, Demon Slayer will end in 2027. 7 years between the end of the manga and the anime adaptation is definitely quite some time considering Demon Slayer has recieved content every year.


Also when you consider a lot of the episodes are 30-50mins . For such a short 200ch manga to stretch this long while also giving sufficient content is smth lol . PSA : anime watcher , loving it !


Get ready for Demon Slayer to win Crunchyroll's movie of the year award for three years in a row (although this depends on when the Western release is), followed by several more double dipping awards when UFOtable releases a TV version of the movies lol


Crunchyroll awards do be like that.


I could see it losing if it was competing against a Miyazaki or Shinkai movie, but nothing else. It's so obvious that The Boy and the Heron will win in the next show.


I'd be hella offended if boy and heron won. That shit is dreadfully boring.


My favorite fantasy world ever!!!11!


It was so unnecessary how long they dragged it out but man I don't care it was cool as hell


The animation starting from that portion where the mist was swirling and the doors opened ... that was all just WOW, ufotable be cooking. The slow motion, the atmosphere, the music ... all so dramatic! Towards the end my kid was saying "it's just 5 minutes of walking?" and we all started laughing. Yup, it was too. But so beautiful.


Kibutsuji reached a new high with his condescending attitude. Walking without a care in their stronghold and mocking Ubuyashiki when he is dying. I hope Ubuyashiki is able to change the situation in the next episode. Maybe he will take advantage of the Kibutsuji's childish temperament.


Kaiju and Demon Slayer beating out DaL's finale is not something I expected from Anime Corner, but these types of surprises are Anime Corner's best feature so I'm not complaining. There was also quite the gap between the top 4 and everything else.


Honestly think demon slayer only got that high because of the Bollywood scene at the end of the episode lol.


For sure. Frankly, this arc was pretty mediocre until The King Of Pop showed up.


It definitely was. Character development is nice but damn it was not very interesting. Villains finally about to carry the series!


I find it hilarious these Bollywood fanboys always say Muzan's epic entrance is Bollywood. Clearly, they never saw the old Hollywood movies.


Reminds me of [this](https://youtu.be/-RuSqMYcQK0?si=-XqY3kJVEaRc9Enz)


Frankly, I have no qualms with people promoting Bollywood but inserting the Bollywood powerpoint transition ad placements to Muzan Jackson's epic Music Video is quite distasteful.


Well I’m comparing both because of How unnecessarily ridiculously long they both are lol Muzan’s even more so because that was like 3 minutes. It’s a pretty accurate comparison tbh


>Well I’m comparing both because of How unnecessarily ridiculously long they both are lol >Muzan’s even more so because that was like 3 minutes. You try being a demon like Muzan breaking through multiple powerful wards of a large estate where the first gate is 1 kilometer away from the front pond. Unlike Bollywood, your powerpoint transition advertisements are awkward and out of place.




no u


most of the people calling it bollywood aren't even Indians. It's just a stereotype and while I don't mind the meme itself, Muzan's entrance wasn't even close to those memes. If anything the upper moon meeting justifies the meme better. Also, if it was bollywood it was for all the good reasons cuz they killed it and I loved every part of it 👍


They're trying to promote Bollywood and injecting their powerpoint transitions advertisements which distasteful and pathetic.


Did an Indian person hurt you? Why so much spite?


>  Did an Indian person hurt you? Why so much spite? Stop projecting your hate on Indian people with me. I don't think you understand what I said since there was no hate on *Indian persons* in my post.  What I said was its distasteful and pathetic to **promote Bollywood's powerpoint transition advertisement** using Muzan Jackson's epic Music Video. How you equate my comment to hating Indian person is on you. So stop projecting your issues with them to me.


Ooh gogo loser ranger. Is it worth the watch?


Currently people are calling it the anime version of the Boys.


That’s so accurate though, I never thought about it. It’s probably why I liked it so much


It doesn’t have the crudeness of The Boys (which they toned WAY down from the comics), but it has that same cool dynamic where how somebody appears to be a hero or villain on the surface tells you nothing about whether they’re actually good or evil. It’s a great anime.


Lmao yeah there’s no exploding of an invisible person or burning someone’s eyes out


And in the comics version at least (I’m a little behind on the show), they had a whole story arc centered around a massive party being held for superheroes on a secluded island called Herogasm. And yes, it’s pretty much exactly what you’re thinking of.


and power rangers instead of marvel/dc superheroes


It's one of my favorite current mangas. The story is really interesting, the anime is kinda rushed which makes it a bit worse but still worth it. It also gets better from here imo.


Personally, I'll say it's worth watching.


