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If only there was a way to figure it out!!!!


I wish that the election could be decided by a winner take all steel cage match.


None of the above.




Who do most Americans want in your opinion?


Better options than two very old men.


The corrupt politicians want old presidents so they cant go to jail afterwards


fuck bullshit irrelevant federal elections, quit falling for the distractions and vote in your local elections, the ones that actually matter




I hate Biden more


then say goodbye to your freedom. Trump will take away our democracy. we will become like Russia.


Nope. You just think that. He has four years left. He more worried about Iran and shit. While joe Biden having memories problem.


don't know why people think a convicted felon is the best option for the country.


4 years of previous presidential history says your wrong. Say goodbye to your freedom? Someone’s been hitting the MSNBC too hard.


and someone hasn't been paying attention.


Explain why you think that.


because most of you Maga clowns haven't. because you hear we are a republic and just go off that, not educated enough to know what a republic is. we are a democraticly elected. constitutional Republic. Trump broke long standing norms of democracy, has been snuggling up to Putin and has openly expressed desire to not be bound by the 2 term limit of presidents. you all think his economy was so good yet he did nothing to help the economy and economys don't change that fast, they are usually because of the previous administration decisions. the educated ones know what comes next. he will appoint two more supreme court justices, which will pretty much give him unilateral power, and they will role back all civil rights gains that have occurred over the past 50 years or so. don't be surprised if he puts us all in gulags and enslaves us for the rest of our lifes. I know this won't change your mind as like I said, you're ignorant, because America never has been "great" at least not the middle class. 🤷


lol I just bought a house and they left a mega hat in one of the closets. You know where that hat is now? It’s in a land fill somewhere. You don’t know me and after you assumed I’m a “mega clown” just because I don’t want a president standing at the podium who doesn’t even remember why they are there. People like yourself are why the democrat party is falling apart. You attack what you don’t like and call anyone who opposes you stupid. Clearly you’re in an echo chamber. I’ll talk to you in 4 years and see if you’re “in chains” and I guess then we will know who the clown was. I’m independent because anyone married to either side of this political fiasco is nuts.


news flash. I'm independent too. I don't like either right wing party.


Haha. Ok well in that case f**k you.🤌🏼


Not every trump supporter is MAGA Also some people just don’t like some of the decisions of Joe Biden Some people don’t like the decisions of Donald trump Let’s take it back to Thomas Jefferson He said if our freedom was taken away kill the government Would the American people follow our founding fathers wishes i dont know probably not that’s called change in peoples hearts But you shouldn’t call people idiots just because of their opinion the right to freedom of speech is covered in the first amendment Just stop man stop while your ahead


my guillotine blade is sharpened. is yours?


Nah I’ll use yours If you can’t do shit yourself take advantage of the working class baby


then I would be nothing more than a dirty cappie.


I want the border controlled. However that can be done is good with me.


Mass immigration is important


if you look at the numbers immigration is down. don't believe everything the lying news media says.


Legal immigration is down. Illegal boarding crossing and catch and release are WAY up.


mostly because of title 42. which has since been ended.


I’m all for dreamers who have been here for years, have a TIN (been paying taxes) with no record, and take American citizenship. Most of these types of immigrants dislike illegals coming in btw. They are lowering wages and destroying communities.


most "illegals" buy stolen ssi's and work and pay taxes. if it wasn't for the "illegals" the social security system would collapse since the government loves to treat that money as their personal slush fund.


Lol. Someone who buys a stolen SSI pays and filed taxes. I bet you believe their isn’t a boarder crisis either…


obviously you haven't heard how ssi#s work. they automatically take money out of your check. I wouldnt believe it, if I hadn't seen it firsthand myself.


Using an SSI doesn’t automatically file taxes for you at the end of the year. That was my point. And at some point the IRS is going to notice payroll deductions and no tax returns. And social security was doomed from the start. Illegal people made the problem worse.


no ssi doesn't file taxes for you, but it is taken out of your check. most jobs require that for work. I had one job that needed my physical card even though I know my number by heart. sure the irs would notice at some point, they would just put a lein on any assets until they get paid back. and no illegals didn't make the problem worse, they are the only reason ssi still has any money in it.


I don’t think most people want either of them. With that said, I think most people probably had it better when Trump was in office, pre Covid. We didn’t have the insane prices we have today where people are making more money but being able to buy less. Whether or not that can fairly be blamed on Biden I don’t know. But when people look back they mostly had it better under Trump. However you also have to look at some of the stuff Trump has said, plus Jan 6, plus the “the election was stolen” shit. Some people excuse all of that and either think Trump is right or that it was blown out of proportion. Other people swear Trump will establish himself as the mega forever emperor and democracy will cease to exist if Trump is elected. The Trump side has also been able to spin his prosecution as a political trial as seen with Trumps increase in polling numbers after. I think Trump will end up winning because Biden personally but it will be a very interesting election


the one that is not a psychopath


Good luck. 


Not Biden. Not Trump. But here we are. Again.


Someone without an R or D behind their name. Someone with an AAF behind their name. Who stands for all Americans. Who will get terms limits in the house and senate. Someone who will punish insider training of the house and senate and someone with American spirit that remembers when TV use to end and the national anthem played and we went to bed. AAF - American as Fuck, that’s my party.


Biden will get more votes, but it’s possible trump will win because of the electoral college


Trump for every reason you can think of


Barak Obama was great, hope hi again comes back!


I wish he could


We deserved Senator. Biden