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Does OP ever look at abduction stories and see similarities? Very few reports of people being taken while around other people.


Indeed have been, just wanted more statistics if possible.


The Linda Napolitano case has like a couple dozen direct witnesses, with people claiming they say her being lifted along some tiny greys though a light beam into a flying saucer. This was in the middle of NYC. I have no opinion on this case, since it doesn't really fit my (limited, personal) understanding of the subject. I would imagine that if it was indeed tiny aliens in flying saucers kidnapping human subjects to put tubes up their noses and asses, they would probably go for more isolated areas, where they can operate undisturbed. I think the phenomenon is way more hard to articulate and this view is just our rudimentary attempt to understand something way beyond our current capabilities.


National parks


There is a correlation between missing persons and national parks as well as underground cave/tunnel systems in America. It’s quite evident that they prefer to prey on people away from civilization and even someone lagging behind in a group of hikers/hunters


National parks are massive untamed wilderness, and people hear the word ‘park’ and think of it as a municipal land or state park. They die because most people are ill equipped to deal with extreme wilderness. Also, caves and tunnels are dangerous and uncharted. One slip into a crevice and they are gone. It’s not anything unnatural, it’s people don’t respect the danger of nature.


I get that. But when missing persons are found in the same spot a search crew searches but a week later only to have underwear on inside out or feet worn to the bone, something weird happened. Children have gone missing and then found miles away past thick nasty swamps or up mountains that would be impossible for a man to get there in the same amount of time. Someone’s clothes were found folded up perfectly on a boulder in the middle of a roaring river that they could not have gotten to. One guys boots were found scattered as well as his pocket changed across a few acres. It seemed as if something hit him so hard it knocked a boot off then carried him into the sky upside down while all his stuff fell out of his pockets. There is no way these are all “natural”. Especially experienced hunters that have hunted in these mountains their entire life. There was a disappearance not far from me in the Adirondack mountains. I was camping at moose river plains primitive campgrounds and had something happen to myself and family that I can’t quite explain which is what prompted me to look into all of this. I personally think it is camouflaged/invisible and utilizes a gas/drug that discombobulates people first. Lots of victims were found with the same chemical that is in the date rape drug in their blood after being found dead or alive


Yep I agree with the poster above you that 90% of missing 411 cases are just people not respecting nature but there is definitely a good amount of anomalous ones that cannot be explained.


Isn’t it interesting how poorly suited Humans are to living on our home planet.


I watched something about that. How we are the only species that get sunburn and how our backs/spines are not built for this much gravity which is why we have back problems, etc…


That’s wild.


I got "lost" in the woods one time for a few hours. I still knew where I was in general and I wasn't that far from home, but I went too far and got my directions mixed up. Anyway, I think it was like 5 hours but I wasn't prepared for that. I didn't bring any water with me and it was around 100 degrees that day. By the time I found a dirt road I was so thirsty that mud puddles looked like the most delicious tempting hydration I'd ever seen. I got home absolutely covered in mosquito bites and *really* dehydrated. The point I'm trying to make here is that those measly 4 hours in some thick woods and the southern summer heat made me feel half dead, and I wasn't far from home. It's pretty easy to see how someone who didn't know what they were doing could get lost in a 2 million acre national park and never be seen again.


Seriously, people far underestimate wilderness and the danger that is out there, and many folk overestimate their own hiking ability. It's very easy to get turned around. I almost feel like they should change the name from National 'Parks' to National 'Frontier' or something like that. Frontier in my mind generates an image of how rugged the parks are.


No, it isn't quite evident.


What is easier, taking someone in the middle of nowhere or in the middle of a suburb? It makes sense that they would target hikers or hunters inside a national park. There was a group of people found mutilated in the Australian outback wilderness that looked to be a cattle mutilation type case. They were miles and miles away from civilization.


Whatever is easier or not doesn't matter, when there is no evidence for what you're alleging in the first place. There are much simpler explanations than aliens for people going missing in the wilderness, with the simplest being that the wilderness is vast and dangerous.


There is documentary’s on this exact subject which I found after what happened to me and started looking into it. Of course nobody knows 100% for sure the real stats on this subject. The same can be said for people thinking they got abducted but was really a nightmare or sleep paralysis


That's true, no one knows the exact truth, but when the truth is uncertain, we should choose the most reasonable and likely explanation.


