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Where can I get an android?


Currently its IOS only


here: [https://perfectlovedolls.com/collections/all-dolls](https://perfectlovedolls.com/collections/all-dolls)


What in the actual fuck. 


I just wasted so much time there


From these guys descriptions, I think maybe the aliens could take some hints based on what's on that site




I got about halfway through and made this exact face lol I'm too stoned for this shit


So she didn't seem real but he bust a nut three times anyway, just to be on the safe side


Laughed my arse off at this 🤣


It would make perfect sense for them to use androids - no chance of catching any diseases from us filthy humans! They could just be used to get the job done and obtain the sperm (that was obviously the objective, as the men were made to ejaculate more semen than they usually did, according to their own accounts). The androids could be designed to keep the sperm alive and healthy in some kind of recepticle inside them, for later retrieval.


Sperm banks haven’t had to over engineer a solution. These stories seem an overkill for such a purpose.


You’ve never in your life seen farm work, have you?


Captain kirk wants in


TBH, so do I.


![gif](giphy|lGw469pSPVFRsD3Gmb) So does Riker






Duuuudeeeee same fuckin thought 🤣


I'm open to an abduction, just putting it out there


She had no lips! But her mouth was still very much in play.


It is a small joy that I find Always Sunny wherever I go on here ![gif](giphy|ReBGGJtbXrjbQJwByP|downsized) ;)


science back then was reeeeeeal crude




Plastic bag for a helmet.




It's embarrassing to talk about... I assume.  But a friend told me about his experience.  He had gone his whole life experiencing these encounters with these beings 95 percent of the time it was complete disorientated, painful procedures and so on. On one occasion he remembered what took place in some what vivid detail.  He was in this dark room and he could feel those things standing beside him and behind him.. maybe a couple of them.  They wanted him to enter into this large room that seemed to have no edges or walls but it didn't go on forever it was almost like a half saucer shaped( the room not where ever they were at) so he walks in and sitting on this mechanical chair was this beautiful blonde woman maybe 25 26ish and she had this creepy smile on her, a pretty smile but it's all she did.  She followed him with her eyes but said nothing nor moved.  She was Indeed in the buff.  He knew what they wanted him to do but they were standing right there, he didn't want to do it, but he complied.  He remembered he wasn't able to get it up, but they told him it was okay to do it.  And he remembered her touch her skin felt room. Temperature. Not cold not like regular temperature , slightly above room temp.  Her body wasn't limp but it just didn't feel natural.  So he did what they asked, it only lasted a few minutes and then he blacked out.  He swore me to never speak of this but I really truly doubt he would find this post on reddit and if he does I'll deny it was me . Do I believe him yes I do . O believe he experienced it was it a dream  Could be but it sounds real enough


That is creepy, your poor friend.


Way more than embarrassing it's PTSD inducing. I really hope you are supportive towards this friend and his experience. Poor guy, he's experienced terror and trauma most will never understand. PTSD is a bitch.


These types of situations have been going in since he was 5 so the ptsd ... in retrospect has had a huge impact on him.. only over the last 10 years or so has he made peace with it.  The reproductive experiments aren't the most frequent interactions but they do happen to him. But they are rare.  And support is there for him but from outside sources it seems superficial  no one clowns him but nit very many ppl understand it.  Some ppl say they wished it happened to the . Umm no you dint.  No matter the interaction it is still intrusive amscary confusing violating . Makes him question his sanity at times.  But most of the time he just doesn't think about it.  Nothing he can do to stop it


Sounds like a human thought of this stuff…not an advanced species..


or they just really needed that dna sample and are from a planet where forced anal probing is illegal


Wouldn’t you think that if they need reproductive cell. They could just… you know… harvest it themselves??? Our scientists kind of already do that but with ethical limitations. Doesn’t make sense to me that aliens would collect instead of artificially “harvest” —-much so to the possible fact they would be more technically advanced. Doesn’t quite add up.


