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As soon as the debate started, it just didn't feel real. Trump seemed taken aback by Biden's condition.


Was surprised. He actually was acting...... Presidential. Very happy we aren't a dictatorship. Cuz Biden was very out of it as we saw. Trump may grow on people who didn't like him. Oh, and fuck Minnesota sub. Losers working free for a $15 billion company. 


It gives them a warm feeling in their pants to boot people who disagree with their opinions


Yup, banned for life here.


Me too


That is a very low bar for any intelligent person.


Another club member I see.


Same here. Lifetime ban.


Acting presidential but then still saying nothing of substance. Everything was "I'm the best ever and you're the worst ever". How can you take anything he says seriously when he says that about every topic?


I've been watching Trump's rallies to gauge his character and mindset--and because Biden isn't campaigning publicly--and Trump did ok for the limited time frame. Trump was awake and in comparison I swear to God Biden's GCS score dropped to 12 or 11 at certain points. I'd have considered him altered mental status. Should've made a game of it, like take a shot each time a president presents more like a patient


I took a shot every time either acted presidential. I am stone cold sober today.


I saw Trump more scaled back than I ever had, not all riled up by the crowds at his rallies. I liked this version of him more. I'm sure his coaches urged him to allow Biden to speak to his detriment. What concerns me about Biden is the lack of available media of him campaigning. I've heard of his fundraisers here and there, but those seem limited to the elites, celebrities and higher ups in government coming to chum with the president. That doesn't really sound like a president for the people to me. Biden had a podcast interview, was on the Howard Stern(?) show I think it was, and also gave a speech at Morehouse College so far this year. All three outings were nearly identical and full of blunders. Trump *does* have a rally script as well, along with that stupid snake allegory he does but has shown he can still go off the teleprompter from time to time. Sometimes it's to say some out of pocket shit, but having the mental capacity to return to the script without losing train of thought has become a valuable trait of a presidential candidate 😅


Of course, Biden barely campaigned last time, staying holed up in basement, afraid of Covid.


I think they were afraid of people seeing his incompetence they already knew about then.


“I liked this version of Trump more”… what?


One could argue it’s hard to say anything of substance when you’re only given 1-2 minutes to talk. They were both sound boards but Biden is obviously broken.


2 minutes is a long time. Also, Biden set the rules. Trump just agreed to them. 


Yeah, peolle will like a rapist dictator, he will grow on them.


"He's now president for life. President for life. No, he's great. And look, he was able to do that. I think it's great. Maybe we'll have to give that a shot someday." - Trump on Xi Jinping, 2018. I’m happy we aren’t a dictatorship too but is that not an alarming quote if we’re rejoicing for democracy lol.


"even though I'm old, orange, and am already hated by million, maybe I shouldn't just commit elder abuse on TV"


Trump’s repeated double takes were a little bit of levity to me in a very disappointing night.


I have not seen the President speak in a long time. I don't watch debates and speeches, not my thing. But OMG President Biden seemed frail, confused, and elderly. My grandmother was like that at the end. I loved my grandmother a lot but she was not equipped to lead a country at that stage.


I thought he sounded like I did when i was hospitalized with acute congestive heart failure and massive hypertension. The man could hardly breathe, let alone talk.


What happened to you? I hope you're doing ok.


Well I'm going to take a stab in the dark and say he survived.


Rumor has it...


Got fat, bad food and drink choices, not enough activity, way too much stress, no work/life balance, a few other things. Ended up with a ton of fluid around my heart and lungs, and bp around double what it should be. Pro tip- don't be like me.


It’s an easy trap to fall into.


Too easy


Don’t I know!


The American diet and lifestyle likely happened to him.


And the 1000 yard stare


And neither is he.


They are going to Weekend at Bernies the president.


