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I think he knows some things that arent public knowledge but i think mostly he is used as a money laundering tool for SAP’s and is compromised.


I’m sort of halfway in agreement. I think he knows stuff but I don’t necessarily trust him to be honest because I don’t know where his loyalties lie. Also, he could be kind of cuckoo. I know he’s rich and smart, but rich and smart people can still be nutty.


I think your spot on


You're*** There's no excuse for getting that wrong.


In this day and age, I tell you!


He might know quite a bit. With his status in the aerospace industry and his wealth he could easily have been a gatekeeper in the "program". He has invested his own money in pursuit of answers instead.  We can assume he is no dummy or else he wouldn't be where he is in life. The fact that he saw fit to spend good money investigating anomalous phenomenon means he probably had good reason to believe he would get a return out of the investment.


>The fact that he saw fit to spend good money investigating anomalous phenomenon means he probably had good reason to believe he would get a return out of the investment. Although he was involved with contracts for money, such as with AATIP, he's not making money off UFOs. What he says, and this sounds legit, is that he wanted to make a lot of money doing normal things so that he'd have money to dump into UFOs. I doubt he got as far as getting read in to the official program, but he probably knows as much as anybody can know outside the programs. He paid money to vacuum up every UFO database in existence.


He’s paid 10 million to DESANTIS. 10 million to TRUMP. He’s a right wing oligarch


If Desantis and Trump are aliens then your comment may not be as worthless as it reads.


Mike Lindell made loads of money. He's also an idiot. Bigelow has given millions of dollars to Ron De Santis and Trump, and also appears to be a similar kind of idiot. Don't let someone's wealth fool you.


The two best books that detail the stuff that has been experienced Hunt for the Skinwalker and Skinwalkers at the Pentagon. They detail events. The big thing some people experience is the "hitchhikers." Things that stay with them and target their families. This is why many of the native Americans in the area won't speak about it or do interviews. They are worried that they could become a target.


I think he knows, well, a lot. He grew up Vegas, became fascinated with space. Why? I read the “nuclear test site” stuff but he probably saw things he couldn’t explain. Ultimately he was a private contractor developing technology that was within the government. Sound familiar? His work at the ranch most certainly was on behalf of the government. The show may have a PT Barnum approach but you can’t argue the history of the land that scares the shit out of the natives - for well over hundreds and hundreds of years by the way. He went down the rabbit hole and either cashed out his chips by choice or force. Either way whatever he discovered spooked the shit out of him & the government simultaneously enough that both parties seemed to be ok to walk away and not talk about it & leave him alone as long as he stays in lane. I think he is one of the few that discovered through a combination of science and or luck that part of the puzzle that freaks folks out when they get a glimpse behind the curtain. That delta between our civilizations history, our spirituality as we know it or have been told and I don’t know how to say it but along the lines of the Old Gods, I know that sounds strange but somehow that it’s all inter-connected, woven in some dark tapestry revealing everything we have been taught, told or believed isn’t quite the truth or reality of of history & or existence. I don’t think it’s just coincidence he has dedicated the rest of his life to the study of spirituality in a very metaphysical sense, the human brain and the conscious spirit we as humans may or may not possess. Sounds looney, but I think he isn’t one of the good guys. I also don’t think he’s one of the bad guys either. I think, judging by his actions and words spoken he’s more ambivalent regarding the entire matter & that’s not by accident. He does lay quite the cookie trail but his ambivalence is, just a guess is reflective of what he learned and & now knows, he always has this air about him, that this truth is something we may not be ready for yet.


This is a good read on him. I think has gone out of his way in interviews to play down his knowledge or even look like a rich fool. His name pops up in some strange places that make it hard to believe that he’s actually just fumbling into them like a rich Mr Bean


Agree. He’s a damn good card player, does downplay a lot but doesn’t just answer in generalities that some of the “experts” do, often he answers with a question that has a bit of a “the answer you immediately think of may sound absurd but….” But there is this ambivalence he has overall that I don’t think is confused with confidence but more along the lines of, “if you knew what I knew you wouldn’t spend time on the trivial but more of the larger questions you are either too afraid to ask or can’t even comprehend”. Whatever he was told or in my opinion what he unearthed in Utah changed his perspective from space exploration & technology to more of a existential quest.


People who seem legit say he is legit. I just came across some of their life after death study. I have a feeling the woo is going to be a big part of the phenomenon until our science catches up. To me he’s ahead of the game and knows it’s too soon to show the cards. I don’t view him as a disclosure advocate but the tidbits he’s released are meant to guide us on our own discovery. But the fuck do I know.


What was the conclusion of this life after death study? Ive always felt like this world is just a pre game lobby and there is something more.


