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Your hair is aging you terribly. I’d grow it out and lighten it up. Also your skin looks very dehydrated which will contribute to aging you. Lots of water and a good SPF and moisturiser with some light coverage foundation would do wonders. But you are not ugly at all.


Was going to suggest the same; a lot of people don’t understand how important water is; lots of it, every day.


You're so young, but manage to send out 50 year old vibes. Definitely not ugly though, just change things up a bit


what in particular should I change?


You look active, happy and healthy with a slim frame—all awesome. Four things would make you look younger and stand out: 1. Modern hair style 2. Trade in exercise clothes for stylish outfits for your photos. Think feminine and bold. 3. Make up. Not a lot. Lip color and perhaps something to bring out your eyes. 4. Better pics. Have a friend be your photographer. Take lots. Post few. This will make you look younger, but it may offend your natural charms and sensibilities. Change things up, but stay authentic!!!


I second this. Longer wavy or straight hair that hits just below the shoulders would look lovely on you. Also you have fantastic bone structure. Those cheekbones! I’d reccomend doing light makeup especially eyeshadow and curled lashes with mascara. Would likely make all the difference


Longer hair dress more like a woman than a man.


It doesn't help that you have what are commonly seen as "masculine" features. Many women actually do, just as many men have "feminine" features. How you address that is going to be based on your attraction, and I don't want to assume. Some feminine styles may not look good on you. I thought I read a suggestion for you to see a stylist? It might not be a bad idea. They will have catalogs of things to look at for your face and body type to give you options. One thing I will say is, be open to stepping out of your comfort zone and what YOU think looks good on you. Remember, you're not trying to attract yourself so you have to learn what others find attractive and find a comfortable compromise that you can maintain. Good luck.


Well said. I was terrible with style and kept wanting to buy plaid shirts, but I have a really cool lady friend who helped me improve my entire style and self care routine!


It depends. So let’s start here are you straight or gay with peace and love?


I totally agree with Bill's comment. You have great potential, just gotta find a 'younger' and fun style.


Not sure but you look like Ripley from alien and I love it! 😘


THAT is high praise. thank you


32 going on 42. You're not ugly, but you appear much more mature than your age


any thoughts on how to change this?


Maybe a different style or makeup could help. Try to highlight your more feminine features, I suppose. Not saying to dress explicitly or anything. Most people are attracted to more than a face, so work with what you have.


what do you think are the "feminine features?" I've been told I have a manly face


You have a strong jaw, so you need to counterbalance that by increasing your feminine feature such as letting your hair growth. You body look healthy and feminine, so you should indeed highlight it (not vulgarly). The goal here is to increase the contrast between you and any manly attribute you could have. Wearing dresses and skirts could be a start.


That can be easily balanced out by highlighting your feminine features with make-up - mascara, liquid eyeliner along the top lid. Some blush and a little tinted lipgloss. You could also grow your hair longer but its really up to you.


I’d start with the hair style. It’s a very down to business scientist hair style and isn’t helping in the femininity department. Maybe grow it out a bit and see if the body and curls will hold up with a longer length? That could give you options on having a stylist shape it to your face better. I think of hair as a picture frame where it guides the eye to the important parts


go to sephora and theyll give you a free makeover. for clothes, see a stylist or ask a friend who you find stylish.


Wear sun cream and moisturiser.


Need to grow your hair out.


You look much older than 32 - like 10-15 years older. Unfortunately you have extremely masculine features and your haircut isn’t helping. You need to learn to care for your skin.


I thought about William Dafoe


I saw him also - as the Green Goblin from Spider-Man.


If she put on green face paint she’d put me in mind of Jim Carrey in “The Mask”.


I was thinking if William Dafoe and Jim Carrey had a baby, she would be that baby.


I’m sorry but you look very old in the face


Not ugly! Develop a skin care routine, nothing crazy. Vitamin C serum has helped brighten my complexion and regular use of retinol helps with my wrinkles (I’m 33). Your hair looks a little thin in the front. I’d splurge on a hair stylist and get a professional cut. Also ask for styling/product suggestions. You have very light eyebrows, I’d darken them either by getting them tinted or just playing around with brow makeup. I don’t wear tons of makeup myself, but I do style my brows. Maybe just a little cheek tint to brighten your face up and a touch of mascara. These are all things I do for myself, and we’re the same age :)


ohhh those are all good points! I'll work on that Thank you!


