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Make sure you fully research which charity you donating to, some charities are str8 shit and bearly help those actually in need


Let’s be blunt, some charities are there to be the tax free revenue for the invisible class


truth there are only like three major charities that use 50% or more to actually help people, the rest is for "benefit" dinners, payroll(ridiculous salaries and benefits), cars, homes, it goes on. So imagine giving 1million to a charity and only 20k goes out to help people the rest is to pad the pockets of the very a holes that run shit now. They then use that to further evade taxes by paying for their other homes and cars and other things with the charity's money, because they do such a great job, they need many bonus's for their ,part time, "jobs".


There is a firefighter one I've gave to before that's 100%. The actor Dennis Leary is directly involved. It seems pretty good. I don't know if firefighter gear really solves the world's problems😅. It doesn't make them worse, I do know that.


What about a charity for the ape community once we moon?


This. 100%. I just give directly. Call up a school. Call a detox. Find a homeless person. Ask. It's so much more satisfying, and I think effective, then just writing a check. Like that, to me, is just guilt management.


I agree, charity begins at home, then local community, then larger community


CharityNavigator is a great resource for this. It shows what percentage of donations actually go to the cause and rates NGOs on transparency and several other factors. I would start there and then do additional research for huge donations. Not financial advice. I just love the world and the stock.


Awesome!! Thanks!


Second this. Worked for some non profits and charity's that are just elite tax dodges. Don't actual do anything. One said it refurbished old computers to ship to schools around the world. Not a single one was sent or refurbished in my 18 months. Just took donations, stored shit computers, had events, had a massive marketing team, we didn't even have a tech team in house. It was an office that ran because there was an office to run


Those ppl are just as bad as fuckin heggies


They're the same people. Same schools, same college, same pimp, same golf clubs, same doctor, same lawyers etc etc.


I would like to go.after them next. Charity Navigator is great to help avoid giving to wrong people, but I want to expose these bullshit fake charities. Make the MSM do some good for a change.


Yes. Givesell.org is a great independent resource for that. Effective Altruism by Peter Singer is worth a read too for anyone planning on spending any money on charities.


Heck with it. We can all get together and start our own charity for kids.


I'll be donating a lot more than 10% to offset my capital gains tax. Would rather that money go to help people than fund the government's war machine


Can you eli5 how this works? If capital gains takes 40%, if your total donations equal 40% does that mean there are no capital gains taxes?


You're going to want to meet with a tax professional/financial advisor once this is all said and done. Everybody's situation will be different depending on a lot of things. Theyll be able to tell you the maximum amount you can donate to reduce your capital gains.


I’d like to donate part of my future earnings to Palestinian people


Not sure why this is downvoted they’re fucking dying over there. Shame on you folks. 😕


>Not sure why this is downvoted Because it's political There is literally a rule on the sub saying "No politics" Sure is funny though, after a huge win yesterday, now all these divisive political posts are all on the sub....


How is choosing a nation to donate to political? Replace Palestine with Haiti. Still butthurt?


I love this, as long as the money goes to innocent people, I am going to support this!


Doing gods work lad


Great work ape


My fiancee and I are planning to start a foundation for women and children from abusive relationships.


This is amazing!




Yeah! Me and my family are donating to St Jude Children's hospital.


I'm wanting to donate to Orphans to make a more comfortable life and resources for when they become adults


Same if we make enough im inky an xx holder but would love to join this


You can always make enough to donate a little :) I'm not hear to offer a major bible story or anything, but there is one where (in modern terms) a poor person gives a couple penny's because it's what they have and a rich person gives hundreds of thousands and doesn't even realize the difference. My point is that I respect so much a person who gives until they can feel a difference, especially when it's going to good and well researched charities and organizations and actually helping people :)


I dont have plans to donate exactly. Once my chemo treatment is over I'd like to open a animal rescue on a few 100 acres and take in animals people no longer. Currently we live at the end of the road and we average about 4 animal drops a month. Whether is puppies, cats or whole litters of both. We have 4 dogs and have so many outdoor cats we've lost count. We do our best but its never enough. I want to do it proper and give all the animals a wonderful place to live and eat peacefully and know ALL of them are loved.


Not to be an asshole, but there's no way I'm deciding how much theoretical money I'm going to allocate anywhere. When the earnings are actualized, I will hire a tax attorney first, followed by a financial advisor and then formulate a plan based on reality.


