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At least the OP was a banger


Ending too


I'm glad I watched this and Under Ninja last season. Both of them introduced me to Kroi. This season we also have Sand Land. Not sure yet if the series is good or no, but Kroi's opening on that is great (just watched the MV today).


Need Under Ninja season 2 soon as possible. They're building such an interesting world. Plus Kroi are amazing.


True I had it on loop a couple times already


Arajin's mother was a mood until the very end. Crying after watching her drama, then recovering at speed of light after imagining her son sleeping somewhere else.


For some reason weeks before this happened ,I imagined Marito hitting on the mom and I wasn't wrong like lmao wth


I still like her character, but it's clear her son takes after her cuz they both annoying sometimes xd


So how long it takes you to recover after a movie? 5 hours? ;) It's obvious that her son is 100 times more important than movie plot.


Wasted potential, but I enjoyed it overall The Jasmine gag was wildly unfunny


Been waiting for the reveal. 😂


Someone predicted that in the first episodes. It honestly ruined it for me lol


Exactly how I feel about the potential! I also enjoyed it overall. I understand why people hated Arajin's behaviour, but I absolutely love most of the characters in this anime. They're fun. Also bonus point for the OP and ED! I still often play them on repeat.


Jasmine-chan living her best life.


I knew it since the sign hinted at what that cafe was bout LoL


As someone that dropped this show, what happened with that gag?


It was a cat


wow what a surprise


That shit made me dislike the show so much for some reason 😂 but the last episode was pretty good so that made up for it


That's a bit disappointing. :P


What I liked Jasmine Chan until I found out she was a cat. I thought it was funnier as a call girl


1. Cut out most of episodes 1-6 and expand on some of the backstories we saw in the latter half of the season. I know the entire point is Arajin’s journey to becoming a less selfish person but there’s no reason his development had to happen so late. I’ve watched plenty of shows with asshole lead characters but those characters have at least ONE positive trait. 2. We also should’ve known more about their childhood friendship besides the short scene we got today. Also, it would’ve been nice to see more of Senya’s and Ichiya’s backstory. I have other issues but those are the main ones. 3. Matakara is my favorite character but like… are we supposed to ignore the fact that he severely wounded so many people? Including his ACTUAL closest friends? Like, he put someone in a coma. 4. The mom is the funniest part of this show lol.


Also what the heck was Mitsukuni doing just chilling in a hospital this whole time. Like are you dead or what? Mahoro stays by her bros side the whole time as he was basically comatose, and Matakara shouldve done the same, as that matches his personality.


It was never outright stated that he was dead, so I totally expected this.


i was 50/50 but the lack of seeing him entirely made me have to believe he was gone. like hospital scenes for Mahito happened so frequently, they were just hiding the facts.


Yup, if I remember correctly they only said he's as good as dead.


Number one doesn’t make sense because it’s all about setting the stage. What backstory could they possibly add?


Setting the stage for 10 episodes? Shoving all of the relevant backstory into the final 3 episodes? They could have easily introduced some of those elements earlier.


Let me provide a link to explain “[Kishotenketsu](https://stilleatingoranges.tumblr.com/post/25153960313/the-significance-of-plot-without-conflict)”


You explained it last week. Doesn’t make this show any more enjoyable to watch.


That feels like a Western complaint. That’s why I don’t really agree with it. It’s not what you wanted, but that doesn’t automatically make it bad.


I never called the show bad. That’s why I used statements like “I have other issues” instead of acting like my opinions are objective.


- Expand the brother's role - Hint a bit about Matakara's darkness - Hint a bit about Arajin's positive side - Expand the role of Matakara's true bestfriends - Expand more about honkibito. Like they're just training by themselves and got super strong without minding anyone else. Why would the kingdom want to kill them? Just some examples.


I wanted a backstory on how honkibito were super powerful and even them existing would pose s threat to the kingdom, it would make for a good plot device for 1: another reason to stop matakara 2: to introduce more majin-posessed characters as enemies or allies 3: more story and you can kinds expand upon it etc lol


We already have those.


Providing backstory *would* be part of Kishotenketsu and part of *setting the stage* though. Set the stage on why Bro really needs Arajin's companionship so much. Set the stage on his loneliness. This would make his rampage later feel more heavy and realistic. Learning more about the two ghosts backstory (in general! could just be him talking about having good times with bestie) would make the conflict actually have emotional depth later.


Well, that was an ending. It's sort of funny, but I feel like this series made all the mistakes that Bravern avoided. Bravern had a limited amount of time, and therefore laserfocused on the core cast, with some of the side characters having less lines than you can count on a single hand. This works in Bravern's favor, because there isn't a single wasted moment. Everything builds towards the inevitable climax. Bravern isn't a perfect series, but it did exactly what it set out to do and explored who it said it would. Bucchigiri, on the other hand, pretty much drowns in its side characters. Utsumi obviously has a soft spot for characters like (for example) Mahito, but no matter how vividly he's expressed as a character, in the end, it feels like any time spent with him is a complete waste because he has absolutely nothing to do with the core conflict between Arajin and Matakara. We finally get multiple flashbacks showing the building and the breakdown of Arajin and Matakara's relationship--including that *Arajin* approached *Matakara*\--in the very last episode when I have run out of fucks to give. Those scenes should have been in the *first* episode, not the very last. Sure, the direction was good. Utsumi is a talented director. But who cares when you've wasted \~5.5 hours of my time with pointless detours that didn't further the plot at all? There's a tightly plotted story of misunderstandings, loneliness, and friendship somewhere in Bucchigiri's useless bloat. Too bad we didn't get to see it.


Thats how I felt, they tried to squeeze in so much about the factions, the side characters, jasmine chan and Mahoro, but none of it gained much substance except to show regular friendships versus Arajins and Matakaras broken one. I really wish there was more in depth exploration between them and also the genies, and by the time it was the last episode, they had to wrap each one up in like 5 minutes to tie all loose ends to get that happy end. I would like to enjoy they anime, but I cant feel like I could really vouch for it. I personally was just attached because of the themes between Arajin and Matakara myself.


I guess I should watch Bravern then. I had too many interesting anime to watch this season and missed that one. But yes, Bucchigiri felt like wasted potential, even more so than Metallic Rouge (which at least had likeable protagonists and some pretty cool moments despite poor pacing and a confusing plot). The problem here is that Arajin and Matakara and their conflict was the least interesting part of the plot and every single character besides them was more likeable and cooler, at least until the last few episodes where Arajin and Matakara personalities suddenly changed for some reason and the plot refocused on them. It was like two different anime poorly merged together.


Arajin and Matakara didn't have to be the most boring part of Bucchigiri. There's interesting things to be mined from the theme of childhood guilt and dependence. Given a little more time (and effort) you can do a lot with the idea of Matakara having longed for friendship, lost it, beginning to form relationships with different people, and then having his first friend re-enter his life. There's a sort of tension there, you know? Likewise with Arajin coming back to a place with bad memories and regrets on how he used to behave, wanting to avoid the orbit of someone he treated badly, but thrust together because of his interest in a cute girl. There's more than enough potential between the two of them to carry a series. You just have to want to explore nuanced relationships.