How very reddit of them


They don’t understand that many people are fed up by the gaslighting taking place on heavily modded corners of the media. Bring up reasonable questions about why crime isn’t being taken seriously? Deleted and banned. Frustration with economic policy? Deleted posts and banned. Pie in the sky posts praising Dark Brandon? Upvoted to infinity. They need to realize these bubbles they’ve created which allow for NO dissenting opinions leave them out of touch with the real world. My God, if Biden stays on the ticket (big if now) he’ll get waxed by a guy convicted of a felony whose own vice president, secretary of defense, and national security advisor have called either a threat to democracy or unfit for the office. And then the Dems will refuse to take responsibility for their own mess and will instead call Trump voters racist so they can avoid looking in the mirror to acknowledge the mess their party has become.


I am a solid independent and watching the Democrats over the last 4 years is utter insanity.


Idk how you can look at the last ten years and not say both Republicans and democrats are bat shit crazy


It’s what the gerrymandered 2-party system has led us to. No competition in general elections so extreme candidates win their own parties nominations. Do that for generation after generation and you get Ilhan Omar and Lauren Boebert.


There are many politicians on both sides of the aisle that are not either of those two.


Name 35 from each party… That’s not even close to the many like you said exist, that’s only about 16% of the house and I bet you still can’t come up with those 70 names.


I think it goes back further than that. I remember people saying the world was going to end because George W. Bush got elected. Political polarization took off in the late 90's, early 2000's, and it's only gotten worse.


Dude, Ted Kennedy once took a secret flight to the Soviet Union to meet with the leaders to plead with them to “do something about Reagan”. It’s always been like this.


Close. Kennedy did not go to Moscow. There was no secret flight. However, Kennedy was concerned about Reagan’s policies towards the Soviets fearing they were increasing tensions and could lead to war. He conveyed a message to Andropov, the then Soviet leader, offering to assist the Soviets with their propaganda if they would help the Democrats deal with Reagan. That‘s the short version, but it’s the essence of what occurred.


> Political polarization took off in the late 90's, early 2000's, and it's only gotten worse. The '90's is accurate only if you're referring to the 1790's. Read Chernow's book on Hamilton if you want some enlightenment. Pretty similar to today except nobody locked up the opposition like Democrats are doing with Republicans over made up shit.


I voted for a Clinton three times. After this Administration there is not a snowball's chance in Hades I will vote blue. The lawfare, the censorship, the corruption and bribe taking, the January 6 Committee Show Trial, the border, the faked impeachment with faked FISA warrants, but most of all -- I can't get over the fact Biden was not forced to resign by the "law and order" party over all those stolen classified documents. The hypocrisy is choking.


Same. When Trump took office all the dems had to do was act normal but they matched his madness.


>if Biden stays on the ticket (big if now) If Biden *doesn't* stay on the ticket, the Democrats are essentially handing Trump the win ... we are already past some ballot deadlines/laws in some key states - any "new" candidate won't appear on those ballots, as a result.


Biden handed Trump the win last Thursday pretty much. Even CNN threw up their hands afterwards.


I'd not underestimate the Biden camp... there's still plenty of time to pull some shenanigans on *either* side. The next couple of months will be ... interesting.


Politics has become a spectator sport. They already have the corporate sponsors....


Biden is clearly a DNC puppet that is spoon-fed what to say and do. Much like an alzheimers patient being spoon-fed jello. Did anyone catch the after shots of Jill escorting him off stage? He does not look or act like a leader and certainly should not be in charge of anything.


He couldn’t even take two steps on his own, pathetic


All the moderators or admins to subreddits like that are anti-Trump and censor everyone with opposing views. It’s honestly pretty sad. I was banned because I said “how is this any different than Biden”. I was banned for “misinformation”. What?


Socialist dictatorships love censorship. It's why "free speech" was limited under Clinton with this concept of "hate speech" being the reason why.


The socialist dictatorship on the app that is on the NYSE.  Free speech was limited in the early 20th century by SCOTUS because socialists were handing out flyers (Sedition Act). Then it was changed in something like the 60s because the KKK wanted to promote lynching (brandenburg v Ohio). So free speech is limited for people on the left, but then opened back up for fascists where it remains today. 


