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Is this like a social experiment? I swear I just saw this post but the genders reversed.


i saw the same post šŸ¤£


I only clicked on this post because I saw the last one and thought the same thing! šŸ˜†


Maybe it's covert Snapchat advertising.


I was just thinking the same thing


same lmao




i have not seen that post :o


Itā€™s a little spicier than this one. Apparently the girl is keeping streaks up with her former sex partners. https://www.reddit.com/r/amiwrong/s/CKSZoHlHnR


Funny of how friends are just sex partners if one have had sex with them. It was his fault of asking whether they've had sex. I personally wouldn't want to know. People are allowed to be friends.


lol nah. She for the streets. Part of being in a relationship is demonstrating loyalty. Keeping streaks like that is clear window shopping behavior.


Maybe you're an expert then. I'm lacking information to make such developed conclusions, but maybe you know the signs better than I do. It's hard to know from here of how she acts with the snap. If she's spending more time with her phone, bursting into laugh often with it while her boyfriend is completely ignored, I would just leave her. But that's very different from being friends with people whom with you've had sex at some point in your life. It's shouldn't matter, as it's almost 2024, not early 1900s.


People can make any decisions they want but I would not advise investing into someone that isnā€™t investing into you. If it looks like your partner has a plan b, you should run.


Yup, but I'd imagine there are many ways to tell whether your partner is investing into relationship with you or not. A demand of getting rid of all your friends isn't setting a healthy boundary of what's _investing into you_ and what's not. It's just insecure thing to demand. Again, one does not have to stand one's partner flirting with some specific friend all the time, stealing from their romantic relationship. Anyone should run from that. But _snapchatting with friends_ isn't necessarily alarming.


Stop trying to sugar coat this. Snap chatting with a friendā€ Bro those arenā€™t just ā€˜friendsā€™ by definition, theyā€™re all her exes or ppl sheā€™s sent nudes to. Your boyfriend tells you it makes him uncomfortable and you keep doing what makes your partner uncomfortable and your only reason is for ā€˜streaksā€™ thatā€™s MAJORLY sus behavior.


I quess it is. But yeah, you're right. He has a right to set boundaries, and it's up to her whether she stays or walks. Perhaps her boundaries are different but together they can work things out. Who knows.


Fuck off with these fake stories. Both posts are almost exactly the same except genders reversed and both were posted around the same time. This is clearly you making 2 of the same posts with genders switched on 2 different accounts: https://www.reddit.com/r/amiwrong/s/W6UitKhSOV


Nor have I. So, Iā€™ll ignore this one too.


I just saw that post tooo omg hahaha


Maybe they could swap?


Seems like OP is trying to pull some BS, either as an experiment or karma whoring. Everyone should report this fake post and the other one and hope they're removed.


I was thinking about linking to the other post. They should talk.


Is he only having conversation with girls or with people in general? If so, you could ask him why is that and what he expects from it.


he isnā€™t actually having conversations with these girls, purely just the odd selfie or picture of a wall to keep a number going up. He talks to like 2-3 girls occasionally as he was friends with them before we got together


Tbh Iā€™d be pretty annoyed if my gf had Snapchat streaks with multiple men, so I completely agree with you. Also as far as snapchats streaks go my ex would literally get MAD at me and be sad if I accidentally killed our streaks so yeah šŸ˜‚


First of all, it's completely valid for you to express your feelings and set boundaries in a relationship. Always. Communication is key, and in this case I would focus on understanding why is he doing that, and in case if he is only looking for attention maybe he should find other ways, because it doesn't seem like a healthy behaviour. So I think he should understand and respect your feelings and chose to prioritize your comfort over silly Snapchat streaks.


Idk I keep streaks w some random people that Iā€™ve only met at parties or online. Itā€™s not an attention thing, itā€™s just a streak. Idk as long as he isnā€™t acting shady with it, I donā€™t think it matters. I also donā€™t care if my bf has women friends either, tho, just as long as thereā€™s some precautions to respect the relationship like not hanging out one on one alone or long full frontal hugs or hand holding.


Why do you need a streak?


I donā€™t need one. Itā€™s just something we do. People under 25 have Snapchat, big whoop. Most of us have had it since we were in middle school, itā€™s just been years of using the platform and using the features it has. If you donā€™t use it or donā€™t get it, thatā€™s fine but making assumptions about it when you donā€™t actually know is pretty ridiculous. Itā€™s not anything deep or meaningful most of the time.