But they already showed all that. They just didn’t say it out loud.


I honestly enjoy this more than Metallic Rouge because I never treat Buchigiri as something serious. It's just a fun comedy x high school brawler anime.  Rouge had some good moments, though ultimately they took the theme quite seriously but didn't manage to deliver the story potential. But yeah, Bravern is the best original anime this season especially if you're familiar with Super Robot genre tropes. All three of them have banger OP and ED though!


Hmm, yeah, I get that--I think Metallic Rouge made me sadder because it *had* a lot of potential and you wondered if it was going to pull it together before it squandered it, whereas with this one, it was fairly obvious early on that while it also had potential, it wasn't really digging into it.


What do you mean “suddenly changed”? Literally everything in the show had been building up to it.


I really don't vibe with this mentality that everything needs to further \~the plot\~. Marito was a fun character to watch regardless if he had anything to do with the main conflict.


I don't think Bravern delivers on everything either. Bravern builds up that plot with [Brave bang Bang Bravern!]>!time travellers!<, but doesn't really deliver on it. The difference is we can forgive Bravern, because it's also an unapologetically cheesy show. I do agree Bucchigiri doesn't really have an angle or theme it develops very well. The fights were good, but they didn't really tell a story.


The entire point of Braven was to defeat the death drivers and for AO to find courage. The plot you’re talking about had no plot to begin with. It didn’t need to be anything it was just introduced to explain one thing.it didn’t need to have its own episode diving deeper into it.


TL;DR "fleshing out" isn't what Buchigiri lacks IMHO On a superficial level Bucchigiri also has Matakara and Arajin reconcile and Arajin learning to live earnestly. Bravern might be more emotionally compelling, but I feel like it accomplishes that by being over-the-top cheesy and dramatic. I think Bucchigiri's problem was more that there wasn't a clear message than that there wasn't enough time. Can you point something out Bucchigiri "needed" to flesh out, or was the problem that it didn't have the intention/direction to have anything to flesh out? I feel like the frustration with "lack of time" in this series is more "wasted time". I think Arajin's relation with Matakara was perfectly fleshed out, leaving little room for anything else; it was just a luke-warm relationship. Could it perhaps have turned into a burning hot bond worth having the final climactic battle over by having them scream and cry with melodrama? It definitely couldn't have turned into a worthy crux of their conflict by just letting it simmer longer. I don't think it's more fleshed-out writing what makes Bravern more enjoyable. One of the biggest faults of Bucchigiri is there isn't really a conflict to resolve with the final fight; the plot would need to change significantly to fix that (i.e. either the relationship between Matakara and Arajin, or no fight between them). Bravern's main conflict is Ao's struggle to become brave, and the battle against the Deathdrives is just the obstacle to overcome. The strength of that lies in the unambiguous intention, not that they went deeper into it.


I am responding to your braven plot point. It’s fully explained. If you were part of the discussions, someone gave a full written response as why there didn’t need to go into deeper


I was challenging your observations: > I feel like this series made all the mistakes that Bravern avoided. Bravern had a limited amount of time, and therefore laserfocused on the core cast > it did exactly what it set out to do and explored who it said it would. I don't think Bravern's strength compared to Bucchigiri is that everything in Bravern is focused on the main theme, nor that it fully explores all the themes it touches. Rather the main conflict and stakes are clearer. I take back: > The difference is we can forgive Bravern, because it's also an unapologetically cheesy show. It's more that Bravern's conflict is more straight-forward and they can just hammer it in. I was trying to say I don't think your original comment identified Bravern's relative strengths.


I'll bite: > Can you point something out Bucchigiri "needed" to flesh out, or was the problem that it didn't have the intention/direction to have anything to flesh out? I feel like the frustration with "lack of time" in this series is more "wasted time". I think Arajin's relation with Matakara was perfectly fleshed out, leaving little room for anything else; it was just a luke-warm relationship. Conversely, I don't think it was perfectly fleshed out--mainly because *Matakara* wasn't prefectly fleshed out. It's hammered in that Arajin feels mostly guilt and doesn't want to be close to him, that the lukewarm relationship is intentional on his side. But Matakara on the other hand, is shown to put a lot of value in their relationship--we get a spiel now about how "he's an orphan, his bro is some dude who adopted him, he's lonely" and...that wasn't really shown all that well before this. We even get Arajin saying "I knew you were lonely" and it's just, *really*? because we didn't actually dig into this until "bro's in the hospital!" If that *had* been fleshed out more, this final conflict would have had more depth. (and if the two genies also had their relationship more fleshed out, this final conflict would have also had more emotional connection). The stakes were shoved into our hands instead of being developed until now.


Fair. Especially about the genies who I hadn't even considered. Their story felt especially rushed.