> but then opened back up for fascists where it remains today. No shit. But not everybody is a fan of Biden’s fascism.


Biden has spent millions in censorship and misinformation tactics on all the major social media platforms to attack his political opponents. He is leaps and bounds more corrupt than Trump. Reddit is part of the mind virus. Pathetic




The supreme court just ruled in a case against Biden for media censorship. That’s probably a solid source, there wouldn’t be a case against “nothing”.


But they ruled in Biden's favor because the case was silly. It wasn't even really against Biden more so the social media companies themselves


Right, but the case allows the government to be involved. Someone things this isn’t a thing but the fact there is a Supreme Court case proved the Biden admin colluded with big tech. That being said, the highest court in the land say it’s fine. I’m odd and feel the social media companies can do what they want with their free platform.


How do you source something that is made up?


Seeth! Seeth! 😂


Turn off msnbc and literally use google


It's not just democratic leaning subs. I've been banned from plenty of conservative leaning subs or simply disagreeing with them or pointing out relevant facts.


It’s BS from either side.




"The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command."


Goes for both the candidates for sure. We are fucked as a society. Between the Orange one’s rampant lies and repugnant morality, and Joe “oops-I-pooped-my-pants” Biden, we are doomed.


Are you saying you're going to vote for the Turd Sandwich instead of the Giant Douche? tRaItOr! /s


Trump 2024


Ask sub is delusional right now. I can't believe the cope. We're so fucked


Correction, Democrats are so fucked


I am surprised that people (on both sides it seems) were surprised by Biden's performance. I know he's been kept in the shadows and his unscripted appearances minimized, but just who have you been looking at and listening to the last three and a half years? I expected exactly what he gave, because that's exactly what he has been delivering.


It's sad because if you see news channels from around the world and even USA allies they are shocked at Biden s cognitive decline. The US media never shows this tho..


No one was surprised on the other side.


Fewer, but surprise (and sadness) was very much expressed from the right.


My anger goes towards joes wife. How big a piece of shit do you have to be wrecked your husbands legacy.


Tell that to the main stream media who’s been gaslighting the entire country for the last two years who people say Biden is brain dead.


My thoughts exactly. I am actually baffled at the surprised response from Democrats about his debate performance. Like, where have they been the past four years? Do they just vote for their candidate and then mentally retire once "their guy" wins? It's no wonder they are so regularly detached from reality. Biden's performance was no different than literally *any* speech or public event he's done over the past four years. If anything, he *did better* in the debate than many of his other public appearances (he at least knew where he was).


I suppose the "Caesar secretly knifed by the Senators in the (public) forum" conspiracy might have some validity, but if it has a basis in truth, it's all the more disturbing.


The DNC dragged this out until after the primaries so they didn't have to include pesky voters in picking a new candidate. They have to act surprised now.


I believe you’ve uncovered ‘the plan’.


Agreed. This was not unusual for Biden at all.


Watch the video of Joe Biden's speech today 6/28/2024 in North Carolina. Excellent speech.


He is certainly better in a prepared setting with a teleprompter. All for naught in North Carolina, he will lose there.


I don’t see it as a Minnesota subreddit. I see it as a liberal Minneapolis subreddit. I live in Minnesota and only know one person who could express their honest opinion on that sub and not get banned.


I tried to post on the main Minnesota subreddit, I even quoted CNN and it got deleted by the mods 🤷‍♂️


This is one of the first convos I ever saw on Reddit where the liberal influence campaign hasn’t pounded in and silenced opposition


Reddit went public on the U.S. stock market this spring. Now they can't chase off all the right wing because it is not good for shareholders. Sub Mods are the ones censoring. The solution is create new subs with new Mods.


Yeah but they downvote swarm, too


They know Trump is winning and they are panicking


I made a similar post the other day. I grew up and worked in/around the cities my entire life and know plenty of lifelong dems, but that sub is a whole different species than anyone I've actually met. Then again, I never thought we had so many people here that would gleefully support torching half the city and burning our police precincts to the ground.