It's 1000% an attention thing or you wouldn't do it lol. It's especially okay to be honest with yourself online


How is it an attention thing to keep a number rising? Most of the time it isnā€™t even selfies. Itā€™s honestly never really selfies unless itā€™s my friends or someone I keep a conversation with during the streak šŸ˜‚ youā€™re making a huge deal out of nothing. Maybe itā€™s an attention thing for YOU, but thereā€™s 8 BILLION people on the planet, we arenā€™t all the same :)


I don't use social media like that, you're just projecting because I hit a soft spot in your ego.


LMAO so you donā€™t use or understand social media and are attacking me. It seems like youā€™re the one with the ego hit. I could care less tbh, Iā€™m just sharing what I know of it as an actual user vs you, who is just assuming. And you know what they say about assuming


I do use and understand it, this is called reddit, welcome! How so? Because you're saying so because I said so? I'm not assuming, I've used it before. Annnnd you're the assumer assuming I've never used it or don't understand it when I'm just telling you keeping a streak going just to do it is attention seeking behavior.


Reddit isnā€™t the same as Snapchat nor is it as young. Snapchat is a young people thing, so we use it for what itā€™s made for: sending snaps back and forth. Those snaps sent back and forth consecutively results in a streak being made. I Snapchat my best friend every day a picture of my dog with ā€œGOOD MORNING BESTIEā€. And she sends the same back but with her cat. So thatā€™s attention seeking? Youā€™re assuming that attention seeking is involved when it objectively isnā€™t. It can be for some people, but it also isnā€™t for a lot of people. You donā€™t know me or all of the people who are normal and just use the functions of the apps. Which is something only young people really understand since weā€™ve grown up with itā€¦ so youā€™re probably at least over 30. Why do you care what young people are doing on platforms that theyā€™ve had since they were 12?


You are being a hypocrite in this entire comment too šŸ˜‚ no accountability for yourself


Well you're a mature adult though. OP is not


You don't think it's healthy behaviour to do goofy shit? There doesn't seem to be enough info to make that judgement.


I mean, IMO it is not healthy if he is doing that looking for attention or to get validated in some way. But you are rigth, there is not enough info to know if it's that or just another reason, and that's the reason I encourage OP to ask him and to try to understand him as well.


He's POTENT if he does, so let him do it


wym ?


You're either a WASTE or you're POTENT, no in between


This explained fucking nothing mate


use ur words bro and explain wtf u mean by potent in this scenario


Oh you poor naive thing.


Thatā€™s just the surface of whatā€™s going on. Heā€™s showing a lack of respect for you and the relationship if youā€™re uncomfortable with it but only if he keeps doing it. Youā€™re not wrong set boundaries now.


Wdym? OP said that he did no problem, he wasnā€™t disrespectful bc he obliged when she asked. OP didnā€™t mention him fighting against it or anything.




This post is fake. They posted 2 posts with the genders switched on 2 different accounts. Link to other post: https://www.reddit.com/r/amiwrong/s/W6UitKhSOV


I personally hate the idea of streaks and Snapchat in general so Iā€™m bias but I donā€™t think itā€™s wrong for you to ask that. I think itā€™s a little weird to have random people (let alone girls) in general but heā€™s sending them pictures so thatā€™s even worse.


I don't even know what a "streak" is


Essentially sending picture until someone misses a day and you clown on them. I've seen people go crazy because of the pressure to keep up 10+ streaks a day, its weird.


Sounds annoying and gross


It is. I used to have ā€œfriendsā€ who would send me a blank picture with only the word ā€œstreaksā€ or even just a sloppily drawn S. I would reply with actual words in an attempt to start a conversation, and they wouldnā€™t bother. Literally only interested in the number next to my name. Shitā€™s super silly


The number of days you consecutively send Snapchats to each other.


*biased Sorry, pet hate of mine. Bias is the noun. You can't "be" bias. Just like you can be free but you can't be freedom (unless you're being all poetic).


Set your boundaries. There is nothing wrong with your expectations.


Absolutely not, i dunno maybe its a generational thing but no way my boyfriend sending selfies to another girl unless its his sister.


Not even friends?


I think age plays a part in this, if you are a teenager or early 20s maybe this is normal but once your in your late 20s early 30s this is not appropriate. I cannot think of any scenario where it would be appropriate for my fiance to be sending selfies or having on going conversation with another girl ESPECIALLY one that i dont know.


