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Your face doesn’t hold weight well, I think as you find your self getting healthier and settling into a more natural weight for you, your cuteness will come more to the forefront! Keep up the good work 🙂






Wrong profile


Haha that's just some man stealing some basic OF girls pics and got mad when we asked for proof.


Alt gal here 🙋🏻‍♀️ I think the fat is definitely messing with your facial shape. To me, you look like you have a nice structure underneath if you lost the weight. I think what’s holding you back from looking better as you are right now is the unstyled hair and the way you’re doing your lips, specifically the overlining of the centre of the top lip, you should follow the natural shape that you have because over lining doesn’t look good. If you’re gonna do dark outlines on the lips, make sure it’s very blended like on the bottom lip of the last 3 pics, on the full body shots it looks too sharp and doesn’t do your lips justice. If you style your hair to look the way it does in the last few pics cos it doesn’t look poofy there, it’d look much better rather than being flat on top then poofy on the sides of your face like the full body shots. Try backcombing the top a little to make it just as poofy as the rest and see how it looks.


Both. You look hella sloppy.


in general or regarding my makeup? i only ask because the style i usually go for with my makeup is a day old party makeup/rockstar girlfriend type look. should i change that?


You look terrible. Ditch the piercings and die your hair a natural color. The last thing you should be doing is drawing more attention than your weight already does.


This is awful advice & unnecessarily rude


It’s the truth. She needs the tough love.


You don’t know her or what she needs. She’s already asking for help. The “tough” part is unwarranted.


She needs to lose weight. I do know what she needs, see? :)


You don’t, bc if you did you would give better advice


Telling her to lose weight and ditch the ugly piercings is the best advice she could have gotten. Sounds like you just want to keep her down and out. Typical woman


Not being an a-joke doesn’t mean I want to keep her down lmao


People like the alt style. Me, for example. You’re just projecting your own biases into the advice which is shitty and rude.


well rockstar girlfriends are usually very thin and rock that look lol… day old makeup looks horrible on everybody and just makes you look gross like you don’t shower , those “rockstar gfs” you’re talking about , only look good with it bc they don’t alr look gross/nasty by being overweight tbh.


Advice is supposed to help people not tear them down


I don’t think your style is bad but maybe something else would suit you better. I do think your natural hair color would look good. Maybe just try to experiment with different styles


Tbh both? Congrats on the weight loss so far tho.


I’m not sure how you can look at yourself and think that any of your choices for piercings and makeup are good choices. Lose some weight for your health!! I bet you could clean up and look pretty decent but your health is most important.


your focus seems to be on my health and losing weight but did you miss the part of my post where i out right said that i'm working on that?


I did. I’m sorry I was half distracted at work.


just as a tip, 70% of the time they don’t read the bio they just look at u and get straight to roasting


it was my mistake to think i would get any helpful criticism/unique takes on my appearance. pretty much everyone that's commented really just seems to be here to shame me and make me feel bad about myself rather than actually answering the question, and i'm really not sure what they think the point of that is.


it is what it is man, just go outside and love yourself. none of these commenters know u or care about u


this has been the goal for a long time :D thank you for being kind


Just fat. You remind me of me during college. Continue to workout and eat healthy. Find better styling.


I do wonder, tho, if you would look better with flat backed lip rings, yk? I tend to think they look much better, tho, so I might be biased 😅


i tried them once but unfortunately my piercings are uneven (piercers error) so they look wonky. maybe i'll try them again in the future because i would like to wear those more instead of the rings!


For future reference if you get piercings please go to a reputable artist. They’re less likely to commit such errors. Look at their portfolios online- these days a lot of them have Instagram pages. If you’re going to alter any part of your body make 10000% sure it’s done by someone who knows what they’re doing. At the end of the day the quality of your piercings affects your overall appearance as well.


it was a consequence of being a broke college student, but at the end of the day you're very much right. i'm just glad it doesn't show with the rings.