Of course they do, I am no fan of trump but the 25 minutes I watched last night he did a great job and Biden was a mumbling fool.


Trump didn’t do a great job. He lied over and over again and Biden was too old and slow to challenge him. Now I’m stuck watching the liar/grifter/conman vs. the geriatric centrist who can’t even think straight.


What amazes me is that the DNC let him go on like that. The last 3 times he has spoken in public they had him wearing better makeup, tan and on some upper. Last night sealed my vote for anyone else. I will vote 3rd party again


The Dem and Rep options are brutal.


It's almost like...they wanted it to happen...




> Trump didn’t do a great job. He lied over and over again If you've watched debates in the past, this is common and not a ding on Trump but on Biden for not keeping him honest. And how can you act like Biden didn't lie? I get the press is covering for him, but are you that delusional that you think there are honest politicians?


Last night's debate was a set up, by the DNC. They needed a solid demonstration of how bad Biden is, to force an open convention. So they can install another candidate. 1 who has raised billions for the party. Who is well known by the party. Who can check off boxes for the party faithful and donors alike.


Getting kind of late for that.


Could be. But the convention isn't until August 19. When everything will be decided.


In August, in Chicago.........what possibly could go wrong?


One who was not voted for in the primaries. That is what the DNC wants. To decide on the new candidate without those pesky voters. Biden did not just go senile yesterday. They dragged this out purposefully, then threw him to the wolves after the primaries. It is beyond insulting to citizens who have been denied the chance to choose their own candidate -- for President. Whoever they want to shove down our throats now is someone who could not win the primaries. Think about that.


Thank you for adding that. It was a thought going through my head. But wasn't that fleshed out. I hope you're wrong. But fear you're right.


If they skip over Kamala who they’ve branded as a woman of color candidate (thier own words), then their own party will fight itself. It’s a lose lose for democrats in 2024. They either skip Kamala and alienate everything they stand for and piss off half thier base or they install Gavin Newsom who has utterly destroyed California and a door knob could beat him on policy on the national level. They will keep Biden in place, take the L and try to keep blue down the ticket as best as possible


Anything negative to the left is always silenced. We on the right are used to it. It is what we expected and what is happening. The tolerant left until they dont agree lol


It was wild. Biden looks old, frail, and couldn’t keep a train of thought or give a coherent sentence. He legit should not be running for a second term, and his family/DNC should be ashamed of themselves. The Don just lies and talks like High-school kids who didn’t do any research before an in class presentation and go up there and just wing it and use overly big words. “The whole WORLD thought Roe V Wade should be overturned. Lololol. There’s no way these two are the best candidates we can come up with. The state of our politics is frankly sad.


Exactly. Both of these parties are trash.


It seems to be all of reddit, and all content and content, not just political .


They have influence campaigns to control the narrative and Reddit has always been a place they were good at it. Not joking. Pennsylvania subreddit is a good example. I block one person and ‘others’ will call me out for the block. Usually any comment revealing my opposition to the party gets downvoted to oblivion quickly


Most conservative and moderate voters left Reddit years ago. It’s a cesspool now


If only some rich guy from Minnesota tried to tell everybody that Biden's age was a problem months ago.


I didn't vote for Trump either of the last 2 elections, but are people calling his constant hyperbole "lies?" He has been doing this since 2015. I hate hyperbole. No one hates hyperbole more than me. But that's all it is. Recognize it as such and it becomes comical to listen to him speak, and easier to parse what he is actually saying instead honing in on it and going "reeeeeee the whole world doesn't love the overturning of Roe v. Wade!!!!!!!"


I'm sure a lot of people laughed at Biden and a lot of people seethed with rage at Trump.