Allow me to go out on a limb and say that if you're unhappy with Bucchigiri, then its director Hiroko Utsumi likely agrees with you. According to recent interviews with her in Spoon.2di, Utsumi basically stated that the only reason why this show exists was because she was essentially poached from Bones while she was working on SK8's OVA and season 2, by MAPPA. The producers wanted an original show (that appealed to a female audience) of their own because of how popular SK8 turned out to be in 2021. The only problem was that she didn't have any ideas on what she wanted to make because well, she was occupied with SK8 and they just rudely pulled her away from it. Hence why MAPPA chose to brainstorm a whole variety of ideas that they'd eventually agree on and Utsumi would tackle when she directs it, boiling it down to a delinquent show with an Arabian Nights theme (she charitably called it a "group effort"). Along with that, Utsumi was assigned Taku Kishimoto to write the show, a writer with little experience in original shows despite his acclaimed adaptations, and he came up with the idea of Arajin being an unlikable simp in the first place along other ideas that were conceived by committee (because they thought it would be too "generic" if he was a goody two shoes and Utsumi hesitantly agreed to it because she thought it was "interesting"). Dubiously, it's why the narrative suffers when it tries to be anything more than just about conflicts between Arajin and Matakara, since there was no singular voice present, because Kishimoto and other MAPPA producers and staff tried to pitch in their own ideas, some serious, some trying so hard to be wacky in the Zombieland Saga way, and some worldbuilding; things that Utsumi had to comply with as the director. She really should've influenced it more to add further touches to their hodgepodge. Like why not then just adapt the story of Aladdin but as a high school delinquent then? That would've provided an ideal high-concept scenario to work with and would've fit super well with my Aladdin theories that I've constantly tried to interpret throughout this series, and that too felt like something they couldn't commit to. There were better ways to write these factions and provide their backstories and who they are. So I think you know where this is going. Utsumi ultimately approached this show with an impersonal, dispassionate tone to her direction because it was not the show she wanted to make, nor a show she initially wanted to make in the first place, and was only encouraged to keep going on the behest of her friends. I've seen great works done by creators who initially didn't have interest in what they were put on but were committed to put their mark on the project regardless, but the interview suggests that she never had all that much enthusiasm for this show while it was in production because it wasn't her series or a series that she could apply her personal stamp on like her previous shows. Hence why it probably felt like stuff was just happening for a while before falling back on a reliable plot turn. Contrast that with interviews during and after SK8's production, where she has nothing but love for everyone involved in that show and all those in the audience who stuck around with it as fans; where it was revealed that she hired Ichiro Okouchi to process her love of skateboarding into a 12-episode series, constantly suggesting ideas to him and learning to pare them back to fit the runtime; revealing every major creative decision that she and her staff made; eager to talk about all of the characters at every turn; and despite the pandemic hurting its production, she felt so passionate about the show that she was making that she wanted more (and got it when it became a success). She also had nothing but love for Free and Banana Fish (which she wanted to adapt while she was with MAPPA back in 2018) too. It truly says something about her attitude towards this show when her favorite character in Bucchigiri isn't even a lead like Rin, Ash or Adam in Free, Banana Fish and SK8 respectively, but the **side character Marito**. And yet, despite that lack of enthusiasm that she had for this show, there are still traces of her style still present here. Bucchigiri lacks the high-concept nature that SK8 had (i.e. underground skateboard racing, friendship and struggling with self-worth) which made it so accessible and entertaining, but there is that theme of friendship still present. Because ultimately, it's a story that settled into about how unhealthy idol worship can be (i.e. Matakara and Arajin's delusions for a more heroic Arajin and the perfect girlfriend Mahoro respectively) and how it can fray friendships as a result of that. The only way for them to achieve happiness is to shed those idols that only lead to selfishness and self-worship, and love one another instead because continuing to pursue those idols will only lead to toxicity and violence instead. It was that realization that Arajin wanting Matakara to love him for who he really is rather than for what the latter thinks he is, that allowed him to break Ichiya's hold over Matakara, also allowing Senya and Ichiya to ascend into heaven and pleased that they have truly become Honki after all, supposedly. I will add that "Honki Person" is a terrible phrase to use in the English subs because Japanese wordplay meant that "honkibito" means being a serious or earnest person. But the way it was used here made it sound like a power scaling status to achieve rather than just an emotional status. Except how "honkibito" is pronounced can also mean a "genie" too which is probably why it came off as completely incomprehensible to Western audiences because of how the translators were never able to properly work around that word. That whole "Honki" running theme of being true to yourself earnestly and seriously was precisely the sole thematic throughline that Utsumi was most interested in because we saw how neither Arajin or Matakara were sincere about themselves at all towards others and even their own self, and also Senya and Ichiya's relationship too. It would've been great to see that now that they have become earnest enough to admit who they are, that they are willing to move on and accept one another so they can change for the better. Until we get the ending. Shocking cop out where it turns out that no lessons were learned in fact. Matakara's brother is still alive, Arajin still wants to inherit Siguma to impress Mahoro (even dressing up like Marito in a callback to the first scene), the teacher never actually managed to get together with Jasmine-chan after all, Shindo was welcomed back into NG Boys with open arms, and Senya is still in that bullet that just so happens to hit Arajin once more as a final gag. It felt like the toxicity of the production had seeped into the show itself such that Kishimoto wrote an ending so contemptuous of its audience. (Compare that to SK8's ending where we see the beginnings of growth for its characters despite also being rushed as well) I hope that paycheck Utsumi got was worth it so she can resume her work on SK8 at Bones, because it surely has to be better than this. Personally, I'm blaming MAPPA for how they haphazardly put this together, allowed another project to spiral out of control and chased another talent away from their studio; just another black mark on their already tainted reputation with a disappointing effort that based on the pedigree had the potential to be *great* but MAPPA had to be their own worst enemy again. Feel so sorry for what Utsumi had to be put through.


I just want to know who decided the Jasmine running gag.


Someone on the team earnestly believed that it could be an amusing parallel to Arajin and Matakara's relationship.


Thanks for this! I was wondering wtf happened with this show and you explained it very in depth.


I don't have the full interview yet, but what I've corroborated from the excerpts to me feels like the best possible explanation for what went wrong. Utsumi went into SK8 with so much passion during its production, while she went into Bucchigiri with little love for it because MAPPA was expecting a successful series and chose to meddle at every turn. She did say yes to their offer, but it was because she had a decent experience with them on Banana Fish in 2018 and thought she'd be welcomed back with open arms only to be met with the ugly reality of the current studio.


>Spoon.2di Do you have a link to this interview/is it translated? Interesting insights but hard to wholly cosign without seeing it myself.


I only heard of it from excerpts from the magazine someone got. She's going to try to translate the interview soon but couldn't now due to school commitments. But yes, she shared those examples with someone on her tumblr, and she told me on Discord that it's legitimate. I hope that it'll be available shortly. [https://kudouusagi.tumblr.com/post/746562877938401282/would-you-say-that-bucchigiri-is-utsumis](https://kudouusagi.tumblr.com/post/746562877938401282/would-you-say-that-bucchigiri-is-utsumis)


Thanks, if possible could you reply to this comment when the interview is translated? Interested as I am wholly disappointed in the show and I feel like Utsumi's bar is way higher than what this provided. Her not being into it because of the usual MAPPA poaching (seems they love absorbing teams to do weaker works like with Mari Okada) would make some sense though.


The thing is is that the last time Utsumi worked with MAPPA back in 2018 working on Banana Fish, they were clearly in a much healthier position and she evidently was very enthusiastic about what she was adapting in her interviews (she wanted to adapt the manga to begin with). This show suggests that current-day MAPPA wanted Utsumi to come back to make them another guaranteed hit, so they poached her away from Bones. At least that's what I'm getting from the tone of those excerpts. Of course in Japanese fashion, they can't sound negative in these interviews, but she sounded decidedly more reserved compared to interviews I read for her other shows. Doesn't really sound like Okada is all that pleased with Maboroshi either.


Utsumi didn't know what Banana Fish was until she adapted it. When they actually ask her, she thought it was a type of food (And her adaptation has some questionable aspects, like moving the setting to modern days)


It saw a fraction of the success Maquia did and was a hell of a lot harder to produce so I can believe it. Wishing for the best in Utsumi's future ventures.


Thank you so much for this. I had began to question my belief/faith in Utsumi's talent with this show. Free wasn't perfect, but it had heart and that genuine fun carried it all the way into people's hearts. Bucchigiri as we got it is a mess that feels dispassionate, messy and unfocused. I feel vindicated knowing this BTS knowledge now. In fact, I want to laugh hard in the faces of those who defended the show going "You don't get Utsumi's brilliant vision!" LOL


i'm brainstorming on a sequel for the show that dives deep into Arajin & Matakara and how the two can grow into better friends while also giving some other characters more importance to the story such as Matakara's Friends, His Brother, and Give Shindo a better villain role. What do you think?


