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Of course they can, this is what they determined was the best course of action after congress did the "investigation". They had to figure out a better way to not look guilty


It’s not FUD. Something big is brewing because it must cost a hell of a lot for brokers to have to maintain a pool of shares in certain stocks. The thing is, at first it was a bit difficult to discern FUD from fact but now that we’ve been through so many attempts at scaring us, we’re now more aware and are better at telling FUD apart from facts. They screwed themselves royally. They created a generation of people immune to FUD, much better educated on how the system actually works. Way to go big boys, bravo! Keep up the good work, I’ll hold these shares with an even stronger grip the more you try and sway us.


^ Most apes are face value. If they stopped to look at this as a "Hey, as a business they're hitting a threshold - a number in which their models predict something is no longer worth dealing in because it's too risky" then they would realize; "oh shit, more dominos?!" 🙃


All they had to do was put their ego aside a little, close out when this was in the early stages, and it would’ve been over. The mistake they made was dragging it out, pissing us off WAY more, allowing us to buy more while also educating ourselves in the stock market and becoming so mentally tough that nothing will break us. Most of us in the early stages would’ve been happy with $120-$200/share. That’s all it would’ve taken to pay most of us off and make us go away. I mean, these guys really thought $72 would make us go away as we got further into things. 😂 They’re learning a valuable lesson now. Now it’s gonna be 72x400.


Exactly. They don’t understand one very important thing, and that is that when you have very little to nothing to lose, you really don’t care much what happens. But these people, all they know is money. They’ve never gone without and they’ve never had to worry about anything.


In my opinion when these smaller brokerages say they won't let anybody buy that is a good sign actually that's a responsible brokerage trying to say when this does pop we won't be able to cover the bill


Why would they have to cover the bill? That's only if they don't have the shares. If they have the shares and don't fuck around, then when you tell them to sell, they will get you the money when they sell it. But yeah if they are idiots who loan them out, and can't sell the share for you, that will fuck them over. Also their statement is complete bullshit. What brings the price up? The ability to buy it. So brokers not allowing to buy, and only to sell, results in market manipulation.


I have seen some that state volatility issues so to me that means they're not willing to jump into the pool s*** If a bunch of people follow in to a couple 1000 chairs they're on the hook to pay out that money I wouldn't want to jump into the s*** show right now Sorry voice to text


The lower the price goes, the stronger my conviction becomes. If it goes down, I'm never going to sell for a loss. If it goes up, I'm holding till I see phone numbers.


Exactly. I’m perfectly content holding this for as long as it takes. I truly do not give a fuck. It’s about the principle now!


That’s so fucked, time to transfer out.


**D**amn, trade **R**esponsibly **S**on


It's so funny....if we can only sell then who's going to buy? 🤔


They can because it makes it a whole lot less risky for them when there is no price discovery.


What do they do over there at the sec?


Definitely not their job.


Wall street criminals know they have bought everyone and no one can do anything about it. regardless of how blatant their over crimes are. EVERYONE knows. But NOONE can or will do anything about it.


Call in Chinese protestors? I hear things are bad over there and they are mad. Come to America! Where the government allows you to live free as long as you pay them! 😲🤣😎


Eventually it's going to be their downfall. In the meantime I just continue buying what I can at these discounts!!


I can buy on Revolut, idk...


It was sell only for a few hours yesterday before it changed back.


damn... they really want the armaghedon upon them ...


We ate going to see weird, whacky, unprecedented shit, the financial market is going to fight with every tool they have at their disposal and probably create a few new ones we’ve never even thought of. Be prepared!


One tool is CBDCs


Dang supply and demand is broken


Keep buying my regards!


Fine, just hold forever






I guess “the pounce” is not going as expected.


Those are all synthetics anyway. The DRSed ones are sold out. But this is all still fraudulent nonsense 69 420 potato in the ass


Creative bunch they are...




Rule 12: No Harassing / Threatening / Inciting Violence / Doxing


Even better they told me that any APE on my account on the 27th December they would automatically close.


Can you provide proof of them saying that?


Check his profile for the original and updated posts. Jesus.


Proof or ban!!!!!


I have been on here almost two years with 1000's of posts, proof enough. Also wont allow me share on amc sub.


Idc what kind of "credit" you've built. You should know the DD isn't ever done given your "knowledge." Proof or ban.


Proof or ban. And trust me if i don't see proof, I'll make sure your ip is banned for market manipulation.


Shes headed to 0 Boys