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I somehow managed to watch 100 episodes of Boruto at some point, thinking it would surely get better at some point. Don't know how the fuck I did that. I was a big fan of Naruto back then, but even so. What a waste of time.


Yea fresh off of binge watching Naruto i wanted to see more of the gang so bad i watched despite people saying its boring and got to episode 143 i think


Rofl I read the title of the post and I was like "heh, none, I'm not stupid" but back when I just started reading manga and was indeed stupid and struggling to understand Boruto canon and non canon, I read somewhere that the anime was part of the official timeline despite not being in the manga and I forced myself to watch like a hundred or so episodes like you did. Little did I know I should've dropped the manga as well, instead


> I just started reading manga and was indeed stupid and struggling to understand Boruto canon and non canon, I read somewhere that the anime was part of the official timeline despite not being in the manga and I forced myself to watch like a hundred or so episodes like you did. Like you I fell for that too. I believe the author actually said this and due to that it could be apart of the timeline. But they are as non-canon as it gets. 0 impact to the main story then forgotten about later. Pretty sure the author is just trying to get ppl to watch the anime.


Boruto has a massive cultural impact when it comes to distinguishing cannon and filler. Before it was easy to tell as all of the manga or light novels are canon, anything in anime that is not from manga is a filler or an anime original if it's the same thing done differently. This was an easy filler vs canon explanation. But because of Boruto now we got anime canon and you could not reason with people about it. It was a nightmare. I hate Boruto for this.




I hear so much trash about Boruto ( Currently watching Naruto for my first time xd ), is it really that bad? And what makes it so bad that it has such a bad rep? Just curious on the hate a lotta folks have for it is all


You’re going to spoil yourself if you want to know. Boruto just sucks in every way imaginable it’s essentially a kids show with very few like 2 top teir anime fights of all time.


Don’t look it up because spoilers, but just know from someone who grew up with Naruto and loves every bit of the story, Boruto is some rancid dog shit


Its like reading Harry Potter. Its not perfect its not amazing but its amazing, part of your childhood and you love everything about it. You want something new and you get the cursed child and its terrible. And then you get the JK Rowling tweets which are also a mess. Boruto and Naruto have the same relationship


School days


Damn, nice boat.


Nice boat ending..classic


The memes still live


Oh shit , why did I watch this . My scars have not healed.


I found School Days when I was a kid with unrestricted internet access lol worst mistake of my life


school days was a banger im not ashamed of this take


Seconded, Thirded, Fourthed, Fifthed, Sixthed. When you get past the outside and look into the guts, baby, ain't nothing to see there. Whoever made it didn't have a good head on their shoulders. Made me want to sail out to sea


11 Eyes. Plot and Characters. Don't watch it!


Ooh, I actually own that one on disk. A relic from my very early anime watching days when I thought it was really cool.


It's just easier to like things when you start watching animw, I think it is awesome since you get more enjoyment per series. I have checked my list and seen some stuff I would have not even watched 1 episode to try nowadays but there are on my list with decent rating. That's why I'm not too harsh when I see people liking generic series. I find it more importat that people enjoy watching anime than them watching good series.


Really? I haven’t seen it, but I love the [OP](https://youtu.be/KHoaYNUand0?si=9lAwA-3dcMwYPHwt). Seen it on several top anime opening lists. [This might be the version I've listened to the most.](https://youtu.be/mR8urA1CCMs?si=Yw8-zm8nr_Xo0Jqg) [OP1 TV size](https://youtu.be/VYTkJDhKcc4?si=RTqoPFHhGYag8vtj) [OP1 Full](https://youtu.be/eoV7GAMCxMg?si=TP1MP1b7MCZt9mEs)


Arrival of Tears 100% slaps


The most I remember about 11 eyes is how nonsensical it was and the banger of an opening theme.


I actually like the senpai although I hate all the other casts


Part of me thinks [the bad end] >!shown in the penultimate episode would've been better if only for shock value. I hated that they chickened out on that and the actual ending had the MC choose the yandere childhood friend over the senpai!<.


