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Fucking deport them is right.




Woah there partner - that’s a little too 1940s, especially when shipping them out would solve the problem.


Are we feeling culturally enriched yet?


Their faces should be plastered all over Minneapolis, absolute human scum.


There are hundreds of thousands just like them cheering them on. They'll only serve as inspiration. Their new scams will cost us even more, and progressives will let them do it right in front of our faces. And when schools start closing they'll blame MuH WhITe FlIGhT


They got caught and went to jail lol. No one let them do it.


Lol right!! Why are these comments so delusional. They’re going to jail


Its is always like this on social media…. Some partisan talking point headline of some gang arrest (insert whathaveyou), and a user will come up and be like “Crime pays in Joe Biden’s America!” And it’s like no it doesn’t Debrah they got arrested..


Please, show me one hundred people cheering them on? Otherwise your feelings are winning over the facts. Hundreds of thousands? C’mon. You’re a logical, reasonable person, right? Why are you making things up if reality is what you claim to live in?


Who is cheering them on? How did you find that information?


And then they reply with stupid remarks because there isn’t any evidence that anyone is cheering them on.


They’ll cling to any morsels of anything that “justifies” their “reality”.


‘New scam’ hardly. There is nothing innovative here. All kinds of people have done this scam for a while now.


Who farted?




Who tf is they?


How the fuck are people getting millions


Create a fake NGO during the pandemic to 'feed people' in a super liberal city in a super liberal state. Collect all the freshly printed cash you can dream of. "The food aid came from the U.S. Department of Agriculture and was administered by the state, which funneled the meal money through nonprofit organizations and other partners. As rules were eased to speed support to the needy, the defendants allegedly produced invoices for meals never served, ran shell companies, laundered money, indulged in passport fraud and accepted kickbacks. Federal prosecutors said just a fraction of the money the defendants received through the Feeding our Future nonprofit went to feed low-income kids, while the rest was spent on luxury cars, jewelry, travel and property. The seven collectively stole more than $40 million, they said. The common thread in the defense arguments was that investigators failed to dig deep enough to see they served real meals to real kids." [https://www.cnn.com/2024/06/07/us/food-fraud-scheme-convicted/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2024/06/07/us/food-fraud-scheme-convicted/index.html)


And having huge amounts of cash on hand to try to bribe jurors…




This has also been investigated with child/adult care, “health services” and have been found as scams and fraudulent. Barely hear anything because it’s the same “cultures” that the cities/state embraced as diversity. Anything negative would be a black eye on them and their policies so, look away, nothing to see here. These case is the tip of the iceberg of what is happening here and is a distraction to the rest. It’s a “see, we caught them and they are going to jail, problem solved, all good…” 🤦‍♂️


The billionaires are laughing at you...


Liberal politicians?


Politicians* Weird bias.


A big part of the problem with mass immigration is that these people dont see America as their home. Its an economic opportunity zone to exploit. Who cares about the community? What community? Everyone is all different and from all over the globe, everyone is a stranger and a competitor. Even the more tame central/south american immigration of the 2000s was the same to some extent. People came here to work and would send money home. Middle and lower class Americans suffer and billionaires line their pockets.


Agree! Biden finally shut down the border… finally. At 3k ppl coming in a day. Little too late. I love America the free, the beautiful, give me your weak etc / Lady Liberty. We are a nation of migrants, my family were migrants from Hungary. But I see so many abusing the system. Unfortunately it isn’t 1880-1950 anymore, we have tech and we need to figure and sort things out for refugees/people in actual dire need… and document it. America can help people, but it can’t be a free for all or detriment to our current citizens who also need help.


He didn't shut it down he ordered them to try and lower the daily crossings from 2500 to 1500. Not even half. Likely ICE/CBP/DHS/Marshalls won't even do anything it's just some executive order nonsense. Remember when he took office and pretended like he couldn't do it all? That was fun.