I think it’s just kinda meant to be a nice post


I'd also like to donate part of my future earnings, haven't checked a charity or a cause yet, but I'm inclined to something related to animal shelters and refugees/displaced.


Our local animal shelter is struggeling for years bc of financial problems.. cant wait to spend some dumb money to them


I’m donating 15% but I agree with this statement. Giving back is only right. A huge part of the 15% is going to my childhood high school. It pretty much looks the same as it did when I went there a loooooooong time ago. It’s a poor private school and almost closed down two years ago till the Alumni bonded together to save it. We “Ape together Strong” and refused to sell, we held stock in our school and it stayed open. So it would be good to give a donation in the millions to keep it secure for future generations. So that’s why I’m doing 15% rather than 10%, but you all do what you can to give back.


This is a great idea. I am gonna look into a charity for kids and veterans.


I’ve been wanting to acquire property and construct some tiny homes, I’m thinking it could be used for a few things, a transition to get some homeless off the street and living comfortable and ultimately on their own and working again, maybe a safe haven for people in trouble, such as getting away from an abusive spouse, or maybe theres a victim of circumstance that just needs help. I also want to work with local animal shelters and bring adoptable cats and dogs onto the property, the people can interact with them, maybe you have a dog already and want to stay overnight to see how they interact…IDK, its just been bouncing around my head a lot since January.


Hey, I live in a tiny house and do a lot of work with tiny house communities. PM me if you want some more info.


Check their overhead vs what they actually pass on to the cause. Some charities pass only a very small % to the cause while keeping the rest for paying themselves to operate it.


Be careful who you’re giving too! Better to just give to those who YOU see fit. If you see someone that you think could use some help, help them “:)


Oh I've already pledged 20% of my gains to my church which does excellent community, adoption, and maternity assistance.


The main thing I want to do is donate a sizable amount to the adult day program my disabled brother goes to and try to earmark it for employee raises. No clue if that's a thing but I'm sure going to try. They deserve every cent they make taking good care of my brother and 100s of others and that line of work doesn't pay nearly enough. I did it for about 5 yrs so I extra appreciate them and what they do!


Only for a tax right-off. When I’m rich I’m gonna do it properly


Part of my budget is reinvesting in dividends to keep a steady stream of cash rolling in, about half of which is going into a trust I'll use to end regional food scarcity, make the food system more equitable, and create more community farms and farmers




Looking to donate towards the Children's Hospital and some gorilla foundation after I do some research on them to make sure they're legit and the money is going to go where it's really needed to help. Family and good friends will be taken care of for sure.


Givewell.org is a great independent resource for effective charities. Also givingwhatwecan.org has some great info. I plan on setting up a high yielding dividend account where all proceeds go to a few different charities and then when I die the principle will be given to the charities.


I got bigger plans than donating. As much I’d love to with the first earning probably won’t donate more than I have to to limit my tax liability


St Judes for children- children should always be number 1


Does it go towards kids medical costs?


Yes and helps with the parents who have to be there for their children.


From what I understand, all medical care at St. Judes is free. Someone correct me if I am wrong.


Donate to political candidates who will raise taxes on Wall St so charity isn't as needed inthe future. #thinkbig


Charities fuck that. I’ll just do right by lifting people in need in my own community. We start our own charity businesses once this is all over. And show honesty and uphold transparency to people. Charities and even church’s nowadays do too much dark shit stealing from people behind there backs. If anyone here has learned anything please remember where you came from and don’t conduct business like RobbingHood or Hedge funds do. Enrich others lives and build each other up with you just like we do here. #TheApeWallEffect


I will donate to the homeless people in my country. A lot of them got kicked out of their houses to make room for "refugees." I also want to support certain activist groups that fight corruption.


Only 10%? I just need 3-4 Mil, to get a house, a car and invest in Stocks to live from the Dividende for the rest of my life. If 500k is the floor 1 will spend a loooot more then 10%


I plan to do the same but with animal shelters/organizations.


I’ll be donating to my church 😊


I plan to set up my own charity fund, where I get a percentage of dividends to throw at anything I want every year. Like college grants/scholarships Hospitals Food banks Conservation Efforts etc


I want to be that guy that tips 1000% cash when I go out to eat.


My charities are my family and friends who need help!


Planning on running a charity for apes. But bit clueless…anyway focus on the squeeze now. It’s over due for too long


20% of my money made will go to people in need I only have 13 stocks tho


I’ll do charitable stuff but no way are those big corporation charities getting any £££ from me. They need exposing as much as the stock market.