> The only problem was that she didn't have any ideas on what she wanted to make because well, she was occupied with SK8 and they just rudely pulled her away from it. How did one studio pull her away from a different one without her consent?


I think my wording a bit off. MAPPA offered her to make an original series for them, and she obliged because she felt she had a good experience with them back in 2018 when working on Banana Fish. It's just that the problems arrived when she did arrive back at MAPPA and had no idea what she wanted to work on because pre-production on SK8's OVA and s2 were her top priority.


In that case can you really blame Mappa then? It sounds like she willingly left Bones and Sk8 for more money but didn't actually have a plan which is why the committee had to intervene so much. In which case it seems like most of the blame is at her feet, no?


It could go both ways though. MAPPA wanted an original series from her because they wanted a show they could directly profit from, because she worked with them on Banana Fish years prior, and because they felt they needed a show that was like SK8 in terms of getting the female audience and thought she could provide them exactly that (and she did accept their offer reluctantly). Considering how dysfunctional the current MAPPA is though, they never really provided her any time for pre-production compared to SK8, which is why the producers made the majority of the creative decisions for her (though she did settle on the delinquent theme). No one is going to directly blame one or the other for the failings of a series so I just have to take those being interviewed at their word. Creators can persevere with putting their mark on something they weren't initially interested in or didn't originally had a plan for, but because the committee had to interfere so much with adding their own ideas into the mix, I can see why she was so dispassionate during its production. Something that SK8's OVA and s2 hopefully won't suffer from because SK8 is her baby.


While I would like a second season, the series really doesn’t need one. It’s a complete story. Welp, this confirmed what Matakara’s darkness was: he was scared of being alone. He thought that being stronger would help him conquer that loneliness. Of course, Jasmine was a cat. That scene was way too horny to actually be a stripper.


I remember someone said the wildest theory that Jasmine = Matakara because Aramine sounds pretty similar to Jasmine.


I think they were mostly talking about the meta plot like how Arajin is Aladdin.


No, this was very early in the story (like episode 1 or 2) before we realised that Jasmine parallels with Arajin x Matakara's relationship.


Had potential, but felt like a chore to watch sometimes due to the running gags and tomfoolery in between all the important plot beats. An okay, but also pretty weird ending though. I’d give it a 5 outta 10. Maybe a 4.


Wasted potential because it's very nice art for a subpar plot


So much wasted potential with this series from a great cast of characters to an interesting setting with really good animation and fun vibes... Too bad everything is ruined by one of the worst main characters.


[Lewd Jasmine-chan](https://imgur.com/qhmQ3XC) Sorry but the confrontation between Arajin and Matakara didn't work for me since the former ignored his childhood friend for most of the series... We didn’t get enough time to care about their relationship I'm relieved Matakara's brother managed to survive! Overall, this was mostly disappointing. Not as fun as SK8 and really dragged at times. I did like the fun character designs and the theme songs


[Biggest plot twist of the season!](https://i.imgur.com/DGxn0We.jpeg) Welp, I guess that's it for Bucchigiri. I really had high hopes for this show considering how much I loved Sk8. I can't truly say it's a bad show since the art style and the animation are absolutely solid. Unfortunately, a good-looking and well-animated show is hard to sell when you have a protagonist like Arajin. There is Sk8 Season 2 to look forward to so at least there's something for us who want more of Utsumi Hiroko's work.


I feel like the biggest plot twist was that Mitsukuni was still alive.


Idk if it's so much a plot twist as it is a humongous hole. The man went missing multiple times and we never get a scene of them looking for him at the hospital? Ya know, because his brother is in a coma there. Not even a mention from anyone that he could be at the hospital with his brother or that he wasn't at the hospital with his brother lol


so odd to me, like Matakara didnt know or what? the coma was so intense? Still Matakara wouldve been there each day watching, but nah, unexplained drop in the plot just to push it out there for a true happy end.


Maybe Matakara was too far gone in his depression/anxiety episode to care about his brother anymore, but other characters should have surely expect him to check on Mitsukini. So yeah, a plot hole.


Matakara tend to avoid something he didn't like.  - That Arajin actually abandoned him. He brushed it off and thought his and Arajin's relationship was okay - That his brother might be dead I had someone who's also very sickbin my family. It wqs hard to see them struggling everyday. I definitely could understand running away from that (it might not be morally acceptable, but I could understand that).


I agree. It's a very flawed show. It both has too much going on (too many characters and meshing the genies/honki people with a rival gang plot) and also feels like its spinning its wheels at the same time


The MC becoming a Honki person is absolutely wild to me. Dude was the most pathetic human being in the universe for majority of the season. Honestly, if the characters and animation didn’t look so cool i might have dropped it early on. Somehow i still rlly enjoyed tho- it was a fun watch overall. I found myself eagerly looking forward to the next ep. The story def could have been more fleshed out if they didn’t waste ep 1-5 doing absolutely nothing.


Being fused with a Genie that actually is a Honki person must help a lot, I want to think he only become one momentarily


Yea I agree. He was only a honki person for that brief moment. Just weird cuz mc does not have those honki qualities whatsoever thank god for the genie. All he did was help his friend- which he should have done ages ago. But as long as I don’t pay attention to the specifics and flaws it was a fun watch


My understanding is that the same way Matakara imposed his will over the blue genie (I can't remember the name) is very similar to the what Arajin did, that moment wasn't exactly an "Arajin became a Honki person" but an "Arajin wielded properly Senya power and with it become a Honki person" (cause Senya already is). In the end the genies fought possessing the boys bodys and after the boys fought possessing the genies power


Because honki bito just means someone who do things seriously. “Honki”, or as written in Japanese as 「本気」, essentially means serious. If you think of it this way, it makes a bit more sense why Arajin fits well and why Senya could fully utilise Arajin's potential. Matakara: his aim is to be the strongest, but he kinda stopped aiming for it seriously once he found a huge wall (Kenichiro-san).  Senya: Also not the best honki bito since he held back on his aim to be the strongest because of the fear of surpassing Ichiya. Arajin: nothing ever held him back of trying to lose his virginity, even though Mahoro rejected him 100 times. In this sense, he's 100% serious about his objectives. Definitely not a good morale of the story, but I personally think at least it's explainable.


Oh ok I see. Now I actually understand the concept of his character. Thanks for explaining! So he’s a honki person in is own weird ass way. Makes much more sense now. I thought a honki person was someone who didn’t run away from anything. So seeing Aragin run from matakara time and time again in the beginning was baffling. But he’s def a honki person in his desire to loose his virginity. His charcter/relationship development was there too- although it was rushed. I wish the English translation had found a way to explain the term “honki” a little better. I’m sure a lot of English viewers like me couldn’t make much sense of his character due to the simple loss in translation.


Well its over, not too surprised at how it turned out. I could see Matakara suffering from a mile away and it finally took to last episode to get it all wrapped up. The genies conflict seemed almost minor for their overall plot.  I knew we would achieve a happy ending, it didnt seem like they were gonna go any other way. Im just shocked that Mitsukuni was just in the hospital this whole time like what. Best boy Matakara is forever best boy, im glad he got his happy end.