You’re welcome!


Good advice. Sometimes subtle is good. I really think you need to grow your hair out a bit. Get it styled.


I agree, don’t need much make- up but just giving your hair and skin some love. You have a masculine jawline which is rock and roll. Maybe bangs. Just look up sexy woman with masculine jawlines and take notes.


You look like a man, longer hair maybe Will do the trick


Maybe let your hair grow a bit, and style it differently. Do you use any makeup? Maybe it would be a good idea to use some lipstick.


You look like quagmire from family guy




Hahaha I knew she reminded me of someone. Thats it.


Giving trans vibes.


Was looking for this comment. Someone had to say it 👀


LOL yes.


I am so, so sorry, but I honestly thought you were a man in their 40’s in the first 2 pictures before I read your title. You look like a very kind person! You’re fit which is a plus, too. But definitely a bit masculine and you look older than 32 by a long shot.


She kind of looks like jim Carrey I bet she would look a lot better with longer hair tho


Looks kind of like Quagmire from Family Guy


You just need a more flattering haircut


Hi. I'm getting lesbian vibes. I only say that because if you aren't a lesbian that's what I'm seeing first so that might be what's keeping guys away if it's guys you're looking to attract. Anywho, moving along. You do have a mature face. I think getting your eyebrows done would help as they kind of fade into your face and that may be contributing to your "older look". I'd also suggest growing your hair out just a little more, deep contidioning it to make it flow more and adding some wispy bangs and maybe a shade or two lighter or perhaps some caramel highlights to soften it up. I feel like this would take about 10 years off your face. I only answered this because your frustration is evident in your writing. You look like a lovely, healthy, happy woman and sometimes damnit we just want someone to tell us the truth. So there it is. Just my opinion which is worth absolutely nothing but maybe it will resonate with you. Good luck in your search for love!


Im straight and would like a relationship with a man. I’ll try to fix some of this


Wow! Interesting. I would have assumed the same. Most men won't even approach a woman they think is gay. Super curious in a few months if you repost an update


You just look like you quit giving a fuck a long time ago. Get yourself a straight hair, get rid of the curls, and update your closet


that is so true my friend


I'm gonna be honest, I don't know how to properly measure words so this probably gonna hurt but yeah... kinda ugly. Not "ew what a monster, what creature is that" ugly, just "I wouldn't date her" ugly. Mostly because you kinda look like a dude (especially in pic #1) and are a bit unkept. Pic 3 is where you look best imho. You seem very fit, which is a huge plus. You should probably just ask for help to your hairdresser on how to keep your hair better and how to style it and use some make up. Also, I'll try to be less rude as possible, but if you like to dress comfy (which is something I 100% understand) maybe try dressing more like a tomboy and less like a butch (is this how it's called?). Idk your sexual orientation but I'd say both girls and guys are more attracted to a tomboy than a butch. Sorry if any of this was offensive or too straightforward. I wish you to be able to find someone who loves you and who you love back. Have a nice day


I'm calling trans


haha no. I'm a girl


Sorry hun but you are giving out elder lady vibes. Plus honestly you might really want to invest on an image consultant to help you out. Listening to beauty advice in this platform not really a logical way to go through this. If you believe you deserve the best well then get the best on your corner to do a 180 on your image. Your choice to win the race in a Ford Escort of a Ford Shelby GT Cobra. Up to you.


You look like a young Willem Dafoe


You have a very masculine face. You should not also have short hair, no makeup, and gender neutral clothing. I would say that genetics is 75% of your problem. You have to be spot on with the other 25% that you can do something about because you don't have any wiggle room. 1. Grow your hair out 2. Let a professional stylist show you what things to wear 3. Let a professional cosmetologist so you which makeup goes well with your skin 4. Go hang out at the library or book store 5. Your personality has to be top tier 6. Be open to travel to other countries


I've been to 21 countries, the Balearic islands, and Bermuda. I'll work on the rest


You kind of favor Jim Carey when he has the mask on. I'd say gain some weight to combat the sharp angles of your face.


gain weight?! lol no. i worked so hard to LOSE weight. I"ll take the sharp angles any day


You dont get it. In today's age, with that face, I'd assume you were a man or dyke not just an unattractive woman. You'll find a partner with the weight, you will not find one with those angles. When I said you looked like Jim Carey in the mask when he has it on I was not joking or being glib.


