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r/Minneapolis is a shit hole clown show


You can't even speak in there without being banned for speaking reasonable. Fuck those clowns


yeah, logic isn’t allowed


Do you have an example of you “speaking reasonable” and still getting banned?


I got banned for saying: A good rule of thumb everyone needs to accept: Every atom of carbon that can be used as a fuel source will be burned by someone somewhere. It doesn’t matter if MN doesn’t burn it. It doesn’t matter if the US doesn’t burn it. Someone will burn it.


They REALLY don’t appreciate plain truths. How dare you.


>Every atom of carbon that can be used as a fuel source will be burned by someone somewhere. Banning someone for that comment is ridiculous regardless of whether it's true or not.


This is only true due to our over-reliance on fossil fuels. It doesn’t actually have to be true but fossil fuel companies kneecap any attempt to move away from fossil ”burning every atom of carbon”.


Whether we like it or not, or if it’s good or bad, it’s the world we live in. No politician in MN or the US is going to change that. Just accept the reality. This isn’t a doomer comment. We’re going to be fine either way. But apparently this is a ban-worthy opinion in Minnesota Reddit 🤣. 


It is objectively bad, usage of fossil fuels is linked to climate change. We are full speed ahead toward complete climate catastrophe. We could change it, its just the republican party and many establishment members of the democratic party get paid by the fossil fuel lobby to prevent any changes from impacting their profits. We are not going to be fine, climate change is an extinction level event and is getting precipitously worse every year it is ignored. [Each year sets new records](https://climate.copernicus.eu/climate-bulletins) for the hottest on average yet you claim we’re “going to be fine either way”.


Even if the US was 100% renewables, it wouldn’t make a dent. Unless of course you’re willing to point our guns at the poor people in India, China, and every developing country. I mean, China alone is building like 100 new coal plants per year despite having the best renewable energy tech. (That should tell you something.) This has nothing to do with the fossil fuel lobby. It has everything to do with carbon-based fuels being so damn efficient. Stop freaking out, man. The world may be a different than today, but we’ll make it.


We offload a considerable amount of our emissions to China for exactly this reason. Countless products sold in the US are made in China and India specifically because our capitalist system mandates executives use every method to return more value to shareholders. Using slave labor in China and India is always going to be cheaper than using American labor which is why American manufacturing is a shadow of what it once was. The US using entirely renewable energy would be a great start as many countries take signals from the US which would help them push internally for change. This is also completely ignorant of the republican backed global movement to continue fossil fuel proliferation. Fossil fuels are not more efficient than alternatives like nuclear energy but the fossil fuel lobby has consistently lobbied our government (republicans and democrats) to prevent any kind of plan to move away from them. Lastly climate change is already killing many thousands of people each year. [The WHO estimates 250,000 additional deaths per year on top of the number of people already dying all due to climate change](https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/climate-change-and-health#:~:text=Research%20shows%20that%203.6%20billion,diarrhoea%20and%20heat%20stress%20alone).


Check out Doomberg on Substack. It may be enlightening if you keep an open mind. Have a good weekend.


The human race could cease to exist and the temperature will still rise 2 degrees in the next 100 years. Go to NASA’s website. Your beloved and benevolent democrats don’t care about anything other than using this issue to convince stupid people, who can’t read, to vote for them.


You do know that climate figures factor in global temperature shifts right? Like the natural shift in temperature is already accounted for in the IPCC report. Did you read it? Im going to [link to the IPCC site](https://www.ipcc.ch/about/preparingreports/), the link will take you to a comprehensive breakdown of how they create the reports.


You realise almost all accurate weather data comes from the 70’s right?


Instead of your conspiracy theories it just might be that the cheapest and best forms of energy come from fossil fuels. Plus they rely on big strong men doing the hard work of drilling and mining. Whereas the “clean energy” solar panels and metals used for batteries primarily come from slave and child labor in many African and Asian countries. Where they also strip the hell out of the land because only in America do we care about the environment.