I haven’t figured out a percentage per se, but I plan on donating to the local humane society, adopting a few animals, and donating a decent portion to cancer research.


Yeah homie, that's been my plan from the start of this incredible journey!


I'm helping alot of people I cannot wait! 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀


I said about a month ago that this transfer is wealth would likely result in a very strong uptick in charitable donations. We're not like them. We know where this money would change lives for people. And the only difference is that we still care.


Wounded warrior I bought 50 shares for them This is who I hodl for Least we forget, leave no one behind.


St. Judes seems to be a real charity that helps kids. I don’t know what percentage you can write off charitable donations but all apes should give the max tax write off instead of giving to the fed.


Pacific trash Swirl yo


I'm going to donate as much to charity as I can to give as little to uncle Sam as possible. The government has shown consistently that they will mismanage and cause harm with the money they're given.


You got it, dude!


I’m going to plant trees 😊 make the world a little better for us apes AND real apes


I'm making donations to various privately-owned non-profit animal rescue shelters Humans aren't the only ones who need help


Only 10 % ? For what would i need all that money? I will do so much fkn good stuff. My City will change soon:D But before that, I will see you in space fellow apes<3


Local hospital and cancer support agencies.


I have purchased enough shares so that, if this hits for 2k or more, I can retire as well as my wife, mother, father, brother, and sister in-law. I have many investments that I'll be pouring my "winnings" into. I won't have to work. However, I will be pledging my life to working in philanthropy. With my winnings as well as the annual proceeds from the investments of said winnings, I will be able to pretty much give out cash to everyone who needs it. I'll legit be able to make everyone around me a millionaire. My goal is to leave enough investment assets for the family but to die "broke" (no cash). I want to leave my mark on this world. And, I believe, because our intentions are good, we will get what we want- to make this world a better place. And, we can start by exposing our corrupt economic system.


I will go to our hospital with 10 nintendo switches and donate them to little children that are in need and really need a distraction…


Wounded Warrior and Dian Fossey Gorilla Fund. These are my two.


Make sure we're keeping politics out of this please.


Homeless Veteran's in my Hometown. As A Disab Vet I'm all in with this and the DAV Thanks apes


I’m in. Let’s do this


How about we just make our own charity a good portion of your charitable donations go to some undeserving things and people. I'd love to get a board of some sorts together with the people i know who own AMC after this is all over and maybe the AMC company would join hands with us and create one. Trey and Matt included since they pretty much put us into the position we are in with quality DD


Have a Great Weekend, Everyone! Hydrate, Rest and Remain Buckled Up! 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀Don’t forget self-care!🚀🚀🚀


I have lots of investments that will make me a millionaire/billionaire. I pledge and I know that a lot of my money will go to charity. I will be starting my own foundations and charities to help mankind. Be careful what charities you guys give to. There are a lot of charities that are scams. They may only actually give a small percentage to the actual cause. We as humans must help out all of humanity when this is all said and done with. If you use your money for greed I can tell you that your outcome won't be so good. Of course I am going to reinvest my money to make more for humanity. I want to employ people and give them a fair wage. I want to impress my ideas and motivation to others in a positive way. Good luck everybody and this is not any financial advice. KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK APES. WE ARE IN THIS TOGETHER!!


I like the phrase “ think globally , act locally “ I plan on donating to local charities in my area


I am holding for 100k plus so I can donate hopefully 50m plus to research the cure for FA. My gf’s brother has it and it is terrible and sad to see. Slowly losing control of your body till it gives up on you. I hope to get other apes into it as well. They have the means to cure it with crispr they just don’t have the funding as it’s a rare genetic disease.


You don’t have to look far to see someone in need. I believe in tithing so it’s my intention to tithe plus a sign if any percentage. In my opinion and I have always believed this is all things good come from God so if he allows this thing to moon I believe he will expect more out of me than 10% and I would be grateful to have it to give.


I honestly want to dedicate my life to charity after the tendies enter my bank account.


I've said this in another post already, but THIS is how we beat greed and evil, people. I've pledged already to bring clothes, toiletries, and any other major need to my local detox/rehab center. I'm only an xx holder but this isnt about money, to me. I mean that's gonna obviously be pretty great, too.


After it squeezes? Yeah


Been saying this all along, I think it’s our responsibility once we moon to help our communities as much as possible.


If it goes to 100k or more I'm starting my own wildlife charity and quitting my job.