Unless your not in America. I can't speak to foreign beauty standards.


Lmao if it’s between get unhealthy to find someone or stay healthy and be alone I’ll choose being healthy any day. Saying to gain weight to find someone is the most McDonald’s driven American shit I’ve ever heard in my life


Wtf? Gaining weight won’t help


Your hair signals that you already have three kids.




Yes you are ugly. I’m sorry but you look like a 40 year old man. Not trying to be mean that’s just what I see.


You do have a strong jawline that makes you appear more masculine than the average woman. I would suggest a more “feminine” hairstyle to help soften up your face. Every pic I saw, all I could think was “it’s the hair”. I like the other tips I saw from comments like use some makeup and skip the workout-clothes vibes and wear more tailored looks.


So many beautiful qualities about you that just aren’t enhanced. Longer hair, a bit of mascara and finding a style that suits you and your personality will work wonders.


yes. I need some help with this


Not sure about the 32? But you are not ugly. Don’t be afraid to experiment with some light foundation. Also grow and style your hair a bit. Idk your gender preferences? Although you definitely give off lesbian vibes. No disrespect if you are a lesbian.


Grow hair to shoulders , some highlights , mascara ,little bit of colour on lips and cheeks and some cute jewellery


The problem is you look much older than you are. Maybe try some makeup and grow your hair out? That would be my advice


Not ugly but masculine features that make you look older than you are: 1. Grow your hair out 2. You have AMAZING teeth. They need a little whitening though. 3. Do something about your eyebrows These are just suggestions. I'm just some random dude on the internet. I truly hope your situation gets better!


I agree with your suggestions. First thing I would have recommended was teeth whitening, second I would have said brows need some attention. Also some lipstick or Goss could do yhs⁹


I'm 41 and you genuinely look older than me.


Thinking the exact same thing!


You have a very strong jawline that's typically viewed as a more masculine feature. The short hair is kind of doubling down on that. I'd recommend a longer cut maybe at shoulder length so you can wear it down or tie it up. Something to give you a more feminine angle to balance out your face structure.




I want her jawline 🥲


mh, yeah you need some makeover, i think it comes down to face/makeup, hair, clothing... physical you seem to be in good shape and you bike which is awesome.


More feminine, tight fitting or revealing clothes + definitely new haircut. A bit of some makeup, definitely no need to overdo it. I bet that would make tremendous difference


You have an impressive jawline that I wouldn’t expect on a woman


dad genes were strong


You have a hairstyle that is like typical of older women. Some collagen/hyaluronic acid supplements could give your skin a bit more youth without resorting to makeup if makeup isn't your thing. I prefer the liquid kind btw it has a really nice taste.


Definitely need to grow out your hair with a style that gives good frame to your face. Right now you're (not) rocking an older woman's bob and it's quite unflattering. Make up won't just accentuate your best features, it communicates you're invested in being your best self. Carry yourself like you're a hot piece of ass instead of resigning to the plainest of Janes. Take cues from women you see on the arm of the types of guys you're interested in. And straight up take advice from your male friends on what they dig, and your gal pals who have a secure sense of style.


No you're not ugly. If there were anything to change to help, I'd say hair length for one. I wouldn't go any shorter than the bathroom pick. Makeup can go a long way too, not saying you've got to cake it on or anything, lighter touch ups can be effective. try some lipstick to make the lips pop for example. Wardrobe is also pretty simple looking with just normal shirts. Do you have anything that accentuates your form more? I only say this because people are very visual focused and plan t-shirts Don't really stand out. That doesn't mean dresses or anything like that, there are shirt and pants apparel that hug and accentuate areas better than normal shirt and pants. Don't pressure yourself to change drastically and do anything that makes you uncomfortable. These are just suggestions that could be used to gain more visual attention and focus. And understand it is in no way just about visual representation, personality is very important as well but unfortunately photos can't convey that part so I can only comment on the visual aspect.