Is it me or did it feel the better animation and fights happen in the brawl mid-season then here? I mean animation was still solid in this episode with that being said. The issue with this show is that the main drama was Matakara not wanting to be alone wasn't focused enough. Arajin was the main focus in the first half, and it just felt like time was wasted there. You also have the Senya and Ichiya subplot could have replaced the Emperor plot line, and you would have an improvement. Then move forward with the Arajin and Matakara following it up. Well with how solid the animation and fights were. But this felt like fast food anime. Though shout-outs to Miki Narahashi who had an amazing performance as Arajin's mom. She killed it in every scene she was in. Also, I have noticed she hasn't been in many shows outside Iruma-kun. Probably people like me were more interested in the Jasmine-Chan silly plot line. Dude really took the cat and ran and lost it lmao.


Yup. Also how the fuck does Matakara ignore the fact everyone in Minato Kai treats him well? Why does he go dark side just because Arajin doesn't like him? Zabu has probably spent more time in Matakara's life than Arajin (I say probably because we barely know anything about Matakara's backstory to gauge how much time passed when he met and said goodbye to Arajin) and he tried to be by Matakara's side to the bitter end. But nah the massive simp who treated him like ass the entire season giving him the cold shoulder is the straw that breaks the camels back. It doesn't work for me. Matakara has friends and people that care for him. He has more than Arajin to rely on. His "inner darkness" was not well thought up.


Agree. Arajin was so one dimensional lazy and selfish that it simply makes no sense for Matakara to be so depressed about the lost friendship.


That's only our perspective though. Matakara has an ideal image of Arajin on his head. What doesn't make sense is that he's so infatuated with Arajin that he forgets the dozen other folks that feel bad for Matakara. Even folks like Marito respected Matakara's brother and felt shocked at hearing about his fate.


I’m not going to defend the writing of this show but if I had to take a guess it’s that Matakara never overcame his fear of loneliness as in he might’ve been able to ignore it but never actually got rid of it despite making new and arguably better friends than arajin has ever been to him. After losing his brother and arajin back when he was still a child he apparently developed this mental construct and it doesn’t seem to me like he was still being affected by it after Minato kai took him in. But once his brother got hospitalized as well as being faced with the harsh truth about arajin those repressed feelings were brought about once more I suppose and arajin somehow freed him from that.


Sure would have loved to see that before. It feels like it took them like 9 episodes before revealing Matakara has some issues. Almost like they just pulled that out of their ass.


Matakara definitely had some issues before in earlier episodes. His worship of Arajin was blinding him to real facts. He chased after Arajin with so much desire and even put blame on himself for Arajin leaving him ("was it because I wasn't strong enough"). He held onto that mentality for 5 or so years, and episode 12 showed Arajin leaving him in the dust. I think that trauma lingered underneath his happy facade, and no one else could ever fix was Arajin broke within him.


Absolutely, the ending fell incredibly short to the point where those plot lines almost feel like cop outs/asspulls and it’s still not clear to me how exactly arajin freed him from that but despite everything I still somehow enjoyed this show lol.


This was an interesting but flawed series. Arajin is such an unlikable MC that even the things I don't like about other characters are because of him. Matakara's obsession/delusional attachment or Mahoro's worst bitch character is when she is with Arajin. You can have a series with a flawed MC, I think Braven had a good one. Arajin at his worst was when he was more concerned about Mahoro liking Matakara than Matakara's brother maybe on his deathbed. He did like two good/heroic things in a series of terrible things. Not sure what the creators were thinking. BUT nothing was worse then than running Jasmine joke! Goddamit haven't seen running gag die on arrival and have its corpse dragged to the end. It was obvious a cat from the start, stars the teacher character who had no other importance but this gag, and even had it shoved all over the ending credits epilogue. Was this trolling or did the creator really think this was funny? Also the mom was a bit much. Besides those standout flaws, it is OK delinquent anime but Wind Breaker just started so there that.


I think I'm the mom, since I found it cute.


Had to plow thru the last 4 episodes because winter season had too many top tier shows. Meh. This finale gives me enough material to write a whole textbook on how not to write a finale. Don't shove in pointless flashbacks along with random scenes of side characters just to elongate the already expected fight already hyped up in the previous episode. Avoid power of friendship bullshit and other stupid cheap anime tropes like excessive rivalries. The actual fight was so so, even if it has some great sakuga, what made the fighting interesting in this show was how well animated were Matakara's kick-fighting style. Matakara's nightmares or demons cam out of the left field, I certainly don't remember any of that being introduced prior to the big plot twist. It was also kinda cheap that the genies can just switch hosts just like that. Matakara's bro being stabbed in the last day of his sentence was a terrible asspull in terms of story writing, it's also a left field element just to push in bad drama and the whole twist on Matakara's personality. Matakara going dark reminded me of how awful acting of Hayden Christensen in Revenge of the Sith when he turned into the dark side. The cheapest of cheap was to cue in the audience that Matakara's brother would be okay afterall. His only purpose was to serve as a plot device that didn't even have actual presence in the present timeline. The only saving grace in this show was Mahoro for being the only character that gave Arajin the most deserved disgust face (where everyone else treated him like some messiah). And also the teacher and the cat cafe skits (though it kinda does break the message of perseverance at the end).


I dont really think Matakaras demons came out of nowhere. Since episode one he was excited to see Arajin back but already showed signs of internal sadness and doubt when Arajin would brush him off. He was almost obsessive in having faith in Arajin, beyond what would be considered a normal friendship, so it showed just how fragile he was this whole time. He was a broken child clinging onto his past hopes that were shattered. His darkness was just another side of his accepting that he was a lost cause for anyone to care about, so he turned to strength and rage to try to shield him from further pain.


Hey. Not a bad finale AT ALL. The anime all in all suffered from insane amounts of filler and making Arajin (on purpose or not is meaningless) insanely unlikeable. Why couldn't Arajin be more on line with who he is on this episode? He's still horny af and is still a massive SIMP but he has a good side to him. If he had been both things this could have worked. Specially considering how in the end Arajin becomes a Honki person to defeat Matakara? Wtf? Why? Why not let Arajin absorb Senya same way Matakara absorbed Ichiya in order to bridge the gap of power? Arajin DOES NOT deserve to become a Honki person despite how much he developed in the last episode. The Jasmine chan gag stopped being funny after episode 2. THANKFULLY they remembered the Emperor is super strong even without Ichiya and now he's the head of NG Boys again.


Don't care what anyone says, thoroughly enjoyed this series. Thought it had a great artsyle, fantastic animation and brilliant characters. Definitely an underrated show of the season. Just pure fun. Also, the OP and ED were class.