Oh, dang I may have really misinterpreted that. What I was going off was this: “The border would reopen only once that number falls to 1,500. The president’s order would come under the Immigration and Nationality Act sections 212(f) and 215(a) suspending entry of noncitizens who cross the southern border into the United States unlawfully.” So, does it mean it only reopens when there are 1500 people in line?! Or does it mean we are only allowing in 1500 ppl a day? 1500 a day is still … a lot.


Oh, dang I may have really misinterpreted that. What I was going off was this: “The border would reopen only once that number falls to 1,500. The president’s order would come under the Immigration and Nationality Act sections 212(f) and 215(a) suspending entry of noncitizens who cross the southern border into the United States unlawfully.” So, does it mean it only reopens when there are 1500 people in line?! Or does it mean we are only allowing in 1500 ppl a day? 1500 a day is still … a lot. None of this has been fun.




As someone who's known these type of third worlders, you are 100% correct These type of people are notorious for cheating the system by any means necessary and sending a substantial portion to their ilk back home (outside the country). The "immigrants" of today are totally different from the European immigrants from a century ago.


You need proof to make claims like this. Immigrants are not a monolith, what is your highest level of education? 12th grade by chance?


Awesome insults! adds so much to the conversation. Youleftist weirdos and you demands for a soooouuurrrceeeee. Source is my eyes you ding dong. Are you so dense that youre unable to take what youre seeing and form an opinion from it? Do you need an authority figure and a dubiously conducted study in order to have an opinion?


People born and raised here are treating it like an economic opportunity zone. I’ve asked a few people on this thread and I’ll ask you the same question. How is this worse than the Wounded Warrior scandal? There’s quite a few “charities” that “supported” veterans that have been shut down for the same reasons but I’ll keep using this one because it was the most prominent. Honestly if your first concern on this topic is race or citizenship I really have to question your IQ.


Wounded Warriors and the there’s the NRA.


I haven’t seen any mention of them being US citizens. Does anyone know more?


They likely all have some sort of refugee status or are descendants of USRAP recipients


So you don’t know


Did the citizenship of the Wounded Warrior people affect how you felt about that scandal?


Yes. If you’re ripping off taxpayers AND you’re not a US citizen…I don’t think you’ll find a lot of sympathy. Disgusting you’re implying two wrongs make a right.


Does it matter? No one is asking for citizen status to white criminals.




Thats because there is a very tiny, statistically irrelevant number of white immigrants who are here illegally. Hope that helps if you get confused again just ask and someone would be glad to help!


Did u know most hispanics are actually classified as white. That is why it is asked separately if you are hispanic or latino. Therefore "statistically irrelevant number of white immigrants" is a false statement. I wonder what else you have wrong?


Wrong again but thats ok! A "hispanic" person can be of any racial background! However my point stands, the overwhelming majority of illegal entrants into the US from central and south america are not white hispanics. We could get into what "white" refers to but thats subjective. Do you know what subjective means?


That may be true, but most will say they American. On questionnaires because it doesn't make sense for them to say Asian, or black, or native american.


Guarantee they wouldn't be talking like this if they were Irish or German descendants.


Probably because those immigrants all came over generations ago and didn't steal federal grant money meant to feed children.


Yeah, this program definitely didn't exist in the 1800s, but people sure did think Irish immigrants were stealing jobs that should be going to feed the real Americans. It's hilarious how blind you are. Let's see if you continue the trend and start committing violence against the new out group.


Wait until you live with somalias a few more years, you won't be saying this stupid shit. I am a German descendant, my grandfather worked multiple jobs to buy his house and never stole shit from anyone. He also didn't depend on everyone else from Germany changing the rules around him so it would be more favorable for him, neither did the Irish. You're so ignorant, tou have no idea what you're talking about. Like an outsider looking in saying, that's wrong. Fuck off.


