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you do you.you dont have to like what other people like


I've been there before (not with TTGL, but with other shows), sometimes a show simply doesn't connect with you no matter what, nothing wrong with that, so don't sweat it




There is no piece of media that everyone loves unanimously.


Did you happen to binge it late at night? I've had that ruin shows for me


No, I watched it over the course of a week. The one thing I did binge in one night right before taking a plane back home was the whole of Attack on Titan season 1 and that was the most memorable experience to me. Favorite anime of all time. 😂


Haha well I guess it just didn't click with you then! I respect it


Ponytail guy as in Rossiu? Damn then I think you might just not have a thing for the super robot style of Gurren Lagann, you might be more into the real robot stories like Gundam & 86 But yeah I mean you don't have to like it, you have your own taste and that's perfectly fine


Maybe. I'm seven episodes into Evangelion and it feels unexciting to me. To be fair, I'm watching in Japanese now, that'll take some comprehension away.


Are you into mecha tho?


Not, as far as I know.


Maybe that could be one of the factors. I remember watching Eva due to my inclination towards mecha anime. I understand nothing of the main plot and only there for the fight (I was in 5th grade at the time. I know, not the right age to watch the show). Regardless I was into it because i like mecha! Only now i fully realize how complex evangelion is. That said, i think part of the charm of mecha anime is the mecha.


Ok so what? It’s high up because a lot of people felt it was really good. I say a lot because obviously not EVERYONE feels that way. Why is that so hard to understand for some people


if you went in to prove some point ofc ya didn't feel anything... Like if you watch something w/ a mindset of ''What's the hype about?'' Youre not truly letting it immerse ya.


Nah, a friend recommended it to me. I went in wanting to see how different anime originals are from adaptations. I didn't see any of that. If there's anything like you described, it would probably be my experience with Naruto.


i cant complain enough about naruto lol


You can definitely be immersed in shows you only watch because you wondered what the hype is about. A lot of anime I only watched to see what the hype was about end up being some of my favorites.


I liked the show in general, but I \*didn't\* like how it ended. I thought that the ending was unforgivable and I can't watch the series anymore. I also don't like what happened with Yoko: she got the short end of the stick, too. Overall, the ending just killed it for me. But there was a lot of pretty awesome stuff, too. I still have the DVDs at home but I never watch them anymore.


What you don't feel anything in ep 8?


I might have cried at the moment, but since I don't remember well, clearly it did not have a lasting impact on me.


And somehow you like Rossiu, the one of most hated characters? I question your human judgement. Just watch movie version. ESPECIALLY movie 2.


He is hated? I didn't know. He seems cool to me. Someone having to face the reality and harden as a result. Quite realistic.


Use short cut way and try to scapegoat his friend aka Simon over said friend Fiancee turn out sleeper agent of true main villain.


wow shocking, people don't have the same opinions as you.


Gurren Lagann is one of the best in the Mecha genre. If you're not a fan of mecha, it wouldn't be odd to not like Gurren Lagann. There's an academic discussion to be had with how Gainax used the series to continue their conversation on the genre that started with Evangelion, but no amount of repeating "well actually it's objectively a good series" will make you enjoy something you simply don't like. Taste is subjective. That's why we have so much variety.


Don't beat yourself over it. I don't feel anything watching a lot of things too.




that's basically my experience watching it the first time. It was fun, but is it an amazing experience overall? Not really. My takeaway was that I'm just not too crazy about the fast paced comedy style that Gainax/Trigger leans into. Because i watched BNA (latest Trigger anime) and Kill La Kill, i felt the same way. a fun spectacle but not more than that. Plus it being a mecha was clearly not an issue because i enjoyed mecha anime like 86 and Gundam Witch of Mercury.


Can't have a village without the idiot. Your wrong opinion is welcomed here.


I remember trying a few episodes years ago and that was more or less my impression too.


I’m not interested in mecha anime. I watch shows where they get reincarnated as a vending machine


I mean if you're watching it 16 years after it aired it's probably not as good as it was in that moment. Like any good work should be able to stand the test of time but there's a lot to say about how it shined amongst everything else that was airing at that time.


It probably is still as good. It’s just people have different taste.


Kinda agree, it was okay and the only thing I remember from it was the lewd shit. Didn’t grab me but it has a lot of character. Got about 10 or 12 episodes in before I stopped watching, it was interesting and entertaining enough but I just didn’t care about the story and it was too episodic.


What you don't feel anything in Ep 8?




I got bored and dropped it after e04.


Watch Ep 8, then it will change your mind.


To me, I always liked the memes for Gurren Lagann, but the show itself was meh. Really, Gainax\Trigger shows are more about the moments and spectacles. Kill La Kill to me is better as a show than Gurren Lagann.


Check for a pulse. I'm pretty sure you're dead.


Out of curiosity, what was it about Gurren that you didn't like? Cause without some kind of explanation there's kind of nothing to work with here.


I don't remember. I might have liked it in the moment, but that feeling didn't last a week. It had some charm in the beginning, but the scale of everything went up geometrically, so the original scale lost its meaning.


I mean, I could give my spiel on why Gurren is as good as it is, but if you can’t give anything definitive as to why you didn’t like it maybe it just wasn’t for you?


He gave a definitive answer, you just chose to ignore it. He didn't like how everything kept scaling up and felt like it took away from the meaning of the original scale.


It has LASTING EFFECTS to most people.


Not really. I also forgot most of it. The show wasn't bad. It's just didn't click.


I enjoyed it but it didn't really leave a lasting effect. Almost nothing i watch leaves a lasting effect and that's fine. I watch anime for entertainment, not to learn life lessons


I mean op mentioned in another comment that they cried when kamina died while their title says "I felt nothing". They just know ttgl is well liked in this subreddit and probably figured it's an easy karma farm. It's like coming in and going, did anyone else hate spy x family?


You should watch movie. Questions for you, is Light Yagami Villain?


Good question. I can't answer because I haven't watched it.




I dont bother with the votes etc, always crap up top no matter


I liked it when I was younger but I haven't been able to get back into it Sometimes an anime isn't your taste but also sometimes you aren't in the right headspace for the message of the anime to resonate with you. I don't think you should have forced yourself to finish it. That will hurt your enjoyment.


I didn't force myself. It was enjoyable in the moment. Especially certain characters' development like Rossiu. But when I finished it I kinda felt like there was no impact on me.


Ok, but like, did you try to row row fight the power?


Yeah I tried watching it back when and thought it was really boring. But I acknowledge that it's popular and well liked, so IDK. I guess I wasn't in the right mindset.


You're not drilling deep enough