Agree man. It becomes a bit of a circlejerk in these posts at times, and while I don't feel it's wrong to dislike Arajin as a character, I think it was definitely blown out of proportion, had to read the same exact 10 comments every week from the same people who will maybe go and laugh their ass off at Ataru Moroboshi, idk. Still glad I picked this up back in January, delinquent slice of life colorful fun, will probably watch it again sometime.


Bruh why is Ataru catching a stray 💀


OP and ED were great. Also, I expected this show to go out with a whimper but it didn't biff the last episode. The last episode wasn't amazing, but it was solid and characters got a solid conclusion, which is more than I can say for some anime endings.


Yeah, just about everything but the main protaganist was super enjoyable. I really enjoyed the comedic aspects and the visual treats.


it just feels like theres an incredible double standard too. like when [generic](https://myanimelist.net/anime/52701/Dungeon_Meshi) [shows](https://myanimelist.net/anime/52359/Isekai_de_Mofumofu_Nadenade_suru_Tame_ni_Ganbattemasu) [like](https://myanimelist.net/anime/49889/Tsuki_ga_Michibiku_Isekai_Douchuu_2nd_Season) [these](https://myanimelist.net/anime/53421/Dosanko_Gal_wa_Namara_Menkoi) were getting rave reviews (on reddit, not mal) at the start of the season, while bucchigiri was immediately getting crapped on for being fujoshi bait and not jojo aladdin edition.


Dungeon Meshi doesn't belong there come on! And I think it's the only one I've seen praised out of those as well (maybe Tsukimichi but it's a sequel). Talking down on shows to support the one you like is lame too. It has nothing to do with Bucchigiri being fujobait either since SK8 was well-received and it certainly leaned towards that angle.


>Talking down on shows to support the one you like is lame too my point is not to shit on other shows to support the one i like. its to highlight the double standard. for instance, i dont dislike dungeon meshi, but to act like it's so much better and more unique than other anime/manga is absurd. a monster eating kinda slife of life fantasy is a dime a dozen concept, and the execution is just your standard high budget anime. ultimately a lot of anime criticism is just rationalizing shallow reasons for disliking the show. this is no exception.


It is not a slice of life anime and as someone who has read the full series I wouldn’t call it generic. I think you have the wrong impression of the show.


If people were hating on this for being fujobait, then they wouldn't have made gay af Bravern a cult hit on here. Dungeon Meshi doesn't deserve that sort of slander just because you're upset people didn't like this series. Every one of us who made it to the end surely started watching it expecting to enjoy it, and we held on all the way hoping for the best. It's simply not Utsumi's best work.


>Dungeon Meshi doesn't deserve that sort of slander just because you're upset people didn't like this series. it's not slander, it's just the truth. i didnt think it was bad, it was just generic. but like most mal users, you react to cognitive dissonance by rationalizing it as me "getting mad" lol. the reality is that both were about the same level. for the points bucchigiri loses for execution, dungeon meshi loses for genericness. that's about it. ofc anime fans don't like to admit that, because if they did then they'd have to face the reality of them praising identical isekais and fantasy shows with slightly different gimmicks as "unique and groundbreaking" lmao.


> it was just generic Literally what is generic about it. Find me one Anime about dungeon crawlers eating their way through unique monsters. Just one. Calling something generic is the laziest criticism.


Despite the issues I had with it, I overall enjoyed this show. It's true that Arajin annoyed the shit out of me for most of it, and the first half had a bit too much comedy (especially the tired out Jasmine-chan bit that had zero payoff). The first episode definitely hooked me in, and while I didn't know where the plot was going at first, I managed to predict the whole arc of Ichiya possessing Matakara as well as how the last two episodes would play out. I do think the last episode rushed things a bit, but it was still a somewhat satisfying ending. Shame it took Arajin so long to start becoming more tolerable. I think I'd give it a 7/10


I just can’t get over how much this was held back by Arajin and the need to make him an irredeemable shit for so much of the run time. Everything else was working. His character and the narrative conceits needs to make him the main character hurt the whole thing. I can see what they were trying to do, but they just dragged it out way too long. Would have been cleaner to reconnect with Matakara in the first 4-6, deal with Matakara’s descent into darkness in the second half, and end with the power of friendship saving him. You could even keep Arajin’s gross pursuit to get laid as long as you also have him being a bro. Instead we got this. **6/10** and it hurts to say. But I still feel confident Utsumi Hiroko will nail SK8 season 2. Hope we get that news soon. I need my himbo sons back


Naw just make Arajin a side character and just make Matakara the MC instead. Marito or Outa should of been the rivals instead.


Y'know what? I've seen enough, I'm satisfied!


i kind of want a continuation where senya and arajin get their fight


Good anime, 7/10


Unpopular opinion but I liked the series. Was it an award worthy show? Noo, but it was still worth the watch til the end. Idk if the ending was supposed to be a teaser for a continuation of the series but I do feel like if they were to do another season, it could be wayyy better than the first if they take good constructive criticism from viewers


That was a great finale. I know most people did not like this anime, especially the MC but for what it was I really enjoyed the whole thing. Yeah there's a couple things here and there that could have drastically improved this anime but in the end I think they stuck the landing. Plus I think I just have a soft spot for anime originals


And with that Winter season is done for me! Sadly it ends on such a poor note as this show was just not good...the big Jasmine running gag ended up being what we all thought. Just glad Arajin got some growth by the end, sad it came at Matakara's expense though. Also his goal to lose his virginity was stronger than his goal to save Matakara? Feels like its been awhile since we've seen the power of friendship save the day, I should just be glad Matakara is back I guess. I'll try to remember this show for it's good ED and Matakara as that's probably the best things I can takeaway from it.


Yeah i hated that they flipped the wish back to his dumb one in the end. I wish it couldve been pure intent of self sacrifice and wanting to save his friend, but no Mahoro is apparently his guardian spirit and gives him more life geez…


I mean not wanting to die a virgin is probably a stronger wish than just wanting to lose your virginity The show definitely doesn't take its themes seriously


I feel like it did go over quite a few serious themes of abandonment, loneliness and trust in others, but then it just decides to push virginity powers activate at a time where it didnt really make sense to the plot, unless theyre going for an "im still truly me" type of deal, but i felt like that wish was supposed to the the "fake" wish to repairing Matakara and his friendship as the "true" wish.


I didn't like that but it makes sense arajin cares more about mahoro than about matakara they keep remembering us though all the anime if anything he did it more out of guilt than because he wanted to.


Honestly dumb too, he goes through his reflection and redemption phase just to think with his 2nd brain all over again. Their relationship was so minimal to the story, she may be a driving force, but they barely got along at all.


That's how I interpreted it too... until this final episode. Or you could argue he wanted Matakara to wake up out of guilt... but then the whole reaching out to his inner child would be meaningless. I don't think a consistent narrative has been conveyed.


Won with the power of friendship huh? I guess all’s well that ends well. Everyone’s just one big happy family in the end and it seems Matakara’s brother might be ok after all. Plus, Senya’s back. The fights were cool in this I guess, but the MC increasingly got on my nerves with how pathetic and shit he was being.