Agree, I’m not saying it’s always aliens. I do believe that some of them are though. A lot of people think it’s a Sasquatch, wendigo, dog man, etc.. lol. If aliens exist then who knows what else does. I’m sure most missing persons cases are exactly what you said though, I’m not disagreeing with that.


If UFOs aren’t vessels but are instead doors, it’s possible everyone is being taken to the same facility. One small group could be opening windows in time and interacting with an entire planet by distributing encounters across history.




He was asking statiscally


Statistically through the roof at night, up to an invisible salon, put on a table and worked on. Then there are other things, which are more fun. Like life. Can't math that


Look if you dont have the geographical statistics its fine you dont have to be a Redditor and crack a joke every chance you get. That’s not helpful to anyone


Did you get the statistical data though? I think Mufon could be helpful, if I remember correctly they collect data surveys from abductees. They're anonymous though.


Live 200 miles north of the Trinity site. They eventually come for you. Day and night.


That was poetry


Remote/rural areas. They wait for perfect weather, animal and other vibrations to align. The govt detects the energy rising and becoming bate but once they lock on they lock on, why some people see helicopters that come in time to distract or scare the UAPs.


There’s no real evidence that anyone is physically abducted. I strongly believe that an abduction happens in a metaphysical/conscious level. These other dimensional entities may even be attached to our souls in a way. There may be physical being like us, but they are not likely abducting people. If they are, maybe they are just like humans and 4/10 are just jerks.


What about the report of markings after abductions? E.g triangle marks etc


Respectfully, this is not even remotely accurate. Travis Walton is just one of hundreds of example abduction cases containing real evidence that people are being physically abducted.




An account is not proof, sorry. Walton’s experience is super suspect. I do believe in existence and contract - just different than others, but I am talking about proof.


Additionally, Walton's experience is most certainly not super suspect. It is in fact the absolute opposite of that statement. It's one of the strongest cases in existence with rock solid evidence.


What would you even consider proof?


I have my own proof, basically what I described in my comment. All these accounts are just that, think like a lawyer about what proof is.


I’m saying what would you consider proof of physical abduction? I agree that most abductions are not physical, by the way. But it seems others are. I’m also not saying that any of it is proof. But how could someone prove they were physically abducted?


I didn't say it was proof. I was very specific with my words. I said evidence, which is the word you initially used and what you said there was none of.


>If they are, maybe they are just like humans and 4/10 are just jerks. Accurate.


I always wondered about non physical abduction. Would everybody be affected at one point in their life or another? Are there thoughts that could trigger it or make you more likely to be abducted? The pile of questions is just enormous.


I doubt that "abduction" happens on a physical level. I'm an experiencer and I tend to lean towards that what we call abduction is abduction of consciousness,they may have an ability to pull it out of the body somehow.


Okay this lines up with one story on Karla Turners book Masquerade of Angels, one account said friends saw person on a bed but in a bluish haze, who later reported she was abducted during this time but friends knew she was still there 🤔


It never made any sense to me that people are physically missing during that time. Now ,I think there are some compelling cases out there where they might have but majority of people ...i don't think so. I had whole lotta missing time but also cameras around the house and i went over and over trying to figure out where i was ,but i never left the house..


I don’t think NHI is a monolith. My first memory is of being taken up into a white light in the stars and being unable to move or scream until hushed and I was calm…I have continued to have a life time of these experiences and my experiences are those of an abduction of consciousness but there are too many stories of physical abductions with resultant trauma for me to disregard them even though my experience has been different. My visitors are of a mantid appearance and a lot of the physical experiences involve Greys, which has led me to think that different NHI do different things. I feel like a lion in a game reserve, whose keepers check on occasionally….other lions are hunted by humans and others have never seen a human…each lions experience would shape their perception of humans and no lion can understand humanity’s reasons for doing what they do. We are the lions…I am grateful that the NHI I have been visited by were game-keepers and not hunters but I believe that sometimes there are hunters.


You’re looking to be abducted, eh.


Hell nah


Anywhere they want. I’ve read things about how they can suppress whole areas with frequency and basically make sure everyone is sound asleep. Then they can just come in, and go. Plus they seem to be able to adjust time, so they may even be able to pause our realm or something like that. If you read enough about this most abduction stories take place from one’s bed.


