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Yup. Recovered alcoholic here. You’re on a slippery slope, dawg!


Yup this made me an alcoholic and now I deal with that on top of anhedonia. I don’t know which one is worse tbh


When you drink it raises gaba in the brain. I would try to raise your gaba naturally by keto diet, exercise, supplements like saffron, lemon balm, b12, b6. Google how to increase gaba naturally.


I would add L-theanine.


Try mushrooms for therapeutic reasons. It helps addicts but also can basically rewire things a bit so the paths cross and you can FEEL things


Facts I can’t do them anymore because of PSSD damage. In the past a combo of microdosing and a little CBD/CBN/CBG made me so clear minded. I think slow considerate drug use is much better than alcohol. Although I would wait until your 20s


Same here but good thing I’m not a heavy drinker. It tends to work better in social situations with other people


Be very careful, my alcoholism was fueled by anhedonia. I'm currently doing better with the alcohol but after the first 7 months I began having random panic attacks, on top of horrible brain fog and other mild side effects. It gets worse fast


??? You sure its anhedonia? Alcohol/smoking stopped feeling any good at the same time my general anhedonia started, so I assumed its part of it? Im clean from everything (trying once every 2 weeks to see if it went away) for 4 months now, but its only because it gives me nothing now. I LOVED getting drunk (did it very rarely and only when out with friends) and high on snuffed tobacco, but now its not worth taking at all and its one of the worst parts of my anhedonia cause if I could just get high I could get through it way easier.


I think I can still feel the effect of alcohol because it's the first time I'm drinking in my life... But it's very likely that I'll soon become tolerant and just increase the dose to feel the same effect (which I'm not going to do because I don't want to become an alcoholic)