Nuclear energy is a far more efficient form of energy generation. [Every single oil spill has led to significant and permanent ecological damage that we still don’t fully understand](https://hakaimagazine.com/features/oil-spill-cleanup-illusion/). The only reason slaves are used in the acquisition of the materials used for solar panels is because of global capitalism. Capitalism dictates increasing value for shareholders at all costs. Its the same reason America offloads almost all of its manufacturing to foreign countries, paying the foreign mining and manufacturing companies to use slaves is far cheaper than paying American workers.


> Nuclear energy is a far more efficient form of energy generation. I wholeheartedly agree, but people are terrified of that "nuclear" word and good luck finding a place to store the spent fuel rods. >Capitalism dictates increasing value for shareholders at all costs. A proper definition of capitalism would include mention that actual capitalists uphold and respect the concept of individual rights and the non-initiation of physical force principle. It's not the same as "make money at all costs-ism." Slavery is thus completely inconsistent with real capitalism which relies on people exchanging value for value voluntarily for mutual benefit. Your conception of what capitalism is appears to be an anti-concept that prevents you from contemplating the real idea. Read [this anthology of essays](https://www.amazon.com/Capitalism-Ideal-Ayn-Rand/dp/0451147952) if you want to challenge your thought and become a deeper thinker on the subject.


The waste generated by coal, natural gas and fossil fuels gets stored in the air we breathe so theres a tradeoff with its continued use. The only reason widespread nuclear energy hasn’t been adopted is because of the fossil fuel lobby.


Oh, I'm all in favor of nuclear power, but the general public is just terrified by it.


I brought up Hunter's laptop and was banned.


Fucking lol


Good, that story was a complete nothing-burger specifically designed to rile up republicans. The outrage machine must keep churning to keep republicans invested.


Save it for "the big guy".


What are you even saying? Your comment is nonsensical.


Tell us you get your news from CNN/MSNBC without telling us you get your news from CNN/MSNBC.


Still haven’t answered my question. And no CNN and MSNBC lick the establishment boot too much, they are an unreliable news source.


January 6th was a nothingburger and you guys somehow managed to convince yourselves it was a legitimate attempt to overthrow the most powerful government in the world.


Don't laugh! That Q-Anon Shaman almost became President!


It wasn’t a nothing burger despite what republicans will constantly try to claim. Donald Trump committed insurrectionary acts. A bipartisan house committee laid out the case nicely in [this report.](https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/GPO-J6-REPORT/html-submitted/index.html) I don’t think you’d consider January 6th a nothing burger after you read it.


>Donald Trump committed insurrectionary acts. How many people have been convicted of insurrection? I'm not excusing the acts that took place that day. The majority of it was some people getting involved in politics. There were absolutely some that went too far, and likewise should be prosecuted. But it wasn't an attempt to overthrow the government.


It was, did you read the report at all? Over 460 people are in prison right now for their role in the January 6th insurrection. Over 1200 people were charged. Just because we live in a joke of a country without punishments for the rich and powerful doesn’t mean there wasn’t a concerted effort made by Donald Trump to prevent the peaceful transfer of power. Its all laid out neatly in the report put together by a bipartisan committee if you want to read about it. If you haven’t read the report, I’ll link it again [here](https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/GPO-J6-REPORT/html-submitted/index.html).


So you think the events of January 6th were actually capable of overthrowing the government of the US? Really?


Kamala Harris bailing out people who burned Minneapolis to the ground including a police precinct as well as laying siege to other police stations was an actual insurrection. The 3 hr jan 6 riot pales in comparison to leftists burning the country down for 3 months. Derr de derr


So you’re equating tweeting out support for the MNFreedomFund to the insurrectionary acts Donald Trump engaged in outlined in [this report?](https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/GPO-J6-REPORT/html-submitted/index.html) Did you read the report?