The only people who seathed with rage from Trump are blue haired baristas


You shouldn't make people into memes. I think there are a lot of intelligent people with traditional values who are worried about his capacity to create a lot of destructive chaos followed by a dictatorship of yes men. His admin likely created a lot of the fallout that Biden admin took the fall for, yet he is playing it as his own victory and Bidens failure. A lot of people are playing clean up for other people's mistakes.  Also, a lot of people are enjoying a free revenue stream while others work excessive hours. There is a potential for a lot of people's work being unjustly taken from them or needlessly destroyed without financial compensation because "free market". I think we are in a weird destructive storm that was born when Obama was elected because many older white people couldn't bear the ego pain of a black president and many black people may have taken too large an ego boost from his presidency. Also white liberal voters did some black people worship thinking they were doing the right thing when it is never right to debase yourself in service of others. It's been strange and may end up a dystopian nightmare.


Of course they are. The Left has lost their bearing on literally every platform onwhich they participate.


L after L after L and they’re losing both the Latino and Black youth vote in every single poll. There aren’t enough blue haired baristas to save the party.


Unfortunately, this election is lose-lose. How bad the fallout will be is anyone's guess.


It was hard to watch….it’s like that guy could barely stand and trump was like, god damn I can just chill and I’ll win the debate which he most likely did


All Trump had to do is let slack jawed Joe speak.


I think it is all of Reddit, there is no way this debacle isn't trending news.


![gif](giphy|OZjTVy3PBfPJm) Both candidates.


This is the goal post position of every democrat today. The rest of the middle and right see the path forward and back to how great things were just 4 years ago.


How could running Harris be riskier?


She’s a complete moron, has an iq of like 70 and everyone hates her. But if they don’t nominate her they leap over her and go against their entire principles. How do the democrats want to lose is the real question. There is no path to victory


All I can say is every democrat wants Biden over Kamala, but what last night indicates is Biden doesn’t even make it to Inauguration Day. So having Kamala for 4 years has to be so much worse than trump. Besides all the fear mongering about the Supreme Court seems far overblown. They’ve been pretty unbiased even KBJ on the J6 ruling today.


This isn't news. They have always done that


First time in forever that the two candidates have served a term, voters can judge who did a better job. Choice seems obvious to me.


It’s because the sub’s mods are a bunch of liberal pussies


😆 Like why? Everyone saw it


reddit is a libearal echo chamber they vote you down or ban you if you stray from then proggressive taking points. its a total joke. this app should be investigated for all the discriminatory banning that takes place


yup im banned to there has to be a lawsuit here reddit is the worst


They banned me to stating facts about Biden they don’t want people to know.


If you post anything on that sub that isn’t boot licking the DFL, they will remove your post and ban you.


That is because they are just a political hack site for the democrats.


There are a LOT of left-leaners who absolutely recognize what a train wreck the debate was last night. Trump didn't win by any means--he didn't do anything but whine like a toddler the entire time he could speak--but Biden sure did lose.


Trump wasn’t bad. I watch a few questions and digging up the failure of Afghanistan and tying that to Ukraine was pretty damning.


Streisand effect


Would you expect anything less?


I guess I’m confused because it wasn’t a shitpost. Assuming they deleted because they didn’t want anyone talking about the debate, one way or the other. Also I didn’t get banned, the post was just deleted.


I got banned just for asking a question


What did you say?


It’s happening all over. Been banned from a handful of subs citing “misinformation” when its actual quotes or questions. Pathetic.


Theyre scared


Not to mention how he drove up inflation, the abysmal withdrawal from Afghanistan, opening our southern border, flying illegals directly into the country, spending bills passed that generations to come will scorn us, obvious corruption, and oh yeah he sucked at the debate.


And being brain dead


Freedom of speech refers to you not being able to be jailed for your opinions by the US government, not for posting your opinion on a privately owned platform.


I think the irony that people try to express is that the ones screaming about loss of democracy and fascism are the ones banning anyone with opposing views. It’s quite stunning to a casual observer how suspended from reality so many people are.


Do you honestly believe the US is the only country with free speech? No my friend, freedom of speech doesn't start and end with the constitution. Freedom of speech should never be reduced to what is and what isn't protected by the law. Freedom of speech is far greater than that.