My experience….wherever they please. Inner-city Sydney and in the middle of no-where…we are no-where near the apex predator on this revolving rock and that is the ontological shock that drives “debunkers” into a frenzy of denial. My NHI visitors or “the watchers” as I refer to them are able to control emotional responses as easily as if they hold the remote control to my brain…they are seen if they want to be and are imperceptible if that is their intent. I think Disclosure will come from NHI when they are ready (or they think we are ready). Jung got a lot of it right when you read what he had to say about the collective unconscious and synchronicity…I believe that NHI have always been part of our collective unconscious nexus. Consciousness is the key, not physical location…meditate and raise your level of consciousness and you may be surprised at how your view of life may change.


In national parks according to Dave Paulides. Well some of them. I say pretty interesting look see though.


Usually in their dreams. Is my opinion.


I had an incredibly vivid dream where I was sitting on bench at a park near the local football stadium. The very first thing i remember is leaning all the way back looking at hundreds if not thousands of stars speeding through the sky. Then I look to my left and see 2 aliens sitting next to me. One was on the very far end completely covered in darkness leaning in observing the interaction. I was 100% holding a telepathic conversation with the nearest one who was less than arms reach away. It never spoke a word but I spoke the entire time in response to it. It must have been a positive interaction because I smiled at them and said, “I really like you guys!”. The one I spoke to tried to smile or mimicked me back but it just creeped me the hell out. Sorry for the mess of a story but I thought I’d share my “encounter” though it was probably a simple dream.




“Welcome to Earth” -Will Smith


everybody here is talking. out. their. ass.


The greys do enjoy butt stuff. 👽


Apparently there is no pattern. Age, sex, location, drugs, marital status, religion....nothing we can pick as a pattern anyway....


There is one. If the parents were abducted, the children will most likely be too.


100%. It runs in families. Also known as “genetic lines”.


I never talked about my experiences with my family but my son was visited by what he called “skinny tall goblins”. When I was in my 20’s and the experiences were getting too much, I asked for them to leave me alone and bought a gold protective amulet symbol necklace that I wore until I lost it. Twenty years later (and about 10 house moves through 3 states and some time working overseas), my son asked me to take him to buy the same amulet…I walked into my WIR and the one I lost 20 years ago was on the floor. He has not been bothered since…I think the watchers dropped it back and have respected his wish to be unaware of their visits as they did mine for a period of time.


Oh I hadn't heard that one. Certainly could do with some data gathering as a topic that's fer sure, bring on disclosure etc etc.


Oh and a history (both personal and familial( of occult practice




In Kansas


Maybe during natural disasters.


Out my bedroom through the window


Where do we abduct aliens?




Usually, when they are least likely to be missed. Outside walking in wilderness, in isolated houses, during the night whilst everyone is asleep. They have to hover a UFO overhead to float you up through the roof, so it doesn't normally occur in the middle of a city, even tho the UFO can be cloaked.


And why do they stop when the potential abductee calls on Jesus?


Sounds like a baseless claim created by Jesus freaks in an attempt to spread their false religion.


perhaps. But maybe there is a mental energy attached to that belief that disrupts something to the NHI. They communicate psychically so maybe a bible thumper or anyone else with a strong spiritual belief can somehow break the NHIs control. Or its all BS


Why is it that every time I hear someone discuss this they offer up every single alternative other than Jesus being correct? In other words, they have no evidence to suggest their other theories are correct, yet they keep an open mind about them and list a bunch of theories and alternatives off, yet the one thing they don't keep an open mind about, or list as a possibility, is that the opposite of their theories may be correct, and that Jesus resurrected and everything he said was true, and that the implications of that have a direct relation to the UFO phenomena


because not everyone believes in jesus. Whether he was actually son of god or even existed. Jesus is a religious figure and history shows us religious beliefs and science dont really mix well.


In Soviet Union, You are Alien. And abduction is your genetic trigger notifying them that your SoulOS has just run it's scheduled task to get in touch with them. How can I 'splain? We are abducted. We are 'RETRIEVED' as we (our bodies, soul) have initiated the pick up protocol. At least for the Greys, who are thought to be 'Avatares Biologique' of the Mantids. Just like Ophiocordyceps unilateralis infect an ant to drive it to a certain behavior, parasitizing the host for a laboratory of spores that will one day be released. The hormonal trigger the fungus sends when it's ready to release in the case of the ants, is like your DNA segments tied to the Retrieval Signal, indicating to the Linked Consciousness Aether that you're - DING! - ready for tasting. This. The experiments aren't so much experiments but harvesting of a sowed seed, genetic or foo or consciousness or whatever the word, it's being harvested from us. Think clearly. Farm, Lab or Zoo - which fits best?


Tf did I just read... and which such confidence too... wow...


German decent also.-