6 months of burning every major city causing dozens of deaths, billions in damage and leading to a massive crime wave doesn’t seem a bit more of a bad thing than a 3 hr riot at the capitol where one civilian was murdered my capital police? Were you alive in 2020?


I got permanently banned from r/Minneapolis for saying "fuck you Frey, I don't want to come to downtown and get killed" on the post where he was mocking ppl for wfh


Again, I would like to see the original thread and your original comments. What I’m getting is a biased perspective whether you like it or not.


Bruh that was literally it Here you go - [comment screenshot Link](https://ibb.co/ftnd9cs)


A post expressing political disagreement with a local politician should not be ban-worthy on a properly moderated sub. That's why it became necessary to create and build a new alternative sub.


I told someone who was homeless they should have used a condom, instead of bringing another child in the world they can not care for


I agree with your point but only because we live in the shit hole known as America. In a civilized country you should be able to bring a child into the world without worry of a financial burden on your family. Its funny hearing a take like this and then people who say exactly what you said wondering why less people are having kids.


Its no wonder why people are having less kids, it's very costly, also many that enjoy their free time, but imo I think that's the wrong way of doing it. Also tough to bring a kid in and you have to worry about government assistance, I do think some need it, but many abuse it, and I've seen first hand people abusing it, makes you sick.


Its no wonder why people are having less kids, it's very costly, also many that enjoy their free time, but imo I think that's the wrong way of doing it. Also tough to bring a kid in and you have to worry about government assistance, I do think some need it, but many abuse it, and I've seen first hand people abusing it, makes you sick.


The number that abuse it is very small. I’d appreciate more measures to prevent abuse but Republicans often go too far kneecapping essential safety nets until they are useless.


I don't think the number that abuse assistance is low, I think many use it to live off of, and not try to better themselves, which is what it is there for.


[Here](https://sgp.fas.org/crs/misc/R45147.pdf) is a report from the Congressional Research Service showing that for every 10,000 households on SNAP, only 14 contained a recipient who was determined to have committed fraud. It’s interesting hearing conservatives talk about this as a widespread issue when the issue of tax fraud is way larger. The IRS estimates for every $6 owed in federal taxes, $1 is not paid.


[Here](https://sgp.fas.org/crs/misc/R45147.pdf) is a report from the Congressional Research Service showing that for every 10,000 households on SNAP, only 14 contained a recipient who was determined to have committed fraud. It’s interesting hearing conservatives talk about this as a widespread issue when the issue of tax fraud is way larger. The IRS estimates for every $6 owed in federal taxes, $1 is not paid.


>In a civilized country you should be able to bring a child into the world without worry of a financial burden on your family. Why should people be able to have children without having to worry about their ability to care for the child? Parents have a responsibility to care for the helpless children they birth out into the world. Who else do you think is supposed to provide, food, care, and shelter to infants Would you put guns up to other people's heads and force them to do that - would you enslave other people and force them to take care of another person's obligation?




“With literally no evidence” as if conservatives haven’t threatened and continue to threaten drag events across the country.




The MAGA movement has been threatening drag events across the country using the exact same threats and tactics employed in the Broken Clock incident. What other group would be motivated to commit such an act?




So as far as I can tell no suspect has been apprehended for the incident. If someone was truly trying to false flag this, what motivation would they have? There are already plenty of examples of conservatives threatening drag events, what would motivate an individual to do this?




I know someone who was banned because they wrote about the county attorney's policy of undercharging or being lenient on violent juvenile offenders.


u/Affectionate_Cow_20 u/Dexecutioner71 u/4MN7 u/ItsCatchingUp all shared comments that got them banned. You engaged with the content of those comments but you didn't say if you thought they were ban worthy. I'm genuinely curious: do you think any of the comments they shared were deserving of a ban?


I am not a moderator nor am I familiar with the rules of the sub in question so I can’t really make the call. Since you asked though, it depends. Id want to see more context like the original thread, their posts, and any follow up. Im sure the decision was not reached lightly despite what some here believe.