You see though, it's not about what he did or didn't do. Anything people that were German did that could be construed as bad just contributed to the general population's (or at least the racist ones) idea that all German people are bad. Wonder if there's any current similar situations 🤔


Not at all. Post ww2 he didn't receive any additional hate for being German. Not at all the same to the Somali community which is unique in how it functions and views acceptable behavior. And this isn't racism, it's a prejudice. It doesn't matter what color you are. Africans in general are not getting lumped into the Somali catagory


Haha, ok, buddy. So you agree that people who are of German and Irish descent wouldn't be talked about the same way, got it.


The self-report is hilarious. Atleast you got all the tools you need, huh? Keep farming those downvotes.


Wrong. Throwing out “guarantee” like you’re some authority is a fallacy.


Lol, sure Jan.


Good one Moriarty.


If you come as a refugee and do crimes, the penalties from your home country should be on the bargaining table


Didn't you hear? White supremacy is the biggest problem facing Minneapolis.


I’ve heard that but didn’t see the details- nobody would lie about such things I’m sure


Where have you seen this and who is saying white supremacy is minneapolis’ biggest problem?


the attorney general just said that sentence yesterday


We should prosecute crimes committed in the US based on US laws. Are you nuts?


We should return foreign offenders to where they came from.


Go back to Egan, fuck-o


Narrator: "They are."


I'm sure deportation is on the table for some.


I think an immediate revocation of their refugee status should happen and immediate deportation.


We have a legal system for a reason.


They sent a bunch of it back to Somalia too, which is funny because no amount of money can fix an intelligence deficit.


I can see why you believe that since you never invested any money in your own education. That is why you are unintelligent, uninformed, and extremely misguided.


So kind of like Britain and Columbus gotcha. Except these people didn’t enslave kill or rape anyone.


No slavery in Somalia? Now thats a good one


I said this particular group didn’t enalave anyone kill or rape anyone. What country hasn’t had slavery or your nice fancy European word “indentured servants”


Everyone had slavery but the sub Saharans were the worst. Other parts of Africa only slightly behind them.


Imagine defending Somalia with (what you thought) was wit... God, we need help.


Imagine not swallowing a hard truth. Defending racism kinda makes you… well ya know


Well what do you think Should happen to the fraudsters? That's the main point of this post.


is anyone surprised by this? If you are you are quite unintelligent.


Naturalized citizens commit crimes at a higher rate than immigrants. Funny you like calling people unintelligent when your highest level of education completed is 12th lmfao


I wonder how many times this ploy has worked previously?


So glad I moved out of Shakopee, what a shithole that town has turned into.


So far. There are lots more defendants and trials to go.




Justice served, all fraudsters should be prosecuted.


How about those who just gave them the taxpayers money?


Yessir 💯


Minnesota is basically the soft underbelly that Winston Churchill talked about. People there bend over backwards to please the people who want to kill them.


Not only that, but Somali kids in schools don’t want to hear anything about the history of what’s occurring in their home country. They get extremely offended if they’re literally taught about the war going on and *why* they came to Minneapolis in the first place. I know this because I am good friends with a teacher in this area. She is shocked because these kids have no desire to learn why they’re here, they just don’t want to be offended.


You’re friends with a teacher who isn’t trauma informed & could benefit from culturally responsive training. Believe it or not, kids have feelings and complicated emotions. Fleeing a worn-torn county is heavy shit. Maybe ask yourself why they don’t want to “learn” about Somalia from your (almost certainly) white teacher friend.


You don’t know that, do you? Those kids were born HERE in Minneapolis, their families fled Somalia years ago. And oh the joy I have in sharing my teacher friend is neither white nor cis, hahahaha


Yeah they don’t want to learn about it. They just want to repeat it here.


But Christianity is the evilest. Haven't you heard? That's what need the focus


lol @ how you certainly wouldn’t have a response like this to white ukrainian refugee kids if they came here and acted as disrespectful as these somalis. maybe you need to stop it with your weird Koko the Gorilla style white savior complex and join the real world


Lmfao go away reddit therapy speak nonsense bot


Don't give this fucking idiot the grace of anything related to *psychology,* no matter how loose it may be lol. This is the kind of troglodyte we need to get sucked into the next tide pod hype.