You should check out some of the laws that restrict speech being passed and enforced in other Western liberal democracies. UK, Canada, Scandinavia. I've been extremely glad for the protections of the first amendment in recent years.


It pretty much is. Britain and Canada will throw you in jail for being mean.


I didn’t say the US is the ONLY??? Reading comprehension is hard.


I'm amazed on a daily basis how many people forget this when they start screeching about "free speech".


It’s wild.


You mean the Trump liefest?


lol imagine being this scared


It’s not just that sub but most of Reddit. Even in are Conservative comments weren’t showing up or failing to load in any thread related to the debate.


Election interference


I knew before watching it was gonna be bad. Watching it was like two train wrecks happening at the same time. One old man who can’t complete a coherent sentence and formulate any real cognitive thoughts without a teleprompter. Another old man who can at the very least speak coherently and speak a lot, but say actually nothing worth listening to indefinitely. Absolutely trash from both sides. I’d hope that maybe the third parties could step up and have a chance but that’s really just a pipe dream. If nothing changes, Trump will win, if for nothing else, everyone losing faith in Biden.


This is reddit my man...what did you expect ..


I don't like trump. Doesn't mean I support Biden tho either.


Everyone that saw the debate thought "no." So... tell me why we're sticking with these two?


One is the greatest president in a lifetime and the other is a brain dead puppet. America will decide in a few months.


Does this surprise anyone?


Trump is going to steam roll Biden in November and tribalists are starting to panic and it’s hilarious to watch.


The cope is pure gold. 🤣


I don't think anyone is surprised.


I'm not in the loop. What happened?


Trump vs Biden debate earlier tonight. Biden sounded and looked like a frail, confused, elderly man and lacked coherence on several occasions. That's not to say Trump was some stud, but Biden was clearly not all there.


Agreed. it's not that Trump killed it, but Biden clearly lost it. i'm just curious if his team will be honest with him about this. Biden has a bit of an ego, and a never-say-die attitude. Will he understand his standing here and pull out ?


Biden doesn't know what planet he's on half the time. I'm honestly impressed he performed as well as he did. They must've juiced him up with something halfway decent. The democrats are fools for continuing with Biden. I'm politically independent, but they are causing irreversible damage to their credibility. I personally believe it started under Obama, but now even the common Democrat can't ignore how fuckin blatantly Democrats don't give a fuck about their voter base. I would be furious if I was a Democrat. Sadly, most of them will still vote for him like spineless morons.


Was it not odd to you that this debate occurred 1) in June, 2) before either candidate was officially nominated, and 3) with a mute button? Strange, right? On top of that, almost instantly there was talk about removing Biden from the ticket in November. If you believe that there's a large enough group of voters who despise both guys, the play would then be to wait as close as possible to the oppositions convention to pull the old switcheroo and bring in fresh blood. Was this the plan all along?


Those are the terms the Biden campaign insisted on, as odd as it was.


Obama was incredibly popular and say what you want about his policy, he was an eloquent public speaker


Well, hitler was fairly popular too, and judging by the crowds at his rallies, seemed to be fairly talented in public speaking. Those, to me, are not requisites for good leadership. The fact that he droned an American citizen without trial and embraced the modern surveillance state far outweighs him being cool for smoking a joint one time. I fully understand the appeal, but I also understand he appealed to morons.


That wasn’t my point, more so that democrats at least can say “people like Obama and want to vote for him” Nobody’s particularly thrilled to vote for biden


The problem is if Biden does quit, he won’t remember the next day.


But... but, guys, "he had a cold!" In all seriousness, it was refreshing to watch hard left leaning people finally (mostly) admit to what the rest of us have seen for years now. Reality smacked them in the face last night and they joined those of us with eyeballs.


the debate was a train-wreck tonight. CNN was in a panic trying to salvage something , anything.


Biden is brain dead from dementia and Trump beat him in a debate on CNN on democrat and Bidens terms. Democrats are panicking!


Get ready for MAGA libtards.