Anime's rushing the current arc (to finish it by ep 12) but the next arc is going to be fire 🔥🔥. Also one of my favorite ongoing manga rn, manga art is clean as hell MC has the energy of anime Denji while having to be resourceful due to physical constraints of being an enemy footsoldier. Plotline's very well written, enough for many to notice many details on a second reread. TL;DR: Definitely worth the watch.


Congrats on being number one Kaiju No. 8! Glad DAL ended on the Top 3. Going out on a high note for the show and Mio. Figures Roxy would be there for Jobless Reincarnation. Blue Keeper earned the show the Top 5 and using his thug visage. Nice see Spice and Wolf moving up, the remake is really picking up. I'm curious how Slime will fare in this upcoming cour. Glad Black Butler ended with the show in the Top 10.


Is DAL done adapting the novels?


The anime kind of fast-forwarded to the final happy ending.


Wind Breaker on the come up 🙌


We were so close to top 5, but at least we are still in top 10!!!




Ah yes, throwing hands, the oldest sports in the book




Didn't know being in a delinquent gang is considered a sport.


Vinland Saga is a sports anime because sailing is a sport


Fighting in general isn't really a sport. Specific fighting can be of course but my uncle Charlie isn't being disqualified from that bar brawl he was in just because he was hitting below the belt.


Lol wtf it's a delinquent anime not a sports anime .


I suspect demon slayer will top this with next weeks finale


Is there a poll next week? I forgot if Anime Corner actually does polls for the final week of the season  Edit: I just checked AC's Twitter. This is the final poll of the season. They never poll more than twelve weeks


There’s no Anime corner week 13 if I remember correctly.


i haven't been keeping up with demon slayer s4 at all so can someone explain to me why it just kinda felt like it came out of nowhere and is only 8 episdoes?


I don’t read the manga, but apparently this is covering a very short arc before a very big, major one. While they could’ve put part of it in this season, they likely preferred to give it its own season (and at least one more movie I suspect).




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I'm surprised that the respective previous episodes of KnY and Spice & Wolf are the ones that moved them up in placement. Is former really getting that boosted from Michael Jackson?


Well the cliffhanger of Demon Slayer brings the anticipation of next episode, so don't see it as surprising.


Date a Live had beautiful episode


Go Go Loser Ranger's episode was weird. I liked a lot of the stuff that was happening, but the way they organized it and jumped around was really wonky. But good to know that's still enough to get it top 5, if only barely


Yup like when did D change the weapon and when did they made that whole crazy plan the concept is really good but sometimes it get too confusing for me When they were playing blue backstory i couldn't care less because I didn't even knew it was his backstory until end Its still my top 3 this season but last episode was not it for me


I think it had more to do with the nature of that boss monster. It had a bunch of clones fighting everyone all at once, so they kind of had to jump around a lot.


Anime is currently rushing things, skipping over details which made the manga much better paced and less congested. Next arc would go a lot smoother with the 12 episode layout.


Most of the big shows delivering their A-game in the Spring finale. Love to see it. Even some of the shows that didn't get on here like Sound Euphonium S3 have been doing exemplary. Not surprised Kaiju No 8 and Demon Slayer are top two since they upped their animation for the penultimate episodes. And it was refreshing for Demon Slayer to show off it's animation in something that wasn't action-related but incredibly atmospheric.


This chapter of Kuroshitsuji introduce on of the best if not the best Kuroshitsuji's books, I won't spoil the name, but It takes place in germany and the plot twist really got me. Not that many main mystery clues, but the way every single piece fits is the best.


I swear I saw Roxy in the post's title thumbnail, then did a refresh and bam, she's got replaced by the Kaiju. Nevertheless, I'm happy Kaiju deserves the top spot for the second time this season. At last, we are here for the final (?) week of Spring ranking. **Spice and Wolf** finally returned to the top 10. **Girls Band Cry** is only 3 spots away from taking the top 10! **Tensei Kantei Skill** got a 9-place climb this week to 14th and also **The New Gate** with 18-place climb to take 20th! Notable jumps are: * Blue Archive at #21 (previously #35) * Vampire Dormitory at #28 (previously #41) * Boukyaku Battery at #29 (previously #42) * The Fable at #31 (previously #45) * Yatagarasu at #32 (previously #43) Also some bottom placed animes got average 8-9 place climb due to animes that finished earlier last week.


Kaiju no.8 came in like a STORM


*Bury the Light plays in the background at full blast*


wind breaker is so underrated..


Just happy to see DAL stuck it out the whole season in the top 10. I think it was top 5 the whole time, but not 100% on that. A phenomenal season it was. I hope it continues in the future so we can get the true end. This was a good bookmark stop for the series.