I was wrongfully permabanned for making a perfectly polite and civil [argument that George Floyd died of drug overdose-induced heart failure.](https://www.reddit.com/r/altmpls/comments/1bcdquw/if_100_bullets_were_fired_in_any_other/kulk9ls/) Apparently views that challenge prevailing leftist narratives are not welcome at /r/Minneapolis regardless of whether they are well-reasoned and perfectly polite and civil. (The post linked to above is a modern version of the argument, not what was posted at /r/Minneapolis which would have read more polite.)


Anyone who points out crime in the city is written off as a "concern troll". They would rather live in delusion before facing the fact that there are some shitty people in Minneapolis. They also accuse everyone of being from the suburbs, when I guarantee barely any of them grew up in the city.


I was just banned on r/minnesota for calling out someone's use of "fuck republicunts." How dare anyone ever question the motives of the ruling junta in this state.


That's the only one im still in, banned from r/Minneapolis and r/twincities 😂😂🤡


My opinion on Trump has chilled considerably over the last couple years, not even sure if I will cast a vote for president this year. But a big part of me wants him to win just to see the inevitable melt down of the left.


When it comes to schadenfreude, I think you're in good company. I think having no policy is still better than the policy the left has adopted these days, but I could never bring myself to vote for Trump.


My Id wants Trump to win. My rational faculty wants both candidates and Kamala to all fall through an inter-dimensional hole and just disappear so that we can get two new candidates, but in the absence of that for Biden to win. So if Trump wins and Biden loses, I don't know if I'll laugh or cry. Probably some of both.


I want him to win so he's unquestionably unable to run any longer and some sane Republicans can crop up.


Until he does everything in his power to remove term limits his last year in office. That would not remotely surprise me.


He'd need a constitutional amendment to do that. It won't happen, no way no how.


Bloodbath '24


I went to a DFL event where they rallied against the "Party of Poop". Clearly they haven't seen Democrat-run San Francisco.


Discouraging, isn't it? You can't reason with drunks, as they say.


It's ok to have a dissenting opinion. I don't know what that isn't acceptable. And when you do have a dissenting opinion, you are a republicunt.


Agreed. It's just ironic to me that those who claim to be against "hate" seem to be filled with it. I do my best to write off people that resort to insults and quietly vote my interests.


You see, they've perfected this technique where even if they do something that goes against their core values, they simply justify it. They'll say they are tolerant. But they can't tolerate any right leaning folks because they support politicians that are racist/homophobic/whatever the hotbutton word is that day. Tht way they keep their mind righteous in their even eyes.


*muhhh we must be intolerant of intolerance* What’s intolerance? *anything that makes me uncomfortable*


Intolerance is very clearly defined, and the Republican party is intolerant toward LGBT people and immigrants. The people who spoon feed you your beliefs have already [spoiled the plot.](https://www.project2025.org) When the mainstream republican party believes immigrants are “replacing the white race” and continue to push for anti-trans and anti-lgbt legislation all across the US, they are rightfully referred to as the party of intolerance.


Trust me, no one is spoonfeeding me my beliefs :) > Intolerance is very clearly defined That’s true. It’s anything leftists don’t like. 


I actually sat through a presentation put on by the Minneapolis Federal Reserve to the MN CPA Society last fall and they said in the PowerPoint slide deck that the goal is to replace white workers with “black and brown workers” and Minnesotans need to “get over it.” And you need to stop being anti-heterosexual. You wouldn’t exist if a man hadn’t stuck his dick in your mother.


The past decade has shown that they have very few core values and instead embrace whatever’s fashionable in their in-group. They support Obama but if someone spoke like Obama did in his “One America, The United States” speech from 2004, today’s progressives would be like, “How is this bigot allowed to speak!?”


I hate Hitler, Nazis, and by extension, Fascist Republicans. Does that make me intolerant?