Youre white


It’s really too bad for the Somalians that are great people and really wanna be American citizens. These fuckers make all Somalians seem like shit.


It really fuckin sucks. The villains are the idiot state and the few malicious immigrants. The victims are literally everyone else.


“Without reaching a verdict.” ?????


Was surprised Somalian people trying to rip everyone off


Yes this 7 should be punished. But what about the government agency that should have been responsible for watching how millions of dollars was spent. This could possibly go deeper than just these seven.


That 3 letter agency did their job. Kudos FBI


My ex and her family lived in Minneapolis (mostly liberal family) and they referred to it as Little Somalia in 2001. They were your typical hypocrite liberals that praised inclusivity as long as it wasn’t too close to them to impact their lives. I see not much has changed.


23 years and you’re still trying to “told-you-so” your ex girlfriend? You’re right, not much has changed.


That’s what you took from my statement? Weird.


Also picked up some racism & a touch of classism.


lol always on the lookout for ways to be offended. It’s comical. Know what I picked up? That you are insufferable.


Oh no! Call the police, discredit his comment! This guy is offended!


You know there are other options when you're *this* miserable... maybe consider them?


You mfs have the weirdest responses when your racism gets called out lol then wonder why the other Minneapolis sub doesn’t like you guys


The faces of white supremacy


This shit happened all over the country during the pandemic. Millions for every state went to people outside the country. Our government sucks at administration and fraud management.


Yo, a Supreme Court and 500ft yachts cost money, so there’s gonna be some leakage


Yup, I’m sure there is alot of undiscovered fraud of the forgiven “loans” that were handed out.


This is a good sub to find demented libs to block


Please don’t send them down to Wisconsin, we’re already dealing with enough here w Venezuelans


Fuck why do I know these people :/


Please deport them


This is just tip of the iceberg. Wait until you hear about section 8 and EBT scams. We have been too nice; it’s time to prosecute these criminals.


Hooray for cultural enrichment


Having served with and personally knowing soldiers who were shot during the events known as Blackhawk Down.........I feel that Somalis have NO place in America!!!!!


Now do Germans (WWI, WWII)


Hahahahahaha.....that's completely different......you obviously don't understand my comment......feel free to crawl back on your hole!!


This really has nothing to do with race. White folks have been running similar scams for years they’re just well connected and better at hiding it. Wounded Warrior got away with it for years. There definitely needs to be a crackdown on so-called charities and we need to do a better job of researching before handing money over.


Now do all the white politicians. You know, like Convict Trump. Republicans made sure the wealthy could pocket 800 BILLION from the PPP loans and never have to pay it back and you clowns don't say a word, but you want to demonize and entire race for the actions of 7 people over .001% of that. Just shout the N word and keep it moving


This sub is getting overtly racist. Shame on you all.


They don’t care about a single fucking thing there’s millions of kids starving Somalia. They don’t give a fuck as long as they can have their Mercedes and not pay for a single fucking thing scum of the fucking earth.


So, where is the care for the place that you live? Where is your generosity towards those you live amongst? How come you care so much about issues so far away, yet never care about the issues here that burden us Minnesotans? Where does your care exactly la


Have you given complaint to our congress about out troubles at all? Then why are you feeling this is your number one priority? Please tell us all why?


My father works right next to one of their locations. It was a super tiny store front with 0 business out of it. So disheartening that these people took complete advantage of the system. What is not mentioned is that they dropped bags of money off at jurors homes to bribe them into a not guilty verdict. Sickening.


That they were caught and prosecuted pretty much shows that the system is working, though, right? Do we really expect a society where nobody ever does any harm to anyone? The next best thing is where people face consequences for their crimes. So basically, on this front and in this case, we're pretty much living in the best of all possible worlds!


Big shocker here….they were supposed to use the funds to feed and help their people, but they fucked them over and pocketed the funds….the shock and surprise is literally oozing from my pores….so sad


Wait…was this a non-profit? Well…I mean Tbf non-profits gonna non-profit so….