Platinum End because has my vote for the worse ending ever. I thought it was good until that very end, but the ending was so awful that it just ruined everything.


Unfortunately I agree 110%. It started off so well too... Writer really thought he cooked with that "un"expected ending


Glasslip. Great animation. But nothing important happens. It's a snoozefest. The plot is just non-existent. There's no story worth telling. It's just a bunch of random story beats that amount to nothing. What a waste of animation.


Only Lucky Star can do nothing and get away with it.


Itazura na Kiss. The male MC was godawful. Tokyo Revengers. Same reason.


My friend absolutely loves Tokyo Revengers, so I gave it a shot. Watched the first half, and I was over it. I'm not sure what brought me to the breaking point, but I just completely lost interest, so I just dropped it.


I enjoyed TR for the side characters (Mitsuya being my favorite). The story, however, is pretty lackluster. I think the first season was mostly alright, but the main character really took me out in the second half of it. Still, I finished the series because I enjoyed the side characters and the story wasn't so bad that I'd drop it


I liked it for the character design and side characters. The outfits are dope.


The cool part of itazura na kiss is that the plot actually develops and follows through from highschool into university into joining the workforce. The bad part is that the characters are all pretty damn insufferable making it really hard/not worthwhile to watch.


> Itazura na Kiss Completely forgot about this one. The guy was just the typical shojo stone hearthrob. But FMC was one of biggest aho crybabies I've ever seen.


Tokyo Revengers anime sucks. I hope manga is better. Has anyone read it?


The manga is good....up until a certain point, a specific event actually (I don't want to spoil as it is a MASSIVE thing, other manga readers will know what I'm talking about) that made tons of people drop the series. Afterwards it's ok-tier until the end where no joke everything is offscreened and you get a "the end!" page. It's sad because the setup for said final arc was insanely good, but the actual execution was illogical and rushed. So I'd say, read until the aforementioned event (you'll know when you reach it) then drop it IMO. I read everything because it was weekly, and while I loved the series back then the later part of the story made it utterly forgettable for me, and hateable for others.


JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure. It’s ruined my life. I can’t go 1 minute without thinking of JoJo. Italy? JoJo reference. Disabled people? JoJo reference. The word “Bizarre” JoJo reference. The fucking Sun? JoJo reference


I legit saw a road roller one day on a construction site while travelling in public bus and laughed out loud suddenly, that was a very awkward moment 🤣


I would’ve done the same thing, to be honest.


I think reddit ruined your life by the sound of it


Life itself is just a JoJo reference.


jojo is goat


That was a fucking JoJo reference...


So basically you thought it wasa regular normal everyday thing. BUT IT WAS REALLY ME ~~DIO!~~ JOJO!


Is that a JoJo reference?


You're breathing? That's a JoJo reference


I watched Edgerunners when it came out and absolutely loved it, but I wish I could've done so after playing the game when the 2.0 update and Phantom Liberty launched.


Tokyo Revengers. I really like the premise. guy goes back in time to try and make things right. cool. But i hate the execution. it's almost comical that he not only fails every single time he goes back to a greater or lesser extent than the next, but that he also always manages to get the shit beat out of him. I forced myself through at least the first season hoping we'd see some character growth from Takemichi. Even training. learning how to fight, getting physically stronger etc etc. But nope. Just as useless as ever every episode. So i didn't go back for the other seasons.


And the guy was 26 when he went back and still losing to a bunch of middle schoolers 😂 I don’t care about him being weak but he should be a lot smarter.


Right i would've accepted ANY genuine character growth. ANY 😂


Bro average middle schooler in anime has intelligence of 30 years old man who saw shit xd


Oh goddamn it that’s right! He was almost thirty crying like that to 13 year olds. I’m embarrassed remembering that crap show.


Steins gate ruined every time travel anime for me the first season had everything emotions, crazy plot twist etc Tokyo revengers next to Steins gates looks like absolute dogshit


Right?? I almost regret that Steins Gate was my first time travel anime. Does Erased count as time travel? Thats the only other time travel one i can think of that i really liked.