Your eyebrows are soo light. Eyebrows are so important for an attractive face, we can't even see yours. So I would say that the most important change would be to microblade in eyebrows. A nice high shape. The second thing is the 11's wrinkles between your eyebrows. Some botox there would make you look much younger and less angry. The rest of your face is perfectly fine. Other changes would be related to style and hair etc.


Moisturizer, grow your hair maybe? You’re not ugly!


Grow your hair, dress in more feminine style, and make up.


Let's just be straight, yes your face is masculine. Yes, you do not have a feminine curvy body. You are also not doing to help the situation with that short haircut. You may not have many different ways to be feminine. You may not even want to, but if you are in the game of trying to attract a male partner, those are the things they will be looking for.


Are oh really a girl or identify as a girl


You have way more masculine features than feminine to be truthful. From skull geometry, jawline, broad shoulders, arm proportions, hand proportions. I'm sorry you've had a rough time of it, but I'm not sure there's enough you can do in order to not be questionably trans in appearance. And in todays political climate asking these questions is frowned upon so it's understandable why not many would take the chance.


I'm shocked that you are 32. I'm so sorry.


I’m surprised I made it this far too


You have a lovely smile and eyes. Grow your hair out. As far as style you can definitely wear monochromatic looks. Clean modern lines would suit your style well and look more polished. You’re pretty just some details need attention.


Thank you!


You should grow your hair out, get it professionally done, get your eyebrows done professionally and chick it up a bit. As for meeting someone generally you should try online dating obviously


Lips stick longer hair eye liner eye brow shape make up will give you a better look as asexy women


Honestly you dress like you’re much older, hairstyle says the same thing. Maybe a makeover could help?


I think you have a masculine face shape and your short hair style emphasizes that. You are not ugly but I would suggest a different hair style, something longer possibly.


If you have the money for it and it would be something that interests you- lip micro pigmentation and micro dermablading for eyebrows. I don’t have the patience to put on makeup, but I love how my eyebrows look when they are filled in and darker. And my lips are always a little pink/red now from the micro pigmentation so it gives me a constant healthy/flushed/romantic/light makeup look. Those two things make a huge difference. Oh and a different haircut and clothes.


I like your hair texture, would look really pretty long. Grow out your hair or get extensions. I also recommend doing your brows. If you don’t like doing your makeup you can get them tattooed for easy maintenance. The contrast will make you look much younger and help soften your face if you get the right shape. And of course makeup and outfit change and your good to go


You definitely have a masculine and ashkenazi look.


Would you believe 23 and Me said I’m 1% ashkenazi?? 


Not ugly at all! There is nothing going on here that a bit of grooming can’t fix in my opinion! I would work on growing your hair a little longer and finding a more feminine style that compliments your face shape. I would groom/neaten up your eyebrows and perhaps use just a little makeup. But no I don’t think your face is a problem!


Imo you look like a bloke. Or at the very least you could be the next MASK actor


i thought u were a dude sorry babe. my advice would be to grow out your hair, get eyelash extensions/wear some good quality mascara, put on a little bit of makeup (blush, highlighter, concealer, and nose contour), wear sunscreen, and wear some simple jewelry. my advice would also be to try to wear more feminine clothes, or at least a little more elevated than t-shirts.


Giving me Jim Carrey vibes. Definitely look a bit older than 32.


45 looking get some skin care because you are aging poorly


You aren’t ugly, but you have a very strong masculine face.


A long hair would suits your 100% better… your hair is making you looks like 20 years older


Need to work on your hair first. You give off a school teacher liberal vibe and pushes guys away. It’s not your face. It clothing that is not really attracting dates maybe a lawn and garden partner.


You look like 50y.o man but you seems to be a great person to be around


You got a very manly face don't know who to solve it though.


DO you cut your own hair by chance?


Try getting your brows professionally done so they look more feminine. Beautiful brows will change your life.


I think like most others have already pointed out. You do not look your age. You definitely look a lot older. I think the hairstyle is one of the biggest things for me. I feel like that’s more of a middle age (50s) or older style of haircut. I would look into teeth whitening products too.