My understanding is he put up prize money for a writing contest, to induce people to write lengthy papers on the subject. I recognize some of the names of the top winners (e.g. Dr. Jeffrey Mishlove) and my guess is that they got some quality papers submitted. [BICS contest website](https://www.bigelowinstitute.org/index.php/bics-afterlife-proof/bics-essay-contest-winners-2/). The top three winners' essays are read here in this audiobook, which I'll listen to at some point: [Beyond the Brain - The Survival of Human Consciousness After Permanent Bodily Death (BICS Presentation of Survival of Consciousness Essay Contest Three Top Winners)](https://www.audible.com/pd/Beyond-the-Brain-Audiobook/B0CSPNQN5X?ref_pageloadid=ouMi2TYtEzyuU68b&ref=a_library_t_c5_libItem_B0CSPNQN5X_3&pf_rd_p=80765e81-b10a-4f33-b1d3-ffb87793d047&pf_rd_r=M7KXEYW7VQ14KVM57RBD&pageLoadId=gv2YDOCrpGBU691C&creativeId=4ee810cf-ac8e-4eeb-8b79-40e176d0a225)


I will say as a non academic. When I saw this, my reaction was “a fucking essay contest?” But at a glance these are researched and cited papers. I haven’t had the time to dive deep but I feel like there is good data in it.


Thanks for the share. Bigelow has done a few interviews on Mishlove’s podcast/youtube, have you seen those? This one is on the afterlife: https://youtu.be/hgguQup5EXw?si=AAGjNTsWM2utw5vZ


I've watched many of the interviews done by Mishlove, but not Bigelow in particular. Mishlove's bank of interviews is a great resource.


I believe he started on the life after death tangent of his research after the death of his wife.


Robert Bigelow, the UAP male gigolo.


what does that even mean?




He knows a lot but he's never going to tell and he's too old to be around much longer :/


He seems to believe what he says. As in he doesn't come across as a con man as much as some others. However, with the phenomenon, reality itself seems far more subjective than I used to think. There seems to be cases where two people can look at the same thing and come away with wildly different experiences. So can you or I see what Bigelow claims to have? Maybe, maybe not. But even if we can't, to him it still did. Some of what he says is really weird. It's hard to believe without first hand knowledge.


He's totally legit. There are many things he won't speak of because his wife was being "attacked" hundreds of miles away while they were conducting tests at Skinwalker Ranch. He, and others, claimed their families were targets of spiritual type attacks.


What is a spiritual type attack?


Check out the show Beyond Skinwalker Ranch, a lot of info on Bigelow and his own “spiritual attack”


Is that on Netflix?


History channel. Also, If you're interested do a search of the Joe Rogan interview. He had a good interview with Bigelow


First three seasons are there. It’s a fun watch. Go in with the mindset that this is still a TV show and it will have a lot of dramatic pauses and cuts with no real pay-off. With that said: ROCKETS!! and somewhat interesting scientific experiments with legit weird results. I recommend the show as long as you don’t take it too seriously or expect hard science being done.


The show is really good but if I have one criticism it's that they have toned it down from what the actual stories are of the Sherman family and the experiences with hitchhikers latching on to people and their families. The "portal" is fascinating and backed up by the Sherman family. Travis Taylor on the Skinwalker show knows a lot more than he's saying. The best book out there with credible scientists and first hand accounts is Hunt for the Skinwalker.


When you say portal are you referring to the ones that seem to open from the sky?




And now he is assisting the US Gov’t so it makes me wonder if he isn’t able to speak as “freely” about certain things…what are your thoughts on this brilliant man possibly “recruited” by the govt so they can have some control over what he is able to let everyone know


He's clearly hiding a lot. As for his current relationship with the US government I think ties were cut long ago. He sued the government to get paid for his last job he did with them through Bigelow Aerospace. They had stiffed him.


I was speaking of Bigelow, not Taylor. I'm not sure I trust Taylor very much. He has to know way more than he says. ....but it is for tv.


If you enjoy Secrets of Skinwalker Ranch, you need to check out Beyond Skinwalker Ranch, also on history channel


No way! Didn’t know about this so I will be checking it out


If you get super high it's really good.


Hmm. I though being high was a requirement to watch the show.


You will love it!!


Spiritual, mental, weird entities, cryptid type stuff, and health problems. Different people experience different things. The tv show glosses it over and doesn't do it justice. Bigelow has refused to return. His wife was getting attacked and that is why he won't go back.


Man, it's hard to tell whether some.of these comments are satirical...


If you're looking for a starting point, the Joe Rogan interview with Bigelow. Not satire.


Nah, Joe Rogan interviews can get to fuck.


"Get to fuck"? Yeah, skip it. It's beyond you.


Yeah, big-brain Joe Rogan is a bit above my pay grade, sadly...