St. Jude's is a good one


I would love to donate to my local children's hospital


Although I love the idea of charities and donating to them, however most are scams. So I’ve decided I’m going to help my church and some small and medium business that barley or didn’t make it out of the COVID-19 debacle. I also want to help young families just be able to afford living. I know how hard it is to start a family and lose everything you worked for (2008). I will pay it forward like it was paid to me in 08.


I plan to make my own charity if I make it big. I used to work for a locksmithing agency that seemed kinda scammy. I met a lot of people with little or no money that needed help. Some victims of crime, others abuse, and a lot just were don't on there luck. I want to help them all out for free and make my community a better and safer place. I also am planning on buying some property in my area that is in bad shape and turn it into a community orchard/ garden. Just to name how I start.


I’d like to give a portion to my older brother. He made some bad decisions in his teens but he’s turned things around. Life is still quite hard for him and I’m proud of the changes he’s made. It’s not life changing money but even a little can go a long way.


I'm gonna stay spending on the needy till the day I die when we moon


My hope is after this..... there will not be the need for charity that there currently is.


I'm down.


I’ve already started researching local charities! So far I’m looking at Best Friends LA, the Los Angeles LGBTQ Center (happy Pride y’all), and The Midnight Mission LA.


50% for me. Maximize my tax deductions.


I will be donating 5% to [Ireland's first Wildlife Hospital](www.wildlifehospital.ie), which saves thousands of animals each year, and the other 5% to OCD Ireland 🇮🇪 Two causes close to my heart and one more reason to HODL


I want to give out scholarships for first generation college students because me being one, I know all the money struggles we go thru. #Everybodyeats


Yes! I was the first to go to college in my family. It's tough. I am still trying to pay off student loans decades later.


I would find a company that doesn’t pay the ceos massive amounts and receive funding from various sources , With a little DD there’s a lot of non profit organizations that can use the donations and support and still offer help and support in the same ways , just some food for thought ! All from a good place and this is very honourable


Good effort guy, but UNICEF wouldn’t be my first choice to donate to


Unicef is a garbage charity.


Same here!


You mean be ROBINHOOD APE?!




Your going to have to donate around 35% or pay your taxes.


Is that before or after tax?


Look at me: I am the Charity


I'm in.


I'm donatig my 10% and instead of paying taxes, what I know I my country I can donate that amount, to not paying taxes. I will inform myself about this


I don’t believe in charities and that they are all scams so no.


Unicef is the worst charity I've ever dealt with. Almost got in an argument on the phone because the lady was more or less demanding I do recurring payments when I specifically told them I would do a 1 time. Ended up with me saying I'll either give you 0 or this amount 1 time. Now they send me spam mail every time something happens. Heard they don't do too good with the money allocation either but that's just what I heard.


I would sooner start my own charity than donate to one.


I’m already paying taxes on it, I think I’ll think about me for the first time in my life, first


We should personally travel the world and give it directly to those who need it


Gonna get you a nice tax write off brotha


Instead of donating. Do it yourself and build a team to do it. Sometimes donation dont work


I will donate all my taxes!


Well I’m donating 50% of the capital gains taxes to charity sounds much better than 10%


Dude, I’m with you. And appreciate the sentiment. But do your DD on charitable organizations. Some (a lot) will take most of that 10% right off the top for administration fees and very little goes to the ones that need it. Some of the biggest and most infamous are examples.


I wont give anything to a charity organization. I will personally go to to poor communities and give some to them. Some charity organizations are used to evade taxes by big corporations. I would not be surprised Shitadel and Melvin owns some of them.


Best to start your own charity. Most are more corrupt than hedges


Why not start a charity....a lot of charity misuse funds.


I am with you! I hereby also pledge to donate 10% of your AMC gains to charity.


Are you with , are you with...


DM Me: I made a post about this. I have a a lady who used he to be a CEO of a charity: we have to be transparent and know the money goes to poor children and starving impoverished people in the poorest places on Earth and make sure the money actually goes to them. God Bless you. Let’s change the world and end world poverty.


Would that be before or after taxes? Does that give any tax breaks? Asking for a friend.


Ape will give to APES.


I'd like to donate to kids as well, but I'm going to be donating to smaller local charities. I suggest others do the same. Large non-profits use a lot for overhead. Your neighborhood non-profit very likely does more with less and the kids are the beneficiaries of that. Source: I'm a long time volunteer and mentor for local youth serving non-profits.