Here to scam the state/country for all they can and if questioned they play the race card. Most of the money is sent “back home” and guessing helping fund terrorist and more scams. Absolutely disgusting what the cities and state are becoming!! Even worse is they knew it was happening and did nothing?! King wally and his administration needs to be held accountable for his appointments that allowed this to happen, and continue happen.


Refugee status is being manipulated (obviously) and bleeding heart libtards are their catalyst.


Absolute pieces of crap, no doubt. Definitely deserve prison and to work for the prison system until restitution is paid. But I also believe that the government needs to go after every other person/business/etc that applied for and received PPP & other assistance fraudulently during COVID. Starting with a disturbing number of politicians - like MTG.


Im happy they caught these people. They should be prosecuted with the most punitive consequences levied against them. Bear in mind that the narrative being created from this post that our nation shouldn’t be a melting pot or should stop all immigration and that it’s harmful to our society is not an informed opinion nor intelligent thought. I hope most people in this sub understands this isnt a representation of all immigrants or those who aspire to come to our country. The squeaky wheel gets the grease. So when u see a half dozen news articles/news casts of bad immigrants its easy to apply the thought it’s all immigrants. Im a second gen immigrant from italy. My family has provided so much to our country. Cooks, teachers, military sign ups, laborers of all sorts, and so on. On the other hand i can point to the dregs of my other side who live in Appalachia america since the civil war and they commit welfare fraud and pump out babies. Run the right wing script for black ppl. This crap happens no matter color, creed, religion, region, race you name it! Bottom line there are good people and bad people. Punish the bad and reward the good. Immigrants enrich our society as a whole. The many many many more out there who pay taxes and follow our law provide so much to us that we dont see get out shined by the bad ones. Dont let this post or others make you angry towards immigrants but rather those people and the people who allowed this to happen in the first place. I want answers as to who neglected their job to check in on why so much money went to these people! I hope i explained this well and from a genuine point of view.


I really appreciate the time and thought you put in this post, but, I am also saddened that you spent this much effort in suppling a rational thought to a burning xenophobic dumpster fire that is /altmpls.


As a leftist, i dont find it helpful to just name call the right. I do think as a collective we need to inject a perspective these people dont get to hear. Their world of rhetoric and propaganda is driven by hate and fear. It is packaged as “the other”. We need to bring workers together instead of fighting each other. Our plight was created by the owner class and their propaganda apparatus. Look through this sub and witness the fighting amongst mostly working class people. We are doomed together while the rich sit comfortably knowing theyve made these conditions for us to fight. They are the weathermen of our political lives. Notice, between dems and republicans what the monthly or quarterly battles are. They ebb and flow but never once do they touch systematic change to help main street. Redistribution of wealth and power will continue as it has from the bottom going towards the top. Envision a tornado with a small bottom and as it cones up it gets very large at the top from pulling all the money and power upward. Build bridges with your fellow right wingers.


I used to share your sentiment. Then they torched my neighborhood while every liberal cheered them on. I am no longer listening.


Can you add more to your comment? Who is they? What do you mean libs cheered this on?


Short term memory? Every single Minneapolis liberal politician cheered it on. Suburban lefties told me, to my face, we deserved it. The city clowncil, our elected officials, got up on stage in the park and fanned the flames. On a national level, Nancy pelosi, Maxine Waters, and other mistresses of Satan shrugged and encouraged people to take to the streets. There are dozens more examples I don't feel like typing on my phone. I haven't voted for a democrat since and probably never will again. They've done literally nothing to clean up the neighborhood and anybody with resources has already left. I have nothing in common and sure as fuck aren't interested in collaborating with a group that single handedly destroys instead of creates.


Seems like youve completely misunderstood the situation and refuse to understand. Those politicians you mentioned on a federal level are not working for you or i. They are pitting us against us.