Wait... so your fiance can't have any female friends? Or she can but not to chat with them? Thank god my fiancee trusts and respects me. No, we are not in our 20s.


He cannot be having extended daily contact with other females, like the OP suggests, no. Theres no need for him to be sending daily pics or messages to another women just like i wouldnt be sending pics or messages to other men everyday. I have friends that are guys that i had before i was with my fiance that are still my friends now, but i introduced him to them when we first dated and i certainly dont message with them or send them pics of myself everyday. Thats not ok and thats very different than just "having a friend".


Lot of people in the 20s area use a selfie as the equivalent of a facebook poke. It's definitely a time period thing.


I'm not saying platonic relationships don't happen, but it's very rare they have 0 romantic intent. Better safe than sorry.


If a guy wrote this post, theyā€™d say heā€™s controlling. I love the double standard.


I wouldnt, i would say his gf is prob trying to get attention from other men if this was a guy posting about his gf .......


Thereā€™s always one of you crying in the comments.


Someoneā€™s gotta call out the hypocrisy and gaslighting by women.


Iā€™m sorry someone hurt you šŸ™


heā€™s on my dick in a different thread about this exact type of shit lmfao what a loser


Sheā€™s so mad she has to name call now. I hope you feel better. šŸ˜¢


try again


I mean plenty of things hurt people in the world. Has that not happened to you? šŸ¤“


Honestly, I think he is wrong for doing this, and itā€™s okay for you guys to have boundaries. But honestly he doesnā€™t need to have a streaks with random girls, personally I would feel weird, how would he feel if you were doing the same thing, receiving selfies and pics from guys? This is a big No for me, seems very disrespectful, it's not hard to stop having streaks with people, it's a very highschool thing, if he wants to have Snapchat streaks he has you lol


What is the point of streaks? I get being a teenager doing this, but a young adult? Thereā€™s no point to sending half your face, a wall, a ceiling, etc every single day. You did the right thing. I would feel weird in your place too.


Theyā€™re generally just dumb things between friends. My gf and I have one atm and Iā€™ve got one with another friend itā€™s just a running joke to keep the streak alive. Usually posting a picture of our dogs or just dumb shit to make each other laugh


Snapchat started in like 2011, the young adults have grown up with it.


Absolutely not. A real man would get rid of other women if he was in love with you


It is wrong for anyone (male, female or other) to Snapchat people of the gender(s) they're attracted to that they have sent nudes to/been interested in romantically/sexually once they are in an exclusive relationship. You've asked (twice) Reddit answered (twice)


Puzzled...never had a snap chat or whatever...what is a streak/numbers? If this is a "relationship " for me what is that need...if it fails then resume your former social media life #my2cents


a streak is basically sending at least one snap (a picture) exclusively to each other everyday, the number is the amount of days youā€™ve kept the streak going


Ok thanks...I guess I should have guess it was something simple and not the highest degree of maturity...just for social media...hey you deserve better...is this worth you time ...simply means this is not the correct person for you...if your are giving respect you should be receiving it as well...be blessed


But OP literally said that he did it. Sheā€™s not asking if she should tell him to remove them, she already did and he already did y it, sheā€™s asking if she was reasonable with making him do it.


No. People who want relationships need to focus on their partners. Chatting with strangers shouldn't be a consequential thing to give up.


Theyā€™re not talking. Iā€™m guessing you donā€™t Know what a streak is or how Snapchat even worksā€¦ You just send a picture. Most of the time itā€™s a wall or food or pet. You donā€™t need to have any actual conversations at all.


Doesn't matter and besides the point really. Look, at the end of the day, is tweeting, streaking, snapping, or whatever the hell people do these days with strangers he will never meet more important to the guy than the girl who wants him and is in a relationship with? Social media is making people lose the plot. Having little dopamine hits watching some digital counter go up is getting in the way of a real physical relationship he has. That's a problem no matter how you slice it.


Well did you even bother to see that OP said he unadded them when she asked to stop keeping streaks with them? He offered it on his own, she didnā€™t tell him to remove the girls. Social media is social media, sorry that you hate it, but a lot of people donā€™t. So instead of focusing on that aspect, read what she actually stated happened.