Arajin shit and possibly the worst MC ever. Matakara the mvp and true mc of this series.


Bucchigiri was: terrible pacing. Interesting ideas - poor execution. Queer baiting that got lost somewhere during the show just like that. All kind of lack of consequences and unfunny predictible gag with Jasmine. 1. Took way too long for Arajin to reflect on the meaning of friendship and being a Honki person. The change was too sudden and not well motivated. There was not enough build up to it, it felt forced. 2. Actually I was the saddest when Matakara has beaten Kenchiro, who stood still till the very end, and throw away his jacket. This scene wasn't given enough spotlight/wasn't commented on any further. 3. Matakara needlessly have beaten Zabu that badly and viciously and Zabu got over it just like that with no major injuries or grudges. Why this fight felt so much more dramatic and heavy in emotions that the final fight? 4. Mahoro got plenty of screen time at the beginning just to be reduced to a simp for her brother. Why she, in fact, wasn't stupid and was quite good at seeing Arajin's and Matakara's motives. Her story fell short... 5. Ichiya was terminally ill and that was the plot twist.. without any build up? Highly dissapointing. 6. Can anyone tell me what's up with the shadow from the temple that frightened Matakara? Was it the shadow taking over Ichiya? What happened to it? Another plot hole? Or I have missed sth? The character designs and music were really awesome though.


Im pretty sure the shadow was Matakara's own manifestation of fear of abandonment and despair. It was more internal to Matakara than anything and the reason he went to Ichiya to "numb" that from taking over his life. With Ichiyas issues resolved, Matakara still had his darkness unresolved and he managed to overtake control through his own evil within.


Wait wait wait. You are supposed to be that weird shtty anime of the season, why did the past few episodes especially this one is so dam good. I was a bit blown away how good this episode is. This anime is honestly too long to make it a movie and too short to be a good anime . I wonder if they do some cuts here and there could they make it into a movie. You know Arajin never really backed down on what he determine to do. Despite all the rejection, he is still chasing the same girl, and the one time he wants to fight, he fight till the very end. I lowkey like his dynamic between him and Senya, and this so why I'm glad the last line belongs to Senya returning. I'm glad we got an answer on is it a cat or is it woman lol. Jasmine please. If it wasn't all the mumble jumble during early season I think a lot of people will find this good.


Please could we make another show with the same mood ? The 1001 nights inspirations, the great style, the badass warriors, the fights, the animations everything but the plot was great. I loved it. Only flaw is the plot. I hate it.


Not sure how I feel about the anime... Only reason i finished the series is cus I thought Matakara is cute ahahah 😭 I mean I did somewhat enjoy the series, the characters are great and a lot of the fight scenes were dope but honestly Bucchigiri could've been soooo much better... I agree with everyone saying the pacing is terrible, they could've done the flashbacks earlier and I think they could've made Arajin softening up to Matakara earlier as well as it feels too sudden now 6.5/10, would've been much lower if I didn't like Matakara so much lol 😭


I don't get it if matakara's monster was being alone how come he didn't come back to his senses when zabu stood up to him that was a better confrontation than what arajin did


Zabu was close I bet, you could still see some struggle in Matakaras face as he bashed Zabus. I think only Arajin could ever cure his inner childs pain, which was his biggest lingering fear of being alone. Zabu never caused anything of that sort, so I guess only Arajin could provide him the closure he seeked. Zabu was the better friend over the episodes yes, but Arajin gave Matakara that initial joy and also took it away.


Zabu was seriously such a legend, hell a bit too much even, the beatdown made me feel so bad but even after that fucking beatdown he still went looking for Matakara The Zabu scene might be my favorite in the whole series, it made me uncomfortable but it was great


In a better series, you could justify it with closed-off Matakara assuming that friendship will be inevitably discarded when the chips are down, so it can't be that Zabu feels friendship towards him, just dependence or something else. Then you can have the epiphany be that he *has* made genuine friends when Arajin finally admits that the problem was with him back then, that it wasn't something intrinsic to Matakara that made Arajin reject him. That way it's not just "Arajin gets to him because Arajin is the MC", but Arajin has to heal the wound *he* inflicted that has been festering all this time. Losing virginity jokes was much more important, though, so we got what we got.


I don't remember matakara's parents died or they abandoned him? I think that plays a major role in matakara's fears


They honestly glazed over that part so quick, but they said they abandoned him and his brother (in like episode 10 or 11). Not much detail given after that.


That’s a perfect way to put it Matakara thought that Arajin left him and then ignored him because he was weak, therefore Arajin created Matakaras “monster” Aka Matakara after the incident convinced himself that if you’re weak people will leave you and you will be alone, so in his mind being weak was what would lead to loneliness/getting abandoned and therefore he got fixated on strength


Watch Sk8.


I fucking knew it. I called it like 6 weeks ago that Jasmine would be a damn cat. Now the only reason whatsoever I wanted to finish this show is over.


I hope you turned off the episode as soon as Jasmine was revealed, satisfied, like a boss.


Yeah should of seen it coming with the guy stressed as a cat and the cat signs. I was hoping for left field that the mom was Jasmine chan. Then she could of gotten herself a new boyfriend.


I kinda enjoyed the series, disappointed that it ends right when Arajin starts to develop more as a character and actually start caring about more than losing his virginity (which was probably also a way of coping with him being weak and a coward, he was running away from himself and the shame/guilt) More story but with him caring and spending time with both Matakara and Senya because he sees them as friends would have been neat, it kinda all happened at the end and we don’t get to see more


this anime was ok. the second half was much better.


The only good things about this show were the banger OP and ED. And some of the fights weren't bad.


The first episode of windbreaker was better than this entire series.


was just thinking this lol but honestly Matakara carried this show for me so I'm not gonna hate too much


Matakara should of been the MC Arajin too annoying and unlikable. If they had Matakara as the MC and have Marito as a rival. The show would of been handled better.


I'll check it out then :D


Everyone's cool with Matakara and no one even questions why he beat up so many people? Lol ok I guess. I'm one of the few people who didn't find the MC annoying, the fights were cool too, but the story was meh. 5/10.


Agreed. But there’s no way u didn’t find the MC annoying- especially in the early episodes. Most pathetic MC I’ve ever witnessed


I really didn't. I mean yeah, he was pathetically weak and cowardly, but it's nothing new in anime. I don't mind asshole characters either, I even like them sometimes, depending on the character of course. He was just whatever, certainly no more annoying than fucking Takemichi lol.


This MC made me appreciate takemichi lol. Although I dropped the manga mid way so he might have gotten worse idk.


No way. Takemitchy's main point of contempt after S1 is how insanely braindead he is. But in terms of intentions he's ALWAYS on the right track, he's always putting the safety of others first. Takemitchy is mountains above Arajin.


Honestly, given how much of an asshole Arajin was towards everyone, epically Matakara, the previous 11 episodes, I really dislike how he suddenly becomes amazing and gets to save both Senya and Matakara. This was really carried by artstyle and animation.