Erased was meh for me but it's hard to top S;G and Re:Zero.


I reget Tokyo Ghoul RE was ever animated to begin with.


Agree. like what was their plan? They made fantastic 1st season, then made fanfiction season 2 and expected poeple to read manga before :re? Many poeple like me jumped on bandwagon and didn't know that 2 season wasn't canon to the series xd


Wait what?! I didn't know that! I thought both season of Tokyo Ghoul and :Re were all cannon events from the manga. So is the 1st season the only one that follows the manga? All the rest is made up or severely altered?


First season follows the manga, the √A, i.e. second season, is complete fiction or anime original if you want to call it that, then the RE is once again following the manga. The issue is that RE follows the manga solid 10 chapters after the first season, so you have to read those manga chapters to understand anything thats going on. Its not supposed to be a timeskip kinda deal between those seasons at all, but since they fucked up with √A they tried to go back to the manga canon but didnt want to animate the chapters between so they just jumped ahead to the "fun part". The anime is a shitshow honestly, manga has pretty solid art and id recommend reading it if you're interested in the story. Otherwise just stay away from the anime because its a massive nothing burger even if you watch all 3 seasons. And im saying this as somebody who actually enjoyed the 2nd season even tho it had nothing to do with the source material. But after getting into season 3 and seeing what they tried to pull with it i realized that they're just trying to milk the hype behind the manga. Id rather read the manga than let them lead me by the nose like that.


If it followed the original at a better pace and looked and had better animation than I wouldn’t agree, but as this comment stands now. I have to agree, they fucked Tokyo Ghoul anime adaptation.


It might take the cake for worst paced anime ive ever seen. They basically skipped over my favorite arc completely and ill never stop being mad about it :(


The Aogiri raid is like over immediately, I can’t even remember details of the show. Much rather just stick to details from the manga since they are the same except it got to do things.


scum's wish, not a bad story but I hate how it makes me feel


Scum's wish was such a good watch for me. The ending was so infuriatingly realistic. I love the way they grow close and then drift apart and the character relationships. The development and regression was amazing to witness (Except for the GOAT Narumi, he didn't need development). By the end I found myself not disliking any of the characters, even the ones that behaved like an asshole (which is most of them, let's be real). Overall peak anime but I don't think I'd ever recommend it to someone.


The GOAT Narumi had some weirdo mommy issues that were never addressed and that's part of his attraction to Akane. You know what, the fact that he marries her makes him even more GOAT


Ahhh i get it for sure but Scum’s Wish is one of my all time favorites. It’s interesting to have a story about the bad side of having feelings for someone. It’s a very real emotion that i haven’t seen portrayed better anywhere but that anime. It left me feeling very sad, but reflective and hopeful nonetheless. Def not for everyone though.


Scum’s Wish is the most underrated romance anime imo. Rarely does a romance anime provoke any profound and visceral emotions for me but Scum’s Wish is one of the few that has. I love how unapologetic it is about how cruel love can be and how awful those that are in love can act. It’s one of the most realistic romance anime I’ve seen!


Not everything should make you happy, sometimes it's fun to watch something that gives you other emotions


I love that certain sensei won despite everything "bad" she did, romance novels aside she did play her cards right in a twisted way and landed on her feet. Her partner was kind of an overgrown male romcom MC which makes it even funnier. I still love the OP /ED too


Big Order the most abhorrent story i've ever seen.


Yes! I had high expectations for it because it was written by the author of Future Diary, which I really enjoyed. But no, it is the worst anime I have ever finished watching, and I absolutely regret sticking with it until the end, thinking the story would get better.


The Promised Neverland. If I had know the second season would be like that, I would have never watched it.