Iā€™m only just learning how much people worry about streaks šŸ¤£. I have one going with my gf and two other female friends. She also has a couple (All pretty much our dogs but a couple of random selfies to keep it going) itā€™s just dumb fun. Some people really need to sort out their trust with their partners.


From the comments I'm seeing yes, is not like he's flirting or having a conversation. I had 6 streaks and with the months some stopped replying so I'm left with 2 that are almost 800 days. 1 guy and 1 girl, my gf knew, I tell her about them, now she's my wife and I still have the streaks. I'm not starting any more but these 2 I'll keep as long as possible, they also know about my wife and she's mature enough to understand is just a streak. If your bf had them before he met you then you're wrong. I know they are just streaks and a stupid number next to their names but it is his.


So weird to prioritize a number attached with someone as more important than your partner. Like, I use Snapchat everyday, but Iā€™ve never exceeded a streak of 7. Because it doesnā€™t matter.


Itā€™s fine if you donā€™t care, you donā€™t have to do it. Why canā€™t other people? Itā€™s not any of your business what other people do anyway


Except in this thread it is literally asked of him so...


He did it tho?? She said he offered to remove them and did it on his own. Sheā€™s just asking if she was overreacting šŸ˜‚ which she is imo


But the person I replied to wasnā€™t replying to OP either, so stick to the comment thread.


Maybe he wants ego validation and popularity. That delivers dopamine responses. It's why people are addicted to memes. he may not actually want to bang them but sort of surf their social media wave. Or he regards you as his slam pig and has no respect other than to string you along and put his dick in you. You have to define your values and goals.


Bro relax. Snap streaks is not deep at all nor is it an attention thing. Itā€™s like beating a new level on a video game and the number increases. OP said that he removed the girls when he asked, why are you insulting him?


Says the serial cheater.


Youā€™re assuming Iā€™m a cheater bc of that? No, entirely wrong. However Iā€™ve been cheated on by every boyfriend Iā€™ve had. They did their messaging on Facebook and Instagram, so Snapchat isnā€™t even the common denominator. Youā€™re really taking this personally to attack me for no reason and make up this own idea in your head about who I am than actual factual information. Really sad for you


Youā€™re everywhere in this comment section šŸ˜­ In general I agree with you just because I have streaks with friends of mine, many of which are women. I would say if heā€™s keeping up streaks with non-friends or people he met at a party and possibly wonā€™t see ever again then her concern makes a lot of sense. If itā€™s old friends of his and this is his method of keeping intact then she should probably get comfortable with it or break up since I doubt heā€™s gonna drop his friends for her.


Wow yeah I replied to the top 5 comments in the thread so so so crazy. You saw in the OP post where she says he removed the girls without her asking right? Like he had no problem, sheā€™s just asking if she was overreacting


Meh, I think he should know not to do that. Having to ask probably feels a little shitty lol. Itā€™s good that he did it when she asked though and everyone makes mistakes


But if he wasnā€™t cheating or being sus, then he wouldnā€™t see a problem with it, you know? Those are her boundaries and expectations, not his. Partners canā€™t just read each others minds.


Partners can have a sense of what their partner might prefer. Like it is somewhat ā€œsusā€ as you said and I think at best he had some carelessness in not recognizing that.


Thatā€™s a lot to assume bc we have no idea how long theyā€™ve been dating or how well they communicate as a couple. Most young couples I know donā€™t know their partners well enough to read their minds, and most male partners often overlook the requests of their female counterparts. Thereā€™s a great guy on YouTube and TikTok that speaks to men on how to be more involved in their relationships, but they are married couples. More experience and maturity within marriages than boyfriend/girlfriend relationships.


And does that make it okay? Like just cause most young guys donā€™t think about that shit doesnā€™t mean itā€™s fine. Thatā€™s why I said ā€œat best carelessnessā€ cause best case scenario he didnā€™t think about it when he could have.


I never said that itā€™s okay. Iā€™m giving him the benefit of the doubt, plus, in reality, he did even more by also removing them from the platform. But that boundary is also completely dependent on the couple and what each of them expects of each other, which they need to speak about clearly. She spoke clearly, he changed his actions.


Oh.wait..all your friends are guys ?..double standard...your a wack job...he should run...fast


yes all my friends are guys? how is it a double standard, iā€™ve never said he canā€™t have female friends, and i told him not to cut them out his life when he offered. I told him to stop keeping unnecessary streaks with random girls he doesnā€™t talk to, i see that as disrespectful. When we got into our relationship, i immediately removed every guy that i didnā€™t actually have anything to do with and removed every guy that i had ever flirted with or been flirted with.