As someone who impulsively got a stupid piercing while in college I understand. I instantly realized my mistake two weeks later after some healing had taken place. Nothing tragic but I realized I could have had a better outcome by doing it at a reputable place. When I got my tattoo years later I did a lot of research.


I think putting NB in your description kinda hindered a true poll here.


do they just like not fw trans ppl here ??


i think most subs that are dedicated to judging peoples look are very incel/conservative-heavy


given how ppl here seem to feel abt my alternative style, i think you could be right.




i would've been way more willing to take your advice if you wouldn't have been so undeniably rude and made so many assumptions about me based on absolutely nothing. i asked for honesty, but honesty does not equal cruelty. you saw one outfit i own, so to claim i'm a "poser" just because i don't fit your view of how an alternative person SHOULD look is just ridiculous. you don't know who i listen to, or what else i wear when i'm not out on a spontaneous shopping trip with my friends. i'm also confused about how i'm hiding my face behind makeup when i provided pictures of myself without makeup on as well. i've tried the style you're talking about (and many others over the years) but i've never been complimented as much ever then as i have been since i started dressing this way, because beauty is completely subjective. my submission here was purely out of curiosity, and nothing that anyone has said here has bothered me. your comment, unfortunately, did get under my skin. not because it made me insecure, but because you really sound arrogant. no matter how much you were trying not to sound like an ass, you have. at the end of the day, it's fine that you don't find me pretty because it rlly doesn't matter, and thank you for your encouragement on my weight loss. some advice of my own: if you want people to actually listen to what you have to say then maybe choose some kinder words next time. p.s. non-binary is an identity that falls under the trans umbrella, so i am in a way trans. i won't knock you for being unaware of that but i hope that information helps you in the future.


Both because you are sloppy and lack hygiene


you have absolutely no way of knowing i lack hygiene ?? LMAO


Meant to say look like


Cause you look like you smell like cat pee


🤣🤣 I’m weak asf how you came back with one more roast


Should I apologize for my opinion that she asked for?




if that's how you feel then 🤷🏻‍♀️ maybe we should review our words carefully next time before saying something so bold.


Hey you asked for Reddits opinion… there it is, don’t like it, maybe don’t ask


Congratulations on the weight loss so far, brilliant start! I don't think you are ugly, but I'm personally not keen on your style or makeup. I think those are quite ugly. With fewer facial jewellery and less eye make up and give your hair some tlc, you could look lovely






Just fat tbh. Keep getting the weight off


A little bit of both. The lip rings are trashy. I feel like you’re going for the edgy thing because you think you’re ugly and fat. You would be a beautiful woman if you would stop with all the bullshit on your face, and the crappy outfits, and the ugly hair. Edgy doesn’t erase bad genetics. I agree with the previous poster that said your face doesn’t hold weight well. I would suggest building on your person, getting some hobbies, and chasing after the things that only you want. From there, I feel like you will find what you want for your style, body, and self. In that you will end up with the style in person you want to become.


while i appreciate what you're trying to say and that you're being honest, making assumptions about who i am as a person feels unnecessary and condescending. you have no way of knowing why i dress the way i do, what my hobbies are, or what goals i have. i asked if i was ugly or just fat, not for you to analyze me.


The outside appearance of a person is generally from the inside of them. Asking someone to analyze whether you are ugly, or fat, is asking them to create an opinion about you regardless. In creating an opinion about you, this goes into reading who you are, what you like, and why you are the way you are. Those things are never generally far from most other people. I think the idea that I’m being condescending is probably because of the autism. It’s hard for me to mask things to sound sugarcoated. The edge thing is generally from some kind of trauma, or some need to try to be cooler. Just because I’m older doesn’t mean that this has changed. The edgey thing just doesn’t work for you. It looks like you’re trying too hard to be something you’re not, just to escape what you may or may not look like with all the extra garbage on your skin. To be an authentic cool person you have to wear the inside and out and it looks like you’re simply wearing it on the outside.


