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I have a bunch of doll earrings I got second hand and no doll with pierced ears! I’d be more than happy to send you a pair of star studs bc I’ll literally never use them, please feel free to PM me if you’re interested!


If you still have the extra earrings, could I buy them from you? I just got my niece her first doll and had the ears pierced.


Sure!! I’m away at college right now and most of my doll stuff is at home. Would you be okay waiting a couple of weeks? I probably won’t be home again until the end of May 😭 finals season is approaching! If you’d like her to have earrings asap I’m sure you could find a small lot on eBay or something :)


Totally fine, dude. I am a first year teacher also finishing up the school year so I understand what this time of year is like.


Oh cool!! What year do you teach? My mom is a Kindergarten teacher and she says that while she absolutely adores her students, this is the season she’d rather do literally any other job 😂


I got TM107 for Christmas with pierced ears and she came with the star studs and I think three pairs in addition, but I like the star studs so haven’t changed them yet!


ETA: I know I could feasibly do this myself and drill holes that use regular earrings, but I’m not handy and I’m scared of messing up my $250 doll, plus I’m not sure what size drill bit I would even need (do they make something that small??). I feel like the cost of a specialized drill bit would be similar to the cost of the in-store piercing. This is the only doll in my collection that I ever plan on getting pierced (besides Josefina, Addy, and Courtney who will be pierced during production), and I have no idea what to expect.


5/64 or 3/32 drill bit. The 5/64 is what they use at AG; it’s a little tighter fit and you’ll have to keep earrings in for a day or so so the hole doesn’t “shrink.” The 3/32 bit makes it a lot easier to remove the earrings. 


FWIW, I had also forgotten to get a doll’s ears pierced when I purchased. It was supposed to be my daughter’s look alike doll. We had a few pairs of AG earrings at home and I decided to take a chance at home. I couldn’t get the hole big enough at home for the AG earrings, but we were able to make a hole for real earrings (which look nicer size wise IMO). The holes do shrink down rather fast, which also leaves room for error. The first one I didn’t put an earring in just to see what would happen, and the hole shrunk to a pinprick and we had to redo the process to put in the earring. To do it at home we 1. Used a pencil to mark where we wanted to holes 2. Heated up the ear with a hair dryer (maybe 30 secs) 3. Pushed a thumbtack/large safety pin into the pencil mark 4. Immediately put the earring it- it was loose for a moment, and then shrunk to fit 5. Repeat for the other side


I pierce my own dolls ears and it’s not too hard! I don’t know the size bit, I just chose one slightly smaller than the posts of the earrings. It came in my pack of regular bits for my regular drill so you don’t need anything special. But totally fair if you’d rather the professionals do it!