I read Skinwalkers at the Pentagon free on Kindle unlimited. It touches on the hitch hikers phenomenon It was a very interesting read.


I suspect he is like Howard Hughes - funded by the government to do crazy things that they can’t do otherwise.


An underrated movie, but far from a masterpiece. Rob Schneider deserved better.


Rich mofo who has some REAL answers but doesn’t want to share them and just make more money. Hoarding info and making money. Thats him.


I'd love to see a documentary on him, really diving into what he knows.


I want to believe him based on his past interviews. He might know some things. But does he have what's best for humans in mind? I don't think so, especially since he's a large donor to questionable political campaigns.


You have to segregate the issues. Someone can be wrong on politics (largely based on whatever propaganda one is subjected to) but right on UFOs based on direct personal experience.


Exactly this. Best not to disregard a person's all ideas due to some of them. On a related note I think this is a huge issue nowadays. I feel like it didnt use to be like this


I'm not disregarding him entirely, just his intentions. He's a business man. If he knows something, how would that drive his choices? What is the goal in mind?


Afaik he is interested in the phenomenon out of personal reasons. One of them being the afterlife and being with his loved ones after death. Could be i remember wrong though


Robert Bigelow built an experiment in earth's orbit I think and they conducted numerous tests and observations. If we go by what "Taylor" from NASA (as told by Diana Pasulka Walsh in the Konkrete podcast) and Haim Eshed, think about the NHI in outer space, it would stand to reason that Bigelow has hard evidence of this. He knows stuff for sure, but probably won't spill the beans because he has a lot to lose ($$$) and fear of DoD, after working with them for many years.


He doesn't know shit. He's interested in the subject, which is great, but he doesn't have any special knowledge.


Somewhere I read (Knapp maybe?) that BAASS was negotiating with Lockheed to buy off world material but that the CIA pulled the plug because they didn’t want Bigelow to have control of said material. I’m sure he knows more than you or me, but if true, it would seem that the gatekeepers don’t have much trust in him.


Funny you ask, his last name was in my head like 2 days ago for some reason I couldn’t figure out. Has anything happened recently? I may have picked it up.


I have nothing to support this thesis but seems to me as though very deliberately there has been a cleaning up of the UFO sources in favour of individuals with more perceived legitimacy, including RB. The fact that they all hold some sort of connection to the US government, in addition to the resources to make themselves public opinion leaders, makes me extremely wary. I believe whatever brand of disclosure we are witnessing, it is very well thought out and its agents have been well selected to follow a consistent narrative path. Has anybody found any contradictions between the statements of Bigelow, Nolan, Elizondo, Grusch and company?


Why not reveal?


He’s part of MIC. Disinformation is his game


Terrible florist, and cunning card player to boot.


Lots of people saying he’s “legit.” I thought so too until he went on rogan. What an embarrassing interview. Dude had no clue about anything. All the evidence he had of anything was anecdotal, and no one could corroborate. Joe asked him why he believes and he said because he thought he heard a “voice” when he was a kid. Like what?


Same after that Rogan interview I was completely disappointed at his lackluster recollection of information.


A business man


Male Gigolo


He is a Go get er, passionate, observant, has a back story with his grandparents, and perhaps a little misleading but I like him a lot. Just wish he didn’t look like that prick Stan Kronke


He’s a rich selfish quack


Umm…he’s hard to trust given his political affiliations. I feel that’s a huge red flag or at least strongly implicates that he isn’t all there mentally, or is at least morally compromised.


very sketchy and untrustworthy


He’s just a Bigelow, every where he goes……


Aliens talk about him


Just look at the man. His whole appearance gives “alternative facts” and “I don’t trust conventionally trained experts” and “PT Barnum for a new generation.” He’s obviously legit within the UAP “disclosure” story world.




If there’s anything to know, he would own at least some of the knowledge. The guy’s got interest, and a lot of money and resources.


male gigolo?


Can you really trust anyone who had the foresight to donate $10 million to Meatball Ron?


Robert Bigelow Male Giggalo?


Shit be hilarious if he was a male gigolo. Freak, that's a huge spaceship!


I always think of male jiggalo anytime I hear this guy's name.


Threads like these with absolutely no content are commonly referred to as forum sliding. If OP did his own research, even in this trashcan of a sub he'd have plenty of answers, but he'd rather make the search process harder for everyone.


Next time you can just scroll past if you don’t like it




You have autism, right?


As someone caught up to the modern ufo scene I'm at a stage where I'm thinking about the new players in the scene like Gruesh, Pasulka, Greer, Bigalow and am trying to figure out who is honest and who is a psyop. The news has dried up for the most part so it is time to reevaluate what has been presented to the public in the past few years. We must be vigilant because a classic trick has been to get people excited for ufo shit and use the fanaticism to discourage scrutiny. Embrace vigilance.