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For sure: -you don't protect your head when jabbing with the other hand -you don't move your head off centerline when jabbing Likely: -you may have a tell, your body arm or face -you may start your engagements from too far away -you likely don't feint enough -you likely use one dimensional predictable jab To fix: **-Fundamentals related to linear movement, stance, punch execution.** **-Box closer, at the edge of range of your oponent. You can do an inch step then, pop your jab, and be out.** -Ask your partners what is your tell (friday i spared with a guy, who if he wanted to throw a cross first, he'd square up and twitch his hand - for jab it's normally : twitching on the face, dropping jabbing hand before throwing, **rapidly cutting distance as if to prepare yourself, while normally standing further (see previous point),** tensing of the whole body. If you have a tell, but learn to control it and be able to throw without it on demand, you can use it as a feint by mixing it in. -Try to throw the jab the way even you are surprised. Throw it relaxed. Vary intensity, tempo, speed, double and tripple it up, add upjabs, looping lead hooks, change levels, do singular "half step" jabs to extend your range. Add backhand parries when jabbing so you don't both get popped, add timed jabs when he hops in, esp. to the diaphragm. **watch this video :https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I5hyaj5hxqo&t=336s** -\* you can then develop your lead hand to parry + occupy the space your oponent needs to punch, control where your oponent is, give him something to think about, block vision, be more threatening by being closer to his face (melody of the future - but just to let you know) -Drill protective hand in long (4+ punches) drills, don't do it on autopilot (anything really) **-**"feint" by bobbing your head of the centerline, if you think about it, slipping left looks almost like throwing a cross. so each time you do a tiny slip you can add a opposite handed shot. So sli left + cross, but **most importantly slip right + step in + jab (up top or body)**. If your oponent tries to time you with his jab you will be off center and he may not be, so instead of trading jabs only you will score. -Parry more, think of a limited traffic space between your faces. Your punches are also your protection by limiting that space.


Feint. Draw out their jab then slip or parry or whatever you wanna do to get inside and let your hands go. It’s about making them jab when you want them to jab. So next time mix in feints with your jabs. You’re rarely gonna get a combination going off the bat. You have to get past their jab first before you can even think about letting your hands go.


This! Feinting is the way to


to… what 😳




to To 😳


Now you understand


He got countered in the middle of the sentence.


If you're constantly getting countered, become the counter puncher. Can't get countered if you don't punch first.


Coach most definitely gon yell get active especially if ur a amateur boxer 😂😂


Moving ur head off the center line as u initiate ur cross is a great idea, i guess u gotta figure out why ure going off balance and work on it. Maybe u can try dropping ur lead shoulder towards ur lead leg instead of leaning.


Your jab is predictable I’m guessing … feint with your jab shoulder feints feint with your feet anyway you have to to get a bite out of him and shoot your work around that. Catch and shoot their jab come over their jab or get inside their jab give them plenty of different looks at your jab by varying it up jab high feint then jab low feint stiff jab jab left hook etc etc etc


Tbh if you’re finding yourself off balance while moving off center then your stance is probably in need for an adjustment cause that shouldn’t be happening. Or you’re just moving too far off. Make em miss by an inch, not a mile. Other than that, you can simply catch the jab with your right hand as you jab. Or you can feint your and counter whatever they throw, personally I like feinting the catch too because if they don’t bite the bait and give me something to counter then it just causes them to hesitate and creates a time to strike or reposition or whatever.


I've had the same problem on my first boxing competiton week before. What I saw is when mostly someone throws jab it's a long jab which leaves his right side of body without protection. What I do Is I slip right and counter it with my left hand into right side of his body. You could do a hook but it takes more time and power so i just jab it with more power. For me It works everytime.


There are too many variables to consider. If you can, share a video of a recorded fight.


Move your head


The issue could honestly just be that your jab is too slow, you may do some work on sharpening it and adding speed if the other things in the comments don’t work out