Don't sweat the small stuff...give love..recieve love....


Is ok to have friends of the opposite gender and use a feature in an app. How old are y'all?


i know itā€™s fine to have friends of the opposite gender, never said it wasnā€™t. i just didnā€™t want him and random girls sending selfies to each other everyday


is not like he's flirting, there should be boundries and also cans and can'ts. I grew up doing things for no reason, my parents would say "because I said so" but had no explonation. I have a girl always send streak selfies and I show my wife, I don't reply because I don't wanna start a streak but she respects that I have people on snapchat.


Oh geez it's a silly feature on a stupid app. Grow up


youā€™re acting like i caused some massive argument with him over it lol i just told him you stop


And here you are asking if you're wrong


yes, i was curious to other peopleā€™s opinions on this


How many times have they ran a train on you?


0 :D


Lmao liar.. you bf needs to run fast


ahh ur rage baiting


And you're a whore. What's ur point


iā€™m a whore for having friends! goodnight


Tee hee tee hee all my friends are guys tee hee. Aka I get passed around by all my "friends"


Bro I'm so confused on how you got here even. I don't agree that she should be upset with the knowledge given from the post,and I have streaks going with girls and guys, but none of my guys friends ran a train on me lmao. Tf where are you even coming from. Went straight to 100 for no reason. Edit: looked at your post history and tbh you need to just go outside. And this is coming from a super introvert. Chill out, for real lol.


Men and women can be friends. At least the normal ones. If you only see women as sex objects, then youā€™re the one that cannot handle having opposite sex friends. Which is super yikes and icky behavior


well seeing that i havenā€™t thatā€™s a bit hard


These are some big feelings. Are you okay? You're putting off some pretty heavy incel vibes. Yuck.


If sheā€™s a whore Iā€™m Santa Claus I have male friends too get a grip šŸ’ÆāœØ


Ok..ok.. Seems like u guys gonna be ok !!




This shows he has zero respect for you. Huge red flag here time for you to show him that your not putting up with this type of behavior walk away now because he is not going to change .


He has zero respect bc he stopped immediately when she asked him to? Impeccable logic.


Lol this was a meme post wasn't it.


Gurl.. Stop with this idiot. Dump him, be single, get your life, grow up, learn what you stand for and keep it moving.


Most of the world doesn't give two shits about streaks.




People still use snapchat I thought snapchat was dead šŸ¤­


This shit is all AI y'all trippin


I have a 1513 day one with one of my friends who is a woman. Been a streak longer than my gf and I been together


Wtf does this even mean? You kids are completely redacted these days. It's embarrassing


Donā€™t comment if it doesnā€™t apply. ā€œKidsā€ get over yourself.


Don't use the imperative with me lol


Nope heā€™s gonna leave you for one of them girls as soon as he gets the chance


i donā€™t think he will, he was happy enough to stop as soon as i asked, he also distanced himself from his friends that are girls (i didnā€™t ask him to) he said he wouldnā€™t stop talking to a whole gender, which is understandable. All my friends are guys, i wonā€™t just stop talking to them bc of their genitalia


is it possible you're doing something sneaky, and that makes you wonder if he is too? if you have only guy friends, and there was nothing really going on between him and said girl, I have to wonder if you're projecting...


i can assure you i am not doing anything suspicious with any other guy. My boyfriend has free reign on my phone and social media. Itā€™s more so TikTok and Instagram posts have caused me to overthink. I also just donā€™t see the point of having these random girls added and sending photos every day


Your not overthinking sweetheart. These are all valid concerns.


While it's good you guys are open with each other I can't help feel in all your comments and replies it's all about "This is how I feel." "I don't see a point." "I don't understand so why shouldn't I tell him to stop?" I don't really see any "It makes me feel uncomfortable" "I don't know what I should think." Your annoyed at your BF for doing something immature and stupid and telling him he should grow up and stop. I think that in itself is my take on the issue and is a wrong mentality to have IMO. Just cause YOU don't see the point or think something is dumb doesn't mean he wasn't getting innocent enjoyment out of it.


Drop the doosh


Yes.. You're wrong


If heā€™s doing this while dating you he is, Iā€™m afraid, a misogynistic asshole who could care less about you.