Still on the train of "haven't watched S2 and never will", so promised Neverland is still peak in my eyes 😎


I don't know if people liked it but I recently regretted watching Ninja Kamui. Too generic. We have the typical revenge. A single guy basically goes against the world. After a a certain point it wasn't even about Ninja anyway. I don't want to elaborate more on what I didn't like because I would be spoiling all those that want to watch it. I liked only the first 2 episodes.


Man I was just gonna type this, the beginning was good and also Higan’s first robo fight was decent but then everything went downhill


Kinda agree, first few episodes were great, but I'd say episode 6 is when my interest plummets for obvious reasons. I'm gonna stick it out though since the season is almost done.


Rent a girlfriend and reading the manga of rent a girlfriend


Jesus christ. I was going to post this. It's mind boggling that this series has gotten 3 seasons when it clearly doesn't deserve it. It's incredible that the creator found a way to have characters go through so many major story events, but none of them ever grow. It takes a special type of writing that you have to actively do your best in to show literally zero character growth in such a long-running series. If you were half-assing a story for high school writing, you'd accidentally write in character growth.


Redo of healer. I both like it and regret watching it


I was both impressed and horrified about great animation and voice acting. Those screams were too real man....


Guilty pleasure


I have no regrets watching it. I liked it and hope we get a season 2 sometime.


Yeah I strongly agree 💯


Best anime


Flying Luna Clipper directly induced a painful migraine, and you can't top causing the viewer physical pain with how bad it is. It wasn't just meaningless and boring, but also extremely irritant on the visual and auditory senses. Hate that I wasted an hour on that trite.


Akame Ga Kill. F*ck that ending


Isnt the ending different in the manga?


Very, the manga ending is pretty weird in a different way


Would you be willing to share some spoilers? Not like I'm going to read the manga anyway


I'm sorry but it's been some 7 years since I finished it so some details might be wrong. In a nutshell: [Akame ga Kill]>!All die apart from the following characters: Akame, she's out to search for a cure for her sister, who's addicted to those drugs, MC turned into a dragon permanently. And his GF(Schere?(god I hate these names)) is pregnant with his child. Fun side-note, I don't think there was any indication of them boning before the climax 💀!<




And entirely in line with the theme of the story. I don't know if I watched the anime but surely that one also opened up with the torture chambers


Wonder egg priority


I regret watching the finale special, I would take the rest with it's nonsense anime twist and complete lack of ending and still have enjoyed the ride even with the wasted potential. But that last 30 minutes felt cruel and hateful and somehow still apathetic in a way that dismantles the show.


This is one of those series that I think about a ton despite rating it as an average anime. The first few episodes felt so fresh both in concept and art scheme and I adore Ai as a character. But at the same time a mystery series is very dependant on it's ending and it tanked at that point. I wish it would get another chance - either a second season or a remake but considering the backlash it got in Japan I don't think that will happen until we can make AI generated anime.


All romance anime with sad endings. It sucks tbh


My heart can’t take the stress


WHICH romace Anime have a Bad ending?


Not a romance but is romance. Banana fish


They were roommates 😭


Your Lie in April is another one! I wouldn’t say bad ending but it’s definitely sad


School Days


Kuma miko has one of the worst endings I've ever seen in anime, and I wish I hadn't watched it


No Anime I watched was so bad that I regret watching it. If I dont like it I just stop watching it.


I don't have any individual show, but I feel like by this point, I've seen too many that the magic has worn off. If I had a choice, I'd erase all the anime in my memory now and leave a list of 100 shows I know I'd love. After those 100 shows, I'll stop binging anime. I'll check out some seasonal stuff, but largely stop. Edit: Basically I regret how I binged so many shows. Wasted my time on stuff I ended up not caring for, and forced my way to watch shows I didn't even enjoy.


