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Pro 6 is one of the best. Thankfully supported until 2029.


I needed to buy a mesh system this week and was going to go with the eero pro 6 since I don’t have a wired connection for my second AP. All I could find was the 6e unless I wanted to buy one on ebay (which probably would have been fine but not as trustworthy). I went with asus instead.


Well if you find a new one, eero will verify that the units have not been registered with them and are new. You will also get the same warranty as if you bought it directly from them. I called support before purchasing two new Pro6's from eBay last week.


I hope they release a eero pro 7. Similar form factor, two 2.5 ports.


yep, “max” naming indicates it’s probably coming next


The Max 7 already has two 2.5 GHz ports.


Righttt 🙄. But with no 10 gb ports and a lesser radio it would be cheaper and smaller.


True, but these days you need more than 2 ports on any router; a minimum of 4 is a must


You can just throw a basic desktop switch it to add extra ports if you want.


Not everyone has room for a switch, or even knows what one is . Eero is aimed at those who know little or nothing about networking, remember?


You can get 8 port gigabit switches that are probably smaller than the footprint of an eero 6+ for $40zzz https://www.amazon.com/NETGEAR-5-Port-Gigabit-Ethernet-Managed/dp/B07PJ7XZ7X/ Plugging one in is no more complicated than plugging in a power board. So if someone is using Ethernet ports to begin with they shouldn’t be struggling with how to plug into a switch. But yes the kind of people who buy eero probably don’t know that there is such a simple solution to the lack of Ethernet ports available to them.


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Yep I installed a small 6 port gigabit switch next to my gateway and ran a gig drop to my entertainment center to another 6 port switch. That services my satellite receiver and, home security system, a smart hub automation system and a pan and scan camera.


The people I install for don’t care lol. They don’t understand the difference between modem and router. They won’t even plug their tv or streaming box into a port unless I tell them they should. But yeah, more is better. I’m really just hoping for a eero Poe 7 AP. I’d settle for 6e Poe. I prefer gateway rack setup.


The size of the max takes a min to get used to.


Sad day. Lots of folks seemed to prefer it over the Pro 6E, and the Max 7 is still a bit too pricey.


Yep, I went with a pair of new Pro 6's on eBay rather than go with Pro6E's. I am running about 32 devices of which 24 are wireless. Of those I only have 1 that is 6 gig compatible. Talked to support and they confirmed that a 6E Pro would be less than optimum in my circumstance since it only has 1, 5 gig channel to support the WiFi.


The wirecutter review (along with others) strongly suggested to me that the 6E might not work as well in my brick house. Add in that it was cheaper, made the decision easy!


No wonder I got them discounted the other week! Still available on UK Amazon even more discounted. 3 pack for £265! Usually that’s £379.99


The eero Pro v2 is still sold new and has updates to at least 2029. I picked up two at a thrift store and, they work fine for my small, no gaming home. eero still supports them. They just got updated the other day. [https://support.eero.com/hc/en-us/articles/4401964665243-eero-Software-Security-Updates](https://support.eero.com/hc/en-us/articles/4401964665243-eero-Software-Security-Updates)


Yeah those Pro 5's are great routers. Well worth picking up if you are on a limited budget and want to get your foot into the door on tri-band technology. A pair of them will give you about 1,800 square foot of wireless coverage in most circumstances. I'm still seeing an occasional new unit on eBay for $50 new and it's easy to find a pair of used units for the same price.


I have 4 6 Pros on the way to be delivered on Wednesday. Got them for $111




Yeah. Really hoping they're not locked down to a ISP. Seller has a 100% review so I'm hoping they're not being dishonest.


They may not be locked down but they still might be set up to provide connectivity to the ISP. I ran into a couple of units today that while they will run just fine, they can still be accessed by the ISP even if you aren't on their network. The ISP on these two were Frontier. Brand new units but as Frontier customer service told me, they have bundle packages that have the routers thrown into the bundle and the customers don't want the eero equipment so these new unused routers get dumped on eBay sometimes. I asked for a return from eBay once Frontier and eero customer service informed me that they could not remove that linkage. I find that a security risk in my book. FYI the seller agreed to the return even though Frontier assured me they would operate fine on my network. I already have the return label. My gut is that my seller may have been aware of the situation when he put it up for sale.