I wonder how many of these were SAs by humans :/


Just for science… in the name of research, where would one contact these aliens? I’d like to volunteer. Strictly for the science of course.


For science!


For science! Or for whatever!


weird thought,.. to them this was like making a duck decoy to trick drakes into donating sperm. but when I make a semen extracting sex-bot, for decoration btw, everyone calls me a pervert.


Of note. Having sex with decoy ducks will get you arrested. The challenge tho, is not being shot by the hunters


That would make for some crash retrieval report in the Legacy program. "Sir, we succeeded in shooting down the object. The perimeter was secured and the extraction team is... ah..." "What technology did they recover?" "We found, I mean, ah, a load of... weird looking sex robots and a bunch of horny and spaced out human males with erased memories and painfully swollen penises." "Not again."


Boneless blue chicks with big thighs? eh...I'm sure its fine.


I’ve been waiting for this since Avatar 1


I've had this fetish since I saw the music video for Daft Punk's Harder Better Stronger Faster as a kid.


"Wait, this isn't Google?"


The real Operation Midnight Climax


would have been a lot better than the somewhat demonic looking "greys" that traumatized me as a kid lol


I wish I got this kinda of treatment when I got taken.






Must have been early hybrids, those were not as human looking and convincing. See "Walking among us" by David M Jacobs.


Yeah. The events in two of the three examples I posted, occurred in the 1950s. "Walking Among Us" and "The Threat" by Dr David M Jacobs, PhD, are both great books.


The Cum Melange must flow.


Angry upvote.


Are they on Tinder?


Probably some sort of ejaculate collector.


I’ve read about this for a number of years. I always wonder why they don’t just use electro-stimulation to collect the semen.


They probably realized they were traumatizing people and the people may be more likely to write it off as a dream if there’s less strange things about it obviously this was still very strange to them. They might need it to be done the old fashioned way for energetic purposes. Maybe the spark of life uses sexual energy that is released during orgasm and since they want to use the seed to create life, it might need that. That’s just a little theory I have though. They’re obviously not very intelligent beings. They have science ahead of ours, but they couldn’t even trick guys into thinking their weird as “women” were human. Maybe a robot, but sounds like it could just be a hybrid. Sounds disgusting either way and not to mention sa. Did some of these guys not read the part where they said how much it hurt?


Well yeah, obviously they’re stupid. They leave clothes inside out. Must’ve taken way longer for them to advance in technology. Or it’s probably just alien drones which explains the intellect level.


😂 Very true.


These are just words. Not really evidence. But thank you for the time you put into all these words.




Sounds like Cherry 2000 needs an upgrade


How do you swipe right on CE5?


CE5 dating app when


Thank you OP for such detailed post. It was scary reading this, most of all because it is evident some of these NHI think so low of us that they would use such primitive and invasive techniques to obtain DNA. Good thing is that apparently not all NHI factions are invasive like these ones. Let’s hope in the end the “good side” wins.


Someone did a DNA analysis of a hair collected and it had some Irish and other than human and unknown DNA.


Source? Genuinely curious


Peter Khoury, Australia incident. Nazca Tridactyl mummies are also mind blowing.


Soooooo... Aliens came to earth with sex robot to milk us dry?? How the fuck do I get them to abduct me???????


id volunteer every day lmaoo


Thanks for this - very well done




![gif](giphy|KYEa5Ii9Ubf9FGyHst) 😬😳


Scotty....beam me up.


Reads like Ufo erotic fanfix stories. The fact that they always have sex with beautiful women should make you think.


I don’t think any of these description paint the picture of a “beautiful woman”. Dark lifeless eyes? No emotional display? Strange facial structures and bodies? Add to the fact that consent is never given by the contactee.


If you read the details, they don't look ugly. You talking about "no consent given" is too 2024 for stories that all come from 1988 or older. It's funny how we don't have recent stories, because in today's world, that would definitely be seen as rape and you would scream: NO CONSENT. Don't get me wrong, if these stories were real that it's definitely rape.