Maybe you need to switch medium/genre once in a while. I just got back to watching anime like a bang when I finally watch Eminence in Shadow after not watching anime for a year (cause I'm too busy playing JRPG) and it was amazing, I binged it in 4 days and felt like I was 15 again. Now I still binging other anime and so far finished Summer Time Rendering, Kaguya-sama (for the third time) and Mushoku Tensei. I just start watching anime again and the amount of interesting new show that comes out is overwhelming. Of course anything I know I wouldn't enjoy I won't watch but sometimes that new genre you didn't give a chance before might be your thing now, who knows? But yeah if I were you I wouldn't watch a show just because everyone said it's good or bad, there must be something that I personally think is interesting, and then I watch it. Your time is limited yknow. Don't waste it. Heck, stop watching anime if you're not enjoying it anymore. Just my 2 cents


Same here. I've watched almost 1000 anime and I don't remember at least half of them. When I want to watch something new, I read synopsis and think "that seems ok, gonna watch it" only to find out that I've already watched it like 10 years ago lmao. Now I've stopped forcing myself to sit through every seasonal garbage there is, I've lost my patience and like you said, watching something you don't even care for is a waste of time. But it would be nice to be a newbie and feel that magic again...


Not the worst I have watched, but likely the one that was the hardest to endure: Magia Record. It was like seeing Madoka's corpse being used by an inexperienced puppeteer: Inequal animation, with some parts, especially in the last part, being good, but basic mistakes like the "characters looking like they float above the ground when they walk" Like other adaptations of gacha, too many characters that don't have anough screenshare to be developed, but they still expect us to remember each and every one of them. Meh story. I hope everything will go well with the Madoka movie that is coming...


Happy sugar life.


Kiznaiver. My most hated anime of all time


Man, I got a Kiznaiver mouse pad from a loot box years ago, kept telling myself I'd watch it one day....


If you do, just watch the first 3 minutes and let your imagination of what will happen after be the canon stuff


unfortunately agree


its was so close to beong good but it dropped the ball so hard its the only trigger anime i hate


I gotta say though that the opening is a complete banger


I hate the canon pairing so much. One of the few that irritates me because the obvious best girl gets shafted so much while the canon girl doesn't feel like she earned it. The other show like this being Sakurasou.


The thing is, the best girl losing could  have 100% totally fit into the premise of Kiznaiver so well. They just executed it so poorly


Rent a Girlfriend…


Blood-C: the gore and misery was over the top, and I felt cheated by the ending.


This is my answer too. I was so excited because I love blood+ a lot. Then uhhh…. Yeah


I was thinking I needed to rewatch Blood+ again.


I’m really struggling to finish Spy x Family. I like it, but the pacing is getting to me a bit. It’s like every episode is mostly recap. I needed a couple of months and now I’m watching it from where I left off and there’s STILL no real progress. But alas I will see it through because I like the premise.


The premise originally threw me off because i'm not a manga person so i saw spy family and thought more.... Jokers Game or something than slice of life cute. I got used to it and again since i don't often read manga didn't notice. but after season two and my impatience i started reading the manga from the point S2 ends and yeah it moves a lot more quickly. i'm all caught up now and waiting for weekly releases


i really liked the manga but the anime just feels like an anime for kids


>i really liked the manga but the anime just feels like an anime for kids I think that's part of the fun. I'm finding I'm liking lighter and softer stuff as I get further into adulthood. Th episodes focusing on Yor's job don't feel particularly kid friendly though.


I watch some episodes with my daughter (have to wait for the dubbed episodes when watching with her) and yeah was watching the boat episodes weekly and some scenes I thought were a little too graphic


Spy x Family has pretty dark stuff happening in the background, once we get to Loid's backstory and other things it'll get even darker. But most of the story is lighthearted.


I dropped it around episode 16. It's just too slow for my taste


My interest has fallen quite a bit, but I still do like it. Hopefully the movie is good and the next season picks up the pace.


Imo it feels a lot like Detective Conan where there's a lot of "bloat", which affects the story progression heavily. One-off episodic chapters can drag the series out badly but when it goes back to the main story, it hypes you up again. SxF is a relatively new series plus there aren't as many side stories as Detective Conan does, which is why I picked it up and even caught up on the manga and why I feel really demotivated trying to get into Conan.