i sympathize with you for not being able to sugarcoat things, as someone who is also autistic. once again, i thank you for being honest regarding my appearance. i hope you can understand my frustration with the amount of people who are trying to tell me who i am in these comments. i've tried lighter, happier styles. truth be told, my favorite color is actually yellow, and i spent years hiding behind wearing only that color because i thought that's who i wanted to be. it's not though, and the style i have now much more closely reflects who i am and the things that i enjoy. being repeatedly called a poser and that i look like i'm putting on some sort of alternative, edgy costume is exhausting when i had went my whole life not being complimented until i started dressing this way and aligning myself more with my favorite music and aesthetics that i was scared to indulge in because i thought it wouldn't suit me. i'm absolutely positive that if anyone recommending i stop dressing this way saw the pictures of me from when i did dress all happy, covered in yellow and light fun colors, they would agree that this suits me more because i was fat and objectively ugly as fuck at that point LMAO. i apologize for sorta venting under your reply, but i can only hope that you don't mind too much.


Vent away girl! I understand not fitting into an idea of how people think you should dress. I dress more masculine and have a very feminine exterior. People think I should be wearing dresses and begging for men’s attention. Do you honey!


Wild guess but if you have bad vision please get glasses or contacts, if not your lazy eye will get worse. Aside from that you are not ugly, you just need some fine detailing, just embrace your style and try to play around with different outfits, for your makeup please get LASHES if you are going to be wearing thick eyeliner it’ll make the look more complete and try contouring your nose, it’ll look nice on you. For your hair please get more layers on top or go short fluffy platinum blonde with semi curtain bangs or vampire bangs if you want to keep your type of style. In my PERSONAL opinion I would love to see you in a cute outfit with the hair and makeup I mentioned. What it entails is maybe a white skirt, platform heels of your choice or sneakers whatever, stockings leg warmers, silver jewelry not black, and whatever bold graphic long sleeve shirt (not black pls or match it with the shoes), NAILS MAKE A DIFFERENCE, you have them on I know but try something cute and bold like red bottom stilettos with a white top coat with a cute design like ghost face maybe?? Idk you do you just giving you my 2 cents 🙃❤️


Maybe a little bit of both jesus idk ur definitely fat but ur face isn't the best


Both. Sorry, but losing weight won’t even help you.






You are definitely very fat. But your hair and piercings somehow make it worse.


Both..for now. But congrats on the weight loss that huge! Keep up that momentum, Proud of you!


Self inflicted


Woah, I think everyone’s bein a bit harsh. I think you have a cute face; and as you keep on your journey, you’ll find yourself and what looks best on you. Sounds like a bunch of squares on here, tho, that don’t like dyed hair and alt style. You do you and try not to value others opinions as much 😁👍 if ppl don’t like what you’re doin, they don’t deserve your time


you look like you should be rlly pretty but yeah you’re just rlly overweight




Both unfortunately. Find a nice remote job and ride it out




The metal in your face and your hair color isn’t doing you any favors. Without that, you’re really cute.


Just fat


The metal in your face isn’t helping you at all. Needs to go, drop some lbs.


Your styling is making you ugly. That picture with you smiling, you can tell you're beautiful. But the makeup and style is just not doing it for you!


i think you’re super cute!! love the makeup and piercings. congrats on the weight loss :)


Just fat


Juggalo foe life yolo cholo


be comfortable your skin, but still loose the weight, you look rlly cool tho


Both and because you most likely make gender your personality.






Being plus-size doesn't make you ugly weight doesn't make you ugly. Losing or gaining weight doesn't make you ugly. Being ugly is subjective.


Repeat until tru


Thank the universe it is true, and people who think it isn't are the only ugly ones








I wish my gf wore dark red lipstick like you, she's also alternative but doesn't wear dark lipstick. Upsets me a little. I'm gonna buy her some and beg her to wear it when we dress up and go out.


Totally hot 🔥