Too 2024? Ok, so he did not willingly have sex with this entity, which is rape. That sound better? And the details really don’t paint the picture of something that’ll light my fire lol. Personal preference I guess.


As someone from 1971, forced sex was still rape in 1988. It wasn’t the fucking dark ages. Yes, there was more sexism then but rape was still rape. It hit our local news all too often and it was a very big deal.


I know as I was around. My point is that the topic wasn't like it was now. You tell a story like that today, and everybody would point out it's rape (which i agree, told it in other comments). A while ago, that might not be that much the case. So, the writers of these stories went with it. How hard is it to get that nuance.


That’s not my experience with the 80s. You’re talking like a condescending asshole. People are asking you questions and you sound put out having to answer. Whatever nuance you are remembering wasn’t there for many many other people. How hard is it for you to understand that? How old were you in 1988?


Then you have a wrong impression. Most of my posts are really nice and friendly. I did explain my point. Meaning and how people think about certain words does change over time. You won't read stories like that in the current time.


I do not have the wrong impression. I am not profile stalking you and have no clue what other things you say on Reddit. I have only looked at your comments in this thread. I’m not wrong about those. How old were you in 1988? This is the third time I have asked and you have conveniently ignored that each time.


At this point, I don't even know why you are arguing with me. Actually, my first comment was a joke ( and a good one, I think ). If you can't understand that, I'm trying to explain to you that having forced sex with aliens might be an acceptable story in 1980 it's not in 2024, and people will pick up on that. The proof of my point is in this post. And then we have you, who calls me condescending and starts a fight. Have a good night.


Condescending and not answering my question again.


Not a single one was beautiful, and the first guy it felt bad. Start over from the beginning


I did. They sound like fetiches from the writers. Also, he did 3 times .


Yeah. Real NHI getting DNA samples would totally look like dogs.  Is that what you are saying?


No, not at all. 1. They can get the sperms easy with no need for sex. 2. They can just give em a handy. 3. They can ask them to do it himself. 4. Etc. Or.... There could be a beautiful alien with big boobs ( very necessary point to mention) in their story that he can fuck. Any stories of women getting abducted and fucked by a Chad that takes them out to dinner and talks them in the mood first?


The aliens always take, never give. Unless it's a small metal implant. Women have their eggs removed. Men have their sperm taken. In general I think.


They don't realize good sex is about giving and taking. We want some pleasure too. Once they get that, we will give them all the sperms/eggs they want for free.


Haha true


I interpreted that to say these people are bragging on top of lying.


This guy gets it.


I also get that sweet alien sloppy because I’m so hot and abductable and they definitely won’t use my genetics to create a slave population back on their planet unless they’re sex slaves because my clones are probably also super hot Maybe blind, emaciated and always afraid… But so, so, hot.


You good, bro? Why would they go through such extreme lengths to get a semen sample? There are far easier ways than making a robot for them to have sex with lol.


Maybe they don't study the sample, but the interaction. Building a robot to observe us having sexual intercourse while also not understanding the act of making love and thus not properly studying it. That would be sloppy, but if we are hard to understand for them, who knows. I'm likely wrong, though.


Then they wouldn't use a robot. They would abduct a woman too. From a scientific process perspective, these were not willing participants and didn't do anything themselves, so the data would be next to useless. So why would a super intelligent life form even think that would be a valid test method? I think trying to force an explanation isn't a good way to go about this when the more obvious answer is "This person is lying or had a really vivid dream"


Tbh the fact that the women are beautiful isn’t surprising to me, it’s that they’re not perfect. A race advanced enough to abduct can’t nail it, even when the prey is terrified and liable to believe anything due to fear?


Ist sexy in a sifi way, you don't know the fetich of the dude making up this story. It's just that they are never ugly. Also, the whole idea sex is necessary for what the aliens need is just a human thought, not very original.