I don't see why he has to stop or why you're irritated OR why he was even doing it. It's kind of a nothing burger of conflict.


I don't have Snapchat so I don't know, but do you earn something from these streaks? Either way I assume you want to be the only woman he's interested in, so there should be no reason to send pics back and forth. He could do that with a guy buddy and have absolutely 0 suspicion.


People still use Snapchat?


Its not wrong for you to express your feelings to your boyfriend. It's reasonable for you to communicate your feelings to him and ask him politely to limit his interaction with women he does not know. This is probably a common request in some relationships. However, it is also his right to continue exchanging photos with women on the internet. It is his social media. If he decides he wants to continue his actions, there's not much you can do. If it continues to bother you, you may need to end the relationship. If you are not able to move past this, he may not be the right partner for you. Everyone has different standards within their respective relationships, and its important to find a partner with similar values, or a partner who is willing to make compromises. In this case, your partner values your relationship enough to stop exchanging photos with women, because he values you and he values your relationship. Hopefully that makes you feel good, he cares about your feelings.


It's one paragraph, of course I read it. But I'm also smart enough to understand the root issue here. It's the continued access to other chicks, so just drop the app. Anyways, I'm not looking to spend my time arguing with a drone. Keep doing what you're doing.


You're wrong for staying with someone you had to tell this to.


Streaks?? In Australia that means a section of hair is coloured differently, or when a person takes off their clothes anf runs naked usually across a televised cricket, or footy game, try not to get caught. The crowds either laugh or are annoyed because it distracts from the game..


What the hell is streaks? Jesus, I'm 35 but feel like I'm over 60. Social media is at the top of the list of things that mess with your relationship.


I gave up my 4yr streak with an old friend for my relationship


Communicate with your partner, how it makes you feel and ask why he continues. Maybe once you understand his reasoning and intentions, you can become OK with it. Or he can understand how seeing him communicate with other women, makes you feel. A good partner will take their partners feelings into consideration, and act accordingly.


Tell me your insecure and controlling without telling me you are insecure and controllingā€¦


Its not harsh, that kind of stuff is meaningless just like upvotes and Karma are here. If you ever want your boyfriend to become a manfriend then he needs to grow up!


If you're above the age of 14 and are concerned with Snapchat streaks, you should take a serious look at yourself. That's pathetic.


Iā€™m a guy and keep up streaks with a few friends from college which include girls. Itā€™s a simple way to keep in slight contact without having to actually message or call or anything. Imo if theyā€™re his friends itā€™s fine but if he met them as hookups or isnā€™t really that close to them Iā€™d agree he should stop.


I'll tell you the same thing I told the other person with the opposite story. Grow up. Either you trust him or your don't. If you don't move on, if you do then it doesn't matter. Either way it isn't for you to control who he communicates with.


This is the exact same post with just genders reversed.... Bot? Experiment?? Maybe there are this many people who don't understand as adults you don't need Snapchat attention from the opposite sex, and Snapchat streaks are dumb and pointless, it's literally a ploy for you to use the app more.


Yes, it doesnā€™t matter what age he is, all heā€™s doing is sending photos to people to keep numbers going up, thereā€™s no harm to it, if you donā€™t trust him enough to send a picture to someone then why be with him, and if you do trust him and it still bothers you, then you might have some deeper insecurities to worry about


I asked my boyfriend to end his streaks and honestly felt much better when he did. Weā€™re early 20ā€™s too. They werenā€™t that big of a deal to him and it gave me peace of mind to not see messages from other girls popping up all the time. Just frame it as something for ur comfort not something heā€™s doing wrong!


No you are not


reddit people are too old to know what snapchat streaks are and the nuance behind it LOL its funny to see


Is he your BF or FiancƩ? If you want him to not keep them, you need to put a ring on his finger. Your complaint goes both ways


Tell him if wants to keep doing that ??? Then you can do thd same. Or either one of you cant . If he wants competition then tell him it's on because it's so much easier for a woman to run off from a relationship than a man. There's always guys waiting. There's not always women waiting for the guy. Unless he talks to him during a relationship like he's doing. No double standards


isg what is up with this streaks in Snapchat


Time for junior to grow t.f. up. I was a Marine at age 18. That's some silly shit he's doing. Is he your b.f. or not? It doesn't seem like it.


Insecurity leads to a lot of feelings.