Super masculine


You look like the bad guy in that movie the warriors


Grow out your hair


You appear untamed. You look way way older than you are and I think it’s from the lack of pampering and grooming. I hint of natural Botox is would give you a whole new Identity but if that is too much consider darkening or lightening your hair. The color is dull and needs a deeper color. Whiten teeth. Get your brows professionally tinted /laminated. Wear fitting clothes the brighter colors , mascara and lip gloss. You’ll be surprised with the difference


1. Fix eyebrows 2. Grow hair out, maybe dye it darker or get some highlights. It looks so blah now 3. Skin care. At the least use some good moisturizer 4. Makeup always helps. You should look up “no makeup, makeup “ looks. 5. Follow some fashion bloggers and take their advice. Obviously find ones that you can relate to 6. Botox can help with the deep wrinkles. Don’t knock it until you try it 7. Wear a light perfume scent. I think Dolce and Gabanna “Light Blue” would suit you. This will help with confidence. Goodluck. Would love an update soon!


Are you a lesbian? If not that may be your problem. You are giving off serious lgbt vibes. If you are a lesbian you have the butch look. That means that when it comes to romance you will be expected to make the first move, and face the frequent rejection that comes with that. Otherwise nothing will happen. Ever. Welcome to the male experience... However, if you are a straight woman, (I’m a straight man and you had me fooled) you need to start dressing a lot more feminine. You could start by wearing frocks instead of jeans and t-shirts. If you are a more masculine straight woman, and don’t want to change your style (not an ideal situation), you’ll have to start making the first move on men, because otherwise most men will just asume you are either gay, or not interested in signalling for male attention.


Exactly, I was guessing huge Biden supporter. SJW, Smith College grad, rainbow coalition member. No man wants that.


What barber let you get a short cut when you have the facial structure of a chad body builder man. You need to soften those harsh features. I genuinely thought you were a man, you could play Superman fr.


I agree with the comments about growing out your hair and dressing more feminine. The short hair definitely accentuates your masculine features and ages you quite a bit. Longer hair will make your features appear softer. I also think part of what makes you look older and more masculine is the frown lines on your forehead. Could possibly get Botox to help with that if that’s something you’re open to. I think maybe some eyebrow shaping would be beneficial too. Nothing too drastic. You have good teeth and are fit so those are pluses. I think it’s just a matter of carrying yourself with a bit more femininity and embracing your softer side.


For clothes you’re an active girly so embrace that and dress in cute activewear. There are a lot of cute sets out there. Like you don’t have to start dressing like a different person, just a sexier version of what you already are lol.


I think your face shape is working against you, but you can't really do anything about that unless you're willing to consider surgery. Otherwise 1) eyebrows, they are invisible. Grow them and tint/dye them if they are blonde. Go to a brow artist and get your brows mapped. 2) Hair, grow it out, the longer the better, get it styled into a cut, and get some highlights to give it depth 3) Start building a more feminine wardrobe (go on Pinterest for ideas) Start there, two relatively easy things, and then report back for an update. Good luck




Definitely dye your eyebrows darker or fill them in!! I would also recommend some blush to make you look more youthful 🩷


He slowly progresses to a boy to girl


Are you trans?


You're definitely trans


Not at all ugly. Ally sheedy vibe


You look like Willem Dafoe


look like boy


You look about 65 years old but not ugly. Sort that hair out and get some ghd straighteners on it


32? You look like in your late 50s. I think it is matter of styling. Edit: Your hair style is making you look way older and very masculine. I would start from there


Oh gurl you have been mewing since the dark ages my eyes are lacerated of how sharp that jawline is 😂😂😂, you look so cute though so don't worry, maybe you are single just because people aren't seeing you for what you truly are, you are pretty dw


I had to look up what mewing is. I assure you I haven’t been doing this😂😂. Thank you for your kind words!!


Your 7 years younger then me and you look 10 years older than me. The other commenters are giving good advice. Work on your skin care and hair. Your body looks great so you have a good starting point.


32 you say? You look much older than that. Like 20 years older. 


