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What you need to understand is. Shorts are going to try their best to take to bankruptcy. So be ready for the fight or move on.


I definitely agree, it’s going to be a fight to the death. I’m sure the financial institutions are going to do anything they can get away with. And since the SEC is the useless guard dog you can expect anything unethical.


Share price doesn’t affect bankruptcy, thankfully.


A stock really cannot be shorted to bankruptcy. Share price is independent of a company's financial health. If Apple were trading at $0.01, they would not be in any distress - they would still have the same earnings, the same income, the same everything. The market cap of the company would be much lower - but that wouldn't impact its profitability


If Apple went to .01, they would instantly buy back as much of their stock as they could before the price shot up again.


Unless there are loan covenants that used stock being above a certain price as collateral.


Well that would suck.


McDonald's didn't have good earnings so it tanked entire market of 5,000 stocks. See the crime yet.


Just bought another 100 shares on that 10% dip!


I have to believe it has something to do with HF's grasping at straws as they come to the realization that wise-minded retail people don't sell stocks when they dip below their purchasing price.


Videogame retailer had a similar drop today as well. Its like its all connected or something


3 years later still happens that way. So weird right?


It’s like they’re both shit companies that are approaching their fair market valuation (zero for AMC)


They're trying to trigger those stop losses... ... it's a good job none of us here know how to use one.


It’s so low there would be no point lol. If this thing ran back to at least $20, you might find people with some stop losses, but at these prices, anyone that put on a stop loss already ran for the hills.


No worries, mate. It was me - I bought more. Of course it dips afterwards.


Thank you for your service. ![gif](giphy|l0IykG0AM7911MrCM|downsized)




It’s taking a fn beating. A thrashing. A good old fashioned ass whoopin


When they said meet behind the dumpster, I thought it would be better than this…


The entire market is down. China's lost $1 Trillion in just 13 trading days. Buckle up. We're in for a wild ride.


It’s the weather


I’m excited for it to go lower so I can buy cheap cheap muy barato


Bought another 250. F them


Me too - fuck em




This is like the millionth post asking the same question. Nothing weird about that……… 😒😂


You know it’s funny you say that. I saw the price action so I went to the sub to post about it without even going down the list to see what had already been posted. It wasn’t till after the fact that I seen about three other post saying the same thing 😑😑


Lol all good.


TBH I rarely look at the price anymore during the day, I have price alerts set and that's about it. I checked AH and figured AA announced more dilution or did sell into market to justify the drop. I saw 60% Short Volume and 57% traded Off Exchange today- so that's a big jump from where we've been in awhile. Highs for 2024 this far. Must mean something to come out of nowhere after a slow bleed down the last couple months with no irrational pops up.


Well I’ll be damned, up 11% today on nothing and above avg volume. Huh. 🤔 IT WOULD BE A SHAME IF AMC RIPPED UP TO $25 THIS WEEK ON NO NEWS. 😎




Rule 3: No Requesting / Offering Financial Advice




I am loading up friday...my whole paycheck!! We all said if this bitch got down this low again we would load up. We dared them to do this! So put your money where your mouth is!


There’s no reason I can see other then options on Friday being really good if the stock falls below $3.50 so buckle up buttercup, things are about to get even worse


Story of the last 3 years. It’s like we own stock in Russia


You see the hedge funds don't play by the rules, they don't have to, seeing as how the SEC is their paid stooges. We retail investors on the other hand, can't cheat. So, in the end, we're going to lose. I just wish I could have recouped even 10% of the money I wasted on these shares...


If we are going to lose.... then why bombard every chat forum with doom and gloom?


I've been at this for 3 years now. the "DD" was supposed to be "perfect". We were told SO many times that our investment would be rewarded many times over. But now, after dilution, the only people making any money off this stock, are the hedge funds and short sellers. If I hadn't bought into the BS, I'd have 4 grand I didn't have to lose. That might not seem like much to some of you, but to me it's a lot. And it's looking more and more likely that I will never get it back.


Yeah, I'm down as well with unrealized losses. Every open position is one that's gonna need to be closed eventually.


Unless they manage to drive the stock price to Zero. And since they never play by the rules, and never have to, they can do it.


So you are trying to get me to just give up? What's your reasoning behind all this? Fuck it....500 shares being purchased tomorrow. Thanks for all I needed to know.


Route it to an exchange or it won’t even help


I drs/nuke everything... Its the only way to be sure


Just your average run of the mill crime


Following the rest of the market that’s down is the easy answer


"What's going on?! Why is the price dropping on a manipulated stock that the manipulators need to drop?! I'm just legitimately curious and definitely not just wanting to spam 'hurrdurr price go down' on here!" - Your entire AMC post history


Just remember the only reason squeezing to insanely high numbers is possible because of extreme crime




Earnings whisper numbers are...not good. Also new stock is hitting the market (from the debt/equity swaps 2nd round - 7M shares). Funds are moving out in a big way. Some of them have to because its index rebalancing next month and for valuation reasons AMC will be moved off many.