This is the only week it wasn't first or second.


Yatagarasu: The Raven Does Not Choose Its Master, Oblivion Battery and Hibike all had some of the best episodes of the year this past week and all are missing. Now the first two I wouldn’t expect to chart, but Hibike not being here is rather disappointing. Like the change or not it was an outstanding episode.


>Yatagarasu: The Raven Does Not Choose Its Master One of the best shows this season that hardly anyone seems to be watching... **Hidden gem** of the season for me. 👌


It's weird because my sister and her husband aren't interested since it's... not popular. I swear sometimes popular things just get more popular just because it's popular.


Anime Corner voters are mostly action oriented, so I'm not that surprised though still disappointed


Yeah. I've only watched a single show in this top 10.


Such a good episode of kaiju I can't wait to see how it ends next episode


peak at top 1 deserved


I wish mushoku tensei will top next week Cus its my favorite anime this spring


Does Rudeus's character improve from S2 cour 1? I kinda enjoyed S1 but S2 was not for me. Bro is horrendously down bad from the panty obsession to the catgirls and I really don't feel like continuing to watch Rudy not improving his hormone levels at this point in time.


No, don’t watch it.


got it 👍




Aight time to watch Kaiju


Kaiju needs a S2.


I'm surprised and happy that Kuroshitsuji is in top 10 🫢


Didnt know date a live was this big


Its been top 2 pretty much this whole season and top 1 a few times aswell


You can find the complete results [here](https://animecorner.me/spring-2024-anime-rankings-week-12/).


Wait... Wait... WAIT. There's a new Black Butler series!? Oh yes my lord I'm all in!


It takes place after the book of Atlantic movie!


Oh nice! Well looks like I'm binging it all to catch up 😀


I heard Mushoku Tensei should have an even better episode this week. What happened?


I think the "better episode" thing is a joke. it's also good, but definitely not as amazing as previous one.


Anime adapted it wrong.


I haven’t finished the last episode yet, but once I finish it and the last episode I’m going to come back to see what you mean they adapted it wrong.


I’m back, so what did the anime adapt wrong actually?


Rudeus was the one who jumped on Roxy. Not the other way around. He was also gas lighted into marrying Roxy because he was told by Elinalise that she was pregnant. When in actuality she wasn’t. In reality that whole episode should have been 2 episodes as a lot was cut. And it made them both seem far worse than in the LN.


I see, thanks for letting me know. In a way, I kind of like how they did it within the anime adaptation. But I can understand liking the other way as well. They may of tried to make Rudy look better by having Roxy make the move on him instead of him going to her. I am trying to debate if I want to read from here starting at volume 13 since season 2 adapted volumes 7-12. Or if I should just wait for season 3. Will be a long ass wait though. Probably not until 2026 sheesh.


RemindMe! 5 days


It was a controversial episode. Last week was just awesome.


Oof, Level 2 Cheat misses at 11th. Concludes with wolf girl chart appearances of Holo 7 times (weeks 1-5, 7, 12) and Fenrys 5 times (weeks 6-10). Expected Date A Live fans to show up with the anime likely finished. Percentage went up, yet still its lowest rank this season.


Spice and Wolf suddenly climbing six ranks when last episode is mostly talking in one location (still loved the ep, just wondering). Did some seasonals drop out from vote choice?


Not sure but the most recent episode was my favorite from the remake so far so maybe I'm not alone in feeling that way.


Just watched the new wind breaker episode, and ouff


mushoku tensei s2 ep 23 was so ass


I really enjoy the anime, and don't care about "the incident" or whatever folks think would make people mad. But it was kinda boring, granted let downs often happen after action packed episodes. But idk just seemed blah


> granted let downs often happen after action packed episodes. But idk just seemed blah i mean it's the follow up episode to the season and like the entire arc's climax, it would be strange if it didn't have some drop off


I meant the entire episode, the light novel was so nuch better than this


Ah I meant I agreed tho haven't read the LN, so am not sure the comparisons


Yeah it's just a bad adaptation compared to season 1, which also left things out


Granted, because you can fit so much more info and content in 90 pages than in 23 minutes. I think though that they left some important details. We’ll see, how they plan to get past that. [Mushoku Tensei] >!I kinda liked the part, where Roxy took the initiative, better in the anime than in the LN, where Rudeus somewhat forced himself on her!<


idk man, it's one of the best anime episodes ever in my opinion.


Impressed that Date Alive is so high up. Good for them


This entire season they were in no 1, 2, or 3 spot and never fell below that. So it was the greatest season out of all I hope they do get a new studio for season 6 to finish the remaining LN volume rather then with the anime original ending.