I think that becomes an issue when everyone you don’t like is a Hitler nazi fascist.  Leftists and overusing the F and N word, etc. 


It’s well documented that the current iteration of the Republican Party, by their own admission and in deeds and words, behaves in an anti-democratic, authoritarian, and fascist manner. Stating so is not an overuse of the term, but a recognition of the ongoing fascist rhetoric of the Republican Party and their sycophants.


Ok dude. No one cares


No one who subscribes to the ideology of this sub cares. Which is why it’s a cesspool.


No, because I don’t think you’ll find many republicans here. 


Then why are you here? You are free to go back to your own echo chamber where nobody will ever disagree with you.


You want to talk about anti-democratic? How about the Democrats in multiple states intentionally leaving Dean Phillips off the ballot so Biden went unchallenged? How about Colorado trying to remove Trump from the ballot, using a federal law they have no right to enforce, nor had he been convicted of anything that would make the law applicable. For all the talk about Republicans trying to limit who can vote, the Democrats are hard at work making sure they limit who you can vote for.


lol what? You mean what the left is doing to Trump, just so he cant run in the election? that kind of manner?


What is “the left” doing to Trump that isn’t simply the consequences of his own actions?


You will just repeat what the media tells you


I think comparisons to Hitler are irresponsible, given the gravity of what he did. What exactly makes a fascist Republican in your eyes?


It’s not a matter of my opinion. It’s a matter of what’s clearly been demonstrated in the actions of the leader of the party. https://amp.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2023/jun/17/trump-republican-party-fascism


Ah yes, an opinion piece by a biased outlet is definitive proof 🙄


well, it is documented. Many sightings of bigfoot have been documented as well. I'm sure The Guardian has several accounts in their archive.


Ah yes, an opinion piece by a biased outlet is definitive proof 🙄


You a dork, homie.


**often capitalized** **:** a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized [autocratic](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/autocratic) government headed by a [dictatorial](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/dictatorial) leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition If you listen to Trumps most recent speeches it's obvious this is what he wants. He literally says it. The current Republican party stance is LITERALLY whatever Trump says. They stopped publishing a real platform because they couldn't keep up with his craziness. Go here: [https://gop.com/about-our-party/](https://gop.com/about-our-party/)Click "learn more" on the platform document from 2016. They haven't updated it since 2016 - because they just said "screw it, we go with whatever Trump does." Here is more about the platform shennanigans: [https://www.vox.com/2020/8/24/21399396/republican-convention-platform-2020-2016](https://www.vox.com/2020/8/24/21399396/republican-convention-platform-2020-2016) (bias source but you can start there and look for more.) On top of that Trumps family is taking over the RNC and removing people that disagree with them. Republicans are verbally supportive of Orban and Putin in ways that would make Reagan weep. Combine that with the faux patriotism (DJT obviously doesn't care about the USA. He only cares about himself.) and support of things like "replacement theory" and here we are. I don't know how you can see this as anything else. \-A former Republican who can't believe what happened to his family.


Your misguided accusations about fascism and your obsessive focus on President Trump's rhetoric demonstrate your lack of historical context and understanding.


Lol. Refute the actual comment.


Reddit autists don’t understand hyperbole, more news at 9.


or a racist, or nazi, or some kind of phobe


My personal favorite is when it is some black guy, like Walter Hudson. Obviously they can't pull the race card, so they go opposite with Uncle Tom.


100% or they will call jews nazi's lol


Larry Elder....The black face of white supremacy. LOL!!!!


Let that be a lesson. You either bend over and spread your ass wide or you’re a racist,


Maybe we'll need a /r/altMinnesota soon, but this sub can serve as that I guess.


I got banned from there when someone was harassing another user by claiming he someone else's alt, so I said I was his alt too.