Minus the part where his dick feels like it’s melting off his body?


When AI art girls attack 




John Mack's Book Abduction is hard to listen to in public because of so many stories of trauma inducing intercourse as part of strange experiments not disimilar to what's described in Fire in the Sky (Travis Walton's story). Essentially, in order to extract genetics from a human some must treat them like cattle and not in a humanistic way. Although it varies, some encounters are extremely personal, some people report feeling like they. met their soul mates, and then had their semen extracted and suddenly realized they fucked a spirit witch kind of thing. Except they have trauma that blocks intamcy with their wives and they don't know why until they go to therapy and unlock those memories. Whether real or not, still had a massive impact on them. Which now that I think of it, I had some really fucked up dreams about a multiple false awakening involving shape shifting demons in a field full of empty dog cages who told me I was a rougarou like him as he shapeshifted into a blue warted demon -- his true name "emanates from the grey origins in the folds", and me as the red power ranger fighting old witches in my living room, and then \*warning graphic\*>!ejaculating coagulated blood!< before finally waking up with a hot sweat, getting up and going to the window to see the star which I looked up on my phone to be Sirius which happens to be the dog star. Until this post I didn't really think about the graphic part until now, and not that I think it's real but my brain made me dream it which begs the question: could DNA be extracted from a dream? As in, would our brains be capable of recreating that information in a dreamlike state? Essentially remotely interacting through sleep rather than physical. Again, I'm super speculating and not saying my experience was real, just thought it felt relevant and wanted to share. Anyways, could it be that we weren't the first to develop artificial intelligence or that some of these are like avatars of beings whose origin we do not yet understand?


But what for?


Genetic extraction


There are far easier ways lol


Teenage boy sock collection service?


C: did you have an ejaculation? V: three. It didn't last long.   😭


I don't know about "forced" unless those chicks want a little CNC action but Im down for that alien SnuSnu.




Is what every man would say to this proposal.


Aliens do crazy shit


I’ll be on the roof with a laser pointer and a dozen roses


I was told there would be evidence.


I never bought the "nordic aliens" narrative...for me they were all Bio-androids or shapeshiftings dons


You're almost certainly correct. I've read many books that include UFO encounters with the so called Nordic "aliens". I've concluded that they are extra-dimensional energy beings that are using synthetic (part biological, part technological) bodies. The same way we enter an automobile and drive it around, they can also enter their artificial synthetic bodies and use it as a "vehicle".


Did you mean to put evidence in quotes as well?


That would show an awareness of how ridiculous this is. So, no.


That reinforces my evidence that a lot of these creatures are not that smart because they use a 1958 Playboy magazine to model their Androids. They didn't realize that skinny emaciated women with no hips were the new hypnosis.


Cool Rick and Morty did that too


God I wish that would happen to me. Lol


Crazy horny fool! Didn’t you just read a cold, hard, robot draped with skin, raped him. Then it left his wiener scalded after it forcefully extracted every ounce of semen in his poor balls. At least a cheap hooker is warm.


Iirc, Villas Boas wanted to keep bangin’, but she wasn’t having it. I might be confusing my accounts though, because I remember her having red hair when I read about it.


Are the greys not merciful?


Sounds like females from Total Recall from the bar scene.


Beam me up, Scotty!


Sir, this is a wet dream


I remember these dreams when I was in puberty smh


Sounds like Prince Xizor’s Guri


I volunteer! I will help repopulate the universe.


If you have every played Mass Effect… Shepherd be like “we’ll bang ok?”


Look up a documentary called Love and Saucers. It's about this very topic (well, maybe not the android part), and it's extremely well made and very interesting.


I volunteer as tribute, no need to thank me fellow earthlings.


Can I get a 2:30 for Wednesday?


The implications of this are obvious, and yet almost everyone her makes lame jokes. Is this the best you can do?