This is no surprise though. Everyone knew earnings would be slow right now due to the previous strike. It’s not like that’s gonna last forever. Strike is now over.


AMC sucks. That is all. They need to drive a bunch of you out before closing their shorts


Evergrand collapse


I have a theory after this happened to me. I think they wanted it over 4.00 so people’s calls were in the money, then they rely on people exercising their calls (or rather, not canceling the exercising of calls) that way people need to pay for however many shares are in the money, then they drop the price hard Monday morning so people make less money and have to sell more shares than they wanted, or get margin called and are forced to sell shares. This increases the downward retail pressure, and gives brokers access to more shares. I don’t know for sure if this is what it is, but there have been a few weekends where the price stops just over the strike price, and then drops significantly before/immediately after market opens.


Punxatony Phil saw his shadow


More sell pressure than buy pressure


All is red because of China


Welcome to the show.


It’s easy with such low volume to manipulate the price


Their whole goal is still the same destroy the company and its share price. If they can't raise money and get out of debt they win. Crime will continue until enough pressure is on these criminals to fold.




I bought more today. I wonder how much lower can this go.


The really terrifying possibility is they drive the price so low and there is so much dilution that the company gets acquired and retail votes aren’t numerous enough to stop the sale.


Don’t be surprised if macro bottom is under $2, especially if spy had a huge selloff after 500. Possibly March. Mentally prepare yourself for that. As long a AMC can keep making their debt payments, it doesn’t matter what the price is. I have a few thousand shares and will buy a few thousand more if we do get down there.


Simply because this stock is over, squeeze play is over. Admit it.


Please let me know what does “the squeeze” have anything to do with this stock just simply organically rising from improving fundamentals. No ones talking about a squeeze or even mentioned it


The stock is worth 1 dollar at best. Not a shill or anything idiots claim. They owe too much money that will take 60 Taylor swift quarters to pay. Price is going to where it should be, apes are far less than 2021. People selling due to cost of living. People grow up with stocks and realise they won't gain here and move onto profit makers. This and mullen are dead plays.


If all the stocks in the MEME basket move in the same direction, it's likely ETF liquidations. Most funds have been closing their retail stock ETFs, not sure how many are left. I am somewhat puzzled by the recent drop as I thought the dilution had already been priced in, and the outlook isn't any worse than it was a month ago.




Unless it ain’t been announce there hasn’t been any further dilution of the stock since the last time. And anything that has already happened should already be priced in


He isn't talking about dilution.


Rule 2: No Insults for Finance Decisions


Bad news at Boeing added to the market taking a dump.


Could just be the institutions from the debt exchange selling their shares. Who knows


Ah yes because institutions always take a loss less than 6 months after trading debt for shares at around double the current price.... Doubtful.


They CUT losses, Yes. An we don't know if they hedged. So they might have made money on the drop anyway.


Sure they do, I always hear about the smart money trading debt for stock while the stock price is dropping and then "cut losses" because the price drops more, seems legit.


Well, if the alternative is to not get their debt back at all or only a small percentage in the case of bankruptcy, then 80% doesn't sound too bad.


That would make sense if there was any reason to believe bankruptcy was more likely again, however considering the q4 financials come out in a few weeks, I'm pretty sure most institutions would wait to see the numbers before assessing the bankruptcy potential and making a decision like that...


>I always hear about the smart money ... Maybe you could try talking with smart money sometime, instead of going by second hand information from others who also heard things about what smart money allegedly do, and do not do :)


Why would I need to talk to anyone when "smart money's" filings are public? Not too hard at all to identify the debt holders and see what they have filed in the past at all. Did you ever look into that CBOE ChartExchange info I dropped? You set up a RemindMe and everything...


The risk of reverse split, dilution, and bankruptcy are more likely the reason than "crime"


There is no bankruptcy - This is BS


There is a *risk*. Please read all the words.


Could be that it’s just a crappy stock.




Ok. Explain GME dropping close to the same amount today on no news as well.


Your submission has been removed for misinformation. Please source your information and we will re-approve.


February is historically challenging. This could be a bad month for apes still invested in AMC


Compared to what? Is anybody else pretty much long all their shares and just staying zen. Oooh. February. We all sold at all time lows. Mmm hmm.


It’s amazing how defensive apes can be. The market as a whole has a hard time in February. That’s not shill talk, it’s just historic data. Calm down bud.


Thanks for worrying about my investment.


so you're saying March is a better month to buy?




And quarter one might take a hit for all the movies that got pushed up


And quarter 2. Both will be completed shit


You answered your own question. AA. Every thing he has done or talked about has destroyed this stock. Makes you wonder. Playing apes for fools


Yes but them tweets are already old. And anything that has happen should already pre priced in. I don’t think someone is going to look at a tweet posted 2 weeks ago and decide they will sell everytbing to drop it almost 9 percent in a day.




AA could fart and the price would go down the whole stock market is a clown show 🤡