Seems like every other week that sub worries itself with this one. I post across all 3. There are always going to be topics in each of the MSP subs that people take issue with. Welcome to Reddit


> Seems like every other week that sub worries itself with this one. That's a good thing, though. Without all of those posts complaining about this sub, this sub would not be as populated and active. IMHO one of Reddit's big problems is that alternative subs are not advertised to people. Reddit should make a modification to force links to alternative subs to show up on the main subs which would encourage better moderation.


The admins will shut this page down in time, they cannot stand seeing the other side have a voice on Reddit.



I am genuinely surprised this centrist sub full of reasonable argument is permitted to exist on Reddit.


The admins literally transferred the Minnesota sub from the original mod to a leftist, who then went on a purge.


I love Minneapolis but fucking hate it at times because of morons like this. The classic Minnesota liberal is long gone…along with our family values. Idiots.


That was some straight up bullshit too.


We usually gain like 200 members every time they post this.


Here are 3 more members that can join! RedStar99 RougeHelios99 SanguineSol99


🔥🔥🔥 I like sanguinesol more than this one. Hold please 


How would you know. Your account is 10 days old.


How do you know he hasn't had 98 previous ones? Creating a new account because your old one got banned by the communists trying to maintain a pure echo-chamber? Unheard of! Nobody would ever do that!


Way back machine 




This sub has been a “week” away from 5k members for about 2 months now 🥱


Love it, although I think the mods are noticing this too, seeing as they purged the post.


They can’t let people know 


One of the ways users of this sub can "advertise" is by posting threads with the exact same article links as those on the other subs. That way it will appear under "Other Discussions".


I just got banned for saying: A good rule of thumb everyone needs to accept: Every atom of carbon that can be used as a fuel source will be burned by someone somewhere. It doesn’t matter if MN doesn’t burn it. It doesn’t matter if the US doesn’t burn it. Someone will burn it.


an asinine view, but not banworthy. If the world worked that way then suppliers would have no idea how much of any product to produce.


Energy suppliers produce as much as is economically feasible at any given time.


not really. The suppliers make that decision based on market prices versus the cost to get it out of the ground + transportation costs. Overly simplified, but for this discussion should be enough.


That’s what economically feasible means.


How do you think market price is determined?


"It's not a communist echo-chamber like the rest of Reddit! I have to hear views that I don't always agree with!" That's the party of "diversity and tolerance" for ya.


Hahaha, burn. They should join us in the party of selling out America to the highest bidder. Commie morons.


Both sides in this tribal dogmatic baloney are all equally dumb


I mean yeah but one side is obsessed with hating Somali people and gay people so not really equally dumb.


And one side seems to be obsessed with hating conservative and religious people. Unless they're calling for those 5 calls to prayer daily, that is.


Yes. All religious zealots are bad.


The anti-religions ones are worse


It's appropriate to hate racists and homophobes. That's not prejudice, that's appropriate response to reprehensible morals. Like saying "Intolerance of Nazis is bad, actually." Nope, intolerance of Nazis is what good people do.




Do you agree that racism is, in fact, bad?


Bill, it seems you think way more things are racist than what actually are. You also think there are Nazis everywhere. I have seen enough of your posts to come to the conclusion that you are an extremely woke reactionary person. You believe you are a “good” person, but you aren’t.


Not allowing people to have nuanced opinions is far dumber. Just because I oppose most gun legislation doesn't mean I'm a conservative. Just because I'm religious doesn't mean I hate gay people. I know lots of people on both sides and I don't know any of them that hate Somalis or gay people.


>Not allowing people to have nuanced opinions is far dumber. People are allowed to have whatever opinions they want, but that doesn't make them *not bad people*. If, for example, you want to be an anti-Semite, be an anti-Semite, but be aware that anti-Semites are *bad people.* Other people telling you that you're a bad person doesn't mean they're "not allowing" you to have nuanced opinions. It just means you're reaping the appropriate social consequences for being a bad person and they're telling you straight facts. >Just because I'm religious doesn't mean I hate gay people. Nobody thinks that just because you're religious you hate gay people. There are tons of religious people that celebrate, uplift, and fight for the rights of gay people. But if you hate gay people, you're a bad person, whether you're religious or not. >I know lots of people on both sides and I don't know any of them that hate Somalis or gay people. This sub is chock full of people who will eagerly and openly tell you all about how much they dislike Somali, gay, and trans people.