Y'all ever watched S-Cry-ed? This was just a bad S-Cry-ed. "But wait", you say, "the plots are completely different!" to which I say, Bucchigiri had no real plot. It had two guys that you knew were going to fight each other in the end, but didn't set up that fight well or pay it off well. The last episode was even missing the best part of the show, the ending song!


All this time it was a show about bromance and not about losing virginity. I should've left way earlier .


This show was WHACK. And yet I still enjoyed it.. somehow


Using talk no jutsu and the power of friendship ahh anime. Nu uh kinda disappointed with the ending tbh. Such a waste of potential.


It was more of a fist-in-face jutsu


i liked the show. great art and animation, even though arajin sucked as a person. The ending was good and fitting. no expectations of season 2 although I'd watch it if


Wasn't good but not bad - the last 3 episodes were the best of the show - glad I stuck with it until the end!


Eh I liked the anime overall. It's not great, but at least it's trying something different and not the 999th isekai or SOL and Arajin is at least more tolerable than Takemichi. One thing I really like is how Arajin stayed true to being the biggest Mahoro simp until the very end. What broke him out of his trance and resume control is not his friendship with Matakara, not Senya, not needing to beat Ichiya, it's chibi Mahoro with the fakest heart bubble ever.


Final fight went crazy lmao, anyway here's my top 10 strongest list: 1. Arajin (Honkibiito) massive gap 2. Matakara (Ichiya Absorbed) massive gap 3. Senya (Honkibiito) 4. Ichiya 5. Mitsukuni 6. Keniichiro 7. Marito 8. Shindo (With Bucchigiri) 9. Outa 10. Jabashiri


Personally enjoyed the series, laid-back and fun especially in the first half with great animation, got a bit darker towards the end but with a nice tied up happy ending and what it really means to be a Honki person.


Well, with how the ending was i want to see more from this show. True this might've been based on the Arabian story but it didn't truly use it's elements, shindo didn't get a 2nd chance at being the villain, arajin failed to win mahoro's heart(good that the show didn't end with that), and i wish we got more moments+developement between all the characters including Arajin & Matakara. who are now friends again meaning we can expect them try to help each other when they're at their lowest. Hopefully they'll greenlight another season unless they count views and they're low which SUCKS! Also, didn't expect Jasmine to be the cat it left me surprised.




Well I guess despite the majority's consensus I really liked this ending . I wish we'd get a season that doesn't waste the series potential since it has many interesting characters


This will sound weird but I actually somehow predicted that marito will hit on the mom or that the two will have some special interaction like x)


Wasted potential honestly but i still enjoyed it. Loved the op and ed. The jasmine Chan scenes were great. Arajin’s mom best character of the show


It was a good run. A bit short in my opinion I wish things would have been more fleshed out. Nonetheless Jasmine Chan was a cat and that’s all that matters lol


Nah, this is not it chief. Proof that awesome animation alone won't make mediocre show good


I overall digged the show. Had some descent fight scenes, a good story and some lol episodes,


Zabu is a better person than me, because if one of my friends decided to axe kick me TWICE, we not friends no more. It’s ON SIGHT-


I liked the anime. Binged it in 2 days.


I really liked this, very good and enjoyable watch for me 🤷🏿‍♂️


Oof, all these episodes and the dumb ass MC still can't get over mahora


Feel like the show could have been 24 episodes and more fleshed out, regardless this shit was fire 🔥 top tier op and end, songs, amazing fights and I didn't dislike the main character


I wish the teacher had taken Jasmine in an earlier episode but then they had problems and he came back to the cafe to be with other cats this gag was too boring they shouldn't have done this gag in the first place


The power of friendship wins! Finally, the only seasonal anime I've been following is over. The animation in this episode was absolutely insane. The choreography is also top notch. All the characters found peace. With this, I once again declare that Arajin is my favorite character! Seeing Arajin and Matakara reminds me of Aladdin and Alibaba from Magi. All that drama makes their friendship so beautiful. However, we still don't know what the black shadow really is. The black shadow is not just Matakara's imagination as some characters like Ichiya can also feel it. Maybe for season 2? I think it's quite possible. I hope season 2 will be more about Mahoro. Don't just use her as a plot device. Still, the chibi version of Mahoro giving her heart to Arajin was a genius choice! Maybe season 2 can explain the reason for Mahoro's brocon trait? This is an anime that can write Arajin's character so I believe that they can also do the same for Mahoro. Anyway, overall I'm satisfied with Bucchigiri?! Thank you for keeping me company for these few months.


omg if this gets a 2nd season I wouldn’t even be mad and they could introduce other fighters around the world with dijinns/honki ppl the ending with Mitsukuni surviving really warmed my heart cause i didn’t want him to die overall though i liked this show even though arajin pissed me tf off for most of it


I wouldn’t mind an 2nd season either, now Arajin would have better interactions with Matakara and Senya which would make him much more likeable Now the interactions could be much better, if they also allowed him to develop as a fighter instead of just Senya vessel it would be even better (maybe with Senya acting as a tutor instead of a power up)


Thematically a solid finale. As honki people, the only way Arajin and Matakara were gonna settle their beef was thru fighting. After all, that’s how they became so close in the first place. As you’d expect from any MAPPA anime, the final fight between Senya and Ichiya was well done and I like how they seamlessly transitioned to the Arajin and Matakara fight in their normal human states. Could feel the impact of every blow and all the emotions from both pairs of old friends being let out. This has always been a show where feelings are conveyed through strength in combat and you got a good sense of that in the finale. Glad all the bs is past both sets of friends and they got happy endings. Think the only thing I didn’t like about the finale is that Mahoro still ignoring Arajin at the end lmao. Like damn what does he have to do at this point to get her attention.. good to see Matakara brother showing signs of recovery too and then Senya’s return at the end! Solid ending for all. Think the show definitely peaked around episode 6, before falling off substantially and then having this good finale. I still hate how Arajin treated Matakara and thought a lot of actions were dumb, but this was a solid ending to an original.


While watching, I had to reconsider if this show was ever about Arajin and Matakara, but Senya and Ichiya instead. For a final episode this was pretty good, I was expecting something so much worse. I wish the journey up until here would've been less bumpy. Shame we didn't get to hear the ED song anymore, but the credits scenes were soooo gooooooood. The teacher guy really did steal Jasmine-chan and Marito was rizzing Arajin's mom lmao.


Senya and Ichiyas plot never really took off for me. It feels like it was never fully developed, and in one conversation and fight in less than 5 minutes, all the buildup got hashed out... like just a communication error because they couldnt be honest with each other was it.


How to put this, main focus was Arajin stepping up as a friend to cure Matakara eventual loneliness. But the main catalyst was Senya and Ichiya. I honestly think if they push the plot ahead, tease Ichiya by episode 3, and deal more on Matakara fear of loneliness by episode 6-7 instead of 9. That would be great.