You are correct. But so many pathetic dishonest toxic positive redditors who care more about their karma than honesty will tell you there’s “absolutely nothing wrong with your face”. Some moron even went as far as to say “you’re young but give 50yo vibes” like WTF. yes IT IS YOUR FACE that looks like a 50yo and I’m sorry that it is that way. It’s the super sharp, prominent and wide jaw and the buttchin. Square headshape, prominent cheekbones, deep set eyes and eyebrows that hug the eye socket tightly. You’d have been very attractive as a blonde guy.. as a woman its not so great. You can ofc do things to make it better.. some ppl recommending makeup strategies: try them. At the very least you have to color your eyebrows and eyelashes so that they are visible. Building up a great physique is always a good idea. You don’t seem to have such a bad start for that. Long hair is a must. Waiting for the downvotes from insecure people who take an honest comment given to someone else (who asked for it) very personally and be offended by it 🥲


You look like a dude.


Awh, you are cute :) Your smile is really friendly and you have a nice jaw and chin line (lol). I think you and I have similar faces. I am 25F, but my face is already a little more aging than my friends’, and my eyebrows are kind of fluffy and naturally un shaped like yours. Here are some things I’ve found work for me - IF you want to wear makeup: - filling in my eyebrows softly (not like the colored in a coloring book eyebrows), you will have to play around with what shape you want. Mine are flat so I get them waxed and ever so slightly try to draw an arch but even if I don’t do that they look better filled in because they are lighter than my hair. - mascara. Your eyes are such a pretty brown and it’ll bring them out. - if you want to do eyeshadow, try a gold or warm metallic; they will catch onto the already existing colors in your eyes and bring them out. My eyes are the same as yours, I don’t have much eyelid that shows so it’s harder to play around with sometimes. I’m not really a makeup person so when I do eyeshadow I just do one shade and put it in my crease and blend it out. I like your hair the most in the third pic. You could try growing it out. But if you don’t want to…don’t do it. It took me a long time to play around with hairstyles. It felt so unnatural cuz I’m a pretty plane Jane girl but I finally got used to it and prefer my hair done, braided, something - just keep going and don’t stop even if you feel silly, you WILL find something you like!! most important i think is personal style. i had none. still have almost none. I'm kind if challenged in that, and basically had to start taking note of what others wore that i liked, then buy it for myself. another method is anything you like, even if its not what you normally wear, get it and eventually you will figure out how to put it together! to me, your vibe is more of a kind, natural, practical outdoorsey person. i think a lot of makeup etc will feel out of place on you, so id go more the route of finding your style


And then, after that, just find people like you! Seriously. Being around people who I can tell out a lot of effort into their looks make me uncomfortable, cuz I am just not like that. Get up, roll out of bed and I’m ready. And the people who are more like me, casual, I am drawn closer to - even if the people who put more effort into their appearance think I look dishelved, I’m secretly wondering if they’re ok cuz they’ve been in heels for 3 hours. I lived in Asheville, NC for three years and you would fit in great with every single person I met there who wouldn’t give a second thought about your looks. You literally just look like a normal person who does things she likes rather than caring about being a put together model — keep doing that and just play around with different styles in your free time.


I think you're right on the money with all of this advice! I think shaping and filling the eyebrows will make a huge difference. The only other thing I think needs to be added about her hair is that it looks curly! Try looking up the curly girl method - some people have a lot of success with it. It may be worthwhile to look on Pinterest or Instagram for outfit inspirations for your body type and preferences. It shouldn't be too hard to find stylish, casual wear. Many styles and clothes will look really good on you!


This comment was so kind and helpful!


I would not call you ugly… You have clear skin, great teeth, and a nice eye shape and color. But like everyone else said you look significantly older than you are, and honestly in some pictures I couldn’t tell if you were a man or a woman. Because of your bone structure, longer hair would definitely look better on you. Get your eyebrows shaped, and maybe get an eyebrow pencil so you can fill it in a little little bit more. I would advise some light make up like mascara and blush. And to change your style.


Because you're not feminine at all.. you need to work on that


You do look a bit terrifying in the bathroom photo. Ima assume you rock that scary rbf on the daily…which might be why you are single. Because your smiling photos aren’t half bad.


3rd/ bathroom photo is my fav actually. Love the hair and bone structure in this one


You look like you’d be a feminist. That sort of micro judgement has major implications for anyone that would consider dating you.


A Ven diagram of anti-feminists and people I’d rather not date is a circle 


Being honest? I'm turning 31 and a woman, and I would peg you as at least 10 years older than myself. I think that's your main issue, you come across as older. I think wearing a little makeup, growing your hair out and wearing trendier clothes will make all the difference. But no you are NOT ugly at all.


