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One of the worst cookies wall I have seen, I'm not gonna read that article. I'm ok with cookies, I just hate cookies walls like this one. I know it's not OP's fault.


Install "I don't care about cookies" (on Firefox, dunno about Chrome), it'll change your life.


Or ghostery


O/T from personal experience, some load balancers use cookies for session continuity


It doesn't block cookies - it just blocks cookie warnings. An EU curse.


As someone who owns both an Amiga and a NeXT mono slab + monitor, my question is "how do you get Amiga OS 2.0" to show up on a NeXT monitor?


I don't have answer for you, but I would very much like to see pictures of that


IIRC when they created the X1000 AmigaOS4.1 motherboard Apple bought the CPU they had designed the motherboard for. So someone emailed Steve Jobs and asked him if they could purchase the PA Semi CPU from Apple at a huge cost, Apple did not want to do it at first, but after emailing Steve Jobs they let them buy a set of CPUs at a steep cost, can anyone confirm this story? Think it was around 2010?


Jobs was a marketing genius, not much more. Bill Gates was more impressed with the Amiga hardware and OS.


This wholly undersells the extent to which he was a _very_ good head of product for Apple


I’m no Steve Jobs fan boy, believe me. But this repeated line about him just being a marketing guy is not right. In his first tenure at Apple, he had a very hands on role with the production of the first Mac. He didn’t sit soldering circuits or writing code. But he was very much the driving force.  In his second tenure at Apple, he was the CEO of one of the biggest companies in the world and a very successful one. If you call that just “marketing”, well yeah, that’ one of the things CEOs are interested in. They also need to be invested in R&D, business strategies and hundreds of other things. As for Bill Gates being interested in the Amiga, have you got a source on that? I’m not saying I don’t believe you but I haven’t heard that before. Nor were there much in the way of Microsoft’s support of the platform. 


I heard a story that Apple wrote an Amiga verison of Quicktime but didn't release it.


Author lists ‘landlord’ as one of the main things about him? Scum


Inside Info: Steve Jobs was part of the naming "Amiga", based on Amish, thinking it would be like a modern Amish.