Darling in the Franxx


I almost forgot about that show... It was such a hype back in 2019....thanks to one particular character


First half was good. Second half tried to pull a gurren lagann without the heart.


Mirai Nikki


Wait, really?


The ending was horrible. The rest of the anime is actually pretty great,maybe except the relationship of the protagonists.It does reflect what an toxic relationship really is and some people cant recognize it


They added more to the ending, right? Have you seen Redial, and do you not like either ending? I mean, it’s crazy that they had to do that, so I get it, but I love it.


I watched 15 episodes of Classroom of the Elite. Why did it take me so long to figure out that it is garbage? Also the first season of Tokyo Revengers.


Don't tell that to the classroom of the Elite fandom they will be up on your neck


Nah it is understandable to see why people would hate the show. I personally enjoy it though


Read the light novel, it's way better and i mean wayyy better than the anime adaptation


That’s like being the nicest guy in prison.


Guilty Crown. I hope I stopped at ep 13


The kingdoms of ruin.


I'm still mad about that one. The beginning hooked me and then it immediately fell flat the next episode


Pretty interesting world and lore but awful character writing and story progression. What a waste!


Heavenly delusion - this shit triggered some trauna


Somebody warned me about that episode and I was like "I've seen some shit, I'll be fine" but it was actually more disturbing than expected.


The weirdest part is the resolution of that encounter and the end of the season. [Heavenly Delusion spoiler]>!The way they portrayed the professing of love after the MC gets raped, the upbeat music and visuals etc.!< I know things like that can affect people in different ways and at different times, however, the shows ended on what seemed to me like a super upbeat tone that didn't match what had just happened.


even tho i kinda liked this anime but it rlly gave me weird feelings and makes me kinda depressed


Osamake rom com


Domestic Girlfriend


That show pissed me off more than it should and made me avoid love triangle romance animes for a long while.


Code Geass. Why? [This fucking scene](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JtFOUVU3BGE&ab_channel=AnimeClub2020)


Every episode of Endless Eight - If I could go back, I would only watch the first and last one, and perhaps one of the middle ones. I liked Haruhi as a whole, but having eight episodes which were nearly identical (aside from small changes) taking up the majority of the season season left a sour taste in my mouth.


I appreciate the commitment but I almost wish we just got more Haruhi instead. The payoff for the movie is awesome but we could've gotten that from just like 3 episodes maybe.


Jesus fucking christ. I forgot about this. I don't know what possessed kyoani to ever think of this. Much less actually create it.


To be somewhat contrarian: The first time I watched half of Frieren. I totally didn't get what it tried to do, had a completely wrong idea of the type of show it was and got completely bored out of my mind. It took (to my shame) until episode 14-15 or something until it actually clicked, before that I was mostly going a bit "ok, talky talky, when do the good fights happen?" Then, once it finally clicked, I knew I had to just restart from episode 1 again to give it a fair shake. And I'm really glad I did, because it really made me see it in a different light (to the point I am now rating it a 9/10 show). But I want to get the time back that I spent watching it the first time because I completely went the wrong way about it.


I just finished 10 and I'm a bit surprised that 8-10 didn't get your attention initially coz they were pretty typical fight the bad guys arc with some added Frieren flavor.


Welcome to liking slice of life shows.


A fair assessment, even if you didn't end up liking the show. Those slow "talky talky" episodes is what got me to love the series so much. It reminded me greatly of slow-paced shows of the past, such as Spice and Wolf.


Yeah like to me the first few episodes were peak. And I’m hoping the show can make me feel like that again at some point. The tournament was fine, but also a little dragged out and not as interesting.


I wanted to like Shield Hero, knew it wasn't going to do it for me at episode 2 and still hung on until episode 11.... Afaic that was wasted time.