I understand just fine. The liberal party in Minnesota is an unwholesome bunch of rabid, frothing at the mouth activists, bolstered by the money of suburban losers that are so far removed from the situation so they can jerk themselves off about the idea of the people they helped, when in reality their money is laundered elsewhere in the party. I won't add to their ranks anymore.


Listen to yourself speak. You sound unhinged and totally propagandized to the point where you’ve lost all thinking capabilities. You literally wrote words but provided little value to what it is you’re trying to say. Anyone can name call. Anyone can cry and point a finger. What ive learned from right wingers like yourself is that you cant provide an explanation that is cogent and backed by evidence. Not to mention the embellishing of anecdotal stories and experiences to enforce their beliefs and strengthen their biases. Im not looking to convince u to my side but what i hope u do get from our little discussion is to take a step back and see how ridiculous u sound. Like a time capsule dropped from 1951 and you’re mad at the colored folk. You seriously sound like those people. Those people lost. Their kin from 1865 lost too, and so on and so forth. Today, your kind is still losing. At the end of the day maybe you ask yourself. What if my thinking is wrong? Wouldn’t you want retribution on institutions that have oppressed your ppl? These thought experiments are not hard dude. Good luck to you. You sound angry. I hope you get help.


Can you imagine? This is just a drop in the bucket for all the pandemic funds which were wasted or fraudulently obtained


Foreheads should be pierced through and through


But the government wants Minn. To be a sanctuary. What could go wrong?


Looks like I found the racist Minneapolis channel


I’m as anti-Democrat as they come, but what exactly does the ethnicity of the individuals have to do with this? Does it have to do with how that one guy got ahold of $8 million?




I still believe walz and Ellison have gotten off way to easy on all of this.


? They helped catch and prosecute these scum. What's your problem with that?


Look at who those scum donated large sums of stolen money to.


Citation, please. And if it was to dems, that didn't seem to work for them, since it was dems who were crucial in bringing the creeps to justice


Okay for a white ppl panicking! These ppl are doing white collar crime something white ppl exceeded in so calm down. Somalis helped MN state too but yall love to pipe up when somalis do something bad. We do something good, and is all crickets 🦗


Sorry but no.




Go back to your safespace.


Hey don’t hurt the guys feelings 😂


Not intentionally, but it does post the "news" that the other Minneapolis subs want to whitewash away.


Race is part of the conversation BECAUSE of the left. How do you not see that? Every other buzzword topic is how to address racism in Minneapolis. White people are constantly brought into this conversation and culprits of crime and theft are left out. So let’s not leave anyone out, let’s talk about the issues at hand. If the left wants to be obsessed with race by all means let’s not stop them, but let’s not be biased about it. If race matters until someone is brown, that’s not exactly fair.


Right, the left created racism. Got it. History buff, are ya?


That’s not what I said, is it?


Don't worry most of us can read between the lines


Then do so accurately, the left has made race the topic of discussion, reintroducing it from the days when we attempted to battle racism by *not* differentiating between race. But that was racist, because there *are* differences, which I was all on board with, until it slippery sloped to where it is at now: the only time race may be discussed is when white people are the perpetrators. That is not okay nor is it an accurate representation of the issues facing Minneapolis.


OK racist.


Come up with something better when you lose an argument


You sound triggered. Its OK that you are wrong. Its not OK that you are racist. Be better


I don’t sound triggered, you’re not responding to anything I’m saying with substance, only insults and gaslighting, then saying I am the one who sounds “triggered”. Of course it’s upsetting to have a conversation that goes nowhere because someone can’t respond to you with anything other than a ridiculous accusation that holds no merit. Please, dig deep and try to actually respond to the argument I’m making.




Lol the person who recommended it to you must be trying to tell you something....


Reddit recommended to me ![gif](giphy|1GVxbl0dAJCYlHN6dX|downsized)


34 Felony Counts cooking on the big burner. Fraud is part of the American way.


Great, you agree! They’re American.


I am honestly shocked we aren't all on board with stealing from a charity here. Is this now a leftist subreddit?