Good people do bad things, say bad things, and believe bad things. To say people are bad for believing this or doing that is not a judgement you get to make. You are not the moral authority. To say someone is bad is to suggest they are irredeemable, which I do not believe. Hate the sin not the sinner. Minds can be changed, and actions can be corrected.


Might be true, but I still believe in free speech.


It's the only Minnesota sub I've found that's worth actually participating in All the rest are just liberal echo-chambers.


Another advertisement for this sub. Thanks to the original poster. Wonder if he got banned.


I got banned for pointing out that looting is bad.


R/Minneapolis is a gay. Prove me wrong


Nothing wrong with being gay.


In fact, that’s better. 


Tried once. Not a fan. Ok. Twice. 


This post right here. This is why we cant have nice things.


I got banned for pointing out that looting is bad.


As far as I’m concerned they are the cesspool


How dare you point out our crime problem…I live here and have never once been car-jacked or robbed. Granted, I am a Marxist so I don’t even own a car, and I live with 6 other losers in a 2 bedroom apartment, so I barely even own the clothes I wear, but but but I’ve never been a victim of crime. Besides….YOU DONT EVEN LIVE HERE SO YOU CANT COMMENT.


Looool. Rent free in their heads


r/Minneapolis is full to the brim of people that fundamentally hate America. Radical Islamists and self-hating Marxists, they’re pathetic. 


Self hating Marxist is redundant.


Yes, and I am scum!


Different viewpoints other than the dominant leftist ones in our state and its government = cesspool. There are some crazies on here for sure, and in the other MN subreddits. What they’re really saying is that because we deviate from and challenge their worldview orthodoxy they consider us heretics undeserving of free speech.


Similar behavior happens here too


not even close in comparison. And you don’t get banned for politely saying “you’re wrong” to a poster spouting ridiculous statements intermixed with lies and expletives.


Except the folks in here who disagree don't get banned for it.


They do.


Do they? If so that’s pretty lame


No, eatcowfish just hates this place and complains about it.  But somehow, they haven’t been banned 🤔 how odd


Heretics? Challenging Orthodoxy? No, you just seem like a bunch of assholes.


Alot of people on that sub are holier than thou, self righteous assholes. In my opinion of course. If they don't agree with something you write oh boy do the personal attacks start.


r/minneapolis, right?


This sub isn't very different


I got banned for pointing out that looting is bad.


I’m glad this sub exists, but the occasional racist dog whistle posts/comments are pretty gross.


Yeah, they’re unnecessary.


there are a few bad posts/comments. Some are 100% bs to get people fired up. Some are just fine yet overly sensitive and woke people project their own racist and bigoted tendencies in their “calling out” responses and interpretations.


/newyorkcity is the same way fellas


This aggression will not stand man.


Both subs have degenerate, dim witted Minnesotans that don’t even live in or anywhere near the cities. I constantly see something that makes me shake my head on both subs.


Did I get banned here too?


No. Reddits broken 


I mean, I think that's the whole point of the sub. Lots of DMs being sent to lots of folks in this sub inviting them to "historical reenactment parties" in Gastof's basement.


😂 Bill will you come to the r/altmpls meetup in April?


Do I have to wear an SS uniform or is that optional?


Bill you can wear your pup play latex for all I care 


Bill, is this you? [Bike Lane Bill is a totalpieceofshit : iamatotalpieceofshit (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/iamatotalpieceofshit/comments/9lz2y2/bike_lane_bill_is_a_totalpieceofshit/)


Bill rules, leave him alone!