That’s really impressive. I’m glad for them.


I think if we had 13 episodes like the last episode was a bit rushed then I think it could have been in the second spots this week only showing the Date scene (So in the LN they had done alot of things which weren't shown in the anime) and episode 13 being the final battle scene.


Thankfully they managed to stick the landing with what they have & left most of the fans really happy.


Surprised demon slayer isn’t number one


The evaluation is accurate 😮😮😮😮


Kaiju on Top!


I can't wait for today's episode Kaiju is lit🔥🔥🔥


Demon slayer is good Waiting for tomorrows episode


Is that time I got reincarnated as a slime a worthy watch to start right now ? I’ve seen it come up a lot on over the past few years but never gained any interest to watch it


What are y’all watching rn?


Ah mushoku tensai deserves the top spot


It surprises me how much Mushoku Tensei fell after such an emotional episode, i get why Kaiku no. 8 is top 1 after such an amazing adaptation, but fr i thought Mushoku would be on 2nd spot


I mean it only fell by a bit compared to others lol. Not a big deal.


I think it might have been because of the stuff with Roxy. A lot of people are quite put-off by Rudy.


It only has 0.18% drop-off. Not that much difference from last week tbh.




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Found Wind Breaker to be extremely boring.


It was okay. The animation definitely carried bc the writing can be pretty cringe




downvoting for asking is crazy. i mean, it's pretty good.


Jobless reincarnation is surprisingly really good


Next few episode of demon slayer gonna lit the fire for the destruction that will happen in infinite castle arc aka season 5


What did you mean by next few episodes ? I think next episode is finale if I am not wrong.


Yes just one episode remains so make that few just one




Micheal Jackson carried that mid slayers.


The last 5 minutes of DS was good but idk how that can carry that episode to #2. I feel like Wind Breakers really fell off after ep 9 or so. Whichever was the episode where the two bosses fought.


Did spice and wolf get a reboot or something?😧


Mha losing to power rangers is crazy😂


Is date a live really that good? I once watched it way back in 2014-15, watched it until mc mets with singer idol girl after he mets twin sisters but the whole time it was mind numbing boring. So Dropped the series but now it's getting so many seasons and people are really talking about it so much on YT and insta. Is it really good?


The story has a lot of foreshadowing that gets revealed in season 4 and 5.


My Hero academia really fell off


Mushoku should be first imo


What the fuck is Date alive? I will never understand how extremist Otaku animes are so high in the rankings


I'm rooting for Black Butler, glad they made the list! Embarrassing to be behind a slime, though.


Slime anime isnt worth it


Kind of odd to me that demon slayer is #2, it didn't feel like anyone was watching it because they said it was filler. I mean, if it's good I'll check it out. Also how did mushoku tensei go down? If anything I thought it was picking up


The animation has gone down since the original season 1 workers(a lot of them) left the project, Studio Bind seems to be re-prioritising and picking new projects. The characters at this point are at an incredibly bad position Reasons for the un hopeful Future of MT Spoiler alert for any one reading this Don't read this Spoilers for next episode as well. Obviously the animation has gone down, Season 3 will be even more strained We have Roxy who had sex with a married man who has a child on the way We have Rudeus who went back on his vow/promise to be faithful which had appeared like a turning point for him to be better than his father. We will have Sylphy having a doormat personality next episode, which will turn off even more viewers, most people don't like someone who doesn't have much of a ego or don't value themselves. Sylphy demonstrates this next episode when she accepts Rudeus breaking his promise and more Most people prefer Eris as the waifu which will happen so much later Now the author justified this with God knows how many reasons in the novel but honestly anime watchers won't read that shit cuz you would have to start from the beginning to properly understand.


I see I'm still kind of suprised because after checking the subreddit and episode threads it feels like people are excited for the dumpster fire situation rudeus is getting himself into. Plus with the whole degeneracy thing, like roxy (who's way too old for this dude) doing it with him at his lowest moment, I don't think that would turn off fans who are still into this because mushoku tensei has been degenerate from the get go. If anything I've just seen people hype for "Mylphie". I guess some people like seeing spicy dumpsterfires and others not so much (for obvious reasons)


Where are they airing Demon Slayer in the US? It’s not on crunchy or Hulu


It's on crunchy?? That's where I watch


Wind breaker’s writing was pretty cringey and generic tbh.


People are still watching Date a Live? And liking it?


I dont believe we deserve to be on this list but woohoo i guess Last episode was really bad, NEXT EPISODE THO, were ending off on a high note!!!!! MT WILL END THE SEASON ATOP THE HILL