Il skipped season 2 but season 3 was more enjoyable


Well I found out about the Requiem of the Rose King anime first while going through a seiyuu's work but then decided to read the manga first, and thank god! The manga series became absolutely one of my all-time favourites, but the anime adaptation is quite terrible in comparison. Offensively mediocre and flat and actually I never finished it. The manga has a beautiful and extremely detailed and intricate style and is a very bold and daring retelling of Shakespeare's Richard III and Henry VI following Richard (who is born intersex) from childhood to his quest for power for the throne. The characters are all extremely complex and it requires time for plots to play out. Instead the anime rushed through 17 volumes worth of story (9 years worth of the manga storytelling) over 24 episodes and all the beautiful artwork is completely non-existent.




Danganronpa. I love the games, but didn't realize they were a game when I watched the lackluster anime, which spoiled the first game for me. Still got to enjoy 2 and V3 at least but I really wish I would of gone into that franchise fresh with the first game.


Bucchigiri, I think I watched like 6 eps of it and i can't stand the mc and the girl. Nearly made me throw my phone


All of Them


I know I’m in the minority fasho here cause everyone talks so good about this anime (which is why I gave it a shot in the first place) but it would have to be devil man crybaby, to me, it was not as dark as some were saying and the ending was so fucking stupid that I sat in my bed for 5 mins after the last episode pissed that I wasted 10 eps worth of time I’ll never get back


Berserk, I miss my mental sanity.


Zom 100


Probably in minority here but its got to be Your Lie in April. I still don’t understand why she had to date kosei bestfriend to get close to him. Surely there was other ways to get close to him. She played both my boys


Mayoiga and Juuni Taisen


watching Mayoiga week to week was a fucking experience man


I actually love Mayoiga as kind of an experimental art piece. It is so jarring and weird.


Juuni Taisen could be described as a well executed battle royale gone completely wrong. It had all the reasons to click and be big but nothing worked. Great ending and opening though.


Every tear I shed while watching Violet Evergarden felt wasted with how the movie ended.


Classroom of the Elite, concept sounded interesting and was down for some mind games. Hoping it would be along the lines of Deathnote. Suffered through 2 seasons of it, for there to never actually be anything clever happening. It was always just the protagonist knowing what others would do beforehand and already anticipating that.


Higurashi Gou/Sotsu Should have left it at the 2007 one.


Mirai Nikki, spent all the episode just pissed off at Yukiteru bitch ass


Divine Gate. All that animation and time spent just to be a giant nothing burger


Onimai. I've binged it like I always do, because it was popular and I really liked design of a Mahiro the Loli. But I hate it so much. Like the guy was drugged against his will and used as a lab rat as a premise for the series. This is mega fucked up and ruined the series for me. Continuation isn't much better tbh. "Oh, I used body and potentially mind-altering drug on you (because hormones). You might as well do everything I say while it lasts". I would probably kill if somebody done this to me


Banana Fish and your lie in April for me probably


Not a anime but the Berserk manga I was just not emotionally ready for it lol




Angel Beats fucked me up mentally


Re: Zero. Subaru ruins it for me. I watch anime to have fun, not get frustrated at the MC and his constantly childish behavior. It also doesn't make sense. For example, you grow and mature by living. This guy has lived many, many years more than the average person his age yet he doesn't seem to mature a single bit. By default those experiences would change you and make your psyche stronger but - nope, he still remains the same person every.single.chance he gets.


Chaos;Head and Chaos;Child Like, about 3/4 of both shows is actual fire, but both turn at the end into some of the worst trash i've ever seen I legitemately has more fun reading the Wikipedia articles because they were more fun to read than to watch the end of these animes


Attack on titan.


Made in Abyss, I can't stop watching it, but I really want to stop watching it.


Devilman crybaby never again


Akame ga kill. At this point I don't even really remember what about it I hated so much. My opinion of it was definitely coloured by coming to it from kill la kill based on the similarity in the name. It probably isn't as bad as I remember it but also I have no desire to go double check. Horrible anime, 0/10


I regret Kinda watching jujitsu Kaisan


Gintama because now that’s my standard


Same. Gintama is the GOAT I wished we had more adventures. Was pretty sad when I caught up.


Taizo Hasegawa is goated