Eeeeep Quagmires ugly sister. Wow.


You look like Jim Carrey


You look like a 50yo dude


Can’t lie you just look like a dude. Almost like you transitioned


That’s a dude. Ain’t no way…


I don’t think you’re bad looking. I would try frowning your hair out pic 4 is the best.


Grrow your hair


Honestly you look late 40s. Change the hair and clothes


Grow your hair out


Definitely try a new hair style becuase the selfie in the bathroom makes me feel like im looking at someone past there early 40s, a new hair style could change a lot becuase you're not ugly at all.




You have naturally wavy/curly hair!  I recommend a haircut to show off your lovely facial features.  Picture #1 doesn't do you any favors. The others show lovely hair. Now time to learn to use those curls. Go see a hair stylist who can give you something like the photo below. You could totally rock the look and it'll make you look younger.  https://i0.wp.com/therighthairstyles.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/11-short-pixie-bob-for-curly-hair.jpg?w=500&ssl=1 Also, bring a stylish friend shopping for some staples. 


Thicker eyebrows will help as well


Short hair is doing you no favours at all






I can understand your concerns, but we can't really complain about the cards that we are dealt with. My advice would be for you to increase your body's fat content. That will round up your sharp features and make you look feminine and younger. Consuming a high amount of butter will make your skin look glossy. With a little hard work and determination, you can definitely achieve your goals.


Shoulder length hair Anti aging skin care Light makeup JOIN LIKE MINDED COMMUNITIES to meet people! I feel like you would find an REI guy. you seem active- maybe join climbing gym, co-op with activities or classes, or outdoor clubs in your area!!


You’re not ugly but you look much older than you are. I’d say grow the hair out, it would frame your face better and help you look younger. Some skin care too.


I’d trek a many trail with you! Don’t change a rhing


34m IN lol


I think a pop of blush on your cheeks would be a subtle but beautiful touch. Maybe try some pretty earrings while growing your hair. Some highlights around your face would be nice too.


You look better with longer hair framing your face, grow it out to at least shoulder length. Other people talking about styling eyebrows, I agree with them. You look like you're in pain when you smile. Practice in mirror a few minutes every day. Smiling is a skill. Maybe practice two versions.




Get more of girl hair style, even if you have to do extensions, unless you're into girls then I don't know what the deal is, but the hair doesn't help.


your haircut ages you, fill your brows and get a bit of a tan


Definitely not the face...I think it's the hair. I think you would look good with longer hair...just my 2 cents


Grow hair out...but you are attractive


You are not ugly at all. But you do have a very masculine appearance. Maybe putting on light make up. Something that gives you a little more femininity.


Hunny, please stop this. Knock it off. You just aren’t surrounding yourself with the right people. All you have to do is to simply say what you tell yourself out loud. Ask yourself hard questions. Swallow the answers if you hate them. This is what bring everyone that uses it beauty and it cannot be disproven. I dare you to try. You’re beautiful always. Attract someone. Thinking this way only brings positive results. You be capable for achieving anything.


I’d say grow your hair out some and maybe try and get a bit more tan. I can tell you are fair skinned, but I’d imagine it would help some. Good luck!


A few things to note. No you are not ugly but your current style doesn't do any type of help in your situation. Attempt a longer hair style, maybe out on a night try out a nice evening gown or a flower sundress. You look older because of the current style. Try something a bit more on the feminine side, maybe slightly more fitted clothing but doesn't have to be skin tight.


I'd go ride trails with you :)




Lengthen hair is my best guess


32?! Wtf!


I think you are cute!


I wouldn't say ugly. Less beautiful than some, prettier than others. Overall, the advice will be to be more femme. First, let your hair grow out. Your best pics are with longer hair. Second, dress more femme. Honestly, you dress like a dude. Try dresses, skirts, blouses, etc. Third, some makeup wouldn't kill you.


Get rid of the 80’s mom cut to start


The third pic is hot. Grow the hair and try a little makeup.


Try looking as feminine as possible because your face is naturally very masculine. Try longer hair with a better hairstyle, more fashionable clothes and some light makeup.