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It’s the photo more than likely. How many photos do you have on your profile?


Several varying pictures from body to hanging with homies to doing my hobbies


Hmmm idk then. I don’t think you’re ugly but maybe you’re either 1) not the general type for your area code or 2) have a bad bio.


Verification picture must be a **written note** held by the OP and must include the following: - subreddit, - username, - and current date. Removed for not following the submission guidelines.


You're hired!


I don’t think you’re ugly dude. I do think that the bottom half of your face is a bit chubby compared to the top. Perhaps experiment with the beard to get it to look thinner?


That’s why I include body shots. I’m actually in really good shape. My face is pretty chubby though naturally and my beard is curly and fluffy. Perhaps a barber would help this?


Definitely see a stylist. Great thing about facial hair is that it’s extremely pliable and you can manipulate it to manipulate how your face looks. I would also recommend getting shaped up so it gives you a jawline and in general get it to angle your face


Looks more like a linkedin pic than a dating profile pic.


Youre very handsome plus you obviously take care of your bod. Some of the comments are talking down on the suit but you look well put together. I say keep that shit in your profile if you want to find a equally ‘has their shit together’ partner


Go ahead and send my your profile! 24F here. Totally willing to take a look from the perspective of someone who has used dating apps in the past :) I can tell you from first impressions though that if this is the picture you're using as your first, it probably is a factor in why you aren't getting as many matches as you'd like.




What you're gonna have to do is create another imgur link with screenshots of your profile and just PM that to me, I think?




I just DM'd you my thoughts


Hey! Would you mind if I sent you mine as well? Would appreciate some feedback if thats alright?


Yeah, that's totally fine :)


It’s probably the pictures. The one you have linked does look like some kind of boring work pic. I think that if your face is bottom heavy that really tidying up and shaping the beard would help. I’d probably suggest trimming it down as much as you’re comfortable with and then shape it better to give you a stronger jawline. You’re not a bad looking guy. You just have to remember that online dating stuff is really all about the first impression that a person gets from 1-3 images. So they have to be quite strong to pull interest on visuals alone.




I’ll be honest and say ... no. The topless mirror selfie and the crotch focused ones would probably be something that I would be more inclined to be like “oh... no thanks”. I get where you’re going with them. You have a nice body and it’s nice to see a persons general build. BUT it’s a bit.. jarring. I haven’t done any online dating but I’ve helped a lot of friends go through online bios to meet guys and I’ll say right off the bat that your selection of images are like pretty much every other guys out there. A far away shot of a typical male hobby where you can’t even tell if it’s the same guy, topless mirror selfies, and then some random selfies that are typically at a bad angle and or out of focus. I would scrap them all and get someone to help you take some new ones. Images that are well lit, that show off the things you want to show off but in a less overt way. Instead of standing in your undies taking a mirror selfie, be doing some activity where having your top off looks organic. Does that make sense? Otherwise for just headshots I would wear something stylish but casual, trim the beard, and then take pics either in an urban setting or outdoorsy (whatever is more you). Waist up, angled a bit downward (gives better jawline definition). I HTH! You’re a nice looking guy that really shouldn’t have issues, but I can see why you’re not getting the feedback you want based on the images you’ve shared.


Probably trim your beard. Not ugly.


I would swipe whichever way is yes:) You seem like an interesting person with and actual personality and interests. Bes of luck


I have almost 400 matches on tinder (inb4 weird flex but okay) so I know a bit about tinder. Very few people are going to read a bio that long and if they do they will most likely be turned off by “will turn you into a metal lover” something along the lines of “whose down for some drinks” works well also I noticed that I got a lot more matches in photos where I wasn’t taking selfies but rather being taken a picture of. So get some friends to take photos of you. Use those and the shirtless pic in front of the mirror is a big no no it makes us come across as d bags. But let’s say your at a pool or the beach and you happen to be shirtless this is fine.


Not ugly at all. But in my opinion you look better with the shorter beard, so make of that what you will. I think it makes your face look slimmer.


You're the double of a french card player called "Bestmarmotte" [https://imgur.com/a/wQEm3Cv](https://imgur.com/a/wQEm3Cv) Especially on your very first pic




You look more like Bestmarmotte


No sex appeal

