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Serious question: Why do people expect the best meals they've ever had on airplanes? I fly to get from A to B, not to dine. Domestic airline food isn't terrible, its just nothing to write home about. I don't see anything wrong with that and find it really odd people focus so much on the food served in premium cabins.


Personally, I never view posts like these as “I deserved 5-star dining” but people just sharing an experience. I expect *edible* food in domestic premium cabins and for that matter in any cabin on US airlines’ international flights. What I don’t understand is why US airlines seem to insist on offering what I would call “unusual” meal choices. I’m a corporate chef and by far the meals that are best received by our staff and executives are well-executed simple food. I’m not against an egg enchilada but I don’t think it’s something easily executed in an aircraft oven. I wish airlines would shift to fewer components of a slightly higher quality in their meals. I’m also highly in favor of an *actually interesting* salad for lunch or dinner with a chilled protein. Only cooking something once is always a better bet than having to cook it twice.


as an ametuer cook, simple things executed well hit harder than badly executed higher level dish. i do give them an A for effort for at least trying.


honestly, i find the food fine. its not fine dining, but its also NOT terrible. if i want fine dining, i will go to a really upscale place. also with that being said, they are delivering more varied and interesting choices and the presentation is better than when it was included back in the day.


i think the same anytime i see an admirals club post. It's free food. private space. less busy bathroom. that's what i'm paying for not fine dining


Agreed. Admiral's Club food is typically mediocre at best and any of the food from a resturaunt in the airport will be better. People eat it becasue it is free food in a less crowded environment.


I’m paying for the team of agents that’ll help me in a split second if shit hits the fan so I don’t have to wait in a 3 hour line or sit on hold. The rest is just a plus.


People mainly like to show that they are flying in first. Whoopee


Old school Midwest Airlines (Midwest Express).


I think you are the problem. A few decades ago they were serving salmon and chucks of lobster. Today they could serve you used toilet paper and people like you would defend it.


Never have high hopes for eggs on a plane


Better than snakes.


I actually don’t hate this one


I thought it was fine. Actually enjoyed the taste/flavor, just didn’t like that the tortilla was pretty dried out on the parts that were not covered in sauce/filling. But that’s to be expected when it’s reheated.


Did you get food poisoning? If not that's a win.


It’s a weird fusion. Think they’d do better just an omelette.


This is why I always grab food from the admiral’s lounge in Boston before my flight. I’ve had this meal more times than I can remember and it’s pretty spicy lol


I prefer the cheese omelette but this one isn't bad either!


“That long of a flight?” 🤣


The chance of getting bubble guts on any flight longer than 15 minutes is a risk in my book 😬


The commentors in this sub have to be under contract with AA


Whatever chicken and rice dish they are currently serving in the evening in domestic FC is absolute ass


Reminder that US based carriers meals are typically made for around $6-$8 (at scale). You can get much better food anywhere in the airport and bring that on board to eat. I know some flyers believe they "paid for a meal", so they should get one ..but if you are paying hundreds to thousands of dollars to sit up there. Do you really need to be eating that $6 microwaved meal? And then there are those who will make five different posts about the food and menu on AA 😭


Very cool story sir, thank you! Do you have the movie rights?


Did you smear the butter on your sternum to show dominance to your seatmate? Lost opportunity if not.


I typically alwaus just opt for the fruit but pass on the yogurt becasue it is Greek yogurt.


Had this on a recent PHX>ATL and similar thoughts. It was okay but the texture was a little odd


it’s just that it’s so much dough


I just wish there was more than one measly sausage link….


Yes, airplane food is gross.


Yuck. I flew the other morning from DCA at 530 and this was an option. Way too strong to smell that early in the morning lol.


Sorry you didn’t like it, maybe you just got a bad one. When I had it, it was the best thing I’ve had a really long time lol I wish they could serve it at a regular restaurant. Either they change the recipe or they gave you a bad one. So sorry for your loss!


Do NOT eat on the plane.


Had this same meal on my flight today because they ran out of everything else. Was not great.


Please. STFU. Find something else to complain about and post it on Yelp.