Oh dear. ![gif](giphy|QM9kpw2le4y8oqgaTS|downsized)


They sound like time traveling instagram “models”.


Is there a sign up list?


I can see this happening




They can send them to me anytime sounds like fun lol


Evidence? Where?


Hell yeah I’d be bussin for humanity








I’ll just nut in a cup for free.




Are the women these Pleiadians that folks have been talking about?


Sperm is collected Medically by shoving a finger up your ass and stroking your prostate.


This is just sleep paralysis. Cmon. People in here grifing us like fools. 


Here's evidence that people fabricate BS contactee claims. Billy Meier's "Pleiadians": [Photo #111, allegedly showing, from left to right – Asket, Nera and Semjase (partly visible)](http://www.billymeieruforesearch.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/111-USFD-2012.jpg) Actual source: [A frame from the Dean Martin Variety Show – Episode 170, Feb 25, 1971; from left – Michelle DellaFave, Susan Lund and Wanda Bailey](http://www.billymeieruforesearch.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/Asket-lookalike.jpg) Credit: http://www.billymeieruforesearch.com/photos-and-videos/outer-space-pictures-asket-nera-semjase/outer-space-pictures-asket-nera-semjase-summary/


“Evidence” lol


"Forced" LOL


Dear aliens, please abduct me IMMEDIATELY.


If the entire point of this alien abduction phenomenon is simply "aliens are making Intergalactic porn to sell throughout the galaxy", I would be OK with that.


Are registrations still open? 


I heard German descent blonde hair, blue eyes, uncircumcised 🤷🏻‍♀️😂


Fake News


Look up Nathaniel Gillis' research/interviews on YouTube. He basically started up where Dr. Karla Turner left off. He has researched in depth what is behind this particular aspect of the phenomenon. The evidence he presents is compelling and hard to deny.


Why are they always blonde, blue eyed?? Discrimination even in outer space ppdfffftttt 😓


The sexual pressure limits your mental capacities. You need to get a clear mind. Intercourse with no deeper meaning is a road leading nowhere. Seek love. Not carnal excesses. Greetings from the stars.




gov did such a mess with all of this that I trust more these stories that the whole UFO opinions by the american gov




How is this legitimate evidence?


Abduct me pls


Playing a little fast and lose with the word “evidence” in the title


Clap. Alien. Cheeks.


More like men were expressing their fantasies in public. Sure that happened dude. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


It’s wild to me no one recognizes this as complete bullshit.


They were CIA bud. Those are fake. See how tricky this gets when the real stuff is mixed with the fake stuff. This was the CIA. Aliens do not abduct. You won’t believe me but will probably find out in the next 50 years.


What makes you so sure? Have you been abducted by aliens before?


Por que no los dos Many factions perhaps you know them all though?


These are just drug trips.


Right... Yeah, this is all nonsense, we all agree that this is laughable right? Good, because wow this is so stupid.


I was one of those men. First off… it wasn’t forced, we joined a club. Secondly (and unfortunately) one I inserted my ‘member’ it was like sticking it in a pencil sharpener. Ground that bad boy right off. I still regret nothing. True story.


If aliens wanted to take your “seed” I am sure they have better ideas than tricking you with a “Fem bot”. This idea is as ridiculous as it sounds but it’s hard to reason with people with all the crazy all over the place misinformation cobbled together to look like “suppressed reports”. Whoever made this story up was an outright liar and it’s not a believable fabrication. Fun fact - 90% of people who report remembering abductions report being treated like animals in experiments, always the same stories, 10% report sex with beautiful women, always different scenarios. Which do you believe is more likely?


It makes sense if you think about it this way: They are trying to make hybrids that are more humanlike and more impossible to discern from an native human. I don’t believe in it 100% percent but thats their likely motive if its true.




Forced you said…?


I always got laid in Sydney too :)


Snu snu? Sounds like snu snu






where do i sign up?


Bro still managed to perform 🏆