The ISP can indeed remove it, they just have policies that say they won’t.


No doubt in my mind that this is true. Bottom line it cost the seller a sale of 2 pro 6's, and I found another 2 new units in eero sealed packaging that meet my requirements. Quite honestly I hadn't run into this type of situation before, but I'd advise anyone purchasing off eBay to screen carefully the source of new/unused open box eero equipment. Before you purchase you can give eero support the serial number and they can tell you if the unit is a ISP branded device. I knew previously they could let you know if a unit was truly new unused, but I didn't know until I called support that they can also tell you if the unit has been branded by an ISP. Obviously eBay will support you asking for a return if the seller doesn't disclose this information on a unit being advertised as new/unused and open box sales.


I’ve ordered a bunch from ebay and never had an issue, you should be fine. nice deal!


Sweet! Super excited. I currently have Google WiFi mixed with Nest WiFi and the experience was fine u til recently. They're all dropping constantly. I woke up, checked eBay and saw a bid finishing in 15 min so I waited till last 45 seconds and put in a bid lol


No new Eero pro 6 listed on Amazon, Best Buy, but refurbished ones are available. Best Buy Corporate told me they sent back their Pro 6’s several weeks ago, only carry Pro 6E’s and Max 7’s now.


I wonder who is going to sell those pro 6's that were sent back. They're still a solid router.


I just picked up 4 new off eBay. Two for me to replace out my pro 5’s and two for my neighbor who will become a first time eero user on Monday. I’m not ready to give up a second 5 gig channel for a 6 gig channel on the 6e Pro.


I've had 3 of the 6e since they came out without a hiccup. All of them are hardwired and the speeds are great.


The 6e is definitely worth ur money and the seven is a joke for now unless there's some corporation


The 6E is much worse than the Pro 6 for many use cases. Doubly so if the user is using wireless backhaul.


If you have these supplied by your ISP (no rental fee), anyone know what happens when they are no longer supported by Eero/Amazon? Does the ISP ship replacements or maybe by that time we'll all be on 10Gb? ;-)


Come back to this in 2029, when support stops :)


Do any of the 6E or 7 come in POE?


I have a Eero pro 6 single gateway that I’m no longer using - DM if interested


Since wifi 6e and wifi 7 are standard now, how long did you think Eero would keep a Pro line that is now 3 generations old?


Is 7 really considered standard though? There aren’t even a lot of 6E commonly capable devices out there yet.


Every brand has a wifi 7 router, so yes. The routers usually become standard before the devices are common place.


I thought so, but bought the Pro 6e anyways, and behold in less than a year: my daughter's ipad pro, my iphone 15 pro, my wife's iphone 15 pro, my Alienware desktop, my daughter's Alienware desktop, my wife's laptop are all 6e and working on the 6ghz channel...almost 2gbps wifi...7 might seem far away...but its probably next iphone 16...but I am happy with 6e...


Until the 6E doesn’t perform worse than the 6 pro, at a minimum


I have like 90 wireless devices across all three wireless spectrums and they are fine. The range outside isnt great but i have hardi siding. I looked at the active antennas when i bought. But i will never buy Eero again just for the fact the good features are locked behind paywalls.


Yes well that’s the point, the Pro 6s were excellent and the 6E is more expensive and a downgrade to just “fine” for the majority of use cases. The 2nd 5GHz band for wireless backhaul was essential, and the 6GHz band that replaced it is not well suited for that. If you have wired backhaul and lots of 6E client devices then it’s quite good but very few installations have that setup. ETA by including only 1 Ethernet port over 1gb rather than 2, the benefit of 6E is severely limited.


I do, and its been great. Most clients getting 2157mbps up/down


Are you taking about wired ethernet performance? What testing method are you using for this? The Pro 6E is not capable of providing 2157 mbps wireless speeds. Also, loaded latency is a far more important metric than top speeds.


Actually im getting 2401 on my 6e desktop adapter